I also notice that it isn't necessarily down to people being intentionally dirty, it's making an honest mistake with the person on the receiving end not seeing it that way and retaliates. Therefore creating a domino effect.

Very true. I started online racing with GTS, never did before. In the begining I blamed always the others and felt during the race that it was intentionally. But what I always did was to check the replays. Passing time, I realized that…

1. I was the guilty one to many times without being aware of it
2. The reason of the incidents were not bad intentions, it was just lack of knowledge of racing rules or mostly bad judgment about what is possible with the car
2. The "revenge" actions afterwards (from me or others) turned the situation afterwards then into a really whole mess
Yup, can agree that races in A/A+ are usually pretty clean (of course you have the Momoz here and there, but someone always spoils it). But right now it only punishes the wrong people, the victims.

It depends on the time of day. In the evening A/A+ races aren't any cleaner. Yesterday evening they were much dirtier than DR.B DR.A races in the morning. The last race I did at 9 pm ended with nearly half the room red, 30% quit and two dropped to SR.B. It was a very high level room, 20% A+, rest A. I still gained 252 DR for finishing 10th (I'm almost at 36K) while making up most positions from others knocking each other off the track. It started going bad at 7:30 pm with lots of cursing at the end of the races.

DR.A is dirty in a different way, forcing moves that can't work, leaving a nose in to mess up the car in front, touching your bumper in the corner to push you a little wide to pass, leaving you no room when going two wide. Calculated dirty moves to create openings. And if an A+ bumps someone off the road they'll just say, you were too slow or you still had half a wheel on the track, I left you room...

Now the penalties are all screwed up again, cleaner racing can be found at lower SR...

I guess I'll just keep repeating myself until PD finally sees the light.

Penalties don't work, they only invite retaliation.
Instead SR deductions for any contact, touching walls, going outside track limits, spinning out, crossing pit exit line, needing to be ghosted.
Bring the ghosting of SR.E and DR.D to all SR and DR. The game knows how to ghost dive bombs and side swipes, add a heavy SR Down to needing to be ghosted instead of giving SR.S players the joy of punting.
Standardize SR gains, max SR gain should be based on your current SR, max 20 points at SR 1, max 1 point at SR 99. No budget to drive dirty.
... until PD finally sees the light. ...

This is for you, Sven. Extremely rough and dirty, just like the penalty system :lol: !
Hope you enjoy anyway.

Kaz brother.jpg

Keep on rocking :cool: !

If the level is determined only by clean races then it's effectively an SR not a DR. Say you have 4 levels and it takes 3 consecutive clean or unclean races to change level there would be about 16 states to track. At the cleanest level there's a problem - either it takes more than one unclean race to drop down to F2, which gives the gamer an allowance for paying dirty in half or more of their races, or if any unclean race drops you down a level then clean players are at the mercy of dirty ones. In other words, to be strict it has to react too quickly and can't make allowance for a player's history.

I'm all for SR being as strict as possble at the cleanest end, but it also has to be somewhat stable - which means tracking at a finer level than races. That's why my idea rests on keeping SR as a statistical measure of incidents but with a very different calculation than PD's.
4 levels was an example for explanation. Have 5, 8, 10..... something needs to change player behaviour. Personally I don’t care what change is made, I gave up on sport mode long ago.
Spent the day racing yesterday, after a long break from sport mode. It's still a friggin mess. Though lot more contact are generating penalties, the racing culture is still from patch 1.54: TOUCH EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE.

I've lost two potential wins from non-necessary rubbing, got punted multiple times in multiple races, dropping 8-10 positions while the punter get 1s or 2s penaties. There was also an occurrence where I was penalised for being punted by two rubbing lovers. That cost me 18 SR.

I've also lost a pole to my count, but that's because of my poor connection (2nd time that my internet screw me up on this)

I've been wanting to low my DR as I'm playing only 1h or 2h per week – last year I was playing around 10h/week – but the punters are no helping me with that: after T1 I'm usually gaining 5P because of this racing culture.

Someone explain to me how I could be on the racing line into the chase, be hit square up the rear end so hard i nearly hit the far wall, and i cop a 5 second penalty????

What happened was you didn’t move out of the way and give the person behind you the right of way. He was obviously going faster than you. Slower cars most pull over to make way for faster cars.

I think the mess with the last 2 updates really triggered a change in the players' behaviour.
I was racing the daily A the other day, battling for 3rd with a Guy from Belgium. In the last lap I had a good run after the 2nd hairpin (in autopolis) and into the last section of the circuit, and passed him here. That was a dirty move as there was some decent contact. He didn't lose control but I was bracing for a penatly or a retaliation from him, so I just decided to let him through again.
First time I did this...
He eventually made a mistake in the last corner and I could pass him cleanly without any moody move from him.

We thanked each other after the race. :dopey:
My Unpopular Opinion: It is unrealistic to expect the penalty system to work for 20 cars all hot lapping (most likely using the same ghosts for practice).

We all could be better. More control, more awareness and more patience. Not just faster.

Except @GOTMAXPOWER. He needs to slow down and let us win sometimes. ;)
I was the recipient of the perfect punt last night. Bathurst. Start, I'm P4, T1, hit so hard I disappear up the slip road, if the Marshall had opened the gate in time I'd have been out the car park on the main road to the nearest town before the penalty free punter hit T2. As it was I reappeared in P13 when I could have been sat in the pub with a rear ended Jag parked outside :lol:
LOL - 18 seconds of penalties (N.B. probably contains swearing somewhere in the video, though there isn't anything major in this particular bit):

This is exactly what happened to me. i should know better as that is an iffy way to pass but basically same thing, I am on the outside of the kink so i can be along inside for the big stop. he goes a touch wide, nudges me and i fly off ... cue 10 sec penalty for me. How??
Someone explain to me how I could be on the racing line into the chase, be hit square up the rear end so hard i nearly hit the far wall, and i cop a 5 second penalty????

You gained an unfair speed advantage! It's how you can freely punt people off in retaliation. Safest place is at the bottom of the chase where they have no walls to hit. (Wall hits count against you)

It seems to be a point based system.
- Unfair speed advantage, point against you
- Go off track, point against the other car
- Hit a wall, point against the other car

If you get punted, normally the unfair speed advantage cancels out the wall hit or going off track, thus no penalties. Only if you do both (where there is room enough to go off and hit a wall) then the punter gets a penalty. If the punter goes off as well, the score goes in his favor and the puntee gets a penalty.

Side contact where nobody goes off, the one having slightly higher speed after collision cops the penalty.
@Sven Jurgens help me out here. What does the game think that I did wrong in this clip?
As you can see, I was being extra nice to the guy in front of me, but the guy behind was not so nice, and used my car to help himself get around the turn. I'd like to avoid this penalty in the future, but I don't understand what the game thinks I did wrong.
Last edited:
A. You picked the wrong track.
B. Still speed advantage I guess.
It looks like he bumps the car ahead of him which gains speed from the bump. 3 car contact, the game thinks you did it.
@Sven Jurgens help me out here. What does the game think that I did wrong in this clip?
As you can see, I was being extra nice to the guy in front of me, but the guy behind was not so nice, and used my car to help himself get around the turn. I'd like to avoid this penalty in the future, but I don't understand what the game thinks I did wrong.

Could be for a "block" when you avoided the cone. Which doesn't make sense because they obvious didn't lose speed. But that's my guess.
I am not sure how PD constantly get this so wrong.

We have gone from almost no penalties at all, which made the game an utter disaster and unplayable.

Now penalties are back, but I got two time penalties last night from people running into the back of me and putting me into the wall. Oh well, it's still better than it was .

lets see if you keep the same opinion when you get 7sec penalty for merely passing someone without contact
Perhaps they're setting the stage for the PS5 game. Make this one terrible so they can claim "much improved penalty system" for the PS5 game, when in fact it's just the system from a few GTS updates ago.

That's what I'm afraid of actually.
I'm ok for now with not taking part in Sport Mode as that's been the only reasonable consequence in my book. However, I wouldn't want to stay away for another couple years. Online racing's been the greatest GT experience I had, so I honestly hope people will keep penalty system issues as well as suggestions for improvement alive on as many public channels as possible ... and that all effort finally leads into a well-thought next gen online mode.

Hey mate, that's not funny at all :lol: !