[ORA] FIA GT World Championship [S3] | TRL_Evo and Ramalhinho are your PRO and AM Champions!Finished 

Bringing this to new page.
Join the ORA Community club! This is where the races will be hosted, you do not need to add the race host as a friend, all you have to do is join the club. Warning, as of now you can only join a total of 8 clubs in the community feature of GT6.

Club ID: 1025586
Name: [ORA] Online Racing Association.
We will be running public but we will race under this club after preseasons
We had to make one adjustment because we just had the information that Aboe can't compete this season. So crelou is now a full time driver and TeamEdge702 is now in the Viper (which was his 2nd car choice).


Team Name: SRT Motorsports
Driver 1: ozwheels | ozwheels3
Driver 2: TeamEdge702 | TNR_Pfeffer702
Car: SRT Viper GTS-R (Team Oreca)
Thats stupid
Well, 2nd car choice is not bad actually. Some people like Tierney didn't get that chance, he has his 7th car choice, and he not complained about that.
I prefer a free-for-all when it comes to car choice (allocation relies heavily on the cars being balanced perfectly in order to be fair) but I can make do with the Ford. Not expecting to be near the front anyway.
Well I missed it!! Great! That time converter thing is wrong!! It said that it would start at 8.30 for me!! That's why I missed it
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@CodDemon101 @Litchi @Charlie A @Brutaka I respect the hard work and time it takes to put on a proper series but these regs need help. The Audi is 2 seconds faster than the whole field. The SLS and Z4 have too much pull out of corners and too much top speed. If you watch the replay I literally could not pass Cod no matter how many mistakes he made. Just about everyone in the top 8 says the same thing.
AM Race Report
Interesting one, first off, congrats to our winner: @llmorganll on an outstanding victory.

Next what I'm about to say isn't all too jolly. I was kinda dissapointed with how some of you acted, you all took this way too personal and serious when this was just a pre-season event, there was no need to use profanity even if it wasn't used as an insult. I will not say any names, however, I will personally inform the drivers who I saw misbehaving. Next time, stop being so aggressive towards other drivers and vent your anger after the race with the incident report form or by PMing a steward.

Don't forget to fill out the incident report form, even though this is a pre-season event,All penalty rules still apply.
I've seen a good race with some great battles.

I know that some people are complaining a lot on the chatbox. There's absolutely no reason to do that. If you guys want to complain, tell your thoughts here, on the thread, explaining your point of you with arguments, exactly like Tim did here. Stewards will not waste their time to listen you on the chatbox.

About the car specs, you guys know them since over 2 weeks at least. So you had plenty of time to give your feedbacks. It's not once you're in the room that you have to deal and argue about car specs.

Pre-season races are here to allow us to make the adjustments, so keep your calm. No need to be agressive.
@CodDemon101 @Litchi @Charlie A @Brutaka I respect the hard work and time it takes to put on a proper series but these regs need help. The Audi is 2 seconds faster than the whole field. The SLS and Z4 have too much pull out of corners and too much top speed. If you watch the replay I literally could not pass Cod no matter how many mistakes he made. Just about everyone in the top 8 says the same thing.
Yet most of this report is false. The top 8 consisted more of people that said nothing than people like you
Yet most of this report is false. The top 8 consisted more of people that said nothing than people like you
Are you serious right now? The Audi drivers themselves said the car is way too fast. Torch said the regs are bad. Eol who drives a SLS said it has too much horsepower and he said the Z4 is too fast. I'm in a room now with 9 people from both rooms who said the regs are bad. Pf and 5z said there bad. I don't quite understand how I beat you by 13 seconds the other day yet now I can't pass you. I was in your draft and didn't even pull on you. How is that fair?

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