One year after release opinion

  • Thread starter fernandito
I have to admit, I haven't driven the M1 Procar. That much. Though when I have, it's been a difficult but possible car to tame.
Utter rubbish! There is no shortage of fawning at SMS's site. Devs are still silent. Sorry, Bealdor, but the facts don't match your explanation. If one so-called 'disrespectful' post surrounded by a plethora of respectful ones equals total dev silence, that's disrespect from the devs.

Despite your draconian moderation of SMS's site, the devs are still AWOL. I call that disrespect.

When the devs used to frequent the SMS site and here, there were still plenty of less than fawning posts. Didn't stop them posting. Your explanation is utter fabrication, completely untethered from facts.

I've never known a dev team to put as much direct communication in with the users in the history of gaming. I can back that up with metrics.
I've never known a dev team to put as much direct communication in with the users in the history of gaming. I can back that up with metrics.

It’s great that you have an ambition to communicate, but I suspect that Blizzard takes pole position there. In the history of racing games however...
More than 10,000 points of communication personally (I am the CEO...) with users myself.

Impressive, but Blizzard have around 18,000 forum topics containing at least one “blue post” since 2010. They are also active on Twitter and they have the annual BlizzCon with multiple Q&A sessions.
Impressive, but Blizzard have around 18,000 forum topics containing at least one “blue post” since 2010. They are also active on Twitter and they have the annual BlizzCon with multiple Q&A sessions.

How many of those posts are from Mike Morhaime himself? :D
I have to admit, I haven't driven the M1 Procar. That much. Though when I have, it's been a difficult but possible car to tame.

Just tried it, not too difficult really. The 320 with 640 HP, now that is a challenge. The turbo keeps on kicking in. Very fun to drive. Oh and it is hot in replays too!
I've never known a dev team to put as much direct communication in with the users in the history of gaming. I can back that up with metrics.

Until last year. Since then, virtually utter silence. You posted ONCE here this year about the mobile game. SMS's site, basically the same.

You see, you have stated quite well the issue. Up until this year, yes, your team WERE the most communicative. Then they went dark quite a while ago. And since then, despite several updates, about as much communication as other games.

It boils down to, once you communicate at that level, it is hard to accept that you no longer can do it. I'm guessing your team were no less busy while they had the time to communicate at length. They certainly were during PC2's development and first year (during which you came out with many fully documented and discussed updates).

You have left the player base to struggle with figuring out what is fixed, unfixed, newly broken and what is placebo in the last three updates. I accept the explanation that detailed notes may slow down release if prepared BEFORE dropping it (although that release pace didn't seem to infuriate the base when you had full update notes). But why are there no detailed patch notes AFTERWARDS?

Your entire dev team have been utterly silent about the host kick issue, which has ruined public rooms. Even on your own forum, the numbers complaining about the issue outnumber the tiny few who complained about being kicked by the host for no reason (many of whom may very well have mistaken host kick for the usual connectivity issues). If you have come out of self-imposed isolation now, how about a comment about one of the most pressing issues facing the player base?

I'm sure the advice about how to drive the M1 Pro is welcome, but how about a comment about the issue probably the most pressing in public rooms or non-private servers on PC?

I agree, and applaud you for the degree of communication you USED to have with us. I just wish that you could find the desire to reignite it, and reengage with the base the way you used to. We came to rely on it...
Until last year. Since then, virtually utter silence. You posted ONCE here this year about the mobile game. SMS's site, basically the same.

You see, you have stated quite well the issue. Up until this year, yes, your team WERE the most communicative. Then they went dark quite a while ago. And since then, despite several updates, about as much communication as other games.

It boils down to, once you communicate at that level, it is hard to accept that you no longer can do it. I'm guessing your team were no less busy while they had the time to communicate at length. They certainly were during PC2's development and first year (during which you came out with many fully documented and discussed updates).

You have left the player base to struggle with figuring out what is fixed, unfixed, newly broken and what is placebo in the last three updates. I accept the explanation that detailed notes may slow down release if prepared BEFORE dropping it (although that release pace didn't seem to infuriate the base when you had full update notes). But why are there no detailed patch notes AFTERWARDS?

Your entire dev team have been utterly silent about the host kick issue, which has ruined public rooms. Even on your own forum, the numbers complaining about the issue outnumber the tiny few who complained about being kicked by the host for no reason (many of whom may very well have mistaken host kick for the usual connectivity issues). If you have come out of self-imposed isolation now, how about a comment about one of the most pressing issues facing the player base?

I'm sure the advice about how to drive the M1 Pro is welcome, but how about a comment about the issue probably the most pressing in public rooms or non-private servers on PC?

I agree, and applaud you for the degree of communication you USED to have with us. I just wish that you could find the desire to reignite it, and reengage with the base the way you used to. We came to rely on it...
I'd be amazed if he bothers to continue to reply to you.
Is he even required to communicate with the community? Would he be inclined to if he had been busy the past few months? Where do you get off making such statements. These developers are much more restrained than I would be.
Pardon me for intervening, but, I’m uncomfortable with posts that attack/accuse/challenge a developer in a public forum. It is quite unprofessional and I can’t imagine it would elicit a positive result. But, more than that, I’m tired of wading through the negativity to find any useful posts here.

I don’t have history with the developers of Project Cars, good or bad. All I know is that the game, for me, has gotten better with every update. I have encouraged, prodded, and even begged all my friends with a PS4 to buy this game. Many have. I’m certain there are numerous things that can be better, but the depth of this game and the enormous amount of content makes it worth much more than I paid for it.

Instead of attacking and accusing, maybe detractors can consider more professional, dare I say, polite verbiage? “Would you consider”
“Is it possible”
“Has your team discussed”

This forum does have a way to message another user in private.

Either way, venom seems to be slipping in to these forums and I hope moderators would take a stance against it.
Just do it, maybe create a track editor for PC2 :)

Anyways, I've heard that the weather is really bad where ever it is you're off to next :lol:

Sure ;)

@IanBell do you want a course maker? It’s cheap, and I’m not only talking about the quality of the code!

Regarding the weather, I’ve been extremely lucky so far, but I suppose I’ll run into a hurricane sooner or later.
Pardon me for intervening, but, I’m uncomfortable with posts that attack/accuse/challenge a developer in a public forum. It is quite unprofessional and I can’t imagine it would elicit a positive result. But, more than that, I’m tired of wading through the negativity to find any useful posts here.
In fairness, 90% of the people on here at least don't do that and you can have great discussions with that 90%. That's probably about the same on every forum.

PCars2 is still really buggy. Multiplayer is unplayable and SMS have made absolutely no effort to make the UI/process for finding multiplayer games easier in the last 12 months

For time-trial and racing against AI, PCars2 is good, though.
I'd have to disagree there as multiplayer has been perfectly playable since the last patch and most of the problems have gone for all those I race with. We no longer sit with fingers crossed and hope that we can get everyone in the lobby. We have recently started a Touring Car series which has been running pretty faultlessly as far as connections are concerned. The Online Championship mode still has a few wrinkles to iron out but in the main works really well.

What sort of problems do you experience online?
I'd have to disagree there as multiplayer has been perfectly playable since the last patch and most of the problems have gone for all those I race with. We no longer sit with fingers crossed and hope that we can get everyone in the lobby. We have recently started a Touring Car series which has been running pretty faultlessly as far as connections are concerned. The Online Championship mode still has a few wrinkles to iron out but in the main works really well.

What sort of problems do you experience online?
I'm speaking as a PS4 user here and my main two annoyances are
1. Lobbies list (which is limited to 20) is showing you lobbies that are completely useless to you (sometimes I get all 20 lobbies shown that are either in race or within 3 minutes of qualifying finish), instead of showing you only lobbies that you actually have any reason to jolin.
2. The filters are nearly useless (they do not save, you cannot select multiple race classes your are interested in, you cannot hide classes you are not interested in, you cannot filter by lobby status (practice, qualifying, race), you cannot display only lobbies with at least certain number of players, etc etc).
Just to clarify, I might not be the right person to speak about how much I love this game because I do not play online, except those rare occasions when I can join some well-known members from here who are all very clean and who only have polite racers in their group.

I do understand how some would want the ability to kick renegade racers out of their lobby or out of their room. So, for those people who primarily race online and would like better controls, I hope those things are improved
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I'd have to disagree there as multiplayer has been perfectly playable since the last patch and most of the problems have gone for all those I race with. We no longer sit with fingers crossed and hope that we can get everyone in the lobby. We have recently started a Touring Car series which has been running pretty faultlessly as far as connections are concerned. The Online Championship mode still has a few wrinkles to iron out but in the main works really well.

What sort of problems do you experience online?

Basically exactly what @Racetee said. The user interface is atrocious; I have never in my life seen such a badly designed UI in a commercial game before. It makes the process of finding a race that i) has enough players, ii) has car classes I'm interested in, and iii) is about to start or in qualifying extremely difficult.

And when I finally do spot an interesting result in the list, often the status is out-of-date even immediately after loading, e.g. it shows me that qualifying is still running for 5 minutes, but when I enter, the race already started and I can only spectate.

The multiplayer ranking system is also terrible. There's no rank-based match-making like in Gran Turismo Sport, so even when I find a race with 10 other players, only 1 or 2 of them will be roughly as skilled as I am. And players mostly decide to stop racing once they make a mistake, so lap after lap the races mostly feel really empty.
I haven't played Pcars2 in months but very keen to get back into it. What made me stop playing and still a massive issue for me personally is the lack of unpredictable weather. The slot system is great and the weather effects are amazing especially how they influence the track and racing.

However as soon as I know what weather is coming kills the immersion for me. It is one of the biggest reasons I enjoy F1 2018 despite the simcade gameplay is the fact that the weather is unpredictable and adds so much to the actual race.

Is there any chance we'll see an automated system for Pcars2 in the future?
I haven't played Pcars2 in months but very keen to get back into it. What made me stop playing and still a massive issue for me personally is the lack of unpredictable weather. The slot system is great and the weather effects are amazing especially how they influence the track and racing.

However as soon as I know what weather is coming kills the immersion for me. It is one of the biggest reasons I enjoy F1 2018 despite the simcade gameplay is the fact that the weather is unpredictable and adds so much to the actual race.

Is there any chance we'll see an automated system for Pcars2 in the future?
Set up 2-4 slots of random weather then 💡
Then you don't know what you'll get :)
I haven't played Pcars2 in months but very keen to get back into it. What made me stop playing and still a massive issue for me personally is the lack of unpredictable weather. The slot system is great and the weather effects are amazing especially how they influence the track and racing.
I definitely think it can be improved in that area. Possibly with a Codemasters style Variable weather or a collection of settings such as % of precipitation and humidity. I can very easily get that data from Google or wherever and also adds further unpredictability throughout the race.

I'd also add the ability to exclude certain weather. For example, a 100% chance of precipitation in December at Anderstorp in Sweden would very likely be snow. If you've got a Classic F1 race as a throwback to the 70s, you won't want snow.
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Set up 2-4 slots of random weather then 💡
Then you don't know what you'll get :)

Yes because having heavy snow -> sun -> thunderstorms is realistic :P

I definitely think it can be improved in that area. Possibly with a Codemasters style Variable weather or a collection of settings such as % of precipitation and humidity. I can very easily get that data from Google or wherever and also adds further unpredictability throughout the race.

I'd also add the ability to exclude certain weather. For example, a 100% chance of precipitation in December at Anderstorp in Sweden would very likely be snow. If you've got a Classic F1 race as a throwback to the 70s, you won't want snow.

Exactly. This is what we need! I'll faint if they can add anything like this in a patch
@R9NALD9 I know what you mean but to be honest 75% of the time I get wet, dry, or fog (I hate fog & this game knows I do aswell) not necessarily in that order but they're the main combinations I get.