Osama Bin Laden is dead.

What puzzles me is, and it was mentioned on Sky News this morning is that, how did he hide in a mansion for 10 years, in a town, with 18 foot high walls and no telephone lines. Did nobody wonder what was going on in there?

He wasn't in there for 10 years and we've been hunting him for longer than that. The construction on that compound didn't even begin until after 2004 and Osama Bin Laden was at the top of the FBI's Most Wanted list years prior to the attacks of 9/11/01.
Some people like privacy, it is somthing that the western world lacks a bit with every thing being recorded.

The Amish don't use modern things like phones, should we start suspecting them of evil deeds?, No.
Do you really think it was Pakistani's respect for privacy that kept Bin Laden safe from the CIA? Personally, I smell cover-up, but that's just my guess.
What puzzles me is, and it was mentioned on Sky News this morning is that, how did he hide in a mansion for 10 years, in a town, with 18 foot high walls and no telephone lines. Did nobody wonder what was going on in there?
In that part of the world, when you see a place like that w/ 2 heavily armed men watching the gates, it's probably best not to ask unless you want to end up in the ground.
Rand Paul's take on it:

"I commend our troops, the intelligence community, and the military leaders involved in both the administrations of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama for their perseverance and courage in pursuit of this most grievous enemy of the United States of America.”

He gave credit to those who did the work without citing Obama specifically. You can include the President under the label "military leaders". There is no reason to congratulate Obama specifically because this victory wasn't a result of his actions specifically.
Suppose it is impossible, granting that our nation is as politically charged as it is, but it just seems counter productive to repeatedly dissect and contrast speeches/statements regarding this topic. The most important thing is that we (meaning the United States of America) finally brought justice to an individual, who by their own actions, clearly deserved it. To some extent, be the contribution great or small, we all participated. "Stand together or forever be divided"... or something like that.

Anyway...IMHO, I still think this sentence is wholly appropriate and well stated:

Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.
In that part of the world, when you see a place like that w/ 2 heavily armed men watching the gates, it's probably best not to ask unless you want to end up in the ground.


The fact that some people were hiding Bin Laden is not equivalent to the entire country hiding him. Something that gets lost on many people who aren't aware of how critical Pakistan and the Pakistani military are to the global fight against Islamic radicals.

There are definitely bad eggs in there, but we can't throw the whole country under the rug because of them.
Glad you're standing down from the claim that Obama childishly took credit for “other people's work.”

I did? That was purely unintentional.

Personally I have no significant concerns with the speech as given.

Also I don't feel this speech especially emboldens the enemy, presuming you mean Al-Qaeda. I mean they hate us. Period. No matter what I/you/we/Obama/Cameron/Merkel/etc say or do they are going to continue right on hating us. And they will kill members of our respective militaries, governments and citizens as the mood and opportunity strikes them. Just the way it is, such a group doesn't need emboldening as they've already claimed justification by their Creator. “God has granted me the right, in fact commanded me to kill as many of 'you' as possible.” A belief doesn't get much more bold than that.

I like this argument and I use it a lot. There is no pissing them off any more than they already are, so why should we worry about anything? I see this as not so much a matter of ticking anyone off as it is a matter of making their efforts look impossible and hopeless versus making us look weak and vulnerable to repeated attack. I think these terrorists are the kind to be emboldened by weakness.

We haven't responded to 9/11 well as a nation. The last 10 years have been rather depressing from that point of view as we have turned on ourselves, fight amongst ourselves, and flail about redefining our principles so that they can incorporate safety from those who would use them against us. Would-be terrorists have had much cause to think that America is weak, and easily toppled by their continued efforts. Not only do they hate us, but they have much reason to believe that they are effective.

Here we had a rare opportunity to take a victory in the war against Al Qaeda and use it to discourage our enemies. We had the opportunity to tell them exactly what Hillary Clinton and George Bush said... that you can't wait us out, that you can't run or hide, that we're not as fickle as we might seem - that we will eventually find you wherever you are and justice will be done. It is an opportunity for us to look like we're actually competent, like Al Qaeda's goals are futile.

Instead Obama made no such overtures. He took the opportunity to remind the world how badly we have responded to 9/11, and how vulnerable we are. He couldn't put aside party politics and had to take digs at... essentially America... and our inability to get the job done.

When you're running for office, feel free to criticize the previous president and make the government look as bad as you want. When you're president and delivering a victory speech during a war, you might want to put your game face on and stop trying to take personal credit at the cost of making the country look less unified and less competent.
On the point being made that Obama is "taking all of the credit" - That's a two-way street. You're operating under the assumption that his decision to go into the compound was the right one. An argument could be made that he was "taking responibility" and that any and all criticism in regards to the operation would fall onto his shoulders. It was his decision to go after bin Laden. He alone is the Commander-in-Cheif. He made the final decision to move on the intelligence. This is just like Gran Turismo - if the game is awesome all of the credit goes to Kaz. If the game is flawed, the blame goes to him as well. Obama was taking responsibility, for better or worse.

At this point for Obama: so far so good. That's not to say that people won't change their minds in a month and want to stick his head on a pike. Such is the life of a leader.

EDIT: Found an interesting story about a teacher who vowed not to shave his beard until the capture or death of Osama Bin Laden: {LINK}
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The fact that some people were hiding Bin Laden is not equivalent to the entire country hiding him. Something that gets lost on many people who aren't aware of how critical Pakistan and the Pakistani military are to the global fight against Islamic radicals.

There are definitely bad eggs in there, but we can't throw the whole country under the rug because of them.
I said I smelled a cover-up earlier. I personally think the odds are pretty good that some powerful figures in Pakistan did protect Bin Laden. But we may never see any political or military action by the U.S. against those people, or Pakistan, exactly because of the part of your quote I underlined. I hope more information regarding this will be released in the near future. I'm not sure if I like Pakistan right now, but I am not at all knowledgeable about the politics & alliances there.

I also don't know exactly how long the U.S. & Pakistan has worked together, but I do remember reading about U.S. selling F16's to Pakistan, when I was still a kid(I'm 37 now). I guess I got more readings to do.
Personally I have no significant concerns with the speech as given.

I agree with this. This is an interesting thread with varied (slanted) points of view, and it has mainly served to increase the number of users on my ignore list.
Massive co-incidence, here in Australia a new episode of South Park was show last night. Less than 10 hours after the news came out

This is the end of the episode:

This is just an episode played in it's order in the series, I saw that it's title was correct from a printed TV guide from days ago. This was a showing that was the same across Australia. Probably been lined up to play last night for literally months.

How incredible are the odds.
Here is another coincidence. This was taped between Bin Laden being killed and the official announcement.
I wondered how long it was until shows like south park, family guy and american dad make fun of bin lardens death.
The facts are pretty much;
Obama and the American government + military are telling us they killed Bin Laden.
Supposedly some guy tweeted about the action, so at least there was an attack.
The US claim to have dumped the body at sea and claim 99% certainty of a DNA test of unknown type.

Its more to do with simply being told by a government they have done something, with little to no evidence. Sure, there are reasonable excuses for why certain evidence can't be shown, but there is still a lack of evidence. The typical religion vs. science thinking really.

Area 51 perhaps?
I agree with this. This is an interesting thread with varied (slanted) points of view, and it has mainly served to increase the number of users on my ignore list.

To ignore an opposing viewpoint robs you of the opportunity to test your own views and beliefs on their own merits.

Some of those with issues with the speech aren't necessarily right-wingers. I am actually far to the left of most Americans on this board (and I was pro-Obama last election), but I have minor quibbles with it.
Here is another coincidence. This was taped between Bin Laden being killed and the official announcement.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf7_dj8HQn4">YouTube Link</a>

Care to explain what it's about? Video not available in my country
Massive co-incidence, here in Australia a new episode of South Park was show last night. Less than 10 hours after the news came out

This is the end of the episode:

This is just an episode played in it's order in the series, I saw that it's title was correct from a printed TV guide from days ago. This was a showing that was the same across Australia. Probably been lined up to play last night for literally months.

How incredible are the odds.

I wondered how long it was until shows like south park, family guy and american dad make fun of bin lardens death.

That clip is from last season (Season 14). It originally aired on October 13, 2010. The particular episode is It's a Jersey Thing.

The clip is the end of the episode.
Care to explain what it's about? Video not available in my country

Sorry, dude. The clip is a comedian talking about C-Span, a public station that is about politics essentially, and how bad of a station it is. Then he goes on to say something about people believing Bin Laden is hiding out in the mountains, but really he has a tv show from 4-5pm everyday on c-span(people think he's hiding out despite him having a tv show because no one watches it). Then it shows Obama's rection, which is a grin from ear to ear.

It is just really funny seeing him laugh at a joke implying Bin Laden is alive when he is one of a few that knows Bin Laden is actually dead.
^^^ I checked that episode's listing on Wikipedia.

Someone has already put in mention of how it was aired in Australia just several hours after the news broke.

Yeah we can be a few months behind on some TV shows. Some are fast-tracked, others just wait their turn. There was another odd co-incidence with another show "The lone Gun-men" think it was called. X-files spin off series with those conspiracy theory friends of Mulder. Anyway the pilot episode featured terrorists hi-jacking a jet-liner and attempting to fly it into a skyscraper, but all was saved just in time. Anyway it aired here just a few days before the Sept11 2001 attacks.
Haha, Alex Jones, typically, doesn't believe bin Laden is dead. He's beyond the edge. I'm not sure if he actually believes himself, or he does it for the money. Either way, sometimes it's entertaining to read his junk.
One other funny thing about the real thing and south park is they both got shot above the left eye.
Theres deffinently something fishy about this , theres only one picture of him dead and it looks photoshoped then they dumped his body at sea ??? , why would you do that , and the guy who killed him isnt taking credit, if i killed him i'd want every one to know , and then when they showed the rooms in the house with blood in them there wernt any bodys ??? whered they go, there was a 40 minute fire fight.
Theres deffinently something fishy about this , theres only one picture of him dead and it looks photoshoped then they dumped his body at sea ??? , why would you do that , and the guy who killed him isnt taking credit, if i killed him i'd want every one to know , and then when they showed the rooms in the house with blood in them there wernt any bodys ??? whered they go, there was a 40 minute fire fight.

Everything is for security measures. Do you have a link where you saw this at? I am sure that they cleared out the bodies before letting anyone else in. I could clearly question that it could of been friendly fire that got to him.
if i killed him i'd want every one to know

If you struted around telling everyone you killed a bin larden most would say way to go, but the terrorists who supported him will would kill your family right infront of you then kill you just to teach you a lesson, that is the kind of people working at Al-Qaedea.

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