Partial Government Shutdown. Re opened 10/17/13


United States
Not sure if I missed this thread but what is your opinion on this up coming event?

government shutdown

Web definitions

A government shutdown occurs when a government discontinues providing services that are not considered "essential." Typically, services that continue in spite of a shutdown include police, fire fighting, armed forces, utilities and corrections.
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This will cause more problems than it will "solve".
I don't think it will happen. As far as I understand it, there are two separate things happening soon - the need to pass a bill that will ensure continued funding for the government (by October 1st) and raising the debt ceiling (with a provisional deadline of October 17th). Some Republicans are threatening to block these things from happening by insisting on linking them to defunding Obamacare - something that Obama/the Democrats will not allow. However, the former will probably not be a problem for Obama since even if a government shutdown did occur, it would not result in defunding of Obamacare anyway, and so the Republicans will not risk the fallout when there is no substantive gain to be made on that front. Similarly, the latter is even less likely to be a problem since, just as in 2011, the prospect of a default would be massively more destructive than a government shutdown, and the Republicans would almost certainly get the blame for it - and even then Obamacare would probably still remain intact, hence it is simply not worth the risk for them. Of course, it will come right down to the last minute (or even later) for deals to be struck, but it will likely be business as usual come the end of the month no matter what.

edit: And I just found a video of John McCain basically defending Obamacare, which is the clearest sign yet that Republican threats to derail either the continuing resolution or the raising of the debt ceiling are not likely to amount to much. Quite bizarre...

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I agree with TM. This is a political opportunity where the republicans have something the democrats want (control over the debt ceiling and budget). Likewise the democrats have something the republicans want - areas where spending can be cut. They will play games and threaten and dance around, but in the end a deal will be reached that will be bad for America.
So America has become so broke they cant afford to pay for police, fire and medibus personnel, yet they can afford to keep troops in the middle east

We've become so broke we can't afford troops in the middle east, medicare, social security, and government pensions.

But we CAN afford fire, police, and emergency rooms - these come from other money.
So America has become so broke they cant afford to pay for police, fire and medibus personnel, yet they can afford to keep troops in the middle east

No. From the OP:

government shutdown

Web definitions

A government shutdown occurs when a government discontinues providing services that are not considered "essential." Typically, services that continue in spite of a shutdown include police, fire fighting, armed forces, utilities and corrections.

Furthermore, we're talking about a possible federal government shutdown. State and local governments will continue as usual, and they provide pretty much all of the police and fire department services.
This doesn't bode well, although I still think it extremely unlikely that the debt ceiling will not be raised in mid-October, since the stakes are considerably higher - but what I am not sure about is how much harder it will be to come to an agreement over that when the government is shut down. I'm guessing it won't make a substantive difference, but it certainly isn't going to help.
The battle lines are drawn. It's High Noon. Let's see who blinks first...:crazy:
I never thought it would really happen. It was pretty amazing to wake up to this. I'll follow up, but it is still a big surprise.
This was really to be expected after the way certain bills have been passed...

Just another reason not to trust these clown with anything.
This doesn't bode well, although I still think it extremely unlikely that the debt ceiling will not be raised in mid-October, since the stakes are considerably higher - but what I am not sure about is how much harder it will be to come to an agreement over that when the government is shut down. I'm guessing it won't make a substantive difference, but it certainly isn't going to help.

Agreed, the issue of appropriating the federal budget by two groups is still far from being resolved the government coming to closure nonetheless. But it's gonna make the situations even worse if they can't come to an agreement over the matter within the due date.
They'll reach an agreement and issue retroactive funding for the days the government was down. I expect nothing to come of it.
A Government shutdown? Sounds like fun.

Not all that fun if it fully shut-down... :nervous:


I can't believe the US government has basically gone bankrupt, at least the government hasn't 'collapsed'.
Not all that fun if it fully shut-down... :nervous:

To the best of my knowledge, Emergency rooms are not funded by the federal government.

I can't believe the US government has basically gone bankrupt, at least the government hasn't 'collapsed'.

How do I address this? Is the US government bankrupt? Seems so. Is that a new thing? Nope. Does that have something to do with the shutdown? No.

The US government looks up at bankruptcy. Bankruptcy would mean that we have no money. The US government owes money... a lot of money. It lies awake at night dreaming of bankruptcy (and being spat at in the face). How long has the US owed money? A century?

But that brings up a question of what bankruptcy really is. The US government can pay off its debts in one year with the amount of revenue it takes in. But it can't pay all of that revenue out because most of it is spoken for.

Furthermore, the US government debt is in dollars, and the US controls the amount of dollars that is printed - meaning the US can just pay of its debt anytime it wants by printing pieces of paper (of decreasing worth). Is that bankrupt? Seems like the answer is no, but the real answer is maybe.

For the time being, the course is for the government to just continue borrowing money to pay its debts (which is a downward spiral). That discussion will be had very shortly in the form of the raising of the debt ceiling - the next political battle.

The current political battle, and the reason the government has shut down, is over the current budget. Congress has to approve the budget and hasn't done so. Until they do, the government doesn't have an approved budget and needs to shut down.

The only reason the government is shut down right now, is because of an argument over how to spend money - not because they have suddenly "run out" of money. That happened long ago.
Not all that fun if it fully shut-down... :nervous:


I can't believe the US government has basically gone bankrupt, at least the government hasn't 'collapsed'.

Nothing new honestly just hasn't happened recently.

Shutdowns of the US Government

1976 Sept 30 to Oct 11
1977 Sept 30 to Oct 13
1977 Oct 31 to Nov 9
1977 Nov 30 to Dec 9
1978 Sept 30 to Oct 18
1979 Sept 30 to Oct 12
1981 Nov 20 to Nov 23
1982 Sept 30 to Oct 2
1982 Dec 17 to Dec 21
1983 Nov 10 to Nov 13
1984 Sept 30 to Oct 3
1984 Oct 3 to Oct 5
1986 Oct 16 to Oct 18
1987 Dec 18 to Dec 20
1990 Oct 5 to Oct 9
1995 Nov13 or Nov 19
1995 Dec15 to January 6 '96
@ Danoff

The press have been pretty sensationalist about this as I'm sure other countries press have been. They were making out like it was the end of the universe! Having watched more serious news this evening they have explained things better and along the lines of what you stated in your post.

It seems the worst is yet to come because the next discussion will be the one that could really affect the worlds markets and spark another global recession (if we're even out of the previous one!).

They really do need to stop raising debt ceilings and or printing money, its becoming a global habit and solves nothing.
I can't believe the US government has basically gone bankrupt, at least the government hasn't 'collapsed'.

To the best of my knowledge, Emergency rooms are not funded by the federal government.

How do I address this? Is the US government bankrupt? Seems so. Is that a new thing? Nope. Does that have something to do with the shutdown? No.

The US government looks up at bankruptcy. Bankruptcy would mean that we have no money. The US government owes money... a lot of money. It lies awake at night dreaming of bankruptcy (and being spat at in the face). How long has the US owed money? A century?

But that brings up a question of what bankruptcy really is. The US government can pay off its debts in one year with the amount of revenue it takes in. But it can't pay all of that revenue out because most of it is spoken for.

Furthermore, the US government debt is in dollars, and the US controls the amount of dollars that is printed - meaning the US can just pay of its debt anytime it wants by printing pieces of paper (of decreasing worth). Is that bankrupt? Seems like the answer is no, but the real answer is maybe.

For the time being, the course is for the government to just continue borrowing money to pay its debts (which is a downward spiral). That discussion will be had very shortly in the form of the raising of the debt ceiling - the next political battle.

The current political battle, and the reason the government has shut down, is over the current budget. Congress has to approve the budget and hasn't done so. Until they do, the government doesn't have an approved budget and needs to shut down.

The only reason the government is shut down right now, is because of an argument over how to spend money - not because they have suddenly "run out" of money. That happened long ago.
TL;DR: This "shut down" thing is a bunch of sensationalist nonsense promoted by news networks to make money, and not denounced by the government for propaganda purposes.

The more the people are scared and unsure, the more interested they are in buying newspapers and watching television, and the more willing they are to follow along with whatever ******** solution the government comes up with. Do the guys in business do it on purpose? Yes. Do the people in Washington do it on purpose? I'm not sure but it's definitely happening.
So, when do the UN start sending aid? I could start a whip-round if anyone's interested.