Online Event Lap Times

  • Thread starter Luxy
Can those posting Fuji times please list what tires you are using? I'm seeing 1:50's from the Clio's and Elise's but more than likely they are on R1 tires so I don't consider their time when comparing with mine.

The are using R1 tyres, I'm quite sure they mentioned that a while ago. Speaking of Elises, I want to make one on S3 tyres for this event.
Ran a 1:50.544 last night in the BMW Concept tii at Daytona Road. Car is much faster, as soon as I can figure out how to keep the rear end in check coming out of the corners.
Daytona Road, Skyline Coupe/tuned 650pp

1'47.719 in free run, replay available
Great time Stijn 👍

How'd my set-up work for you?

Thanks mate.

Your setup makes the car very stable and your gears are really good, but I was stuck at 47.8 and had more understeed compared to my own suspesion setup. So then I copied your gears to my setup and it felt alot better right away and did this laptime.

Thanks for sharing 👍
Daytona Road 650PP(free run)
Concept by GT Nissan Skyline Coupe/Tuned
1'47.778 (with my timeattack07gt friend setup:tup:)

Great lap Red, I have updated the temporary leaderboard on page 35 👍

All the best
I checked this car, lovely!!

Skyline/Coupe Tuned 650pp @ DR - 1'47.747

Edit: Thx to timeattack for zseniális gearbox:bowdown:
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Damnit... can't keep up on Daytona Road 650PP!

1:55.980 - in race, no slipstreaming.

...Honda Integra at 615PP. Just not enough hp. :lol: Have won two races, though. Imagine the surprise on the face of that Ferrari driver when a front driver banged over the curbs (still with two wheels on) and passed him through the back-straight chicane. :D
My final lap time at Daytona Road with the Skyline Coupe. 1.48.397.

I'm quite happy that Kevin changed cars in the 02 event. The Skyline is a nice car but enough is enough.
My final lap time in the Skyline coupe tuned:


Ran this last night with my own tune...which for anyone who knows me understands that is a momentous occasion!

Irrelevant now.

Temporary leaderboard now has final update. :cheers:

Daytona Road 650PP - Concept by GT Nissan Skyline Coupe/Tuned

1'47.719 - GTP_Racer_LP (D1 Silver)
1'47.747 - BTH_Szoag (D2 Silver)
1'47.778 - BTH_Redwings (D1 Gold)
1'47.785 - GTP_timeattack (D1 Gold)
1'48.182 - EL_ZISSOU
1'48.2xx - GTP_Hyperspeed (D1 Bronze)
1'48.2xx - GTP_JackStanley (D1 Bronze)
1'48.305 - GTP_Synwraith (D2 Bronze)
1'48.343 - GTP_Stotty (D1 Silver)
1'48.397 - GTP_Cohiba100 (D2 Silver)
1'48.3xx - GTP_Marchbrown (D1 Silver)
1'48.3xx - GTP_Wanna_B (D1 Silver)
1'48.484 - GTP_rpm (D1 Bronze)
1'48.67x - GTP_Gadbury (D2 Silver)
1'49.2xx - GTP_DukeOfPendle (D3 Gold)
1'49.8xx - GTP_EDK (D2 Bronze)
1'50.1xx - GTP_LeaoD (D3 Silver)
1'50.7xx - GTP_gtbadboy (D3 Bronze)
1'51.1xx - GTP_Marooned (D5 Gold)
1'51.5xx - rofajole

All the best
Hi all,

With the current thread spanning more than 30 pages, I'm just wondering if there is a better way to keep track of the online event times? I was thinking of something like a website which allows GTP members to input their own times. I'm no expert in website designing & programming but if you all think its something worth doing, I can try to work on it. I'll probably run this from a spare PC of mine running Linux connected to a lowly DSL connection. I'm open to suggestions from other members as well.

Let me know your thoughts.

That sounds like a lot of work you'd be doing wolfdude, but if you're up to it it's not a bad idea.👍
That sounds like a lot of work you'd be doing wolfdude, but if you're up to it it's not a bad idea.👍

Its the least I can do for this community ;) I won't be compiling the data myself of course, I was hoping to just create the website so that members can update the laptimes themselves. Something simple and not too fancy. I've already found a webhosting provider which has MySQL database & PHP support for free 👍 so I don't have to host it on my own PC ;)

Right now, I'm gonna figure out how best to structure the database to support this application.. I'm thinking at the top of the page, we'll have links to choose the event (sorted by the event date). Once you click on the link, you'll be shown the sorted laptimes. Members will have the option to add/delete their entries but I still haven't figured out how much security to put into this to prevent people from vandalising it... Its gonna take some time so bear with me ;)

Daytona Road - Ferrari 512BB - 650pp - GTP_mad94d
1'48.148, Done while leading.👍

EDIT: This was done using a slightly modified TLD tune.👍
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GTP_aussienicko - Daytona Road 650pp | Ferrari 512BB

1'48.776 without draft, in the lead.

A very nice time by mad94d. 👍
wolfdude, with some small modifactions we can use our Race db. ;)

Hi Rudi,

Thanks! I had a look at your Race DB and I think its awesome 👍 I was thinking of something on a much smaller scale & less details than what's available in the Race DB. It must've taken you guys many many man hours to come out with such an elaborate & detailed DB 👍 I'm trully impressed. Well done with that.

So the question now is... how can we make use of it? I assume someone will have to modify the PHP codes slightly?

Daytona 650pp Godzilla GTR with 1.46.011:tup: and a remarcable 1.45.218 with slipstream:sly: But did a few mistakes and only did