Paul Walker dies in a car crash.

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
I think his last poster for F&F was best and probably reflects how I'd hope for, once again R.I.P and thank you for progressing the car culture further and I will be there to watch the seventh even with a somewhat heavy heart.

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I think I managed to find the crash site. I'm guessing they came barreling up the hill around the sweeping right-hander and the back end stepped out on corner exit.

Really, really sad deal. Many of my car journalist friends are saying he was a genuinely chill, humble guy who genuinely loved cars.
I still can't accept this. F&F helped cement in me as a child the passion for cars I have today, and I'm sure it has done that for many others. He's a part of my childhood, and one of my favorite actors. He even had a passion for cars behind the scenes as well, which just made him all the more likeable.

Rest in Peace Paul, I could shed a manly tear right now.
Its the same for me man, he's one of the reason i've became interested in Skylines. Your post sums up everything about what i feel right now. :'(
If I recall correctly, the CGT on it's standard tires is a real **** dynamically. It's a knife-edge kind of machine, and from seeing various incidents over the years, it doesn't appear to be as safe as say an Enzo or Mclaren F1. Jay Leno spun his at close to 200mph on an oval, miraculously not hitting anything. It's a real shame, this whole thing.
I've never been more upset by a celebrity's death than Walker. Alongside Yamauchi, I attribute to him significantly my love for cars, especially those from Japan. Fast and the Furious, and the endlessly quotable moments from the series, will never be the same.

And Letty was playin Gran Turismo 1 or 2 on the TV during the house party scene in the first movie.

So sad to see him go. I haven't liked a FnF movie since the first one, but I watched FnF 6 two nights ago and thought it was actually pretty good. Him and Mia all settled down with a baby.
I wonder how they will kill the O'Conner off if they want to continue the franchise.

Only way i can think of is his stunt double will be seen driving at high speed to evade the cops and he ends up being caught.
I wonder how they will kill the O'Conner off if they want to continue the franchise.

Only way i can think of is his stunt double will be seen driving at high speed to evade the cops and he ends up being caught.

Well the seventh movie is supposedly post-production so they already got everything for it most likely. They said this would be the last movie for the franchise but then again we thought that about others.
I've never been more upset by a celebrity's death than Walker. Alongside Yamauchi, I attribute to him significantly my love for cars, especially those from Japan. Fast and the Furious, and the endlessly quotable moments from the series, will never be the same.

And Letty was playin Gran Turismo 1 or 2 on the TV during the house party scene in the first movie.

So sad to see him go. I haven't liked a FnF movie since the first one, but I watched FnF 6 two nights ago and thought it was actually pretty good. Him and Mia all settled down with a baby.

I think that us gearheads born in the 90s and 00s wouldn't love this as much as we do if it wasn't for those two big media influences: Fast & Furious and GT. Sure, it doesn't come down entirely to them but they were things that in our day and age gave us a good first glance of the magic and beauty of this lifestyle. Yeah, the movies may be crap from an artistic viewpoint and yes, the sounds in GT are still bloody awful but...hey, they are our memories, they are two of the many things that made us the petrol-scented abnormal crowd that we are.

And for that, again, I salute you Paul. And for saving Jesse on F&F1.
I enjoyed just about every F&F movie and Varsity Blues was good too. Way too young. Anyone else wonder what they are going to do for F&F 7? Scrap it, kill him off awkwardly (now that he has a child?).

I always liked how he was a GT-R fanboy in the movies, it really seemed to fit him, his personality and how it contrasted Vin Diesel's classic muscle car passion. Just spitballing here, but I got the feeling Walker and Diesel got some say in what cars they drove and assuming that is somewhat true (?) it's nice to see someone's passion on screen, just like GT is Kaz's passion. RIP man.

Forget that I hate the F&F franchise. Forget that he wasn't an Oscar-winner. Paul Walker was a great guy, and someone who was a proper petrol-head. Age forty is much too young, you will be missed.

R.I.P. Paul Walker
Not sure how solid the information is, but I was reading the other night that they are (were?) set to do like two or three more movies. Sounded like the southern white guy from Tokyo Drift (can't think of character name) was due to make a small appearance in the 7th one which would reintroduce his character for the 8th movie.

Maybe now they'll just end up writing it in a way that this character replaces Paul's "generic white boy" character role.
2 Fast 2 Furious is what cemented my childhood love for cars,especially the skyline.
I will sadly miss him, and gladly protest the c :censored:shoot that will be the rest of the series after ff7.
I wonder how they will kill the O'Conner off if they want to continue the franchise.

Only way i can think of is his stunt double will be seen driving at high speed to evade the cops and he ends up being caught.
I just realized that, only Fast & the Furious flick I didn't like was the Tokyo Drift...... one F&F that didn't feature Paul Walker. Honestly, it's going to take a lot for me to like the next F&F movie without Paul Walker. Agree with everyone on here about the guy's character. Seemed like a really good guy, and it is great that he was helping out with the charity effort for the victims of Haiyan.

If any of you thought about donating before, this could be your chance to help out in his cause.
It appears that him & a friend were driving a Porsche Carrera GT when they somehow lost control & spun into a tree & light post & the car immediately burst into flames. So, unfortunately, a Porsche claims another two lives. He will truly be missed by many up here on Long Island.
Paul was a great man. He is part of the reason I got into cars. The orange Supra that he drove in the first F&F was one of my favorite cars growing up. I had 1:18, 1:24, and 1:64 scale versions of it. And, he was easily my favorite character in all of the F&F movies.

Not only was he passionate about cars, he gave back to the community. He was at a charity event today with quite a few people I know from a Facebook group called Purist. It was a winter drive to help get gifts to those less fortunate this holiday season.

I remembered him went to Mines HQ in japan and drove the Mines GTR with Tarzan Yamada. The way he talked about the GTR just shows how much he love cars.
I love how he was a GTR fanboy in the series and how Skyline GTRs (R34 in particular) is always related to him. Everytime i see a R34 i will always think about him. RIP Paul
I enjoyed just about every F&F movie and Varsity Blues was good too. Way too young. Anyone else wonder what they are going to do for F&F 7? Scrap it, kill him off awkwardly (now that he has a child?).

I always liked how he was a GT-R fanboy in the movies, it really seemed to fit him, his personality and how it contrasted Vin Diesel's classic muscle car passion. Just spitballing here, but I got the feeling Walker and Diesel got some say in what cars they drove and assuming that is somewhat true (?) it's nice to see someone's passion on screen, just like GT is Kaz's passion. RIP man.

It's off Wiki so take it with a grain of salt, but it said he owned & modified the R34 in 2F2F before the movie began and did most of the stunts with it. Sounded far fetched til' I saw the video of him in Japan visiting Mine's.

Edit* Apparently, there is a video someone just uploaded moments after the crash now?

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