Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
Wow, page after page of posts that all boils down to people with pitchforks. Yes, the kid should come clean as it's pretty apparent that he's told some lies. But, if I were Kudos, I wouldn't want to come back to a pig roast when I'm the pig, would you? I say let the mods and those close to the story figure this out. Ban the guy if need be, but at least give him a comfortable venue to come back to in the meantime. Too many of us fancy ourselves judge, jury, executioner, and bean chef.
Hey all, Kudos' brother here.. Just an update for you all, Kudos will be out of action on GT6 for a few days. After getting hit by a car early hours this morning. He will have his mobile with him later as I will be taking it up.

Sorry if this isn't the right place to do it.. This was the page left open on his laptop, so I'm gathering he uses this thread?

Hey lads Kudos here. I discharged myself from hospital earlier today, doctor said I'll be fine. He got a bit worried because I was losing consciousness when I arrived there. But I've got away lucky, only a broken finger and fractured ribs. Thanks for the thoughts guys, really appreciate it. I decided discharge myself because there might be someone who needs the lobby more than I do, and I'm alright to walk and do plenty of things. I'll consider joining a lobby today, but no hooning today for me. Just a relax.

Just to add more fuel to the fire...
Those posts are from over a week back, however.

There's still no news from whoever-he-really-is.

I'm only mildly saddened some people were skeptical of my original post on the subject: members of staff do have a few more tools at our disposal for these sorts of situations.

@KudosM4 still has the ability to explain himself - you'll note he's not banned yet - and people who have come clean in this very thread have gone on to be perfectly functional members of the community. That he has chosen to go silent, funnily enough, speaks very loudly indeed. Despite logging in today...

But, if I were Kudos...

The issue here, of course, is that even he isn't Kudos, strictly speaking.
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All I know is if you accuse a person of something, if he gets mad, he will do everything to prove that you are wrong. But if he turn silent, then your accusing of him is true.
I'm sorry for not posting or anything. I've been busy lately, and wanted to put this behind me while I went through the stuff I've been going through.

Anyway, my excuse--more of a reason than an excuse-- is that I'm gay. Yes. But I wanted to be openly gay about it to people I don't know. If I was my normal self, then what if someone from my neighbourhood knew me on GTP, then word would get spread around my neighbourhood. I know I shouldn't have done it, but it was a lie that just kept digging, and I didn't have the balls to pull myself out.

The whole military thing is true. Apart from the military life I explained was the life from my older brother. And yeah, I do have an older brother who's a few years older than me in the military who died, and my brother did drop out because of that. The life I explained, was true. The nights out and homophobic abuse, was true. The only thing I made up was my age, and my 'car'.

Do what you want to me... Ban me, slaughter me, eat me alive... It's gone too far out of hand, and as I said, I wasn't big enough to own up. Apologies for everything I've put you all through, and even if I don't get banned, it's not like I'll be able to speak to anyone on here anymore, due to all this embarrassment. Anyway, I'm going to delete the thread and anything that I've done that has anything to do with the car.

May aswell own up now because if anyone from my area was on GTP, they've already clicked in that I'm gay.
I'm sorry for not posting or anything. I've been busy lately, and wanted to put this behind me while I went through the stuff I've been going through.

Anyway, my excuse--more of a reason than an excuse-- is that I'm gay. Yes. But I wanted to be openly gay about it to people I don't know. If I was my normal self, then what if someone from my neighbourhood knew me on GTP, then word would get spread around my neighbourhood. I know I shouldn't have done it, but it was a lie that just kept digging, and I didn't have the balls to pull myself out.

The whole military thing is true. Apart from the military life I explained was the life from my older brother. And yeah, I do have an older brother who's a few years older than me in the military who died, and my brother did drop out because of that. The life I explained, was true. The nights out and homophobic abuse, was true. The only thing I made up was my age, and my 'car'.

Do what you want to me... Ban me, slaughter me, eat me alive... It's gone too far out of hand, and as I said, I wasn't big enough to own up. Apologies for everything I've put you all through, and even if I don't get banned, it's not like I'll be able to speak to anyone on here anymore, due to all this embarrassment. Anyway, I'm going to delete the thread and anything that I've done that has anything to do with the car.

May aswell own up now because if anyone from my area was on GTP, they've already clicked in that I'm gay.

At least you admitted it.
I'm sorry for not posting or anything. I've been busy lately, and wanted to put this behind me while I went through the stuff I've been going through.

Anyway, my excuse--more of a reason than an excuse-- is that I'm gay. Yes. But I wanted to be openly gay about it to people I don't know. If I was my normal self, then what if someone from my neighbourhood knew me on GTP, then word would get spread around my neighbourhood. I know I shouldn't have done it, but it was a lie that just kept digging, and I didn't have the balls to pull myself out.

The whole military thing is true. Apart from the military life I explained was the life from my older brother. And yeah, I do have an older brother who's a few years older than me in the military who died, and my brother did drop out because of that. The life I explained, was true. The nights out and homophobic abuse, was true. The only thing I made up was my age, and my 'car'.

Do what you want to me... Ban me, slaughter me, eat me alive... It's gone too far out of hand, and as I said, I wasn't big enough to own up. Apologies for everything I've put you all through, and even if I don't get banned, it's not like I'll be able to speak to anyone on here anymore, due to all this embarrassment. Anyway, I'm going to delete the thread and anything that I've done that has anything to do with the car.

May aswell own up now because if anyone from my area was on GTP, they've already clicked in that I'm gay.
You admitting it in the end shows you are better than that.

In the end all we want is the truth. Lying gets you nowhere as you can see. There's nothing wrong with being gay. This website is not one known to discriminate against homosexuals and will not allow it anyways.

Your a nice guy the time I talked to you (and wanted to apologize for the short responses, I was under the influence at the time) and we want to know about the real you, and not who you pretend to be. Admitting your mistakes is the first step to becoming a better person, and if anyone here should know it's me.

Glad to see you've come to your senses.
it's not like I'll be able to speak to anyone on here anymore, due to all this embarrassment.

It will pass and so long as you are a contributing member from here on out people will forget that this whole thing even took place. There have been quite a few people called out on this thread, most go out in swear filled rants but a few have fessed up, admitted their errors and changed their ways.

Also, anyone that has issues with you being gay isn't worth being kept around.
How are you still being nice to me?

I lied about myself to a lot of you. And faked my identity. I feel really really bad now. Not only because I humiliated myself, I also lied to a load of nice and genuine people. I'm really sorry guys .. And Don't take this as a begging for forgiveness post, as it's not, because I myself, even agree I don't deserve forgiveness.
It will pass and so long as you are a contributing member from here on out people will forget that this whole thing even took place. There have been quite a few people called out on this thread, most go out in swear filled rants but a few have fessed up, admitted their errors and changed their ways.

Also, anyone that has issues with you being gay isn't worth being kept around.
Pretty much this. There have been several members here called out, admitted their mistakes and did a complete 180 and now I look up to some of them.
How are you still being nice to me?

I lied about myself to a lot of you. And faked my identity. I feel really really bad now. Not only because I humiliated myself, I also lied to a load of nice and genuine people. I'm really sorry guys .. And Don't take this as a begging for forgiveness post, as it's not, because I myself, even agree I don't deserve forgiveness.
Maybe because we are nice people? Maybe because some of us are more sympathetic than others? Maybe because we appreciate people being responsible and owning up to their own mistakes?

Some people are terrible, sure; that's just the world for you. But, it doesn't mean that we all are red hot angry, ignorant people who won't forgive anyone who's done a wrong and admits it. We're human; we all do wrongs, so it's bad to judge one's wrongdoing knowing they aren't clean themselves. At least from my point-of-view.

Take it as a life lesson (even though it's from a computer), reflect on the consequences (good or bad), make yourself better.
How are you still being nice to me?

I lied about myself to a lot of you. And faked my identity. I feel really really bad now. Not only because I humiliated myself, I also lied to a load of nice and genuine people. I'm really sorry guys .. And Don't take this as a begging for forgiveness post, as it's not, because I myself, even agree I don't deserve forgiveness.

I've found this to be a very forgiving community if you are willing to admit your errors and actually make attempts to change. When I first joined I was pretty much a 🤬 and was pretty much angry at the world. It started with arguments but eventually started going towards personal attacks. I ended up rage quitting with a rant and afterwards read some posts that made me rethink quite a few things both on here and in real life. After a few public and private apologies they forgave me an my idiotness and gave me a shot at redemption. It's only fair that that olive branch be extended to those who are atleast grown-up enough to admit their own errors in life.
Why'd you cover your face?

No-one is going to judge you based on the car that you drive, man.
Going from a 2015 M4, to actually owning a Corsa... Bit of a difference there mate. Haha.

And @Aki Ishikawa the actual brand isn't too bad... It's the Corsa itself. Owned mostly by chavs who do nothing apart from sit at McDonald's car park all day, who give us normal Corsa owners a bad name...
And @Aki Ishikawa the actual brand isn't too bad... It's the Corsa itself. Owned mostly by chavs who do nothing apart from sit at McDonald's car park all day, who give us normal Corsa owners a bad name...
So basically the American equivalent of a Civic.

Only ignorant people get hung up on the stereotypes.
I really wanna know...
I'm pretty sure that Instagram "Taylor Attrell" with the Corsa is him.
You've pointed it out already... You posted my Instagram... That's how you figured out my Age and about myself, which made me go silent and think about admitting what I've done.. Also, that Facebook message isn't me.. Nor do I know the person.
You've pointed it out already... You posted my Instagram... That's how you figured out my Age and about myself, which made me go silent and think about admitting what I've done.. Also, that Facebook message isn't me.. Nor do I know the person.
I'm sorry but

please got to 0:07
