Not all that fun if it fully shut-down...
To the best of my knowledge, Emergency rooms are not funded by the federal government.
I can't believe the US government has basically gone bankrupt, at least the government hasn't 'collapsed'.
How do I address this? Is the US government bankrupt? Seems so. Is that a new thing? Nope. Does that have something to do with the shutdown? No.
The US government looks
up at bankruptcy. Bankruptcy would mean that we have no money. The US government
owes money... a lot of money. It lies awake at night dreaming of bankruptcy (and being spat at in the face). How long has the US owed money? A century?
But that brings up a question of what bankruptcy really is. The US government can pay off its debts in one year with the amount of revenue it takes in. But it can't pay all of that revenue out because most of it is spoken for.
Furthermore, the US government debt is in dollars, and the US controls the amount of dollars that is printed - meaning the US can just pay of its debt anytime it wants by printing pieces of paper (of decreasing worth). Is that bankrupt? Seems like the answer is no, but the real answer is maybe.
For the time being, the course is for the government to just continue borrowing money to pay its debts (which is a downward spiral). That discussion will be had very shortly in the form of the raising of the debt ceiling - the
next political battle.
The current political battle, and the reason the government has shut down, is over the current budget. Congress has to approve the budget and hasn't done so. Until they do, the government doesn't have an approved budget and needs to shut down.
The only reason the government is shut down right now, is because of an argument over how to spend money - not because they have suddenly "run out" of money. That happened long ago.