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You know we live in interesting times when Derryn Hinch is a) a senator and b) the voice of reason - he has opposed Pauline Hanson's calls for increased surveillance of mosques as akin to putting CCTV cameras in churches.
The faceless man can now go back to the start and wonder if having a scare campaign is really what voters deserve.
The faceless man can now go back to the start and wonder if having a scare campaign is really what voters deserve.
If it's good enough for the Libs, it's good enough for the Labs. Sure, a lot was made of the "medi-scare" campaign, but the Libs were equally fast and loose with the truth on the Labs' border protection policy.
I wonder if the AEC will recount the votes as it there are about 27,000 votes separating the two main parties.

The faceless man can now go back to the start and wonder if having a scare campaign is really what voters deserve.

But at least labour is not going to continue to waste tax payer money cause they don't want to admit they were wrong.
Libs know the Fibre to the node, copper to the home is a mistake that has cost 11billion dollars more than the original plan, yet they are not going to change it.

Why did the libs give the contract to build new subs to france rather than australia and make jobs?

And didn't libs go on and on about how labour couldn't get their house in order, they changed PMs, they were wasting more money on plane trips, yet libs spent more money than labour and the whole bishop helicopter thing.
Why did the libs give the contract to build new subs to france rather than australia and make jobs?
Because the French have knowledge and expertise that we don't. The last thing anyone wants is a repeat of the Collins-class debacle.
We can only hope that the senate and the crossbenchers keep them in check. Turnbull's victory speech made it pretty obvious that he and the coalition have learned nothing from the election campaign, and that a win, however slender, is the ultimate vindication of your policies. Abbott made exactly the same mistake, and so now we're in a position where the government will only govern for the people who voted for them, and everyone else will be expected to make do and thank them for it.
I take it libs only got into power because the minor parties gave them their votes.
No, they're expected to win 76 seats, which is the minimum you need. Crossbench support will help pass legislation, but they're in by the skin of their teeth.
Why did the libs give the contract to build new subs to france rather than australia and make jobs?

Because France makes better Subs then Japan and Germany, the only two other countries that came to Australia with options on Nuclear subs, in the end this is not something Australia can wait around until we have the ability to make our own at a likely inferior quality given what China is doing in the south China Sea.
I can't believe I missed this at the time. So for anyone else that did (including those more likely to have, in other parts of the world), I present member of parliament, Christopher "The Fixer" Pyne.

Essential that the videos are watched in order.

For some reason, his little head watching on in the background at 1:13 totally gets me.
I can't believe I missed this at the time.
Huw Parkinson has done several mash-ups like that one. He definitely did one with Barnaby Joyce in Pirates of the Caribbean, and I'm pretty sure there's an Indiana Abbott floating around. I'm pretty sure he won a Walkley Award for it.
I don't want to put a direct link to the story for fear of breaking the AUP but a story is breaking through http://www.abc.net.au/4corners about abuse and torture in the Australian youth penal system. A CNN story, which I also won't link to, had this to say about it:

'Child torture'
The program also showed footage of a teenage boy in a different detention center in the Northern Territory, hooded and strapped to a chair half-naked in what a lawyer described to ABC as Guantanamo Bay-style treatment.
Dylan Voller, then 17, had a hood placed over his head, and his ankles, wrists and neck were shackled in a detention center in Alice Springs in 2015 after he threatened to hurt himself, ABC reported.
Voller also was one of six teens who the ABC report said were tear-gassed in 2014 at the Don Dale center in Darwin, about 1,290 kilometers (800 miles) northwest of Alice Springs.
During that incident, ABC reported, tear-gas canisters were fired into an area after a boy escaped from his cell. The tear gas affected the escapee as well as five boys who still were locked in their cells, ABC reported.
Census night, time to overload the government's servers! Anyone here having trouble getting on the website? Anyone actually expect it to work too? :lol:
I had to call and get a paper copy for my parents.
They cant even use the VCR, what hope do they have of doing it online.

The census is another dictatorial thing we australian's have to do, failure to do so results in a $1800 fine.
They announced that due to server failures you don't have to complete it before midnight.
They have also announced that the "server failures" were them taking the servers offline because of a series of hacking attempts. From the sounds of things, they were DDoS attacks trying to sabotage the census.
They have also announced that the "server failures" were them taking the servers offline because of a series of hacking attempts. From the sounds of things, they were DDoS attacks trying to sabotage the census.

Cant blame those who done it.
Since now you HAVE to provide your name and it is kept for 4 years.
Cant blame those who done it.
Since now you HAVE to provide your name and it is kept for 4 years.
There's no evidence to suggest that the site was attacked as a response to concerns over data retention. Especially since the ABS thinks that it was carried out by a foreign group. Right now, the theory that a group of Chinese people carried out the attack as a response to the dispute over Mack Horton calling Sun Yang a drug cheat carries more weight.
There's no evidence to suggest that the site was attacked as a response to concerns over data retention. Especially since the ABS thinks that it was carried out by a foreign group. Right now, the theory that a group of Chinese people carried out the attack as a response to the dispute over Mack Horton calling Sun Yang a drug cheat carries more weight.
As if this is supposed to make everyone rest easy that their personal data might be floating around the interwebs.
David Leyjonhelm has filed a formal complaint under Section 18C after a broadcaster called him an angry white male with no grasp of what he was doing by calling for the removal of 18C.

This is the same David Leyjonhelm who threatened to call the police on The Chaser after they repainted a Wicked camper van so that he was the subject of it and parked it outside their home - despite being an ardent defender of free speech, which meant that he should not have had a problem with it.

Of course, if Cory Bernardi is one of the supporters of your cause, you know you're screwed. This is the guy who was calling for generous public funding for the 'no' campaign in the same-sex marriage plebiscite, but not one red cent for the 'yes' campaign.

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