Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
My dads lotus with 150hp can reach over 130mph. So a car with 300hp could easily reach 155mph, just watch top gear when they get old german sports saloons and richards old 3 series gets up to 140mph, and that was way under 300hp.

It has nothing to do with how fast the car can go. I'm talking breaking traction and such... top speed is usually not the reason people get into trouble with cars...
Anyone that claims 300hp isn't that much has never driven a car with 300hp. The 240hp in my M3 is more than enough to get into trouble with, or even my old MR2 with 180hp.

Depends on the car. It's not that much in a GT-R, but it's ohmygodimgoingtodie in an Atom.
This was the original post, another member had just asked if it would be possible to drive a 300bhp car there in real life after only driving it in GT.

Saying that he got round in a decent time without spinning suggests at speed to me.

I dont think I said its possible if you've only driven in the GT games, it helps a bit but you definately need IRL practice too. A low speed run is probably possible but I doubt full throttle is.

Decent time = like 8:45. Thats kind of slow for a GT2, I meant competitive compared to other cars that go around there like normal sedans and stuff. The GT2 is an easy car to drive and pretty hard to spin.

This is a picture of it like 20 minutes ago. Let me know if you want more in the next hour, mom is leaving again soon.

Anyone that claims 300hp isn't that much has never driven a car with 300hp. The 240hp in my M3 is more than enough to get into trouble with, or even my old MR2 with 180hp.

300 HP isnt a lot. A regular midsized sedan can have 300 HP easily.
I dont think I said its possible if you've only driven in the GT games, it helps a bit but you definately need IRL practice too. A low speed run is probably possible but I doubt full throttle is.

Decent time = like 8:45. Thats kind of slow for a GT2, I meant competitive compared to other cars that go around there like normal sedans and stuff. The GT2 is an easy car to drive and pretty hard to spin.

This is a picture of it like 20 minutes ago. Let me know if you want more in the next hour, mom is leaving again soon.


Well no one is going to believe you.

Write GTPLANET - Sandy106 on a paper and put it somewhere beside the car then take a picture.

Im not doubting you just saying no one is going to believe it until you do that.
also is that a cellphone shot if it is what phone do you use?

Also it is to dark at this time in Sweden and Germany.

And that plate number is not from Texas.

Your profile says Sweden / Texas and I assumed Germany because you were at Nurburgring there.
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I dont think I said its possible if you've only driven in the GT games, it helps a bit but you definately need IRL practice too. A low speed run is probably possible but I doubt full throttle is.

Decent time = like 8:45. Thats kind of slow for a GT2, I meant competitive compared to other cars that go around there like normal sedans and stuff. The GT2 is an easy car to drive and pretty hard to spin.

This is a picture of it like 20 minutes ago. Let me know if you want more in the next hour, mom is leaving again soon.


Thats a nice looking car, but it's still unproven mate. You need to put a piece of paper inside the car saying "Hello GtPlanet" or else that could just be a picture of a car on the street.

That may be your mothers car but no-ones going to believe it unless you can prove beyond doubt, which you haven't done yet.

also is that a cellphone shot if it is what phone do you use?

Also it is to dark at this time in Sweden and Germany.

And that plate number is not from Texas.

I have to agree with RacecarBMW here too, I really want this claim to be true you know & right now it's a hard one to call.

Come on Sandy you've almost done it.
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Thats a nice looking car, but it's still unproven mate. You need to put a piece of paper inside the car saying "Hello GtPlanet" or else that could just be a picture of a car on the street.

That may be your mothers car but no-ones going to believe it unless you can prove beyond doubt, which you haven't done yet.

Exactly but I can already tell that it is a ludicrous claim

it is to dark at this time in Sweden and Germany.

And that plate number is not from Texas.

His profile says Sweden / Texas and I assumed Germany because he was at Nurburgring there.

Unless my brain did something wrong or he is busy lapping the car in some other country.
Hell he could end all debate by just showing some of the pictures from when he went to the ring in it. I mean who honestly wouldn't have pictures and/or videos of a trip to the Nurburging in a GT2?
300 HP isnt a lot. A regular midsized sedan can have 300 HP easily.

Yes, but most don't. The vast majority of cars on the street don't have 300hp. You're attitude, and complete lack of respect for "only 300hp," pretty much leads me to believe you've never driven a car outside of a video game.
Hell he could end all debate by just showing some of the pictures from when he went to the ring in it. I mean who honestly wouldn't have pictures and/or videos of a trip to the Nurburging in a GT2?

I'm sure alot don't camera equipment is not allowed in cars going around the track period. (or on the cars) So he would need a friend to go hiking in the woods to get trackside to get a pic or hire a pro photographer.

Yes, but most don't. The vast majority of cars on the street don't have 300hp. You're attitude, and complete lack of respect for "only 300hp," pretty much leads me to believe you've never driven a car outside of a video game.

I don't mean to be rude, but I have driven older 911s with about 150, maybe 200 horsepower and can confirm that it's pretty easy to lose the rear end on one even with minimal power. also, a heavier car, maybe a holden commondore or a jaguar XJ, is fine with 300 horsepower, yes, but something like a 911 or a corvette (I've had the pleasure of driving an LS1 C5 corvette convertible, so speaking from experience here) is a bit unstable even with relatively small power like that.

now, I'm not calling you a liar, but everything I've heard about the 997/1 911 GT2 points towards an extremely unstable car.

are you sure you didn't have some kind of advanced traction control off?

are you sure it's a GT2 and not a GT3 or a turbo?

also, the GT2 in your picture clearly isn't stock, as the stock 997/1 GT2 has a divider in the sidepod, as does the stock 997/1 turbo. only the 996 GT2s and 997/2 GT2 RSs have sidepods without dividers.

300 HP isnt a lot. A regular midsized sedan can have 300 HP easily.

now I'm sorry about the double post, as I understand that's a bit of a no-no here, but what do you think a regular midsize sedan is?

a 5-series or an A6 come with a mid-level 300 BHP motor, yes, but those are premium midsize sedan. a regular midsize sedan would be a camry, an accord, a malibu, an avensis, an insignia or a passat. all of those cars have, at best, a V6 that puts out about 200 horsepower, and at the base model, an 125-or-so horsepower I4.

edit: thanks to whomever combined my posts!
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I'm sure alot don't camera equipment is not allowed in cars going around the track period. (or on the cars) So he would need a friend to go hiking in the woods to get trackside to get a pic or hire a pro photographer.

I don't know if they've recently started thorough searches to prevent this but there are plenty of pictures and vids taken by visitors around the net from their trips to the ring. Besides even if you couldn't get any on track, you would have some from at the complex.
Has a Audi S8, Volvo S60-R, 2008 GT500 according to his final gear profile, what a lucky fellow.

there was a guy making similar claims to these on the FM forums about a year ago. he claimed to have a koenigsegg CCX, a 2011 GT500 (before they were for sale, mind you), a new (don't know the E/F-name for the new gen BMWs, sorry) Z4, a carrera GT and a zonda. he eventually bactracked on this, saying those were cars he drove, as his uncle owns a movie production company (likely story, eh? :crazy: ), and now claims to just own a 2008 GT500. he said he was from texas too, wonder if it's the same kid?
Well according to various backtracing I have done. (that will never be the same mind you) he is 21, so its not entirely out of the question he did this. based on that alone at least. I'm still not convinced mind you.
On an unrelated note, thank you for that link in your sig BMW, its going into my wallpaper folder..I see your in Toronto. Is that you're pic? and is the location close to the city, would love to take some buddys there for a photoshoot.
also is that a cellphone shot if it is what phone do you use?

Also it is to dark at this time in Sweden and Germany.

And that plate number is not from Texas.

Your profile says Sweden / Texas and I assumed Germany because you were at Nurburgring there.

I'm in Texas right now, the license plate is a vanity plate.


You can have Euro plates on a car in Texas as long as you have the actual Texas issued plates somewhere in the car. I went outside to get a timestamp with GTP written on it but it's too dark, going to have to wait until morning :/
Does the car not have an interior light? :odd: I'm sure an interior light would be more than sufficient for taking a photograph of the interior with a "HI GTP" placard in it somewhere.
I'm in Texas right now, the license plate is a vanity plate.


You can have Euro plates on a car in Texas as long as you have the actual Texas issued plates somewhere in the car. I went outside to get a timestamp with GTP written on it but it's too dark, going to have to wait until morning :/

Sandy, your beginning to lose credibility here.

Elsewhere on the internet you have claimed to be a vegan & an environmentalist, I think it's highly unlikely that someone so concerned about the planet would be shipping cars round the world let alone driving these kind of vehicles in the first place. Either your not a vegan / environmentalist or you haven't got all these cars, you can't have it all :indiff: