• Thread starter BrandonW77
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It was a Black and Gold F-Body he drove, Close enough for me!!! lol

Closest you can get in the game. I wish we had a '85 TA T-Top with a little red light in the grill that sweeps back and forth. And a livery editor that lets me put a confederate flag on the roof of my orange Charger. :sly:

Lounge will be open in about 10-15 minutes.

edit: and the lounge is open
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I'd like to bring up something that is needs attention.

When you are battling a guy and come the last lap he brakes and lets you by so he can have the draft at the end. Anyway it's dirty and not the kind of racing ORCA is about.

Also would like to see something discussed about top two bump drafting. Only reason I bring it up is the car is running out of gear in draft. No way you will catch anyone running out of gear.

These are my opinions and would appreciate feedback.

Discuss please.
I'd like to bring up something that is needs attention.

When you are battling a guy and come the last lap he brakes and lets you by so he can have the draft at the end. Anyway it's dirty and not the kind of racing ORCA is about.

Also would like to see something discussed about top two bump drafting. Only reason I bring it up is the car is running out of gear in draft. No way you will catch anyone running out of gear.

These are my opinions and would appreciate feedback.

Discuss please.

Can we add "making multiple line changes on the straights to try breaking the draft" to the list of unacceptables?
NC, I thought that was already mentioned somewhere in the OLR. Maybe I just interpreted that from the blocking rule.

Owens, when in the lead, race for the win. No games. That is my opinion. I have seen plenty drivers man up in the lead of a drafting type race and still pull of the win.
NC, I thought that was already mentioned somewhere in the OLR. Maybe I just interpreted that from the blocking rule.

I believe it is, but a little reminder never hurts.
There was a driver in particular who was constantly swerving back and forth on the straights to either break the draft or blatantly block the trailing driver. This same driver also deliberately took out a driver as they were crossing the finish line to maintain his position. THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!. I realize we're trying a more casual format but I still expect everyone to be gentlemen and obey the rules. If I see any more of this you will be removed from the Champ lounge friends list and won't be participating in anymore ORCA events.
I suggested removing bump drafting once before to no effect, even though I've taken advantage of it. To me it takes away from the realism and adds a new element to the racing, that is, trying to race with someone else, as fast as possible, to maintain the gap on the guys behind you, and possibly using leapfrogging to gain a small advantage.

I've had that last lap braking thing happen to me, in the Alfa series in fact, when battling for the lead at the last race at Spa. I thought it was dirty pool at the time but I'm not sure if I mentioned it, I just figured if someone wanted the win that bad, I'd let them have it. Tough to enforce, but when it happened to me it was pretty obvious I thought.
I suggested removing bump drafting once before to no effect.

How would I police this? Watch every replay from every driver's point of view to make sure there was no bump drafting at any point in the race? No thanks. I'm all for the idea but I can't enforce it and because most other leagues allow bump drafting it would mean people would have to adopt a different set of rules when racing with us which leads to confusion. Then a new driver shows up and hasn't read all the rules so he bump drafts during a race which leads to complaints and protests of the results. It's a fine idea but it's just not practical.
I'd like to bring up something that is needs attention.

When you are battling a guy and come the last lap he brakes and lets you by so he can have the draft at the end. Anyway it's dirty and not the kind of racing ORCA is about.

Also would like to see something discussed about top two bump drafting. Only reason I bring it up is the car is running out of gear in draft. No way you will catch anyone running out of gear.

These are my opinions and would appreciate feedback.

Discuss please.

How is that a dirty move, if someone wants to let you pass to set up a drafting situation i don't see that as a dirty move. A dirty move would be blocking you so you could not pass. But you know I'm all for the rules and if it is deemed illegal then I will not do it again, sorry that you lost control of your car if not for that you would have won that race
How would I police this? Watch every replay from every driver's point of view to make sure there was no bump drafting at any point in the race? No thanks. I'm all for the idea but I can't enforce it and because most other leagues allow bump drafting it would mean people would have to adopt a different set of rules when racing with us which leads to confusion. Then a new driver shows up and hasn't read all the rules so he bump drafts during a race which leads to complaints and protests of the results. It's a fine idea but it's just not practical.

How do you police anything in GT5? Short of watching replays, everyone is on their honour. We say we don't want shortcutting at tracks like Monza and we can't police that without watching a replay but it doesn't stop us from imposing the rule. How is this any different? I think any of the regulars are more than capable of adapting to new rules quite easily and I'm sure we can accomodate a new guy if he happens to make a mistake here or there. We're not cave dwellers...lol...no one is going to freak out because they got bump drafted by the new guy, we'll just politely tell him after the race that we don't race like that, same as anything else a new guy might do, like divebombing etc.
How is that a dirty move, if someone wants to let you pass to set up a drafting situation i don't see that as a dirty move. A dirty move would be blocking you so you could not pass. But you know I'm all for the rules and if it is deemed illegal then I will not do it again, sorry that you lost control of your car if not for that you would have won that race

While the GTPlanet Rules don't cover that specific situation, they do say the following, which to me, covers this kind of thing:

You are expected to compete in a fair and honest manner. With fair and honest is meant according to the GTP online racing rules, not according to your own interpretation of fair and honest.

You are expected to drive responsibly in a way that’s not likely to ruin the racing enjoyment of your fellow drivers.

You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen at all times.
How do you police anything in GT5? Short of watching replays, everyone is on their honour. We say we don't want shortcutting at tracks like Monza and we can't police that without watching a replay but it doesn't stop us from imposing the rule. How is this any different?

I police tires by setting a tire restriction in the settings, I police tuning by picking "tuning prohibited", I can police weight/power/pp by using those settings. For points races at Monza I was have a pretty detailed chat in the days before explaining what I expect from the drivers, asking them to try to keep it legal but letting them know I'm going to be fairly lenient as long as they're not deliberately straight-lining chicanes. It works, but I don't want to do that 4 times a week. Besides, cutting a chicane a little too much has much less impact than two cars bumping their way ahead of the field so you can't really even draw that comparison.

I can ask, for the sake of good sportsmanship, that people avoid forming two-car bump draft packs and pulling away from the field, but I don't really have a way to enforce it so I can't really "ban" it.

...no one is going to freak out because they got bump drafted by the new guy....

Easy to say since you don't get all the PM's from people freaking out about new guys doing things they don't like. :sly:
How is that a dirty move, if someone wants to let you pass to set up a drafting situation i don't see that as a dirty move. A dirty move would be blocking you so you could not pass. But you know I'm all for the rules and if it is deemed illegal then I will not do it again, sorry that you lost control of your car if not for that you would have won that race

Dirty may not be the best word for this, but perhaps more like poor sportsmanship. While NASCAR ethics are no where near the same as road racing, there is quite a bit of drafting (especially at Daytona, Indy, and Talladega). In all the years I have followed NASCAR (even back to the 80s where sling shotting was so much more prevalent) I can't recall any lead driver giving up the lead on purpose just to try and gain a sling shot advantage.

In ORCA, there are a group of drivers that have been together for nearly a year or more. Over this time there has been a lot of racing with each other and a great deal of respect earned. As a one time new comer to the group, I quickly realized this was a group I wanted to race with and wanted to earn the respect of. Have I made some mistakes along the way...sure (just look at Monza race 2...yuck on my part). But along the way I have had a lot of coaching and suggestions on race craft and what is expected in this group. I continue to work to earn/keep the respect of the drivers in this group. I think a vast majority of the group would rather run behind another driver than make any contact at all. Many of us are excited to see others perform well and have a great race. These are the things that keep me coming back to this group above all else. The competition is fierce in this group with many talented drivers. But above all else, there are many drivers who have become friends and treat each other with a ton of respect. To all new comers, I hope you read these words and think about why you have chosen ORCA as one of your racing stops. If you want to win at all costs, perhaps another series or club would be better. If you want to have great, close competition with the faith and confidence that the guys around you are going to race you respectfully...even when a big win is on the line, then this is the group for you. The biggest suggestion I have is the word I probably used the most...respect.
ORCA Champ Room Open for Practice!!!

It's Race time. 30 minutes till green flag
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Great racing guys 👍
Sorry I have missed so many race, just didn't like the F430 then I forgot about the SS RM.
And for some reason that camaro is a pain to drive, on race one the FFB felt very odd with this car.
After that I got use to it and had a great 3 way battle with trackbound and Owens.
Tournaments begin tonight! We'll start off with the Brera Sky's at Eiger, continue with the Scuderia's at Rome and finish off with the Camaro SS RM at Monza. I think we'll do 7 laps at the first two and 6 laps at Monza (about 10-12 minutes per race). The lounge will open at 7pm EDT and we'll practice all the car/track combos. At 8pm we'll reset to Eiger and do 8 minutes of qualifying before starting the race. There will be a 5-6 minute break between each race and the final two races will start with reverse grids. Hope to see lots of you on track tonight!
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