- 8,141
- Halifax, NS
- Noob616
Since human rights don't exist outside human intellectual concept it is down to individual opinion. My opinion is that to torture is a violation of my idea of human rights.
...and what is your idea of human rights and where do they come from?
Then neither should you lock anyone up as that is a breach of a more fundamental right.
I am amazed at this. Prison affects one's physical liberty. Torture is destined to bend your will through severe physical or psychological pain. To defend an ethical equivalence between both (or even that prison is ethically worse) is beyond wrong. I lack the knowledge of the English language to come up with a word good enough to describe how wrong.
To take away a man's physical freedom isn't depriving him of liberty.
You are mistaken. Torture isn't even a punishment.
And on prison vs. liberty, you are again mistaken, although here we can be discussing words and I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the English ones. But I'll say this. Liberty as the fundamental human right is in no way related to the problem of punishment for crimes, through prisons. "Liberty" the human right refers to the very definition of what a crime is. But to explain this all, in this forum's official language, would now be time consumming for me, perhaps at a later moment.
I'd have my liberty taken away from me in order to defend my dignity.
Please explain in words of one Spanish Inquisition.
Hun200kmh... destined to bend your will through severe physical or psychological pain
Imprisoning you against your will is a breach of your right to liberty - the right not to be held against your will. That is what the right of liberty is!
You have the right to life (not the right to not die, rather the right not to be killed), the right to liberty (not to be incarcerated against your will), the right to property (the right to own things through your endeavours) and the right to your body (the right not to be allowed to come to harm). Each can be rationally established from the previous ones (except the first). If you're seeking to redefine these rights you need to rationally establish them rather than just repeatedly saying "You're wrong" and not backing it up.
wikipediaLiberty is a moral and political principle, or Right, that identifies the condition in which human beings are able to govern themselves, to behave according to their own free will, and take responsibility for their actions. There are different conceptions of liberty, which articulate the relationship of individuals to society in different ways, including some which relate to life under a "social contract" or to existence in a "state of nature", and some which see the active exercise of freedom and rights as essential to liberty.
Individualist and classical liberal conceptions of liberty typically consist of the freedom of individuals from outside compulsion or coercion, also known as negative liberty, while Social liberal conceptions of liberty emphasize social structure and agency, or positive liberty.
That's not reciprocal though. Requiring individuals to observe the rights of those who do not observe theirs violates the fundamental assumption behind rights that all human beings are equal.
Edit: Ok here's the deal. You can have a country that outlaws torture, but you have to be aware that you're treating some people better than their victims. Maybe you're fine with that, but you're elevating someone's right above what pure rationality requires. Again, this is a fine policy for a country to have, it is legislated compassion. But compassion is not what dictates human rights.
Can't for two good reasons. One, the words of the spanish inquisition would be either latin or spanish, not English and this one is the official language of this forum. Two, I know nothing of Latin, and even less of Spanish then I know of English.
No, it isn't. And again it amazes me that you can honestly think that. Do you think all the theories, all the philosophers, all the revolutions in history that related to the fight for liberty were about a fight against ... prisons?
No, it was a fight against states or whatever other form of human social/political organizations that would violate the more basic intellectual rights of Thought and of Speech. Meaning, the liberty of free thought (to think for yourself) and the liberty of free speech, therefore, to say what you think to all that want to listen. All other connected "freedoms" (Assembly, Association, Education, Information, Movement, Press, Religion, whatever else on free self determination and free choices of life) are instrumental to those first two and none of them stands if neither of those first two stand also.
I'm not seeking to redefine anything, but you are. And in fact trying to redefine a well-known, well-established concept (the human right of liberty), by reducing it to a worthless shadow of itself (the right not to be incarcerated against your will).
I don't particularly feel the need or indeed the duty of "backing up" any of what I wrote but hey, this is the internetz and people tend to be faced with these "back up" demands.
Adding, to conclude, that even the "negative liberty" concept, although apparently closer to your own definition, is still fundamentally different because it relates to the freedom from outside compulsion or coercion over thought and speech. All else following. Logically.
I sort of disagree with you Famine. The ideal punishment for a crime would entail the least possible forfeiture of the criminals rights and the most effective prevention of further crimes. It's impossible to have both, so a balance needs to be found so criminals are much less able to commit more crimes, without just killing every criminal. Torture is a severe punishment that, on its own, does little to prevent further crime. Prison (ideally) just keeps the person away from society which is all that's really needed. Perpetrators of lesser crimes can be persuaded not to do it again by imposing fines or other forfeitures. Law enforcement should have nothing to do with karmic retribution, just making as many people as happy as possible. If we had infinite prison space with no chance of escape, the death penalty would be undeniably unnecessary. I still oppose the death penalty on the grounds that 100% certainty is impossible, but that's a different discussion.
From intellect. Where else could they come from?
As I understand it the difference between our opinion is that you don't want to elevate the criminals rights above those of the victim.
And I don't want to reduce my humanity on the same level as the those of the criminal.
EU wants to be the humanitairian
Us wants to punish those who did bad
On torture: If you torture a human being long enough he will admit and sign everything just in order to have a relief of the pain inflicted.
Also what will happen to the people who will torture. You think they enjoy that (if they do, you will create a monster worse than the torturee).
One of the Texan prison exectutioner (he had done more than a 100) said that he will have for the rest of his life nightmares about all the people he killed in the name of a state, he is heavily depressive,...
And can you be 100% sure, unless you caught him in the act, that you torturing the right guy.
Just to show the difference: In germany a young millionaire boy was kidnapped a few years ago, and the police only treatened the suspect of torture to know where he was guarding the boy. Well that was enough for a court to rule that already as torture and the responible officers needed to quit their position.
When we refer to an action as moral, does that mean its "an acceptable action within the bounds of human rights" or "the action that minimizes the violation or forfeiture of human rights"? I feel that you're using the first definition, where I would tend to use the second. In fact, I prefer to judge morality on a scale, rather than a black or white, "it is or it isn't" judgement. And in that case, I would consider torture not to be as moral an action as say, imprisonment, though that is based mostly on my opinion of which rights are more important. I will have to think about how to decide which rights are more important, because at the moment I can only think of subjective reasons.
Your right to exist free of physical harm is just a derivation of your right to life. Your right to exist free of captivity beyond your wishes is just a derivation of your right to life. To exclude any possibility of a punishment involving the later you must also exclude any possibility of a punishment involving the former.
Rights don't exist unless there is some math to back it up like every other natural law. Of course living in a society where people live and work together, usually so everyone is better off, requires a set of self imposed rules, laws or rights, to be made so everyone does benefit in some way. But that is my just my opinion, thanks for asking.What constitutes a right to you and why?
They chops hands off in the middle east for stealing, I bet the crime rate is pretty low from that. I'm not saying I agree with it but an extreme punishment like that would seem to be a good deterrent.
Rights don't exist unless there is some math to back it up like every other natural law. Of course living in a society where people live and work together, usually so everyone is better off, requires a set of self imposed rules, laws or rights, to be made so everyone does benefit in some way. But that is my just my opinion, thanks for asking.
youMy opinion is that to torture is a violation of my idea of human rights.
When we refer to an action as moral, does that mean its "an acceptable action within the bounds of human rights" or "the action that minimizes the violation or forfeiture of human rights"? I feel that you're using the first definition, where I would tend to use the second. In fact, I prefer to judge morality on a scale, rather than a black or white, "it is or it isn't" judgement. And in that case, I would consider torture not to be as moral an action as say, imprisonment, though that is based mostly on my opinion of which rights are more important.
I will have to think about how to decide which rights are more important, because at the moment I can only think of subjective reasons.
You do not reduce yourself to the level of the criminal by taking action against a criminal. If a man points and gun at you, shoots to kill, and misses and you then point a gun at him, shoot to kill, and hit... you are not a murderer. You took exactly the same action, but you didn't violate the rights of an innocent person. You shot someone who had forfeited his rights.
Well In this one case there is an imminent threat for my life, so defending my life would be tolerable, even a given. Whereas when someone is already incarcerated there isn't an imminent threat for your life, so torturing him will not save your life, and not torturing him will not kill you
Don't make this a EU vs. US thing. I don't speak for the US, and you don't speak for the EU.
I don't speak for the EU. But it is the stance that our respective gouverments take, and that is a fact, not some subjective opinion. And it is a fact that there is a difference in how the US sees the penal system, and how the EU sees it.
Doesn't matter. But if this were the whole story, don't you think nobody would bother torturing anyone for information? Somehow this practice has lived on for centuries. It wouldn't have if it didn't produce results.
I'm sure that at the base of it, your statement is true. The people doing the torturing must have some sort of clever way of telling if the information is legit. Doesn't seem possible I know, but they must have found a way.
And there are also several other instruments besides torture to aquire information. I would fell bad for humanity if we wouldn't have evolved in that aspect since the middle age. We should always try to use non invasive/destructive instruments to gather information, than directly jump on the torture boat (i know you didn't imply that)
Doesn't matter. They volunteer for the job. I wouldn't advocate that anyone be forced into doing something they aren't comfortable with. And how do you know we're creating a monster here? How do you know we're not just providing a monster with a positive outlet? Ever watch Dexter?
Basing that agrument on a TV show may not be the best exemple. And maybe wait till they finish Dexter, maybe Dexters bounderies for identifying criminals will blur with time.
Also as referring to a TV show, in Lost, Saiid? (the iranian guy) shows what it does to a human to torture, and I think it shows a more realistic take on torture than Dexter ever could.
Maybe he made a wrong choice.
maybe he grew on the job and changed his opinion. Maybe he was also a hard guy before, but killing all those people made a click in his mind. you would maybe change your opinion too when you peeled off enough epiderm of hands of criminals.
It is possible to catch people in the act.
Yes it happens, but it was kind of rare.
Threatening torture is not torture, just like threatening to hit someone is not hitting them. One of them is assault, the other is battery. Two completely different crimes.
Well yes it is. It is psycologic torture.
On a side note, There is a french renaissance story about a guy imprisonned and taken the day to the guillotine in the morning. He was tortured for weeks before. On the night before his execution, he sees that his cell door is not locked. So slowly he realizes he can maybe escape.
When he's near the exit of the prison, the guards caught him and laught that they played a fine prank on him. They did that on purpose.
That too is torture, and it shows even more sadistical behavior, than simply executing a person or cutting of a toe
It seems massively odd that people feel it's appropriate, where the crime suits, to remove the right to property (by confiscation/fine) or the right to liberty (by incarceration), but not the right to self (by physical punishment) when all three rights are equal in stature
I hope I misread that or that you didn't elaborate enough, but are you suggesting that physical punishement is or should be on the same latter as a financial punishement.??
Famine, where the crime suits,
So you get stopped by the cops for speeding and it would be ok to given the choice : 50€ or a toe?
When is torture appropriate?
I think we can exclude certain punishments on the logical grounds that they are unnecessary.
It can't be moral to harm someone if not for the purpose of improving society.