Paul Walker dies in a car crash.

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Justin Beiber has taken Pauls role in the Fast and Furious series.

Please god no. I really hope that's BS.
I highly doubt that's happening. Where the hell did you hear that? :lol:

"Just as Universal Studios and the team behind ‘Fast & Furious 7′ are debating what to do following Paul Walker’s tragic death on Nov. 30, fans are taking to social media to discuss the very same thing. And on Dec. 11, a rumor that Justin Bieber would replace Paul in the currently shut down film sent shockwaves across the ‘Fast’ fandom worldwide."

More sources if you use google.

Even more sad...

Lucas Black can take over the main role, he is more than capable and is already cast in FF7. He had a Brian vibe anyway in FF3 and that was probably what they were looking for when they made it. I'm sure every fan would be content with that decision.
What is with the recent Justin Bieber trolling crap? It was being spread around that he was in the new Batman, now its rumored he is in Fast 7. Who spreads or believes this crap? By posting that everywhere it just feeds the troll that created it. You are known to post strange stuff but that should not be posted here. Even you know better. 👎
"Just as Universal Studios and the team behind ‘Fast & Furious 7′ are debating what to do following Paul Walker’s tragic death on Nov. 30, fans are taking to social media to discuss the very same thing. And on Dec. 11, a rumor that Justin Bieber would replace Paul in the currently shut down film sent shockwaves across the ‘Fast’ fandom worldwide."

More sources if you use google.

Even more sad...

My movie news comes from and they have said jack squat. I don't believe this for a second.
"It's not the rahhhhhhhd, it's the rahhhhhhhhhhdurrrrrrrrr."

Oh sweet Jeebus no.
I read somewhere that they will salvage what they have and just rewrite everything. So they are keeping Paul Walker as the original.
I think stop after 7. Unless they stop being involved with the Government, they already got their pardons. Brian and Mia has started a family, Dom as Letty. Rome has money and the twins have their cooking.
He looks like he could fit the part but I was just thinking along the lines of keeping it with someone that was part of continuity. I really don't get the dislike of FF3, I wonder if Walker had been in it with a similar script whether it would have had the same reaction.
I honestly wouldn't want them to replace him anyway. And I didn't like Tokyo Drift because of the main character, I found him quite annoying with the fake southern accent.
They are going to need to figure out what to do for FF8... if there is an FF8.
They either will not to one, or if they write him out of FF7 then it will just continue on without him.
I honestly wouldn't want them to replace him anyway. And I didn't like Tokyo Drift because of the main character, I found him quite annoying with the fake southern accent.

Fake in the context of the movie or the actor's accent being fake in general? The guy's from Alabama. It's been years since I've seen Tokyo Drift so I can't really recall how he sounded in it.
Fake in the context of the movie or the actor's accent being fake in general? The guy's from Alabama. It's been years since I've seen Tokyo Drift so I can't really recall how he sounded in it.

To me, Black's accent didn't seem anything other than put on in Tokyo Drift until I saw an interview afterwards, where it became apparent that it was in fact how he spoke normally.
How about his brother to fill in for the rest of filming of FF7.....
Paul left, behind two brothers, however, and now younger sibling Cody, 25, is said to have been asked to fill in for Paul in certain shots.

The report comes from the Daily Mail, so take it with a grain of salt, but Cody has experience as a stuntman and will most likely be used (if he agrees, that is) in wider shots or from behind and "if it's a shot they need Paul's face in close up they can CGI it later on," which is not creepy at all.

Universal, the studio that's making the movie, has said that they'd be working with the Walker family to provide a fitting tribute for Paul in the film, so it's nice to see that one of his own brothers is becoming so closely involved

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"which is not creepy at all" I hope they improve on the "Chris Evans as Young Steve Rogers" technique if they follow through with it.
How about his brother to fill in for the rest of filming of FF7....

Yeah that's what I said last page, I read the same Daily Mail article and both bothers are the spitting image. Even a cameo would be good.