Went down the spiral of SR death yesterday after the FIA events, which were by and large clean, but the Daily events nearly caused a reset on my hard earned main account.
Went to Tokyo to try and recover the DR lost in the Fuji FIA race. Worked great: won the first race I entered. But it was like a gateway drug. “Oh, that was too easy, I’ll just do it again, and I’ll be ahead of where I started the day...”
But then an erratic Brazilian guy was moving under braking in the underpass hairpin, and we had the slightest touch: -10 DR.
I don’t like to shut it off when my SR is not 99, and I definitely didn’t deserve a penalty, so: let’s run a Race C, which I enjoyed earlier in the week, to get those 10 SR back.
Just avoid the L1 T1 carnage, and it should be ok, right? So I do, I gap the mob behind me after a great start, even overlapped the guy in front of me and eased up to let him thru the kink first… and thought I was safe. See some piling up behind me, but I don’t have any contact.
“SR Down” …WTF? Wasn’t even any contact, and if there was, it was to my rear bumper when I was getting away from people who were likely in a chain reaction. Total joke.
Then, after carefully settling in for the rest of the race, trying to avoid any contact at the expense of a position if I had to, an AMG loses it in the esses before the penalty zone, all on his own, and as he leaves the track I dive to the right to steer clear. He helplessly tank-slaps his way onto the track again, I think I’m clear, but after I clear him in my front view, he must have caught my rear quarter panel. I get another SR reduction! So stupid!
So now I’m in the 70’s again. Do a Race A to try to increment it back up. Another pushy Brazilian barges thru my door panel to recover a position I passed him clean for earlier, in the last R/L/R complex, putting me in the wall. Penalty and SR reduction. FML.
Expecting at this point to see my DR reset, after 6 months of working like hell to get it to A. Got a meek “I’m Sorry” in the post race chat (that’s something) and waited to see what the Kudosprime page showed me.
Thankfully SR was “only” reduced to 66, and no DR reset. I had realized after entering this last race that the smartest solution originally (other than not running in Dailies) was to re-run the FIA race at Fuji, because it was worth 30 SR and would be nearly impossible to not get positive points, if I drive as carefully as I usually do. But it was nearly too late.
I do run it in the last slot, palms sweating and nervous as a snake in a wagon wheel rut, and get the 30 points again, without any DR impact, so mission accomplished there. It wasn’t easy though as that lobby in the SR Rehabilitation Class was full of all kinds of shenanigans. I let a guy finish ahead of me with some friendly persuasion, to avoid him hitting me by accident (which seemed highly likely) but there was an AMG prowling behind us on occasion so it was a matter of managing the gaps front and back to avoid ANY contact that would trigger another of the STUPID SR penalties that PD seem to think “make sense”.