Source for number 1:
You lose energy in the torque converter which means loss in fuel efficency, from what i have seen the last gear on an auto gets good fuel economy as it does some sort of thing where a plate locks and bypasses the torque converter or something like that.
2: Not all and not by that much honda's Grade Logic Control doesn't downshift to the lowest possible gear to engine brake.
3 Why should one worry about manual?
To repair or replace a manual it is cheaper as it is less complex.
One more electronic gizmo means anther costly thing to fail
4: If you are in traffic for 4 hours straight, catch a train, bus or some other form of travel as you will waste 1/4 of your paycheck on fuel.
Exactly. Torque converters are inefficient; they're also a thing of the past, new double-clutch autos don't have them. I drove an 8 speed BMW and came off very impressed with the engine braking of that thing. Like I wrote, twenty years ago I would whole heartedly agree on all points. I also fully agree it's more (easily) entertaining and involving driving a stick shift.. It's just that when we review and discuss manual gearboxes and their advantages, we also need to consider the fact that auto boxes are becoming very good. If not, we're discussing with our eyes closed at facts.
Why you should worry about MTF? Seriously? Also that fourth is really besides the point; it was a discussion
when you're driving for a good while, not whether you should or not (living in Australia.. I would assume you knew not all places are easily accessible by public transport..!). Having been here for so long, I really thought you would bring a more mature view to the table.
t3kc0h - there are plugs for checking mtf levels.. OCIs are different between manufacturers, most will have a MTF OCI specified in the owner's manual. Some probably states MTF never needs to be changed, I wouldn't know. VW did on their Tiptronic auto boxes on the B5 and C5 (I believe) platform; many expensive ownerships followed lol. Btw, I never directed that manual purist at you.. Also if I
really have to support every damn thing I write with anecdotal evidence; my 86 Golf weekend cruiser has a 3 spd auto (not a very intelligent one, lol). My math is not off by any means

On a side note, I used to have a red (pink lol) D21 HB myself.. Manual non-turbo diesel of course (as simple and mechanical as you could).. Thing was a blast and unstoppable.. Good times.
I believe the world woulda been a better place without all the nannies you find in cars and everywhere else on a daily basis.. I hope I'll never see the day of driverless cars.. All (car) people should really know how to drive a stick and enjoy a fun, simple car from time to time (for their own good), and I don't want to see the demise of manual transmissions. Just don't ignore the facts..