Our silence on one of the most persecuted people in the world

  • Thread starter KSaiyu
I don't suffer from persecution complex, so I don't mind. You can proceed.

Christians often persecute other christians, for reasons other than religion. That could easily make it seem like they are the most persecuted.
Just in case it wasn't clear, I'm talking about the present. You could make a case for Muslims at the hands of other Muslims and the far Right, and homosexuals as a group worldwide maybe but we're still not really talking about the silence.

So far the "best" we've come up with 'They're are a lot of them'. Well there are a lot of women in the world yet we still (quite rightly) hear about the injustices and persecution of women worldwide. There isn't, at least as far as I can see nearly the same coverage at a time where Christians are being persecuted in Asia, the Middle East and Africa physically whilst their beliefs and practices are constantly questioned and being eroded in the West. I sympathise with a group that has given me an education and taught me some pretty good moral lessons as a child and is seemingly losing friends rapidly.
I'm pretty sure that, at the moment, homosexuals are the most persecuted people in the world.

Anywhere it's illegal to be a Christian, it's illegal to be gay. Anywhere it's illegal to be an apostate (usually the same places), it's illegal to be gay. Even in many places where being gay is legal, it's subject to a more restrictive set of legislation - there's very few places where being gay isn't any different to being straight.

And even in those places, some kids are scared to come out to their parents because of rejection, children are scared to be openly gay at school because of bullying, men are scared to be openly gay as they are more likely under suspicion as paedophiles - and are shunned from organisations like the Scouts.

Though at least they can get on a plane without a 'random' TSA check. Small victories.
I'd agree with that, especially from experiences living in London. There is however a very vocal LGBT to voice injustices to the homosexual community. I suppose my question is do people think that because there is an absence of a comparable body for Christians (Jews have the ADL, Muslims various institutions worldwide) the world isn't "pressured" into caring about their persecution?
So far the "best" we've come up with 'They're are a lot of them'. Well there are a lot of women in the world yet we still (quite rightly) hear about the injustices and persecution of women worldwide. There isn't, at least as far as I can see nearly the same coverage at a time where Christians are being persecuted in Asia, the Middle East and Africa physically whilst their beliefs and practices are constantly questioned and being eroded in the West. I sympathise with a group that has given me an education and taught me some pretty good moral lessons as a child and is seemingly losing friends rapidly.

Seemingly losing friends, or not making as many new friends? I assume that Christians question the beliefs and practices of others. Why is it a problem for Christians when others do the same?
PS: muslims say they love Jesus, yet they kill people who adore Jesus.
Now aside from the fact that its a very small number of Muslims (as a percentage of the total) they as a whole persecute those without belief or those who have turned away from Islam to a much greater degree.

Jesus name is used in Hollywood, or whereever in vein, yet no one kills for this, and I'm not saying anyone should.
You seriously don't think that anyone has used God (which is after all effectively Jesus - your own point here) as a justification to persecute and kill?

Hate to break it to you but Hitler dedicated his struggle against the Jew to his creator (and as a Catholic have a guess who that would be).

Now in regard to the thread topic, I have to agree with @Famine that its almost certainly the homosexual community.
Now aside from the fact that its a very small number of Muslims (as a percentage of the total) they as a whole persecute those without belief or those who have turned away from Islam to a much greater degree.

You seriously don't think that anyone has used God (which is after all effectively Jesus - your own point here) as a justification to persecute and kill?

Hate to break it to you but Hitler dedicated his struggle against the Jew to his creator (and as a Catholic have a guess who that would be).

Now in regard to the thread topic, I have to agree with @Famine that its almost certainly the homosexual community.

Yes, there a many commands where either the prophet or god instructs killing yes i agree.
I was saying in general that no celeb has been killed because of using Jesus name for acting purposes in movies.

I don't agree with Catholics, because they believe the pope can forgive sins. You know what I believe by now, that only Jesus is the giver of life, and forgiver of sins. If hitler believed what i do, he would never ever consider touching a single jew. Today no nation wants to tamper with Israel. Since 1948 many have failed, and the bible tells us that America will stand with them, but today we know that something is changing in that government hey.
Today no nation wants to tamper with Israel. Since 1948 many have failed, and the bible tells us that America will stand with them, but today we know that something is changing in that government hey.
The writers of the Bible didn't even know the Americas existed! :lol:
Seemingly losing friends, or not making as many new friends? I assume that Christians question the beliefs and practices of others. Why is it a problem for Christians when others do the same?
They do question, but they also accommodate. The local Methodist church had a lesbian Minister; homosexuals under pressure from those inside and outside the Church can now be married; CoE schools are being told to not select based on Church attendance.

Christianity seems to have adapted, sometimes against the founding principles of the faith. And still the world wants more, and for what?
Haha. @DCP Many people in America would beg to differ. And I would agree with them. Obama is not trying to help Israel or even talk to their President.
The writers of the Bible didn't even know the Americas existed! :lol:

How right you are, but the God of the bible does. He knows EVERYTHING...:)

Where does the Bible say America will stand by Israel? You are talking complete, money-back-guarantee, Grade F tripe.

Talking about the tribulation that is so upon us now, in biblical prophecy, animals usually represent an Empire, or a Nation, and the (woman) refers to Israel.

REV 12:14, "And the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman [the woman Israel, who was persecuted], in order that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she was nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent."

The Eagle represents which country? Aaah
What about the bear? Russia perhaps?

This verse is talking about the final 3 and a 1/2 year tribulation period.

Now if the bible mentioned the words America, you would be convinced modern man changed it...even with no proof..:)
A time is a year, so you can see, 3 and a half years. The serpent as you would gather is the devil.

Sounds like a sci-fi movie hey, but its got to happen no matter what. We cannot change the future, especially when the owner of the future is calling the shots. Suffering and death must come to an end, God or asteroid.
Now aside from the fact that its a very small number of Muslims (as a percentage of the total) they as a whole persecute those without belief or those who have turned away from Islam to a much greater degree.

You seriously don't think that anyone has used God (which is after all effectively Jesus - your own point here) as a justification to persecute and kill?

Hate to break it to you but Hitler dedicated his struggle against the Jew to his creator (and as a Catholic have a guess who that would be).

Now in regard to the thread topic, I have to agree with @Famine that its almost certainly the homosexual community.
Wikipedia and various historical texts and documents disagree about Hitler's dedication to Catholocism and dedication to Christianity, at least towards the end of his life. While earlier in his life, long before WW2, and in Mein Kampf in particular, Hitler made many references to Christianity, by the time the war rolled around it was pretty clear that Hitler only paid lipservice to religion and it was mainly for political expediency that he did not disavow it altogether.

The biographer John Toland noted Hitler's anticlericalism but considered him still in "good standing" with the Church by 1941, while historians such as Ian Kershaw, Joachim Fest and Alan Bullock agree that Hitler was anti-Christian - a view evidenced by sources such as the Goebbels Diaries, the memoirs of Speer, and the transcripts edited by Martin Bormann contained within Hitler's Table Talk.[6] Goebbels wrote in 1941 that Hitler "hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[7] Many historians have come to the conclusion that Hitler's long-term aim was the eradication of Christianity in Germany,[8] while others maintain that there is insufficient evidence for such a plan.[9]
The Eagle represents which country? Aaah

Off the top of my head Germany, Poland, Russia, Austria, France, the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire have all had heraldic eagles long, long before the United States were even colonised with the exception of the French eagle, which came later.

Point being, the United States by no means at all has exclusive rights on use of an eagle. The eagle is one of the most popular imperial symbols alongside the dragon and lion. Additionally, the eagle is used in the representation of Greek gods and Roman gods so one of those religions must be true too.

See Eagle (heraldry).

Not that any of that is an endorsement of your nonsensical Bible passages.
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Off the top of my head Germany, Poland, Russia, Austria, France, the Byzantine Empire and the Roman Empire have all had heraldic eagles long, long before the United States were even colonised with the exception of the French eagle, which came later.

Point being, the United States by no means at all has exclusive rights on use of an eagle. The eagle is one of the most popular imperial symbols alongside the dragon and lion. Additionally, the eagle is used in the representation of Greek gods and Roman gods so one of those religions must be true too.

See Eagle (heraldry).

Not that any of that is an endorsement of your nonsensical Bible passages.

Revelations doesn't have anything to do about the past now.
Its about future events that will come to pass. As you have it, America is represented as the Eagle, in this day and age.

Prove it. You have yet to provide any proof of any of your claims, only bible verses and your personal opinions.

Check the back of your dollar bill.
Revelations doesn't have anything to do about the past now.
Its about future events that will come to pass. As you have it, America is represented as the Eagle, in this day and age.

Check the back of your dollar bill.
Other countries still use it too, though...

Also what makes an old book have a different meaning because of an event after the book...
America is represented as the Eagle, in this day and age.

Germany, Austria, Russia and Poland still are represented by the eagle, with much, much longer heraldic eagle traditions than the United States. Albania, Armenia, Czechia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, are also represented by the eagle in the modern day and have been for hundreds and hundreds of years. Why did you exclude those thirteen countries?

By the by, a vague passage in a book lost in translation several times over and edited for political and judicial advantage does not hold up. Bible 'predictions' are as factual and accurate as horoscopes or Nostradamus 'predictions'. Cold sentences open enough to be justified by anyone.

Everything you have written here and in the other threads is completely baseless, blind and submissive. You are spouting spurious notions with absolutely zero evidence to back it up. Something being written in a book is not proof. I suggest you either bring forward evidence to support your claims or retract them.
Check the back of your dollar bill.

That there's an eagle on a US dollar bill today, proves that the US was the first/only (I'm not sure which of these two incorrect things you're trying to claim) nation to use an eagle as representation? And further, was undoubtedly the nation that the Bible was referring to?
Yes, there a many commands where either the prophet or god instructs killing yes i agree.
I was saying in general that no celeb has been killed because of using Jesus name for acting purposes in movies.
How many Hollywood actors have been killed specifically for blasphemy by any religion?

You moved the goalposts a mile to make a point that doesn't answer the question, well done. Now try again.

I don't agree with Catholics, because they believe the pope can forgive sins. You know what I believe by now, that only Jesus is the giver of life, and forgiver of sins. If hitler believed what i do, he would never ever consider touching a single jew. Today no nation wants to tamper with Israel. Since 1948 many have failed, and the bible tells us that America will stand with them, but today we know that something is changing in that government hey.
You seem to be unaware of your own religious texts, the NT is often rather direct in its antisemitism.


Wikipedia and various historical texts and documents disagree about Hitler's dedication to Catholocism and dedication to Christianity, at least towards the end of his life. While earlier in his life, long before WW2, and in Mein Kampf in particular, Hitler made many references to Christianity, by the time the war rolled around it was pretty clear that Hitler only paid lipservice to religion and it was mainly for political expediency that he did not disavow it altogether.
Actually its not pretty clear at all as plenty of evidence also exists for his faith and the intertwining of the faith within the country and the Catholic Church of the day.

Not that any of that changes the point I made or make it any less accurate, the origins of Hitlers final solution lay in Christianity.

Revelations doesn't have anything to do about the past now.
Its about future events that will come to pass. As you have it, America is represented as the Eagle, in this day and age.

Check the back of your dollar bill.

Check out the flags of Albania, American Samoa, Ecuador, Egypt, Mexico,Moldova, and Nigeria.

Its really easy to make a prophecy fit if you hit it with the hammer of self-delusion enough times.
Check the back of your dollar bill.
That's not proof and you know it. The Eagle, as pointed out by Liquid, is not just a symbol of America. You have no proof that the eagle represents America, nor do you have proof that the passage in question refers to today's world.

So I ask again, prove it. Spouting claims with no proof just makes you look like a religious loony. Providing proof would make you look like a reasoned defender of the Christian faith.

I can show you ways to fold a dollar bill that will blow your... oh never mind.

OT, you know come to think of it, I never see Christian Pride Parades or anything like that, no colored ribbons worn by pro athletes either. I wonder if politicians also stay away from the subject as it's touchy and may hurt their standing with constituents when elections come up.
I've just checked my Kama Sutra and nowhere does it state that I should kill someone. People may die because of the book but they most likely die with a smile on their face.

Religion is a problem for the world, especially when it's used to brainwash people. Which happens a lot.

Are you sure it's not in the dialogue for post sex foreplay? Cause killing someone sounds totally like what a woman does after she is done with you...to your soul har har.

Back to the topic on hand um...yeah no they're not the most persecuted but let's pretend they are.
Well this isn't exactly where the thread was supposed to head.

As pointed out, "most persecuted" is the expected outcome when you're talking about the largest religion in the world. When you're measuring in pure numbers, anyway.

People of all religions get persecuted, there are more Christians than any other single religion, therefore more Christians get persecuted than any other single religion. QED.

As such, there's really nothing to talk about unless there's further information about relative rates of persecution. It would be odd if Christians weren't the most persecuted religion in the world.