Online Racing -> Apologies Here!

...Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we have a monopoly on good racing. But there does seem to be a tendancy for host quitting and the other garbage behavior when there is a few or more GTPer's in a mixed field.

Call me paranoid...

Hey! As a GTP member without a GTP_ tag I sure have seen that races seems to be more often disconnected when the field shows various GTP_ tags, I'm talking more than 3, suddenly when the GTP_ tags go away, the race is no longer disconnected, yes with 80% of the time the same field but without the GTP_ tags. What that means? I don't know? But it sure doesn't help me race against the people I'd like.
Hey! As a GTP member without a GTP_ tag I sure have seen that races seems to be more often disconnected when the field shows various GTP_ tags, I'm talking more than 3, suddenly when the GTP_ tags go away, the race is no longer disconnected, yes with 80% of the time the same field but without the GTP_ tags. What that means? I don't know? But it sure doesn't help me race against the people I'd like.

I don't know what that means either. I hope it's as Ravenmaven said

I think GTP members are seen as the enemy. I believe that when there is a field of GTP cars on track that not all, but many of the other contestants know that they are up against skill, control and speed and are not equipped to deal with the type of racing philosophy that the majority of our members subscribe to.

Paranoid?... well there always seems to be someone behind me:sly:
I noticed this also. They pull the plug all the time if I am leading which is most of the time if there are no other GTP_ in the room. The fastest guys on a constant basis are GTP_members from what I have seen except for a select few. I think we are getting a reputation out there as a clan-team who dominates races and they don't like it. I think we get punted a roughed up because of this also. When I'm on a different tag I have fewer problems with others online. Hopefully soon with update they will fix this disconnect issue as well as the whole rough driving issue as well. Almost like GTP_ is a target on your rear bumper. Just makes it more of a challenge is all but I love a challenge!
Sorry I was not trying to start anything. I think we could of had a great race together after we worked through the pack. I tried switching my gamer tag but when I created a new account it reset all of my settings so I ran with my oringinal tag. Anyways I hope to race you again soon :sly:
I tried switching my gamer tag but when I created a new account it reset all of my settings so I ran with my oringinal tag.

You had to copy your save game. Now you still can, but you need to delete the new save in the new account first:

- Login with your new GTP_ account. Delete the save game on you new GTP_account.

- Login with your old account. Copy the save game to your new GTP_account.

Just don't make the mistake of deleting the save on the old account :)
I think GTP members are seen as the enemy. I believe that when there is a field of GTP cars on track that not all, but many of the other contestants know that they are up against skill, control and speed and are not equipped to deal with the type of racing philosophy that the majority of our members subscribe to.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we have a monopoly on good racing. But there does seem to be a tendancy for host quitting and the other garbage behavior when there is a few or more GTPer's in a mixed field.

Call me paranoid...

I don't sport a GTP tag but I have recently noticed this happening to GTPers.

Seeing GTP tags before the start, I anticipate a good race. Only to be disappointed by host quiting or GTPers being bashed into the gravel. It makes the already difficult task of finding a good race even harder.
The first name that spring's to mind is GTP_JASE72, i completly missed my braking point in a recent Suzuka PP500 we had together and punted him off into the gravel. sorry fella

This thread is perfect for me, i think i'll be here a lot:guilty:
The first name that spring's to mind is GTP_JASE72, i completly missed my braking point in a recent Suzuka PP500 we had together and punted him off into the gravel. sorry fella

This thread is perfect for me, i think i'll be here a lot:guilty:

No worries fella. WE ALL make mistakes. I always like seeing your name in the line up. 👍
To jbdaddy...So sorry bout that bump, I got bumped from behind by ythe blue EVO X that also got a penalty and just couldnt wait to ghet out of the esses before he tried to pass me..again sorry bout that
sorry to any one I may have wrecked anyoied slowed down or other wise frustrated tonight in the 750 suzuka race. I thought I had a handle on that blitz but my line is just way to diffrent than everyone elses to race online. Ive turned my best laps at szuzuka in that blitz (2'04'520 well I think its a good lap anyway) I just have to enter and roll thru the center so much slower to get a good run off that I get run over, so I decided to dive in the corners and sacrifice my exit speed, well then I got run over on exit :(... and that thing is such a bizatch to get back under controll when you get off line or knocked around. I'll work on it more before I go back online, either I get it to hook up off the corner or I just wont run it online anymore.

Don't worry about it. I was in a lot of the same races as you yesterday. No complaints from my side. I actually bought the Blitz after seeing you race it, hoping that it'd be a little more controllable than my vette. Hopefully I didn't punt you off the track at any time (if I did, I'm sorry :nervous:) I think I'm going to revert back to my Evo. It'll still hang in there because it starts up front, only loses on the straights, but it doesn't get unsettled like everything else.
No offense, but we've to come a point where every non GTP members are seen as an enemy. We used to be cool but the % of non GTP members that are clean and fast is so small the odds are well favored against you.

I saw you yesterday in your GT just stop racing if you got turned around by someone. I've been thinking about adding the GTP moniker, but I'm afraid now.
Well it's definately a target on your back that's for sure.

White S2000 right? I do remember you. Keep your ID for now and change to GTP once we get private room, oh and add me to friends list this way I don't "accidently" ram you and consider you as an enemy:)
Don't worry about it. I was in a lot of the same races as you yesterday. No complaints from my side. I actually bought the Blitz after seeing you race it, hoping that it'd be a little more controllable than my vette. Hopefully I didn't punt you off the track at any time (if I did, I'm sorry :nervous:) I think I'm going to revert back to my Evo. It'll still hang in there because it starts up front, only loses on the straights, but it doesn't get unsettled like everything else.

Thanks that makes me feel better. Glad to see I wasnt a total discrace in that thing. I really like driving it. On corner entry and mid corner it handles fantastic and its got gobbs of power, but it just dosnt have any forward bite. I threw somepretty insane setups at it and I got it better but not sure if it was enuf. It was a monster on the oval at 700 mabye I'll try it there again at 750 :)
Well it's definately a target on your back that's for sure.

White S2000 right? I do remember you. Keep your ID for now and change to GTP once we get private room, oh and add me to friends list this way I don't "accidently" ram you and consider you as an enemy:)

well as long as their aiming at the target on our backs, we're still in front!

I guess I will call it a disease for now.

I have been in numerous rooms with multiple GTP tags (the large majority are good, clean racers), and the room either closes, or there is bashing of the GTP members.

I for one won't add GTP to my PSN ID for this reason (but not my primary reason).

My primary reason for not adding GTP to my PSN ID is that I have used this ID (Pegasusrjf) for at least 10 years in various gaming, and other internet related activities.

Don't want to use a different tag as I am known in some circles with the name I have right now (although I have it so others won't take it, LOL), I prefer to use my own. Maybe at some point in the future (maybe with private rooms) I will start to use it, but that creates different issues as I may end up belonging to more than one group (GTRP I am also a forum member of).
I agree Sphinx that long term it won't be an issue, but having to create multiple accounts just to play with a group a people to me doesn't seem suitable.

For years I have played with this Gamertag, and even belonging to multiple forums, or other groups it was easier to be just recognized by my tag, rather than having to create multiple.

It can become an issue later with private rooms and some groups may not allow you race without their tag, meaning signing out and signing in multiple times in an evening of racing, if you are racing at different times with different groups in the same evening and/or session.

Quitting the game to sign-out and back in to me is a terrible waste of time (especially considering that GT5 always resets the default brake pressue, meaning full brake pressue first time you hit, and clutch not engaging the first time or two). This makes it frustrating to say the least, but not impossible.
I see. Let's hope that PD will include the ability to add an in-game a tag to our names, like COD currently does.
royalblau sorry for bumping you off on one of the pp 750 races last night. i waited for you after, but the head to head was ruined. it was fun racing with you.
I think it all comes down to this! If you want to be punted by a GTP member then dont use the GTP_ in front of your name, and if you want to punted by non GTP members then put the GTP_ in front of your name. :)
this ones to Div. I dont know if i hit you but since i havent passed you in a bout a week i forgot what it felt like. I'm still hoping it was clean tho.


while i'm here i want to apologise for all the GTP_ people acting the fool today, driving inapropriate cars, and not racing properly, and stopping on track. You make us all look bad when you do that with our tag.

I got rammed off alot of times on Suzuka 700/750PP, really annoying when your first..
however I sometimes ram people off accidentally maybe we judge people too fast on ramming people on purpose, cause when I 'ram' someone.. it kind of goes a bit too fast, like I'm behind someone and I slighty hit him in right or left backside and then he suddenly flies of the track.. maybe it's lag or something I dunno, you have to imagine the above is happening in a turn like the zigzag turns in Suzuka, not when breaking hard for a harpin and somebody bumps/rams you.. I hope you understand this and get my point

and ofcourse sorry for the people that I accidentally rammed/bumped off

royalblau sorry for bumping you off on one of the pp 750 races last night. i waited for you after, but the head to head was ruined. it was fun racing with you.

No problem, I knew it was incidental. It would have been nice to have a few more in the field for that race but we gave it a good run anyways.
to GTP_Luxy, sorry I bumped you in the first 600pp, Suzuka race I raced you in. It was going into that wide turn before the uphill straightaway. The second race, however, was all you.;) There was another car between us that may have punted you but I wasn't anywhere near you.

And to GTP_hoot420, you and that other racer were hogging up the whole road for most of that lap, I just tried to squeeze inbetween you two.

I've been bumped several times and bumped a few people myself, I'm not sure if any of them were my fault or if it's just racing but I apologize anyway. I watch a lot of racing but an relatively new to online racing. I'm still trying to figure out what's racing vs. what's reckless driving.
@chris0: No worries :) Thanks for waiting for me to get out of the kitty litter. The second time, I was trying to pass that other car on the inside and just over-cooked it :P