My apologies to everyone racing in the 11:50 (PST) at the Daytona World Event, when I got bumped off in the chicane, I pulled back on because I though everyone was farther back (watching the blue dots) and got nailed by about 3 drivers - MY BAD - and I am sorry for interfering with your race; and that WAS a great race.
My apologies also to my friends TheMoose and joeinda808 for making contact with each of them in races there - I know I slowed TheMoose up enough to make him lose a spot.
Oh, BTW, TheMoose is absolute killer in the Tuned Z06 racing at the World Event. I got a lot of 2nd place spots because of him on Wednesday night. I finally waited him out and took a lot of wins after he packed up and went home. But man did we have some great racing that night!!!!!!!!
I also send out private apologies when I make contact with them in a race. During Sunday and Monday nights I was on for about 7 hours total and made contact with some people that I cannot contact because I got their usernames wrong. My apologies to Free_Tibet_ioi, gk505, and BWV906 for contact on Sunday and Monday.
To all of you, thanks for the GREAT racing this week - it has been awesome.
To all of the hosts that quit during races this week (about 20) I hope your bellybuttons come unscrewed and your butts fall off. Host quitters suck, especially when they wait until the last lap to quit because they've finally punted themselves off into the sand and know that there is no glory for them.