pc: "The War Z" announced (Day Z standalone clone)

For your information, I bought WarZ on sale when it was first released to the public.
That's why I said "after all what happened". In your case the only real question is if you'd buy it again, but you obviously already answered this.
This is on Steam right now for £1.09 (Though it's name has changed to Infestation: Survivor Stories) I thought for that price I might as well buy it and see just how bad it is.

I thought the game itself wasn't that bad as a simplistic zombie survivor game, ignoring all the micro transaction stuff, but I can't see myself playing this much longer for the same reason I stopped playing the DayZ mod after a short while, I just don't have the patience to invest enough time to get "good".

I can't find it any fun for me to run for 30 minutes dieing of hunger and thirst only to get shot in the back when your only means of defense is a flashlight.
Without playing with a crew of friends on teamspeak, playing this game (or Dayz) solo on your own there seems to be minimal fun to be had unless your really enjoy spending several hours of painstakingly slow and tedious gameplay.

The concept of a open world Zombie survival MMO is such a cool concept and one I've always liked the idea of but in reality I guess it's just not the type of game for me, both this and DayZ mod (when I last played it) feel far too focused on PvP with target practice zombies than Player v Zombie with the threat of PvP.

There's more I feel I could give my opinion on but overall it will just be negative ranting and that's rarely enjoyable to read so I'll just end it here.