Yesterday I rebuilt my carb.
Nothing special, rebuilding the carb was really easy, but my dad and I had a hell of a time getting it to work correctly. We put it back on but when I started my car up and revved it to take the choke off it went to a higher idle and wouldn't go down. We spent at least a good half an hour adjusting things, taking apart the carb, and just trying everything to get it to work. Finally we realized that a cable was preventing the carb from going down to idle, so we take it off and tada, it works. Turns out whoever put the carb on last must have put it on as far back as possible, so the pedal cable was adjusted for that. We adjusted it and it was fine, although i'm a bit skeptical on whether or not the cable is letting me get the full use out of my carb or not.
After we got everything back to normal I took her for a drive and she ran much smoother. Doing a bit of stepping on it I'm still skeptical, but from a dead stop I can still get the tires going as well it was. It was quite a hot day so I can't be sure, will have to try it out some other time.
On a much more random note the other day I stopped to take another picture of the 442 I saw as well as another car he was selling (I'll post them up when I'm not feeling so lazy), and decided to take a picture of my car:
I've also been doing a bit of thinking and have decided to get a new engine for it whenever the money shows up (don't expect anything this century basically, I could find osama bin laden easier than a job). My main goal would be to drop a 340 in it (which I've seen done before with room for tuned headers), but I'd be willing to go for a commando 273 or maybe a 318. My reason, I've been talking to a lot of people at car shows and with all the stuff I do I just don't want to risk blowing a numbers matching block. I'm not looking to sell it down the road or anything, but eventually sometime down the road when I'm not 17 anymore I think it would be nice to have a numbers matching cruiser (and have another crazy 66 to mess around in