Official Playstation Store Thread

NBA 2K7 is a great port that has much better cloth dynamics. I got it a few days ago and I'm liking it. Smooth frame rate and a loaded online component.

It gets me really excited about All Pro Football 2K8.
Thankfully, games like MotorStorm, GT: HD, and more recently, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, pretty much decimate a large selection of 360 titles in one fell swoop, for everything (textures, lighting, polycount, geometry, animation, etc etc etc).

Yeah, and Gears of War, Mass Effect, GRAW2, Lost Planet, etc. "decimate" (even though they really don't, just as the games you mentioned don't decimate most 360 games) the games you mentioned. And if the PS3 was released last Spring like it was supposed to, it'd have a bunch of PS2 ports as well and the games I mentioned would decimate a large selection of PS3 titles. But for the sake of whatever we should be forsaken for, let's just end this now before it starts.

I do agree about EA's track record though.

Also, D-N, here's your comparisons:



Please note that because this is off screen, you won't see the jaggies as easily.

EDIT: I'm more wrong than a $6 bill, you can see the jaggies quite fine. :dunce:
I dont think there would be any PS2 "ports" on PS3 and considered a PS3 game. GTHD classic would be the closest thing but look what happened to that.
Lets not ruin the topic ;)
I dont think there would be any PS2 "ports" on PS3 and considered a PS3 game. GTHD classic would be the closest thing but look what happened to that.
Lets not ruin the topic ;)
I know, but I was talking about how like NFS Carbon or NBA Live 06 looks like it was developed on older consoles and ported to newer ones.

But anyway, back on-topic...

How's Hot Shots Golf? :)
Hot Shots golf looks amazing, plays like any other hot shots, still enjoyable.

As for the comparisons, honestly, you're blowing it out of context, the differences are minimal, and if anything, has to do with the EXTREMELY high contrast setting on the 360, not to mention the 360 verison has trouble dealing with lighter / darker colors at the same time (note: Big Boy's blue jeans are lost in his black shirt).
Yeah, and Gears of War, Mass Effect, GRAW2, Lost Planet, etc. "decimate" (even though they really don't, just as the games you mentioned don't decimate most 360 games) the games you mentioned. And if the PS3 was released last Spring like it was supposed to, it'd have a bunch of PS2 ports as well and the games I mentioned would decimate a large selection of PS3 titles. But for the sake of whatever we should be forsaken for, let's just end this now before it starts.

I do agree about EA's track record though.

Also, D-N, here's your comparisons:



Please note that because this is off screen, you won't see the jaggies as easily.

EDIT: I'm more wrong than a $6 bill, you can see the jaggies quite fine. :dunce:

Wow man, that is quite the noticeable difference. It makes me a little hesitant to spend 60 dollars on Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I hope its not jsut a bad port like so many other titles.
Wow man, that is quite the noticeable difference. It makes me a little hesitant to spend 60 dollars on Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I hope its not jsut a bad port like so many other titles.
I can guarantee it's not a bad port. It has better graphics, better framerate, plus it comes with an expansion pack (Knights of the Nine) that costs money on the 360.
According to Gamespot, PS3 version of Oblivion has better loading time, frame rate and graphics.

GS gave 360 version 9.6/10, I am wondering what score they will give the PS3 version, hopefully they won't give it a lower score because simply it's on PS3:crazy:

...just kidding.
Also, D-N, here's your comparisons:



Please note that because this is off screen, you won't see the jaggies as easily.

EDIT: I'm more wrong than a $6 bill, you can see the jaggies quite fine. :dunce:
Those shots are all different with different areas in the game (although the first of each is pretty close). Regardless, I see jaggies all over in all four of those pics. Especially the last one which you said was from the 360. This may have a lot to do with your display, and how you have the consoles connected.

Regardless, saying "the X360 version has nearly none [jaggies]" is not at all accurate, even by what you are seeing from those pics, and judging by those shots, the 360 version looks less sharp, has less detail, and lower contrast.

I also have a hard time understanding your comment about "worse lighting" in the PS3. At least comparing those four shots, the XB360 version clearly has a lower contrast level, and less shadow detail than the PS3 version.

There are several glaring issues on those 360 shots, but a very clear difference is between the first shot of both versions. Look in the upper left side around the roof line. The 360 version shows less detail of the office buildings behind it compared to the PS3 shot, and the roof in the 360 version, as well as other areas in the pic clearly have less detail, and less contrast then in the PS3 shot.
Hot Shots golf looks amazing, plays like any other hot shots, still enjoyable.

As for the comparisons, honestly, you're blowing it out of context, the differences are minimal, and if anything, has to do with the EXTREMELY high contrast setting on the 360, not to mention the 360 verison has trouble dealing with lighter / darker colors at the same time (note: Big Boy's blue jeans are lost in his black shirt).

That's true. The PS3 is the only system that can accurately display the game (HDMI). Gametrailers has a video comparing the PS3 and 360 version of Armored Core 4. As you can see in the video, the 360 is so dark, some objects are just not visible.
Regardless, I see jaggies all over in all four of those pics. Especially the last one which you said was from the 360.

Are you serious? The 360 shots definitely have less jaggies. They have some, but not half as bad as the ps3 shots. Seriously man, look at those shots, especially around the clothes of the guys. The ps3 contains way more jaggies. And i honestly could barely find any on that last shot which you said contained the most.
Are you serious? The 360 shots definitely have less jaggies. They have some, but not half as bad as the ps3 shots. Seriously man, look at those shots, especially around the clothes of the guys. The ps3 contains way more jaggies. And i honestly could barely find any on that last shot which you said contained the most.

I'd gladly trade a few jaggies over terrible lighting and poor contrast. Nearly every 360 game on the market has horrible contrast, super dark and VERY little shadow detail. It's disgusting.
I'd gladly trade a few jaggies over terrible lighting and poor contrast. Nearly every 360 game on the market has horrible contrast, super dark and VERY little shadow detail. It's disgusting.

Yeah, I think the same. Every xbox game is bloomed to death. T.I.'s jacket and the entire shot looks much more realistic on ps3 than it does on the 360.
I'd gladly trade a few jaggies over terrible lighting and poor contrast. Nearly every 360 game on the market has horrible contrast, super dark and VERY little shadow detail. It's disgusting.

I can agree with that. But to me, there is no doubt that the ps3 shots have more jaggies.
Are you serious? The 360 shots definitely have less jaggies. They have some, but not half as bad as the ps3 shots. Seriously man, look at those shots, especially around the clothes of the guys. The ps3 contains way more jaggies. And i honestly could barely find any on that last shot which you said contained the most.
I didn't say they had more or even the same amount of jaggies, I suggested that Duck was exaggerting when he said the "the X360 version has nearly none", and that the last shot shows plenty of examples: Here are just a few:

In addition, his system is likely causing these jaggies more than anything else judging by what I have seen on my system. I'll post pics next time I am on the PS3. He has not revealed what display he used, or how he had the systems connected - although from past discussions he did mention having a small 27" TV without any digital inputs, which means it is probably a CRT, which may explain away some additional display artifacts that appear in his photos.

Yeah, I think the same. Every xbox game is bloomed to death. T.I.'s jacket and the entire shot looks much more realistic on ps3 than it does on the 360.
Exactly! There is a serious lack of contrast and shadow detail, and overall softness of the image in those shots from the XB360):

Duck's Screenshot of XB360 Version

Duck's Screenshot of PS3 Version


Now Duck said the PS3 version has worse lighting.... maybe Duck prefers games with the brightness dialed all the way down so he can feel like he is partially blind. ;)

While I have no interest in this game, if this is how "bad" ported XB360 games are on the PS3, then sign me up!
Ok, so you prefer jaggies all over the main characters clothes than jaggies on a few random objects in the background?

On the lighting side of things, though, I would have to agree with you.
Ok, so you prefer jaggies all over the main characters clothes than jaggies on a few random objects in the background?
No. nor did I say that.... but I also have a display with a DNIe processor that doesn't cause these jaggies, and like many top notch video processors does a decent job of smoothing out those coming from the source.

On the lighting side of things, though, I would have to agree with you.
Yes, and if I had to choose between jaggies and poor contrast, lack of shadow detail, and blooming... I'd pick jaggies every day of the week. :)
I like jaggies. They're nutritious and fun to say. The PS3 version is filled with them, and I'm loving it.

The XBox360 is too dark, too fuzzy and not as realistic as the PS3 version.

Both look good, though. I wouldn't mind playing either. But, I only own a PS3, so the PS3 version wins.
Gametrailers has a Armored Core 4 PS3 VS Xbox 360, again, 360's contrasting makes things too dark. PS3 has a little slow down but you can see everything. Seems you'd have to adjust the display up for either game to get it looking right. PS3 too bright, 360 too dark.

I cant wait for the next demo and or new downloadable game on the PLAYSTATION STORE!!!
Please. This is the Playstation Store thread for God's sake...If you feel that you must argue about PS3 v. 360, do it in the General Thread, or some fanboy site.
Dammit... Calling all Cars was supposed to be released today as well! 👎
OK, so CAC and MK2 is going to be released not this Thursday, but next Thursday (the 29th). 👎

I mean seriously, these are downloadable games that just need to be uploaded, not massive AAA games that have been in development for 4 years and require a dual layer Blu-ray disc. It sure is getting annoying.
... a short game delay, OMG... Call 911

In the fine words of that Ape hating astronaut, George Taylor...

"Damn you Sony, Damn youuuu alllll to Hellllllllll !"


Seriously Duck, you seem to be falling back to your old 'Sony/PlayStation sucks routine', and cranking up the exaggeration knob to express it.

More on topic, has anyone seen or created a comparitive list of all the files you can download off each of the different SonyStore regions? If so, that would be a very useful resource to have.
Seriously Duck, you seem to be falling back to your old 'Sony/PlayStation sucks routine', and cranking up the exaggeration knob to express it.
OK, so I express disappointment when my most anticipated PSN title gets delayed for the fifth time and get labeled a fanboy.

I just want the goods as much as anyone else out there.
OK, so I express disappointment when my most anticipated PSN title gets delayed for the fifth time and get labeled a fanboy.
Well it wasn't just that one comment after all, right? Just look at a few posts up regarding Def Jam: Icon, and there are many more examples as well.

I just want the goods as much as anyone else out there.
I completely understand that. Although game delays are not exactly rare among all platforms and among all developers.

So, Duck, you have proven to be a very resourceful GTP member when it comes to tracking down information. Any chance you might be able to find lists of all the files available to download on any or all SonyStore regions? Thanks.
So, Duck, you have proven to be a very resourceful GTP member when it comes to tracking down information. Any chance you might be able to find lists of all the files available to download on any or all SonyStore regions? Thanks.
You mean PlayStation Store lists? Sure. Give me 10 minutes and I'll dig 'em up.

Whenever it says "show", click it and it'll show all the exclusive HK/Japan items.
Thanks Duck! That's exactly what I was looking for. It appears that despite the multiple regions one can select when creating an account, there are effectively only two SonyStores, in regards to having different content, at this time. I suspect once the PS3 launches in Europe, they will have a different SonyStore with different files for download.

Are the demo's on the online store there forever, like do they just rack up or do they dissapear after a while?

Im thinking like 2 years down the line will all the demo's ever released be still available because I may never want to buy some games but just download the demo whenever.....
Good question. Having them available for download for years to come is certainly possible, and wouldn't require any significant resource or storage capacity, and they may even update them from time to time. However, they could just as easily remove them without any warning.
OK, so I express disappointment when my most anticipated PSN title gets delayed for the fifth time and get labeled a fanboy.

I just want the goods as much as anyone else out there.

It's business...they have to space it out with other releases so they get maximum attention.

None of those games would have gotten attention with the release of God of War II (which owns your life).