Paul Walker dies in a car crash.

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm

Well I figured this wasn't over just yet. :rolleyes:

Rodas's wife is suing on the basis of mechanical failure with the car which goes against what the police investigation concluded which was "speed and speed alone".

My two cents? It's not gonna last long as Porsche's attorneys will make a bee line for the report and providing nothing new comes to light the case will likely get thrown out.
I saw a story about this today. I believe it's greedy as all hell and will fail miserable in court. You have a man obsessed with speed. In a car built for speed. The authorities found speed to be the problem. End of story.
This would probably have been a better threat to post my opinion than the one I actually used. Oh well.

The guy wasn't doing 55, obviously. His widow's smelling cash, so she's trying to BS her way to some.

I'm kinda more inclined to believe the official investigation than the rubbish that coincidentally allows someone to grab some money. Besides, a car that crashs and burns at 55 mph due to inheritent design flaws and stuff would never be allowed on the road, due to not passing crash tests and what not.

Great way to go about your husband's death, by the way 👍
If she wins the case (she won't), it's a slap in the face to the legal system. MANY accidents that result to lawsuits have little to no merit. Too many lawyers looking for easy cases take these and waste people's time.
Talking about lawyers, what lawyer would pick up such a lost cause? I can only think of one:

She isn't going to win. Porsche may cave but I doubt it since the GT isn't being produced any more.

Everyone knows this guy was driving dangerously. Whether it was excessive acceleration or inappropriate lane usage, the fault is on the driver who crashed trying to show off, not the company who created the car.
She isn't going to win. Porsche may cave but I doubt it since the GT isn't being produced any more.

Everyone knows this guy was driving dangerously. Whether it was excessive acceleration or inappropriate lane usage, the fault is on the driver who crashed trying to show off, not the company who created the car.

Lets sue Tobacco companies after this as their product kills so many, Wait you can't

Some lawyers need to say no.

Remember what Dr Emmett Brown said in back to the future 2 "The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they've abolished all lawyers"
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Lets sue Tobacco companies after this as their product kills so many, Wait you can't

Of course you can, and people do. The difference is that smoking was promoted as a healthy activity, of course. And anyone has the right to have their case heard, it's not for a lawyer to prevent the people being heard by the people :D

In the case of a sportscar though you'd definitely have a hard time showing that the provider in some way promoted the healthy, completely-survivable benefits of the product... because they simply wouldn't :)
^^^ That's a little much for me, and the punctuation definitely makes no sense ;)

And is the quote real? I thought it was one of those unattributed Facebook things... sorry.

That's my grumpiness over :D
Crap I just noticed, my PS does that. Don't know why. The quote is said to be unconfirmed.

From the structure I'm not sure it was even coined by a US English speaker, I'm sure it would be "don't cry, I was smiling!"... but it's not your quote so I'm not having a go at you :D
People still care about this douchebag?

I was never a huge fan of his or anything but that just seems a bit cold.
He was a true enthusiast if nothing else (and apparently a loving father).
I might not like his movies but I'm still not going to call him a douche is a thread devoted to his memory.
Frankly, shame on you.