Zoom GT4Is there any way you could make a "Walkthrough" or "Guide" for all the missions.
Thanks 👍
KSaiyuIf you don't use manual, either learn to or "hold" the gears for longer by holding shift up while in auto - this can make a big difference in straights
Aurra Singapparently it's different for everyone, i found the superbird mission easy, got it my first try, but been spending hours on the nurburgring mission >__<
Man, if you have to cheat to pass M10, you're going to be screwed when you get to M34.DQuaNDid mission 10 last night. And I found out that you can just tear straight across the chicanes. I know it's cheating but it makes it so easy!
da viperIts gay?... oookkkkaaayyyy![]()
Polyphony001so how hard is it with manual then? and can you or can you not go across the dirt on the chicane?
Rockhound18I've done them all... and making a guide for all of them would take a damn long time.
I've made 2/3 of one for the final mission, which is the hardest mission by leaps and bounds. Other than that, there already are tips for the other hardest missions, those being the (23) skyline slipstream, and the superbird 3 lap battle at seattle. Just sift through here and if you can't find it, ask for help on one mission at a time, and only ask ppl to do extensive guides if you cant pass it AFTER practicing for a good amount of time.
But as for your other q before: you dont need to do the missions... however it is the only way to get a couple of cars, and you need to do it to get 100%.
You too!zoom gt4Good luck to ya 👍