Osama Bin Laden is dead.

I dunno about all this. I'm a part time conspiracy theorist and I feel its a bit too convenient that while the world was staring at an extra irrelevant wedding, the government shows up with Osama's body?


Dude, it's the 24hour news era, they go through stories like Charlie Sheen goes through prostitutes and cocaine, the "Royal Wedding" was sort of a wedding for the media and the story, and now they are divorced and don't care anymore since something new popped up.

I give it until about Wednesday before they all find something else to talk about.
Interesting interpretation. The thing is, Obama did at least get the job done - finally. And it doesn't really matter to me how soppy you think Obama's words are - killing Bin Laden kind of says it all really.

Some of what you perceive Obama to be saying is, whether we like it or not, pretty close to the truth. We are still reeling from the advent of suicide attacks in our countries, and it is a new reality for us and we will have to learn to live with it.

It did take far too long to bring Bin Laden to justice (or just waste him, take your pick), and the pursuit of Bin Laden until recently was, for want of a better word, incompetent. I might also add the words half-hearted, which is a considerably more harsh assessment than merely 'incompetent', as it implies a lack of desire rather than a mere lack of skill/resources.

Either way, I do agree that Obama ought not to be showboating over this, and credit should be given to all of those who are responsible for tracking the bastard down and killing him. But, it is inevitable that Obama will take what credit he is due.

...or more in this case.

I agree that much of it is true. They did hurt us badly, and we are still reeling from what they could do with a few guys and some box cutters. But that doesn't mean that it's in anyone's best interest for the president to put it in that light at a time when we should be celebrating our success. All it will do is embolden our opponents and cheapen our victory.

Hillary Clinton outdid him... and that's something I never thought I'd say.
The pics of Osama that show part of his head missing are great. I really hope it is real.
There's an OLD saying in the community "A black man has to do twice the work to be considered half as good". I'll be damned if I haven't been reading that in this thread.
Well, we may have crippled them, but whose to say they won't strike back?

If somebody this important to Al-Qaeda gets killed by the U.S. then they will more than likely try to attack us.

I recommend everybody watches CNN throughout the month and be advised. Even though they have slim-to-none chances of reaching us we should think, "Better safe than sorry".
Well it's good sure, but I have a feeling that something isn't right. I can't feel good for wishing death onto any man. Whether they killed or not...I don't know.

If they'd found him, I swear we should've high-security tracked him for more months and then killed him on September 11th. It would've been the greatest day for America since WWII, I bet.
The pics of Osama that show part of his head missing are great. I really hope it is real.

It's a fake... :


...the picture, I mean, the death of the Face of Terror for the last few Years must be pretty real, though.

The humour around the event has, unavoidably, arose:


I just want to quote one cheering all TSA Lovers:P

And DanaArikane wrote:"They should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him continually go through airport security for the rest of his life."

... and other regarding the PSN Hack\outage.

Paul-Arthur on Quora wrote: "Bin Laden must have had his contact info in his PSN [PlayStation] account

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I can't wait until the next time I go to the beach. I'm going to think about this guy as I pee in the ocean. :sly:
An anagram of Osama Bin Laden is "Ol' bad man in sea"...

I love it. :D

Start the clock on conspiracy theories and a previously taped Osama bin Laden speech saying that we didn't kill him and that all the infidels will burn. This is just the beginning of a circus. I, for one, can't wait to pull that trigger in an upcoming Call of Duty game.
Blowing up our stuff tends to sour the relationship.
Throughout history, military alliances have had a way of backfiring, pun intended.

What's done is done, but the lesson to be taken away from it is to not help anybody in conflicts that are their own to deal with, otherwise you can bet on landing yourself in heaps of trouble at some point in the future. And yet the Libya fiasco has just begun.
I hope that this sends a message to Qaddafi* that he's being allowed to live and that we (the free world) could pull the trigger on him at any given moment. I honestly believe that if the Administration of any given world power (US, France, Italy, UK, Russia) wanted to take him out, they could do it without question. Not that I think they would or do I think that he cares (a guy like that wants to be a matyr), but I wish something like this could weaken the knees of an extremist/dictator.

*The spelling of his name is different everywhere you look, what's up with that?
Interesting interpretation. The thing is, Obama did at least get the job done - finally.
I haven't even seen his speech yet, but I can already tell you this statement is wrong. Obama didn't do a damn thing besides stand behind a podium and read from a teleprompter. The CIA and SEAL teams involved in the intelligence and operation are the ones who accomplished this mission. All the President did was authorize it.

And that's why Danoff is scolding Obama for what he said. Obama has had a history of doing things in public that could be percieved as the US being weak, and despite supporting these wars, he is nowhere near as supportive of the people in them as Bush was and does not give credit where credit is due. If you're going to spend tremendous amounts of money, spread our forces too thin, keep these men and women away from home for years, at least you could congratulate them on jobs well done and raise the morale a bit. I've heard the general perception of Obama by the military grunts isn't exactly positive for reasons such as these.
To tell you the truth, the first thought that crossed my mind was, "Great, they've gone and staged as raid, set up a press conference, and are lying to the world."

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't put it past them. Show me the videos and pictures of this raid and Bin Laden, then we'll talk.
As I said, it makes me suspicious, I don't see the need to discard the body like that - not that the body should be put on display in a museum - just the act of dumping the body where no one can find it sounds like they are trying to hide something.
Don't worry, you two. I am sure they will post up the evidence, right next to the birth certificate.

Look, I disagree with Obama on nearly every issue, but I am not out looking for evidence that he is trying to hide stuff like this from us. Play in the facts you have.

Right now showing evidence of Bin Laden's death is tricky, or have you already forgotten the grief that Bush dealt with when Hussein's sons were killed or even when they captured Saddam?

btw fox news still being fox news
That's not Fox News. That is a local Fox affiliate out of Sacramento, meaning that heading was incorrectly put in by some engineer in Sacramento.

When will people learn that affiliates local coverage do not represent the network as whole, or that local broadcast stations have very little interaction with the national cable stations?

Better yet, why does this only come up when it is Fox?

Against? Against? I could have sworn they were helping this guy before somebody decided chasing him would be a good way to convince us to give up more freedoms in support of the fight.
Clinton was looking for him too, but when they had a shot he was busy playing golf, supposedly. Do not forget that 9/11 was not the first attack on the World Trade Center that Bin Laden was linked to.

But, it is inevitable that Obama will take what credit he is due.
After all, it is election season.
I haven't even seen his speech yet, but I can already tell you this statement is wrong.
Again, interesting interpretation. What I mean is, Bin Laden was found and taken out on Obama's watch. Regardless of how personally Obama was involved in planning or refocusing the search for Bin Laden, that unescapable fact alone will always count in his favour.

As a republican intelligence chief said, "This is a powerful moment. This is really the proof that the United States doesn’t forget, the US won't give up and if you’re involved in the slaughter of one or two or 3,000 of our citizens, we will be relentless in finding you and bringing you to justice.” I think that Obama and his administration (as well as many others) deserve immense credit for finishing the task, and for (finally) delivering that powerful statement, which needed to be made.

However, if you wish to score political points over this issue, then fine - you won't be alone. But is it too much to ask that politics take a back seat for one moment, and to give some credit when credit is most definitely due?

After all, it is election season.
Jesus. How cynical can you get :rolleyes:
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However, if you wish to score political points over this issue, then fine - you won't be alone.

Or indeed first - that being the point.

Still, at least no-one's played the race card yet.

There's an OLD saying in the community "A black man has to do twice the work to be considered half as good". I'll be damned if I haven't been reading that in this thread.

I'd say also keep in mind had this operation been a dismal failure, see President Jimmy Carter and the Iran Hostage Crisis, then the PotUS would have been pretty much expected to bear full responsibility for it. Although Carter presumably had near zero input into operational planning and execution of Operation Eagle Claw he sure suffered the consequences of its debacle.

In the U.S., some political analysts believe the crisis was a major reason for U.S. President Jimmy Carter's defeat in the November 1980 presidential election.[7]

So there's kind of a double standard isn't there. Although I can understand the concerns of Obama not giving "enough" credit to the military and intelligence communities for a success, surely he would be derided to even a greater degree if the mission failed and he didn't take full responsibility as he is the one, and only, Commander in Chief.
...or more in this case.

I agree that much of it is true. They did hurt us badly, and we are still reeling from what they could do with a few guys and some box cutters. But that doesn't mean that it's in anyone's best interest for the president to put it in that light at a time when we should be celebrating OUR success. All it will do is embolden our opponents and cheapen our victory.

Since this ridiculous debate continues, I thought I'd point out the satire...
Jesus. How cynical can you get :rolleyes:

Oh man, you should see one of the guys from my high school blowing up with his cynicism. Troll to the extreme. I find it ironic that he was a history major; you'd think a guy like that would be a little more level-headed in regards to current events. But then he's a university-educated man who works at a movie theater making little more than minimum wage, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised after all.

I would screen-cap his blowup but I don't have the time to edit all of the expletives and names of the people trying to debate him. It's really a sight to be had.
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What will they do with his body ? Stuff it or something?

Make a couple of moulds and make Osama pinjatas! :D

I want to know which specific special forces it was. CIA? Delta? SEALs?

Sky News said it was Navy Seals, some team #6 or something. The more informed can tell us more about it. 👍

I'd hate to be Donald Trump right about now. Obama said he "had better things to do" than show his birth certificate to the country. Now we know what those better things were. Obama found the most wanted man in the world after he spent a decade in hiding. What have you done lately, Mr. Trump?

That's right. You fired Gary Busey.

Well, he could've fired Meatloaf.

Amazing what the americans can do when the PSN is down.


They clearly found Osama Bin Laden via his hacked Playstation account details.

Obama's the hacker. :P

How awesome would that be!!!

All this time we have been racing Osama on the 'ring :lol:

Everyone knows he was racing on SSR7 with all the other Saudi's, his ACR was untouchable. ;)

An anagram of Osama Bin Laden is "Ol' bad man in sea"...

:lol: I :bowdown: in awe of your brain, that was a classic TM. 👍
BTW is amazing to consider how close Bin Landen was from the PMA academy,just a couple of stores away,have a look:

That is not the location of the compound based on the aerial photos released by the Pentagon. The coordinates of the building shown in your map are at approximately 34°11'15.77" N | 73°14'33.19" E.

The coordinates of the compound shown on the photos released by the Pentagon are at approximately 34°10'09.65" N | 73°14'33.15" E, and this is about 1.26 miles, and almost due south, of the building shown on your photo.
Partial quote from Famine's link, amazing the extreme level of planning and preparation that goes into missions like these:
The team practiced the mission in a segregated section of Camp Alpha at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan in early April, 2011, using a one-acre replica of bin Laden's compound. [28] [29]

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