One year after release opinion

  • Thread starter fernandito
I've been playing a lot of iRacing lately, but on the weekend I jumped into the PCars2 career mode for some fun.
7 hours later I was still playing with a huge grin on my face.
There are a lot of things this game just does right.

This video was me just running around Bathurst with accelerated time and weather ... just beautiful.
My opinion is based solely on the single player side of the game since I've never raced online and don't have any desire to in the future. I also started with Xbox One and have since moved to the Xbox One X.

There's no question in my mind that the game was released at least 6 months too early. To use a phrase from a popular baking show the game was "underbaked". It needed a little more time in the oven.

At the time of release I had an original Xbox One and the game was just too much for the console. I have a Fanatec V2 wheel and I tried to use my usual 23 car AI field but the wheel shook so violently the game was unplayable. It was determined that the Xbox One could only handle 16 cars in an AI field.

AI behavior was very erratic. There was this violent twitching the AI cars would do at the start. The AI was way too fast into some corners causing you to get divebombed and wrecked by them. When I switched to the Xbox One X the wheel shake problem went away and I could go back to my 23 car AI field. But even with the more powerful X there's still too much popping in of trees and the way light reflects into the cockpit just looks strange. I think they call that anti aliasing or something like that.

The biggest issue I had was that after patch 4 something in it killed the FFB for Fanatec users causing the wheel to go numb and it took until patch 6 to call attention to it and get it fixed.

But after 7 total patches and all of the DLC the game has come around nicely into a fun single player game for me. I hate to tweak and tune and there's been several cars I'm using on total defaults and they've been fine so you can just hop into cars and start driving.

I'm only using a small part of the game since I don't do weather, career, or full race weekends. Just get in and race and the game has delivered that for me.
I understand the frustration with human players in open lobbies (at least console, no idea if better/worse on PC). But part of the point I've been trying to make is, casual players (at least some of them) turn into sim players. Did it myself. Pretty sure the vast majority of sim racers started out on a more softcore game. The fewer casuals playing PC2, the fewer turn into simmers.

And don't poo-poo GT so bad. Before there were decent hardcore sims, the same decent clean drivers that now populate iRacing and ACC or PC2 raced WRS or SNAIL Leagues on GTS. And you didn't hear them bitching about dirty public rooms. That's where they came from, originally!

The game allowed them to easily set up, label, password (if desired) and host clean rooms. If it could be done on GT, it can be done on PC2. But only if the same tools GT had are given to hosts in PC2.

I do NOT believe that GTS is the more popular game because it is easy to drive... All SMS have to do is allow grippier tires (GTS has no problem allowing noobs to stick racing super softs on a Fiat500 if that's their comfort level) and that issue is solved. And they need to completely redesign their lobby system. People play GTS over PC2 because it is MUCH easier to get a quick online race, against people with the same skill level and intentions as they have.

TBH, I find GTS much harder to drive well on than PC2. It's Zamboni racing, even on softs. I truly believe that, address the lobby design issues, we'd see a huge upswelling in PC2 numbers. It's not PC2's physics or handling that is putting off the majority. It is that, once you get used to it, you have two options. Join a regulated, regimented hardcore league and endure being told what to drive, where to drive and when to drive, or resign yourself to racing the AI. With no tools in the lobby system to set up good clean casual rooms, that's it, baby!

So they stay on GTS, even though they would LIKE to step it up. We need those players.
Project CARS 2 was worth $89.99 when I preordered it last year August. I absolutely loved the Career Mode, which was my main focus. It took me awhile to platinum the game but I did earned it on 8/1/18 before the 1st anniversary. I haven’t play the a lot since then. The only thing now that I spend my least time in is the Community Event.
I understand the frustration with human players in open lobbies (at least console, no idea if better/worse on PC). But part of the point I've been trying to make is, casual players (at least some of them) turn into sim players. Did it myself. Pretty sure the vast majority of sim racers started out on a more softcore game. The fewer casuals playing PC2, the fewer turn into simmers.

And don't poo-poo GT so bad. Before there were decent hardcore sims, the same decent clean drivers that now populate iRacing and ACC or PC2 raced WRS or SNAIL Leagues on GTS. And you didn't hear them bitching about dirty public rooms. That's where they came from, originally!

The game allowed them to easily set up, label, password (if desired) and host clean rooms. If it could be done on GT, it can be done on PC2. But only if the same tools GT had are given to hosts in PC2.

I do NOT believe that GTS is the more popular game because it is easy to drive... All SMS have to do is allow grippier tires (GTS has no problem allowing noobs to stick racing super softs on a Fiat500 if that's their comfort level) and that issue is solved. And they need to completely redesign their lobby system. People play GTS over PC2 because it is MUCH easier to get a quick online race, against people with the same skill level and intentions as they have.

TBH, I find GTS much harder to drive well on than PC2. It's Zamboni racing, even on softs. I truly believe that, address the lobby design issues, we'd see a huge upswelling in PC2 numbers. It's not PC2's physics or handling that is putting off the majority. It is that, once you get used to it, you have two options. Join a regulated, regimented hardcore league and endure being told what to drive, where to drive and when to drive, or resign yourself to racing the AI. With no tools in the lobby system to set up good clean casual rooms, that's it, baby!

So they stay on GTS, even though they would LIKE to step it up. We need those players.
Very good post and I agree on everything you've just said. And by the way:
But part of the point I've been trying to make is, casual players (at least some of them) turn into sim players. Did it myself.
Bulls eye. You can count me in that list too.

I actually entered the sim world with pc1, but before that oh well there's no need to name every racing game I played. All I can say, and trying to talk about the most recent ones I can think of, is that I still don't forget of racing games (don't care if they were more aracde or not) of the likes of Project Gotham 4 and Driveclub (this last one their first versions or just 1.0, before the infamous November 2015 patch when they changed the handling, now making it too arcade than it was before. Driveclub handling was really fun and interesting before that damn patch one year after release).

And of course honourable mentions to literally monster driving fun games such as WRC3 for the playstation2. Best rally game ever with Colin McRae2. Period. Arcade?, I don't give a damn as long as they are clearly developed and branded as that. But when I approach a game that wants to be labelled as a sim, then I want a sim. That's why can't stand GT series anymore (my last one was GT3 so go figure). GTSports is just as bland as boring regarding physics and track feeling that i know it needs literally no further commenting on it. Needless to speak about lacking weather too.

With PC2 I'm more than satisfied , and still looking for another sim that can get any closer, and now I'm counting assetto competizione too which also can't rival pc2 in the physics department imo, so there's again Rfactor2 only as the superior (by little margin) one in the physics area. Problem?, the content, so PC2 wins at the end of the day once more.

I still find hard to believe that so many people still fail to realize what's been achieved with Porject Cars 2, at least on the PC side. I guess this is still part of the hate SMS earnt for themselves during and after PC1 development, and also some very unfortunate steps they took after release too. Also, the pathetic state of pc2 at release, again too like happened with pc1, didn't help matters and contributed only to make SMS look even worse in the eyes of the sim community, and not just that community.
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This casual racer (Shift1) ended up working for a sim-racing studio for some time! Casual Lives Matter ;)

Shift was my first track race game. Loved it. Looked good for its day, sounded amazing (still does... there isn't the audio lag going in and out of tunnels PC2 has), good track and car selection.

I hated that Shift2 solved its input lag issues for XBox, but not the PS3 version. That was the start of me being a bit distrustful of Mr. Bell. I know his hands were probably tied, but it showed the trend still in place to release a game with often major issues, and just fix them (or not!) at a glacial pace.

I know you are probably under an NDA, but it might be nice to know whether the main devs at SMS have the slightest CLUE how bad for casual racers their game is on console? I honestly cannot believe that any of them have ever been in a public console room, not once... Or host kick disabling would never have happened!

It is a shame that casual racers don't get a bigger voice in decisions made.

I simply hate the elitist comments from many people here that, if they were honest about it, would admit that they got a LOT of good clean racing in more arcade games before they moved to PC1/2. They are on a game they designate as a 'sim' now, so how DARE any less realistic game be better in any way?! But the truth is, GT5/6 had clean rooms and leagues that are at LEAST as good as PC2's. And it didn't take private, invisible, passworded rooms to achieve it.

The degree of skill and cleanliness you find has got NOTHING to do with accurate physics and tire models. It has EVERYTHING to do with how easy a game makes it for you to find other like minded players, and how easy it is to kick those that aren't. And, on console, SMS have made every bad decision that could be made.
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I haven't touched this game in probably 6 or 7 months, as I found it back then extremely difficult to handle, depending of car/track/weather etc. At the occasion of the last update, I tried again ... and wow, what a blast. A totally different game, for the better . Everything feels a lot more natural and easy to handle, and by that I mean, a better depiction of how cars behave on a racetrack. Tested the F40, 512m, beasts like that and they're all very easy to handle. A totally different game . Even the graphics look better, the F40 and 250GT are absolutely stunning when you overtake one during a race.
This is what I was hoping to read, I haven’t touched it in months either. Maybe now I’ll have to give it another shot.
After the Catalunya reveal in GT Sport, I rebootedHONDA PC2. I still love the physics, car sounds and on track feel. The only negative I can pinpoint, are the camera changes in replays. What I mean is, when my car passes the camera and the sounds dies as my carHONDA drives off into the distance, the next camera picks up the action, it's the same loud/droning engine sounds each initial camera cut. No way does it tarnish the game.

The track count is second to none. Car varietyHONDA is still awesome(TC is still my favorite, more TCRHONDA models please). The community liveries add more flavor to the livery choices.
I've said from the start, graphics ain't everything. Still holds true. Awesome gameHONDA on XBONE.
I have Shift 2 on PS3, never have any input lag issues ( I played with wired controller DS2 with USB adapter - manual clutch )

There was a patch for PC and a patch for XBox for Shift2 to deal with a small lag in input (compared to Shift1). I played Shift1 heavily (had some leaderboard successes worldwide) and I definitely felt a bit of lag compared to the previous title. Did you play that? I was on a DFGT...

Unfortunately, EA (was that the publisher?) pulled the plug on Mr Bell before they could get around to the PS3 fix. But they definitely patched the game for PC and XBox to address the issue. Sadly, the comparison to Shift1's responsiveness sent me off to get on GT5Prologue, and eventually GT5 and then GT6. I found them far more 'tight' in the input feel, and also they didn't suffer from that invisible 'lag zone' around online opponents that had you physically bumping them (or they you!) without you actually touching them.

The seeds of PCARS were all sown in Shift... great tracks, great cars, great sound. And online issues and bugs that never got addressed.
There was a patch for PC and a patch for XBox for Shift2 to deal with a small lag in input (compared to Shift1). I played Shift1 heavily (had some leaderboard successes worldwide) and I definitely felt a bit of lag compared to the previous title. Did you play that? I was on a DFGT...

Unfortunately, EA (was that the publisher?) pulled the plug on Mr Bell before they could get around to the PS3 fix. But they definitely patched the game for PC and XBox to address the issue. Sadly, the comparison to Shift1's responsiveness sent me off to get on GT5Prologue, and eventually GT5 and then GT6. I found them far more 'tight' in the input feel, and also they didn't suffer from that invisible 'lag zone' around online opponents that had you physically bumping them (or they you!) without you actually touching them.

The seeds of PCARS were all sown in Shift... great tracks, great cars, great sound. And online issues and bugs that never got addressed.

I only ever played the demo version of Shift 1. I see you are on a wheel, that might be the difference as I only play with wired controller. I definitely do not sense any lag with wired controller on Shift 2 ( I also play GT5/6, Nascar, Ferrari The Racing Experience, MotorStorm, Ridge Racer and many other racing games on PS3 ) If I have any issues like lag, it would have given me issues when setting up cars in Shift 2, especially tuning the damper, as it requires precise input which allows me to feel the difference within a click of damper value change. Damper have huge influence in Shift 2, at times I think it's too much/OP.
So...I bought PC2 around November last year because I heard it was really good and had finally made the jump to PS4. I played it one time up until this afternoon. The one time was not DS4 friendly and I put it away until I got a wheel. Now, this afternoon, I put the disc back in, got in my new sim rig, and played around with it again. After starting a career, I jumped in the M1 procar and went to the historic spa layout. My :censored:ing was amazing! The entire first 5 laps I was shouting at the tv in fear as I was coming down into eau rouge at 125mph. The feeling you get is sublime from PC2. I can honestly say I have never been fearful of anything in GTS.

P.S. if anyone can tell me how to solve an issue of locking the rear wheels every time I shift down, it would be much appreciated.
So...I bought PC2 around November last year because I heard it was really good and had finally made the jump to PS4. I played it one time up until this afternoon. The one time was not DS4 friendly and I put it away until I got a wheel. Now, this afternoon, I put the disc back in, got in my new sim rig, and played around with it again. After starting a career, I jumped in the M1 procar and went to the historic spa layout. My :censored:ing was amazing! The entire first 5 laps I was shouting at the tv in fear as I was coming down into eau rouge at 125mph. The feeling you get is sublime from PC2. I can honestly say I have never been fearful of anything in GTS.

P.S. if anyone can tell me how to solve an issue of locking the rear wheels every time I shift down, it would be much appreciated.

Blip your throttle on downshifts to get the very best from the car, get yourself roughly 'rev matching'. Or, downshift at lower revs, not as fast but not as skill dependent. That M1 is a bit of an old beast these days :)
So...I bought PC2 around November last year because I heard it was really good and had finally made the jump to PS4. I played it one time up until this afternoon. The one time was not DS4 friendly and I put it away until I got a wheel. Now, this afternoon, I put the disc back in, got in my new sim rig, and played around with it again. After starting a career, I jumped in the M1 procar and went to the historic spa layout. My :censored:ing was amazing! The entire first 5 laps I was shouting at the tv in fear as I was coming down into eau rouge at 125mph. The feeling you get is sublime from PC2. I can honestly say I have never been fearful of anything in GTS.

P.S. if anyone can tell me how to solve an issue of locking the rear wheels every time I shift down, it would be much appreciated.

Loved your post - brought a big smile to my face as I sit here in my favourite riverside restaurant enjoying breakfast and catching up on GT Planet. I can message you a list of other car and track combinations which will also get you screaming - if you are brave enough!

Nice to hear from @IanBell - Personally I'm hoping for a second Season Pass followed by PC3! I've had so much enjoyment from this game!
Loved your post - brought a big smile to my face as I sit here in my favourite riverside restaurant enjoying breakfast and catching up on GT Planet. I can message you a list of other car and track combinations which will also get you screaming - if you are brave enough!

I’m all ears! I would love to hear more suggestions.
1971 Porsche 917/10 (Can-Am) @ err..... Any track :)

When that power kicks in you WILL have brown pants :)
I did a couple of laps in the 917/10 at classic hockenheimring and yes, poo does come out at WOT in 2nd. Definitely a car that needs to be handled with both hands!
PS Thanks for all the positive comments here. We're certainly not hiding under a rock back at base. We're very very busy on some epic things we'll be announcing soon.

Ongoing Kudos to this site BTW. x
I hope for an overhaul of multiplayer UI/UX in PC2. Proper auto-matchmaking included of course!

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