Online Racing -> Apologies Here!

I expect apologies for Orangeracer, Ramoniz, and other dumb imbeciles that can't control their freaking car under breaking.

Trying to pass on a double apex corner on the outside? :lol:
My apologies to GTP_PonySpanker. I hit you pretty hard going into the first turn at Suzuka. I'm glad it didn't seem to affect you too much.

At least I didn't try to overtake on the S-curves... :-|
Apologies to anyone racing at PP600 Suzuka last night around 8pm GMT - I was in a dark red Elise 111R and I think the long drifts I was attempting to control caused a bit of chaos! Methinks I need to tame the oversteer a bit...
Appologies to all those GTPers I have seemingly tried to delibrately annoy on Suzuka600pro last night, by being to slow and wide!

To the rest of the GTPers on their overnight, really enjoyed the racing.👍

No problem Burnout, i saw what happened.

i loved the racing, you were very good defending and not so slow at all! ;)
not sure if pegasusrjf is here, great race mate @ Suzuka 500pp! apologies for the one time that i bumped you in the rear of your VW. I think our braking points are completely different.

not sure if pegasusrjf is here, great race mate @ Suzuka 500pp! apologies for the one time that i bumped you in the rear of your VW. I think our braking points are completely different.


no apology needed. I was in a slower car, and therefore I was driving more defensive with the Gilf IV, than when we raced later with me in a Focus, then Golf V.
Apologies to GTP_Sjaak I think I may have ruined your race about 4ish today Suzuka 600pp. Thought I’d hold back and wait for you to catch up and give you a race to the end. I was just having a bad driving day, apart from the previous race where I had GTP_Kelly on the last bends at Suzuka but we both had to avoid the bad driving of some Clio’s.
Enjoyed the racing greatly also!!

if you wouldnt mind PM-ing Sphinx to that effect as some people around here were not v happy at my efforts.

I will do that, im very suprised people complaint? :grumpy:
Enjoyed the racing greatly also!!

if you wouldnt mind PM-ing Sphinx to that effect as some people around here were not v happy at my efforts.


You were fast. Very. Especially for a 430 on Suzuka. I had to go to a lot of trouble to overtake you in a tuned Clio, but no way you where being over defensive or unfair.

If people actually knew how to drive, they would have been able to take you. Obviously, that may have to happen on "non standard" overtaking places, like i did a couple of times. Otherwise, there was no way anyone could do it, you being fast (and the car wide) around corners, and having a powerfull car on the straights.

Oh, and for the record, I wasn't even using my GTP_ tag, and I can assure you he didn't treat me in anyway special for being one of the "team".

ON Topic: I want to apologize to someone in a blue Integra. Suzuka 500. Very dumb, no excuse for that contact... sorry
Sorry to GTP_BUTTONJ, after being took out in the 3rd race with you maybe, i was rejoining and didnt look and ended up taking you out, luckily it was already over for us by that point.
I want to apologize to GTP_PlusP for plowing into him going into turns 1 & 2 at Suzuka 750pp last night. I should have known better and took it easier. We were both up front leading, an I messed it up. Shame on me :guilty:
I'm back again! This time for GTP_Racer_LP who (although this is more just an incident i felt responsible) following you into 130R you braked way harder then i anticipated nd i punted you, thats why on the last bend i saw you behind me and gave you my position for the earlier incident.
I want to apologize to GTP_PlusP for plowing into him going into turns 1 & 2 at Suzuka 750pp last night. I should have known better and took it easier. We were both up front leading, an I messed it up. Shame on me :guilty:

No way. I owe you the apology for pulling out onto the track and causing you to crash into me. I looked, but didn't see you until it was too late.

I was having big time braking issues with a car I had only hot-lapped. It was probably not your fault because I found myself braking in weird places all night. You were racing like a champ.👍


Also, apologies to drama-kyd. You were racing like a real sportsman all night so I decided to let you have the inside lead through that hard left at the end of the Suzuka back straight and ended up causing us both to crash because I did not slow down fast enough to let you in. :dunce: There were so many overly aggressive drivers tonight in the PP700. Every time I saw drama-kyd get into first or second place through clean driving, someone always managed to ram him off the track. I was feeling for ya!

Sorry guys

Apologies sent via PSN as well.
Also, apologies to drama-kyd. You were racing like a real sportsman all night so I decided to let you have the inside lead through that hard left at the end of the Suzuka back straight and ended up causing us both to crash because I did not slow down fast enough to let you in. :dunce: There were so many overly aggressive drivers tonight in the PP700. Every time I saw drama-kyd get into first or second place through clean driving, someone always managed to ram him off the track. I was feeling for ya!

Sorry guys

Apologies sent via PSN as well.

Indeed drama-kyd is a sportsman. I saw it also. He was also the host and couple of times. Rather than disconecting, he pulled off out of the way and waited. That green Amuse must of been a target last night.

It's very hard to drive defensivly with many crash & burners on at once.
sorry to any one I may have wrecked anyoied slowed down or other wise frustrated tonight in the 750 suzuka race. I thought I had a handle on that blitz but my line is just way to diffrent than everyone elses to race online. Ive turned my best laps at szuzuka in that blitz (2'04'520 well I think its a good lap anyway) I just have to enter and roll thru the center so much slower to get a good run off that I get run over, so I decided to dive in the corners and sacrifice my exit speed, well then I got run over on exit :(... and that thing is such a bizatch to get back under controll when you get off line or knocked around. I'll work on it more before I go back online, either I get it to hook up off the corner or I just wont run it online anymore.
Sorry to the guys I was racing tonight. I just picked up the wheel today and I'm a little wild with it right now trying to get use to it. I think one was gtp_gtbadboy? I found out the hard way the two cars you guys were using need to brake a lot earlier than I do and I made a mess of things. :(
I'm back again! This time for GTP_Racer_LP who (although this is more just an incident i felt responsible) following you into 130R you braked way harder then i anticipated nd i punted you, thats why on the last bend i saw you behind me and gave you my position for the earlier incident.

Yeah, I thought that was the reason you let me go past at the end, but as you say it was just an incident so you didn't have to, but thanks anyway:tup:. I wasn't taking the fastest line there to give you some room on the inside so you could pass me if you wanted (although 130R isn't really the best corner to pass, a lot of guys try to overtake there).
That's why I braked more then I would normally do.
Sorry to GTP div(CA) for waiting on the guys in front of me to make a mistake so I could make my pass ( I guess you could not wait two more turns so you had to punt me!). And sorry to GTP slicecom(CA) for moving over so you could not dive-bomb me in final corner at suzuka!
No offense, but we've to come a point where every non GTP members are seen as an enemy. We used to be cool but the % of non GTP members that are clean and fast is so small the odds are well favored against you.
Sorry to GTP div(CA) for waiting on the guys in front of me to make a mistake so I could make my pass ( I guess you could not wait two more turns so you had to punt me!). And sorry to GTP slicecom(CA) for moving over so you could not dive-bomb me in final corner at suzuka!

We have a complaints procedure here if you have a genuine complaint. Having a fatuous rant in here will get you nowhere.

Follow this link to the complaints procedure.
No offense, but we've to come a point where every non GTP members are seen as an enemy. We used to be cool but the % of non GTP members that are clean and fast is so small the odds are well favored against you.

I think GTP members are seen as the enemy. I believe that when there is a field of GTP cars on track that not all, but many of the other contestants know that they are up against skill, control and speed and are not equipped to deal with the type of racing philosophy that the majority of our members subscribe to.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we have a monopoly on good racing. But there does seem to be a tendancy for host quitting and the other garbage behavior when there is a few or more GTPer's in a mixed field.

Call me paranoid...
Terrible night last night. Lag, cars jumping around like Mexican jumping beans, cars appearing out of no where, etc. etc. etc.

So if in the course of all that I unintentionally plastered anyone you have my sincere apologies. (GTP_Jake and Sphinx for at least 2 I know of) I lasted 4 races and retired from the chaos. I hope that condition doesn't remain the norm!

edit: Ravenmaven, I don't think your paranoid at all......... enough said.
I think GTP members are seen as the enemy. I believe that when there is a field of GTP cars on track that not all, but many of the other contestants know that they are up against skill, control and speed and are not equipped to deal with the type of racing philosophy that the majority of our members subscribe to.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we have a monopoly on good racing. But there does seem to be a tendancy for host quitting and the other garbage behavior when there is a few or more GTPer's in a mixed field.

Call me paranoid...

Well... as I said before, I don't need the attention a GTP_tag sometimes brings to me (good or bad), so many times I drive with the other tag. Call me paranoid also...