So, before going to sleep, I've done some more digging on the troll I encountered, and it's actually worse than I thought. It feels like it's not just a game for them anymore and they do this to... s-show off? Like... no shame at all. Why? Well, went into his K' Prime...


Didn't find much, other than what is the signatures of an alt account. Low number of races, SR and DR still sitting both at E, etcétera, so I went to his profile on the GT website via the "link to official" and found one thing. Solely one thing. But this one thing basically tells me what this person is all about.


Yes, a replay titled... eh, not even gonna go there. I actually turned on my PS4 again just to watch it and what I thought had been confirmed: they take pride in this. Like... sick sorta pride. Beating down on people at low rankings and toying with them on the track like they're simple AI... I seriously kind of cried a little bit. I'm very surprised that people like this exist and the only thing I can do is to just show a video of it, no ammount of defending people in a race from this person will suffice nor do anything. And when they want, they'll just make another account, and continue the cycle. Why must people pay to satisfy another person's ego? It annoys me so much...

Just mass report or something. Maybe we can get something done, but I doubt it... :indiff:

Edit: just to add a few things on the video. Notice how he could very easily just pass the Huracán driver, but doesn't. He just plays with his food and finally starts with the usual ramming shenanigans at the end.

This... really annoys me. If you're faster, just go, don't pick on someone who you know is slower than you just like they're a CPU in an old racing game... it honestly baffles me. It may not look like such a bad thing but in my humble opinion? It is.
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It’s just not fair to the players who are just out there driving to get pressured by someone way faster, pestered and rubbed and watching someone fly by.
You nailed it right there. It's too easy to game both the penalty system and the qualifying system that matches your skills with others around the same skill. I've seen svenno starting in the back and finishing in the top 3 on nurburger several times, who is way out of the skill level of the qualifying times. In the real racing world you get banned from ever racing at the track for crap like that.
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What are they learning when the rabbit is 10 sec ahead at Flugplatz out of sight?

They learn more from non qualifiers, seeing where they leave openings to get passed and how they get passed. That's how I learned, watch how people pass me and try to replicate the successful passes. At first I also believed you could only pass on the straights on the Nord, yet plenty fast and clean A+ drivers have shown me the way, usually by starting last and me trying to follow them.

I've had also had awesome battles in lower SR, very clean, great awareness, swapping positions several times on the Nord. Know when to back out is the most important skill to learn, yet most learn that last or never. The good thing about lower SR is tighter matchmaking (more players to choose from) and thus tighter races with more interaction. At 99 SR I usually got timed out before reaching the finish when I still qualified. Daily C was not a question of having a chance at a podium finish, the question was whether I would reach the finish line in time. Nothing to learn when the cars are all separated by 8 to 10 sec by the end.

I don't care about bad penalties anymore, I can easily spot the difference between intentional bad behavior vs still learning to control the car and track. Sometimes its very toxic, other times you meet people of which you wonder how they ended up with low SR. It's never boring vs SR.S where I'm literally racing the same group race after race. When the Nord is on I can do 30 races a day lol. Variety is good!

Here's the most toxic the game can get, highlight reel from 8 races this morning. I didn't save the first one that landed me in SR.B, so it starts from SR.B then straight to SR.E (thanks to matchmaking)

The worst race is the last where a second troll showed up, @Natalie_GT met him as well.
Last race starts at 21:46 which shouldn't be called a race at all.

With the current penalty system there is no escaping these kind of individuals. Doesn't matter, good test of the penalty system, good exercise to see where brake check penalties trigger and where not as well as ghosting. Plus they did not get their way, winning by ramming everyone out of the way. In most of the races the top half got to escape SR.E hell :)

even in GTA online races i havent seen such a high degree of griefing

Can anyone tell me why I get a penalty here?

I honestly don't know anymore lol. Lag I guess. GT Sport the no passing simulator.

He said he didn't feel any contact and was trying to let me by after messing up.

no justification for the penalty so i guess even the game flatout tells you "maybe there was nothing but hell here's a penalty for you , courtesy of our dumbass system"
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You nailed it right there. It's too easy to game both the penalty system and the qualifying system that matches your skills with others around the same skill. I've seen svenno starting in the back and finishing in the top 3 on nurburger several times, who is way out of the skill level of the qualifying times. In the real racing world you get banned from ever racing at the track for crap like that.

I'm not gaming anything, I'm simply playing the game. The game allows you to start without qualifying. I drive carefully, as clean as possible and seldom force someone off by mistake. I did not write the matchmaking system nor penalty system.

I'm trying my best to get back to SR,S, yet one little tap from behind is -5 SR for the race. From behind... It's PD's crap that creates these uneven matches. I started not qualifying because the penalty system sucks and I got punted or rammed off T1 4 out of 5 times. Not qualifying solved that problem, then I stuck with it. Safer, more fun, allowed by the game.

Back to 64 SR so far, 5 at a time now after 50. Yet getting tapped from behind once is 5 down again.

Anyway what's different when I qualify and simply run out ahead of the field?

Here's the 10:30 AM matchmaking

And result

+5 SR again, clean streak of 3, 69 SR currently. No contact.
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You nailed it right there. It's too easy to game both the penalty system and the qualifying system that matches your skills with others around the same skill. I've seen svenno starting in the back and finishing in the top 3 on nurburger several times, who is way out of the skill level of the qualifying times. In the real racing world you get banned from ever racing at the track for crap like that.

In GTS imo you got 2 types of player:

1. Gamer in a race
2. Racer in a game

That pretty much tells all imo.
I'm trying my best to get back to SR,S, yet one little tap from behind is -5 SR for the race. From behind... It's PD's crap that creates these uneven matches.
Which is why this game isn't a racing sim. I qualified in the top 5 on nurburger only to be bumped off the track by penalty abusers within the first 2 or 3 turns, then after catching up the 6 or so spots I lost here comes sveeno abusing (by not taking 8 minutes to do a q lap) the qualifying system from the rear and finishes 1st or 2nd every time. I can't catch back up either and keep getting matched with turds.
Which is why this game isn't a racing sim. I qualified in the top 5 on nurburger only to be bumped off the track by penalty abusers within the first 2 or 3 turns, then after catching up the 6 or so spots I lost here comes sveeno abusing (by not taking 8 minutes to do a q lap) the qualifying system from the rear and finishes 1st or 2nd every time. I can't catch back up either and keep getting matched with turds.
You raced Sven and still are confused? I've raced him. I know he's back there. I know he's fast. Whenever I get passed by him, he's gone. On Le Mans and Nord he's like AI level 50 for me.

You ever try a reverse grid start in a lobby? They are truly excellent for improving speed. And I'm grateful for the people chasing me down.

+ If I recall correctly, the 2nd last time I raced Sven on Nords, I was one of 2 qualifiers and the rest without a time, mostly higher rated. I did not enjoy that. But that was an extreme case. And I learned not to race there Mondays because I'd be in the way.
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This... really annoys me. If you're faster, just go, don't pick on someone who you know is slower than you just like they're a CPU in an old racing game... it honestly baffles me. It may not look like such a bad thing but in my humble opinion? It is.

That’s a dark ugly spirit.
It’s got nothing to do with racing or sportsmanship when gamers pick on others below their skill level.
I will admit and some here know, I have taken revenge punts. I have smashed people who are arcade gamer cheats. However I never struck the first blow.
When I raced below my rank I did take out some pathetic jerks.
But that one there is truly showing their colors. That’s utter garbage.
Imo intentionally entering a game with matchmaking below ones level is pretty bad, but that one shows intent to inflict the very maximum pain upon a player that’s nowhere near their level.
That’s even lower than low.
I know a single mom who plays xbox in some shooter games I think. When her young sons in bed that’s her method of relaxation.
She seriously has her relaxation time ruined sometimes by POS gamers thinking it’s funny to kill her over and over until she quits.
That’s a real human not a cpu, but there’s a lot of gamers that are POS.
That’s a dark ugly spirit.
It’s got nothing to do with racing or sportsmanship when gamers pick on others below their skill level.
I will admit and some here know, I have taken revenge punts. I have smashed people who are arcade gamer cheats. However I never struck the first blow.
When I raced below my rank I did take out some pathetic jerks.
But that one there is truly showing their colors. That’s utter garbage.
Imo intentionally entering a game with matchmaking below ones level is pretty bad, but that one shows intent to inflict the very maximum pain upon a player that’s nowhere near their level.
That’s even lower than low.

It pains me even more that the driver of the Huracán actually proves my point from before; people at lower ranks don't do bad things on purpose but rather they're getting used to racing alongside others. Yes, he ran the McLaren driver into the wall a few times but I can't 100% say it was intentional but rather clumsy defending / overtaking. Notice how he was very clean throughout the "race" other than those two instances... it's sad that they don't know they were racing with an egotistical maniac.
It pains me even more that the driver of the Huracán actually proves my point from before; people at lower ranks don't do bad things on purpose but rather they're getting used to racing alongside others. Yes, he ran the McLaren driver into the wall a few times but I can't 100% say it was intentional but rather clumsy defending / overtaking. Notice how he was very clean throughout the "race" other than those two instances... it's sad that they don't know they were racing with an egotistical maniac.

Yes. That jerkoff is the gaming equivalent of a pedophile, Mcclaren.
Lower dr is lower dr and you’re right. There will be some clumsiness, but it’s not evil in intent most times.
Which is why this game isn't a racing sim. I qualified in the top 5 on nurburger only to be bumped off the track by penalty abusers within the first 2 or 3 turns, then after catching up the 6 or so spots I lost here comes sveeno abusing (by not taking 8 minutes to do a q lap) the qualifying system from the rear and finishes 1st or 2nd every time. I can't catch back up either and keep getting matched with turds.

You are describing the exact reason why I stopped qualifying...

Do you think its right for people to spend days on improving your qualifying lap then start ahead yet are unable to drive anywhere close to that pace, while being so conditioned to qualifying lines that they can't share the road and blindly turn in on you. A lot don't even know how to approach T1 from a rolling or standing start from different positions. When I qualified I had the same problem, unicorn laps in front, be careful not to run into them and get rammed off from behind. Not qualifying improved my progress (and racecraft), higher finishing positions in the same lobbies.

So if you call it abusing to opt out of getting rammed off at the start, then yep I'm a serial abuser.
Do you think its right for people to spend days on improving your qualifying lap then start ahead yet are unable to drive anywhere close to that pace, while being so conditioned to qualifying lines that they can't share the road and blindly turn in on you.

This is exactly why I tend to put more time into my qualifying laps. First, download a top 10 ghost, set it to 0.5 seconds ahead, see if I can match it (usually takes me half an hour or an hour of driving), learning the lines and such. Then, once I've beaten it, I set it to start further ahead and test myself; see how many laps I can keep up with it without a mistake. If I get farther away than 0.8 seconds (slipstream range), I restart, until I can go at least 3/4 the race distance without mistakes.

There is seriously nothing worse than being stuck behind the "pole sitter" because they can't uphold their super fast qualifying time in a race, meanwhile everybody behind is catching up and you just have to pass them. You go for it, and they, with their pride and ego hurt most likely saying "what the heck, I'm supposed to be WAY FASTER than this other dude! No way!" just push you off, block, etc.

I mean, at least accept it with some dignity and move on and look at the bright side... one person passing you gives you free slipstream, at least.
You are describing the exact reason why I stopped qualifying...

Do you think its right for people to spend days on improving your qualifying lap then start ahead yet are unable to drive anywhere close to that pace, while being so conditioned to qualifying lines that they can't share the road and blindly turn in on you. A lot don't even know how to approach T1 from a rolling or standing start from different positions. When I qualified I had the same problem, unicorn laps in front, be careful not to run into them and get rammed off from behind. Not qualifying improved my progress (and racecraft), higher finishing positions in the same lobbies.

So if you call it abusing to opt out of getting rammed off at the start, then yep I'm a serial abuser.
It's interesting people call you out for not qualifying. But not for racing 24/7 on certain combos.

One driver does 1 race/week vs another who does 20 races/day. What do you expect to happen?

So if experience is cheating, you're a big fat cheater. ;)
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It's interesting people call you out for not qualifying. But not for racing 24/7 on certain combos.

One driver does 1 race/week vs another who does 20 races/day. What do you expect to happen?

So if experience is cheating, your a big fat cheater. ;)

My last race was 2:10 AM last night, first race today 8:10 AM. I missed a whole 18 races!

Long afternoon break incoming though. Saturday afternoon racing is bound to lead to a reset again, plus my controller has to charge :lol:

Hmm might be too late, -5 SR last race, most of the room red with some dropping to SR.B. Matched with reckless idiots. At least @Dairyworker stayed ahead out of trouble, well done, great win!

Odd, only -3 SR for the race, it does seem that SR Downs with a time penalty costs you less SR than a simple SR Down for getting bumped. Makes sense.... 2 cars were on my left, car punted the car ahead of him into me, both me and the puntee went into the grass/wall, I got the penalty :lol:
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I have absolutely no problems being in a race with Svenno or any other drivers with his mind set.
Because I know they are faster but also safe and considerate.
The people not qualifying and then acting as if they have a right to pass immediately and the people that hit's you on purpose while they pass are the ones I dislike.
A guy like the guy you met on the ring I would"Literally" punt at first chance. The other ones that barge pass and put to pass while not qualfying are also on my naughty-list.
But I have no problems with the ones that pass safely. They give me slipstream and lessons for free.
abusing (by not taking 8 minutes to do a q lap) the qualifying system from the rear

I don't see how a non-qualifier is abusing the system. If you drive and pass cleanly, what's the issue. The driver who's passed may learn a thing or two by watching the non-qualifier drive; similar to loading ghost replays.

Moreover, how could this ever be 'resolved' for you anyhow? If PD forced qualification, people would set slow times instead.

The problem is this game has created a culture over time of relief for starting at the back because of an incompetent penalty system and regular turn 1 chaos.
What if... You could not loose DR, but just gain it from final position and each position gained from start. The game could also give you a "catch-up" DR bonus once it looks at your average race metrics to boost it inline with drivers of equivalent skill who have been playing the game for a longer period of time (ie. rapidly goes up for skilled but new/Non E rated players). This way if you tank your SR then you only get to play against other high rated dirty drivers, not low DR. It would also discourage malicious Alt accounts b/c you would have to keep making new ones to take advantage of new players.
other than shared blame, I don't see another solution

I think many others including myself are in agreement shared fault for contact plus some form of scoring related to number of contacts is the simplest solution.
It was fine at release imo for clean racers, but the gigantic outcry from the community about gettin hit by say people who don’t brake at Nurb GP turn 1 led to a response from PD to make changes, and since then it’s either too lenient or too strict in some people’s view.
I prefer the iterations in the race lobbies I match into in this order best to worst.
1. System as released
2. Current system
3. No system
4. By far the worst and most easily gamed are all half strict half lenient versions

I think I’ve been harping on qualifying since my first or second post here what maybe 2 years ago?
To each their own, it’s a game we play for fun. Literally the only thing I’ve never understood is complaints and blame about a system of matching and grid starting position that a player chooses not to participate in.
I dunno I’m like your five year old I don’t get it. Lower ranked players make more mistakes than higher. If you are doing a slalom run through them (lower ranked than you) there will be incidents period no matter how good and clean you are.
I’ve been hit divebombed off sideswiped brakechecked and everything else by some streamers doing last to first challenges a lot and to me punting them immediately is the morally correct action.
All this said I’ve personally shared the track with @Sven Jurgens many times and he’s a pleasure to be on track with.
You know there’s no evil intent there in his heart.
It’s just sometimes he gets grumpy, and I’ve been grumpy the last few days also.
I’m not tryin to ‘call anyone out’ as it’s said, just honestly don’t understand a few complaints.

I think one huge prob with the system is the carrot dangling effect of FIA.
You want the best possible FIA race you need highest points possible.
I just think some adjustments could be done pretty simply with scoring that could lead to vadt improvements without needing human stewards or big blue running a billion algorithms trying to determine fault.
What if... You could not loose DR, but just gain it from final position and each position gained from start. The game could also give you a "catch-up" DR bonus once it looks at your average race metrics to boost it inline with drivers of equivalent skill who have been playing the game for a longer period of time (ie. rapidly goes up for skilled but new/Non E rated players). This way if you tank your SR then you only get to play against other high rated dirty drivers, not low DR. It would also discourage malicious Alt accounts b/c you would have to keep making new ones to take advantage of new players.

I've always said that DR resets are only beneficial to dirty drivers. They serve no purpose as a deterrent to those playing dirty, and only give them easier competition to harass. Without DR resets, the reckless A+ / A pace drivers will get to race other reckless A+ / A pace drivers in SR.C without being mixed in with D, C and B drivers.

The problem with SR.S is, at least in NA, that there are not enough people on in that range to make fair matches. The system prefers to match 90 to 99 SR together and 80 to 89 SR which results in A+/S to D/S rooms. The system should increase the SR selection range to limit the DR spread in a lobby, but no more than 2 SR ranges together. Just make smaller rooms instead of ending up with SR.S to SR.E late night / early morning.

DR calculations themselves are a problem and you can always tank your ratings simply by signing up then disconnecting. One rating for all tracks and cars also has plenty flaws. Much better would be matching on experience and average race pace per track.

Leave DR as is minus the DR resets, yet revamp matchmaking with new matching criteria.
For every track combo, determine race pace per player as an average of their lap times minus outliers.
Select everyone in SR.S, all 80 to 99 SR, then sort on race pace, ignore DR, sort grid on qualifying time and race pace for non qualifiers.
If you don't have a race pace yet on a track you start at the bottom as inexperienced for that track or if you don't want that the game could give you a start race pace based on your avg qualifying pace. (but a bit slower)

It's pretty silly to have E/B accounts race A/B accounts that have done hundreds of laps on that course. Yet make an alt, your race pace quickly shoots up and you'll be correctly placed with those at your pace in just one or two races.
GT5 and GT6 Race how dose that relate to GTS or GT7 . You want clean racing look at racing today not the pass.

I don’t think there is too many people playing GT5 or GT6 are reading these posts About GTS penalty system Problem of today . Back then most drivers were using DS4 controller And they were gamers . Today We have online racing drivers Spending crazy money and gamers sharing the same software spending less. The new PS5 and GT7 we hope will accommodate both users and fix the penalty system for the online racing drivers for Future competitions.
I think many others including myself are in agreement shared fault for contact plus some form of scoring related to number of contacts is the simplest solution.
It was fine at release imo for clean racers, but the gigantic outcry from the community about gettin hit by say people who don’t brake at Nurb GP turn 1 led to a response from PD to make changes, and since then it’s either too lenient or too strict in some people’s view.
I prefer the iterations in the race lobbies I match into in this order best to worst.
1. System as released
2. Current system
3. No system
4. By far the worst and most easily gamed are all half strict half lenient versions

I think I’ve been harping on qualifying since my first or second post here what maybe 2 years ago?
To each their own, it’s a game we play for fun. Literally the only thing I’ve never understood is complaints and blame about a system of matching and grid starting position that a player chooses not to participate in.
I dunno I’m like your five year old I don’t get it. Lower ranked players make more mistakes than higher. If you are doing a slalom run through them (lower ranked than you) there will be incidents period no matter how good and clean you are.
I’ve been hit divebombed off sideswiped brakechecked and everything else by some streamers doing last to first challenges a lot and to me punting them immediately is the morally correct action.
All this said I’ve personally shared the track with @Sven Jurgens many times and he’s a pleasure to be on track with.
You know there’s no evil intent there in his heart.
It’s just sometimes he gets grumpy, and I’ve been grumpy the last few days also.
I’m not tryin to ‘call anyone out’ as it’s said, just honestly don’t understand a few complaints.

I think one huge prob with the system is the carrot dangling effect of FIA.
You want the best possible FIA race you need highest points possible.
I just think some adjustments could be done pretty simply with scoring that could lead to vadt improvements without needing human stewards or big blue running a billion algorithms trying to determine fault.

I see the problem now I'm back in SR.S. Reckless non qualifiers in the races at this time of night pushing everyone out of the way. It is rather disgusting to watch :ouch: The 0:50 am race (EST) wasn't much different from an SR.E race yet somehow the A/S non qualifiers manage to get away with it. Stick nose on inside rear, push car out of the way.

Anyway, the problem is not non qualifying, it's the penalty system as usual. Any contact should be at least some SR deduction. Side contact is bugged again. Yep, bring shared fault back, that way the non qualifiers that bump and grind through the field will have lots of SR deductions, while those that get bumped by them only get the one deduction.
Yesterday at Spa in the rain I was driven into from behind during the qualifying out lap, I got a penalty (I wasn't crawling round, but I slipped round Double Gauche so they had a better exit, they should go round but just went straight into the back of me). When I have been knocked off, I have got a penalty for forcing another car off the track (its me?).

After that I got 8.5 seconds of penalties in the first lap of Suzuka and gave up. I was in the thick of it round the esses and cars were all tapping each other. I felt if I slowed down someone would hit me from behind and I would get a penalty, so I was stuck there. Now, I don't believe the penalty system has a grudge against me, but I also can't explain it, don't understand it, and I have been penalised for other peoples dirty driving plus penalised for my own mistakes. Am I just unlucky?
I share all the frustrations here, I’d love to think that Polyphony would fix this with a Genuine fair play system for PS5 but I suspect they will port this crap to PS5

i genuinely avoid the daily races because the system will still penalize you if you do nothing wrong, I played the GR3 race today twice, first race finished last no penalties but I was rubbish drove round at the back, 2nd race picked up 5.5 seconds when a car brakes early half way down the pit straight, and secondly when a driver punted me off at the corner number 1, I hit the barrier and picked up a 1.5 second penalty for being pushed off.

because of the links to FIA, I think Polyphony believe their system is above reproach whereas I think the FIA will let you use their name for anything if you give them enough money, I doubt the 60 plus year old management team don’t play GT Sport that often.

there is nothing you can do, Sony Closed their community forums, Polyphony do not allow contact at all but I remember 3 years ago they started a thread to ask for feedback on the penalty system, unsurprisingly it was overwhelmingly negative, Polyphony never once responded despite thousands of posts. so I think they hear the criticisms, can’t fix it, so ignore the community.

this thread has been repeated on every games forums but the developer doesn’t care, it’s their game, if you don’t like it sod off I think is how they feel.
Yesterday at Spa in the rain I was driven into from behind during the qualifying out lap, I got a penalty (I wasn't crawling round, but I slipped round Double Gauche so they had a better exit, they should go round but just went straight into the back of me). When I have been knocked off, I have got a penalty for forcing another car off the track (its me?).

After that I got 8.5 seconds of penalties in the first lap of Suzuka and gave up. I was in the thick of it round the esses and cars were all tapping each other. I felt if I slowed down someone would hit me from behind and I would get a penalty, so I was stuck there. Now, I don't believe the penalty system has a grudge against me, but I also can't explain it, don't understand it, and I have been penalised for other peoples dirty driving plus penalised for my own mistakes. Am I just unlucky?

Unlucky probably not, you're facing people with a lot of experience how to manipulate the penalty system, or rather experienced in finding the ways they can get away with sneaky driving without penalties triggering. This iteration has a big focus on front bumper to rear bumper contact, yet side contact (pushing cars off) is fine :/

The penalty system does carry a grudge against higher DR players. If your DR is higher than the car that hit you, chances are the other car goes free. Bigger difference, chances are you actually get the penalty for getting driven into. Also laggy connections often get the benefit of the doubt, penalizing steady connections for getting lagged into. Get draft bumped by a lower DR player or laggy connection and your SR goes down fast.

To avoid being penalized as much, lower your DR and play on phone internet :lol:
Which is why this game isn't a racing sim. I qualified in the top 5 on nurburger only to be bumped off the track by penalty abusers within the first 2 or 3 turns, then after catching up the 6 or so spots I lost here comes sveeno abusing (by not taking 8 minutes to do a q lap) the qualifying system from the rear and finishes 1st or 2nd every time. I can't catch back up either and keep getting matched with turds.

I am a little confused, how is he "abusing" the system by not qualifying? Racers for a long time have gone without qualifying, it seems to me that since the game only cares about finishing position not where they started from they are only impacting their own race. Because he can race from any position (which he chooses the rear), can pass you, and then finish well is not "abusing" the system in my opinion. Did he bump you off for a position? If not then I am not seeing your statement valid. Can you see why I am confused about your statement?

. . . Do you think its right for people to spend days on improving your qualifying lap then start ahead yet are unable to drive anywhere close to that pace, while being so conditioned to qualifying lines that they can't share the road and blindly turn in on you. A lot don't even know how to approach T1 from a rolling or standing start from different positions.

Unfortunately I think that I am one of those drivers. I have not yet mastered "crowd racing" and often find myself doing exactly as you described. If you are a better racer it doesn't bother me where you start as long as you can quickly identify my attempt to get out of your way so you can pass CLEANLY.

EDIT: I think that is why Time Trials is a good match for me right now.
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What I dislike about the current iteration of the penalty system is how inconsistent it is. What's bitten me the most is Race C this week, at Gardens II on the final turn. Cars can have different exit speeds when coming down onto the main straight, which can allow for position changes. The other day, I was behind a player and got a better exit than them when nearing the end of the corner. I tapped their rear end from behind, and I mean, this was the ever-so-slightest bit of contact to the point where you couldn't hear any sound when the cars touched, and I was given a one second penalty and an SR Down. This has happened many times before on this part of the course and I wasn't given a penalty, but the other day was such an instance when I was given one. It's like a mosquito bite, in that it's not serious enough to ruin you, but it's annoying enough to cause for a reaction.
. Any contact should be at least some SR deduction

Yes. For me online racing is more fun if rules re contact do not allow jostling or light rubs or any bumping or nudging.
I know minor contact door rubs etc are unpunished in most real racing but online is different.
No one wants to play online if some arcade gamer can fly across the grass, smash you into a spin and continue unpunished.
The current system is a step in the right direction.
I dunno if anyone has tried a Supra cup race but I tried one before this newest version and concluded never again. Complete circus/meme fest.

The system as released was by far the best.
It was simple. Contact another driver?
You get sr down or penalty PERIOD.
I think the reason they don’t make the system more strict is because a large majority wouldn’t play anymore.
Also races for many players would be too boring.
Jmo but online is different from real. It needs to be much more strict than real to work, especially with ping pong contact physics.
The more contact you allow the more gamers will take advantage.

Too many contacts within a certain time?
DQ. Follow a DQ with a time out. Say 12 hours no access to sport mode or deny access to FIA racing.
Or no DQ only match at E hehe.
At release they had it right but the community spoke out, and ever since than it’s been a roller coaster of various iterations.
It says right in the sportsmanship video that racing is a non contact sport SO DONT ALLOW CONTACT LOL

For Sony and PD this is a flagship product.
From what I’ve seen so far this latest system revision is a solid step in the right direction.
I’ve seen a lot of complaints and people having to change their ways due to sr downs. Imo this is a good thing.

Guys like this are changing their behavior...A good sign.
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