Oh, oh, oh, I'm making a Ludicrous Claim®! Read the first post!

  • Thread starter Der Alta
On an unrelated note, thank you for that link in your sig BMW, its going into my wallpaper folder..I see your in Toronto. Is that you're pic? and is the location close to the city, would love to take some buddys there for a photoshoot.

I wish it was my car, Its a photoshoot from this site, Breathtakingly beautiful isn't it.


^^^ More images there.

They also have a shoot for an e30 M3


Nice to see someone else from Toronto.
The GT2 is an easy car to drive and pretty hard to spin.
That contradicts every report I've ever read about GT2's. "Widowmaker" must have been someone's attempt at sarcasm :rolleyes:
300 HP isnt a lot. A regular midsized sedan can have 300 HP easily.
I've driven three cars in the 300-350 hp range. All three are capable of ruining your day (and your underwear). A 270-hp Honda Accord would do the same if it lost 300 lbs and put the power to the back.
Sandy, your beginning to lose credibility here.

Elsewhere on the internet you have claimed to be a vegan & an environmentalist, I think it's highly unlikely that someone so concerned about the planet would be shipping cars round the world let alone driving these kind of vehicles in the first place. Either your not a vegan / environmentalist or you haven't got all these cars, you can't have it all :indiff:

looks like somebody is going to lose their vegan powers.
Sandy106, how far is the GT2 parked away from the house/trees in that picture?

I realize Texas is a lot further south than Ohio, but here, yesterday, the sun set at 6:08pm. By the time you posted at 6:20 is was dark here.

In fact, the sun will set at 6:21pm tomorrow in Brownsville, Texas, the southernmost city in the state. Even "like 20 minutes" before then, which is about when you said that picture was taken, it would be deep into twilight and visibility would be poor, especially in the shadow of your house. And the sun certainly wouldn't be at the 15+ degree angle required to shine over your house and onto the car's fender.

Please explain how the sun is shining over a building/trees and reflecting off the GT2's fender just 20 minutes before sunset.
I went outside to get a timestamp with GTP written on it but it's too dark, going to have to wait until morning :/
This is the most ludicrous (ha ha) excuse people come up with for not posting pictures.

Check this out:

That picture was taken five minutes ago, in a pitch black garage, with no flash, illuminated using a flashlight I bought at a grocery store for $1.50. No, it isn't great, but this is ALL THAT IS NEEDED FOR PROOF. Anyone can do this. It's not hard...unless you're lying...
Sandy106, how far is the GT2 parked away from the house/trees in that picture?

I realize Texas is a lot further south than Ohio, but here, yesterday, the sun set at 6:08pm. By the time you posted at 6:20 is was dark here.

In fact, the sun will set at 6:21pm tomorrow in Brownsville, Texas, the southernmost city in the state. Even "like 20 minutes" before then, which is about when you said that picture was taken, it would be deep into twilight and visibility would be poor, especially in the shadow of your house. And the sun certainly wouldn't be at the 15+ degree angle required to shine over your house and onto the car's fender.

Please explain how the sun is shining over a building/trees and reflecting off the GT2's fender just 20 minutes before sunset.

That is also very true. I find it funny how its so sunny and bright in his picture and he comes back after an hour and tells us that it is too dark to take a picture.
He said his mom's car was a standard GT2, yet the picture he posted is a GT2 RS.
Bingo. The car in the picture is indeed a GT2 RS, & not the standard GT2 he claims his mother owns.

What part of Tx. is Sandy from? If he's near Dallas, I'll let you know in a couple of hours if that GT2 RS is in Tx. or not.
Bingo. The car in the picture is indeed a GT2 RS, & not the standard GT2 he claims his mother owns.

What part of Tx. is Sandy from? If he's near Dallas, I'll let you know in a couple of hours if that GT2 RS is in Tx. or not.

lol how on earth would you do that.

Im just imagining it you driving your car passing every driveway looking for that car.
lol how on earth would you do that.

Im just imagining it you driving your car passing every driveway looking for that car.
If it came through Dallas, it came through Boardwalk or Park Place & I have a few friends in the business who let some of us locals know what's arrived. There's currently a red & a white RS on their way, so a quick e-mail is all it would take to find out if a black one has passed through their doors.
If it came through Dallas, it came through Boardwalk or Park Place & I have a few friends in the business who let some of us locals know what's arrived. There's currently a red & a white RS on their way, so a quick e-mail is all it would take to find out if a black one has passed through their doors.

Sounds like a bold and cunning plan. 👍

I've been watching this claim develop with interest.
If it came through Dallas, it came through Boardwalk or Park Place & I have a few friends in the business who let some of us locals know what's arrived. There's currently a red & a white RS on their way, so a quick e-mail is all it would take to find out if a black one has passed through their doors.

Is that the business of stealing high end cars by any chance? :)
Ok - so Jeremy Clarkson, while not being the most credible opinion on these matters, but still bloody credible as he has driven basically everything there is, should be totally ignored when he says just how scary the GT2 is. Yep, ok - fine. Especially when going around the Nurburgring - a track not exactly renowned for its smotheness.

And I'm not esoteric enough to notice the lack of dividers on the side intakes, but I did notice the matt finish on the bonnet whck suggests the GT2 is not standard.

Annnnd 300hp is certainly enough to ruin your day if in the wrong hands and wrong car. Heck, even the 255hp in my Commedore would have enough if you are being totally stupid. I can only imagine what it'd be like if I were to lighten by 500kgs...

BUUUT I do hope its true and that he does have a GT2. :)
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sorry for the off-topic discussion, but boardwalk is the ferrari dealership owned by giuseppi risi, or is that the houston ferrari dealership?
Boardwalk AG is the group who owns local VW, Audi, & Porsche dealers, as well as area's only Ferrari & Lamborghini dealers.

Ferrari of Houston is the one owned by Risi.
If it came through Dallas, it came through Boardwalk or Park Place & I have a few friends in the business who let some of us locals know what's arrived. There's currently a red & a white RS on their way, so a quick e-mail is all it would take to find out if a black one has passed through their doors.

You know he's going to claim they took overseas delivery and that's when his mom let him drive it on the Nurburgring.

Edit: I really love that its his mom's car. :lol:
You know he's going to claim they took overseas delivery and that's when his mom let him drive it on the Nurburgring.

Edit: I really love that its his mom's car. :lol:

He can't claim that, those aren't German plates, let alone the export plates that German authorities issue to European Delivery cars (at least ones destined for the US). German plates have the two registration stickers in both the front and rear plates that this Porsche is missing.

Also, if he claims European Delivery, export plates have a red stripe with the expiration date on it instead of the blue EU stripe. All non-Germany destined cars are issued those plates when the car is picked up at the factory.
Well, I've messaged Famine & Der Alta asking for a judgement to be made about the claim.

I've thought about it overnight & unless Sandy106 has parents working in the oil industry then I think it's extremely unlikely to be true.

If we've learned anything throughout this episode it's that if you are going to make a ridiculous claim, boy you better be ready to back it up or else the GtPlanet bloodhounds will try to find out themselves & you're going to look pretty silly in the process :(

On the other hand if I ever need to hire a Private Investigator I think I know where to turn to…:dopey:
What now? Is there any fixed deadline to his answer? Or can we consider the claim ludicrous by now? Please...

Also, check this out:
When commenting on the new 0-60 numbers for the 2012 Nissan GT-R, VooDoo-Reverend posted:
My Jeep Cherokee does it in 4 with an L6. That's the best they can do? I'm kinda disappointed

Might possibly be:
a) A joke
b) Good ol' sarcasm
c) A ludicrous claim

You decide.
I think the answer is C

There's no deadline to answer ludicrous claims as far as I know, but I thought that maybe I should let a higher power make the call. It doesn't mean that much if I say to Sandy106:

"You are a very silly boy for telling lies in the schoolyard, you have embarrassed yourself in front of everyone & you should maybe think twice before making another ludicrous claim like this"

But if it was shaded, I don't know, how about Indigo? Then it would possibly have that little bit extra gravitas…:sly: