Paul Walker dies in a car crash.

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Someone blogged about how they're glad he's dead. Shortly gets her car smashed and phoned a bunch of death threats.

Both parties aren't very smart, but I also don't think it's justifiable to want to destroy property of (and want to murder) someone because they had something they wanted to say. Note I haven't found the blog post so I don't know how damaging it may be to read her thoughts.
In my honest opinion, I don't care who you are, if you say such things about an honest member of society like you are glad that they died, that's pretty 🤬 up. I'm not saying what the people did in reaction was ok, but what she did was not ok either.
There's a photo of Walker and Rodas in the morgue floating around Facebook. I'm no weak sauce, but it is definitely highly unappreciated. Anyway, if anybody comes across it, please don't post it here.

Without going into too much detail, if it's the photo of a man 'with a damaged nose' I definitely think that's a fake.
All I will say is I have seen a photo of the wreck which I wish I hadn't seen.

RIP Paul and Roger
In my honest opinion, I don't care who you are, if you say such things about an honest member of society like you are glad that they died, that's pretty 🤬 up. I'm not saying what the people did in reaction was ok, but what she did was not ok either.
At first, I thought you guys should calm down, read the actual blog to make sure it wasn't taken out of context, maybe she was just making a point, yada yada yada....... Now I just simply hope she hasn't hit the rock bottom yet. :)
At first, I thought you guys should calm down, read the actual blog to make sure it wasn't taken out of context, maybe she was just making a point, yada yada yada....... Now I just simply hope she hasn't hit the rock bottom yet. :)
That last one of the 5 reasons really pissed me off. How rude! However, these threats and attacks are NOT the right thing to do! Still, those words is disgusting and rude. Also, saying these sort of words to about 10mil fans of Paul can really start something ugly.
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"This is how you know how fast they were going. For the starter to have broken a window 120 feet from where the car hit the pole, the engineer says, the car would have to have been traveling at 120 mph or more." Basic physics, the engineer says."

Do you have the report? It's fine to spout if an official report comes out, which is all I'm waiting for.
In my honest opinion, I don't care who you are, if you say such things about an honest member of society like you are glad that they died, that's pretty 🤬 up. I'm not saying what the people did in reaction was ok, but what she did was not ok either.

I just read the thing a6m5 linked. I don't even know why people would take it so seriously. "There hasn't been a good celebrity death in a while." That's just dark humour to me. It's way too wild and stated so bluntly for me to consider it thoughtful.... then it went to "good distraction from the soldiers who died this week" and that just took the cake. I laugh if people took that seriously because it's so irrelevant to Walker that it comes off as a petty excuse of a reason.

I was about to go on a banter about being mindful of people's opinions regardless of how polar opposite it is of your own and how one's thoughts should not break your composure, but I won't. I expect us to be capable of civilized discussion and debate.
If you guys are wondering, the apparent picture of Paul Walkers body is not actually him. Although it is real, The photo is actually of a man named Alan Dennis, a Christian missionary. Dennis was injured during a "construction mishap" and since it looks like he could pass for an injured, disfigured Walker, someone thought it would be cool to pass it around. There's some sick people out in this world. R.I.P Walker.
Do you have the report? It's fine to spout if an official report comes out, which is all I'm waiting for.
Yeah, I'm also dying to know what was the actual speed before impact.
My common sense says it must've been pretty fast.. by looking at the wreck.. I'm guessing about 60mph at impact, so maybe 70-80mph when travelling before the driver lost control..
Just so you know, "Modern Woman Digest" is a spoof of feminazism. Nothing posted there is real - except the comments posted on the articles. Think of the Landover Baptist Church, only it's a send up of militant feminism not southern fundamentalist Christianity.

And in case you're in two minds:
Modern Woman Digest
Adora Bull is an American semi-amateur journalist, alternative model and national spokeswoman for Goths For Christ. She graduated top of her class from Bronx Haven High School in New York City, voted most likely to “make a difference”. She currently operates out of New York, New York with her heterosexual life partner, Janet, and cat Vincent Van Furrball.
If you guys are wondering, the apparent picture of Paul Walkers body is not actually him. Although it is real, The photo is actually of a man named Alan Dennis, a Christian missionary. Dennis was injured during a "construction mishap" and since it looks like he could pass for an injured, disfigured Walker, someone thought it would be cool to pass it around. There's some sick people out in this world. R.I.P Walker.
I had the misfortune of seeing that photo posted by a mutual friend on Facebook. I know it's not the real pic of Walker's body, but posting that was about as classy as the Kardashians.
^I think the internet would be better off if instead of like buttons we would have slap buttons that actually work on the other side.
Attention seeking "female dogs" everywhere. It's sad.
I just read the thing a6m5 linked. I don't even know why people would take it so seriously. "There hasn't been a good celebrity death in a while." That's just dark humour to me. It's way too wild and stated so bluntly for me to consider it thoughtful.... then it went to "good distraction from the soldiers who died this week" and that just took the cake. I laugh if people took that seriously because it's so irrelevant to Walker that it comes off as a petty excuse of a reason.

I was about to go on a banter about being mindful of people's opinions regardless of how polar opposite it is of your own and how one's thoughts should not break your composure, but I won't. I expect us to be capable of civilized discussion and debate.
I don't care if they were trying to be funny, it wasn't. I call that having a sick sense of humor and I don't have any tollerance for that crap. I unliked a comedians facebook page yesterday because he made a joke that involved Nelson Mandela, a Porsche, and a light pole and that was just too far. I have my opinion of the subject and I'm sticking to it.
Sign this guy up to direct the end of FF7.

It would be a great tribute if they could get Walker's younger brother in 7 as a cameo or something, the spitting image.


Days on I still can't believe Paul's gone :(
Sounds corny but I had a dream last night being back in time trying to warn him about on Nov 30th 2013 don't get in the red Carrera GT... Weird. I hadn't even thought of this event for a few days now.
Paul Walker was such a genuine, passionate and friendly guy. This devastating news hit me like a wall of bricks. Like so many others, I grew up with F&F. Through our love for cars and for friends, he has inspired me to be the best I can be, but to also stay sincere and have respect for those around me. Thank you so much for your help Paul, I am beyond grateful. You'll never be forgotten.
