Thats the world we live in. If they left it in there some wackjob would complain. For example here in NJ right now there is a case in the southern part of the state where the naacp is going after a man for having a SCARECROW hanging as part of his halloween display. The world is in a ridiculous state right now. Too much hypersensitivity.
We need to censor these beta dweebs who are in a race to see who can get offended the quickest and the mostest. At my place of work a few years ago we were not allowed to refer to black products by its colour, we couldn't call a black TV black or we would get a written warning for upsetting any black person. Totally laughable and purely racist to both white and black races.
Will be interesting to see how PD will censor images that will be uploaded for liveries.
By removing them? There's a report button which I guess is there to serve its purpose.
I think it's only fair. If Mohammed gets censored, let's censor all religious icons. In fact, let's do away with them all together. We could have our own icons. With blackjack. And hookers.
Also, significant monetary donations to Imari will be rewarded with everlasting life. And virgins. And...elephant tentacles, if that's your thing. Sign up now and you'll also receive this set of steak knives! Only $9.95, plus $99.95 postage and packaging! What a deal!
P.S. I may have been having a little drinky.
Hey buddy stay off my patch. I was here first.
Is it possible the artist has copyright on the images?
Makes you wonder why they did not seek permission ( possibly did ) or just leave it out. Which makes me wonder, is there a scape of the Eifel tower at night time? Eifel tower at night is copy righted too. INB4 it's blurred instead of removed.
Is it? Or is bringing something to attention that's unusual?
Whilst I see your point, belief systems have no place in a multicultural platform.
I'm happy to accept it's facial recognition software blurring it though.
Do people honestly care? I doubt it.
Hmm. wait, you mean according to you, where you are far and away in the minority, they have no place? I
You're annoyed that one of your religious images is not visible in the game. On the other hand I am offended every single time ANY religious image is pushed onto me without my consent.
Then why don't you take it up with whoever is sticking it in your face? It's no one else's problem. Where are these images pushed onto you btw? Unless someone is coming right up to you and shoving them in your face then nothing is pushed onto you. You sign up to it by having a tv, having access to the internet. seeing buildings that were there long before you were born and likely long after you're gone.
Flags are not religion. Flags are a symbol of your country. I have no issue at all with country or race.
Please, tell me where the religious symbols are connected to me posting.
Flags are symbols of the government, flags are symbols of how we have been brainwashed to feel pride for a rag that is raised while anthem is being played, so we can be controlled and do the government's dirty business. So in reality, they are worse than what people think of religion. Because they are the real reason for most wars and hate, not religion.