Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
I'm in agreement with others that it's difficult to know what is and what isn't true. If D, E and F have been proven to be lies, why should we believe that A, B and C were true? You've started to concede that some of your given facts aren't true. The sooner you come clean and iron out all the details, the sooner we can all put it aside and move on, which we all want to do.

I'd second that. @KudosM4, if there were still some untruths then you would feel that you hadn't resolved the situation, I guess. Just post "it was all made up, I apologise" or something similar... then normal GTP service is resumed. Worse things happen at sea, as my Gran used to say. Although she was a torpedo engineer*.

*Untrue, but a great joke.
@KudosM4 Some of your supposed instagram photos are those of Taylor Attrell, a second year professional at Port Vale FC. Port Vale play in Burslem, a suburb of Stoke, Staffordshire. Your location indicates Ilford, Greater London. That is a distance of 176 miles / 283 kilometres; a tall commute for a 19 year old footballer. And speaking of age, your PSN ID would indicate that you are 24 years old but that is merely a supposition.

Without knowing your IP address and any changes it may have, can you explain this discrepency? Are you Taylor Attrell?

I'm in agreement with others that it's difficult to know what is and what isn't true. If D, E and F have been proven to be lies, why should we believe that A, B and C were true? You've started to concede that some of your given facts aren't true. The sooner you come clean and iron out all the details, the sooner we can all put it aside and move on, which we all want to do.
"Detective Liquid" :P
I'm prepared to give @KudosM4 the benefit of the doubt now, it takes a lot to make the admission that he has. That's particularly true given who we now know him to be and the arena in which he performs.
Both of his identities have been supported only with photos from Instagram. There's no more reason to suppose he's actually teenage footballist Taylor Attrell as there was to suppose he's 30-something chartered accountant Faz Choudhury.
Both of his identities have been supported only with photos from Instagram. There's no more reason to suppose he's actually teenage footballist Taylor Attrell as there was to suppose he's 30-something chartered accountant Faz Choudhury.
He has admitted he is not Faz. Only way of convincing me he is Taylor Attrell is a picture of a can of beans on 'his' Corsa.
He has admitted he is not Faz.
I know. The point was that this identity was constructed entirely from Instagram images and forum posts. The only 'evidence' of him being Taylor Attrell is also Instagram images - thus the two identities are broadly equivalent in plausibility... None.
then what if someone from my neighbourhood knew me on GTP, then word would get spread around my neighbourhood

But you posted a pic of "yourself" ( the reason we found your "real" name ) doesn't that defeat that purpose.:confused:
As someone who's been through something like this before because I was trying to cover up or at least change a part of my life, I can tell you right now @KudosM4 it's way easier to just own up to everything. It sucks and it makes you look like an enormous douche, but you looks less like an asshat if you own up to what you did and provide proof that your stories are legit. I can understand why someone would want to create a pseudo life online, but in the end it's just not worth it when you get caught and you will get caught.

Best thing to do now is just lay it all out there, take a picture of your car with beans or a sign on it, take a picture of yourself holding a can of beans, and accept the fact that people will question everything you say from that point forward. And when you are questioned, also understand why they are questioning it and do what you can to prove that you're being truthful. I had a problem with this originally, but it doesn't make your situation any easier.

Just some sage words of advice from someone who's been there and learned a hard lesson.
If he's creating Facebook profiles and instagrams saying he's this Taylor guy that's pretty much identity theft and could create problems for not only him but also the real Taylor.