no motorsport series in the world has no contact , yet do you see penalties dished out left and right for minor contacts? just watch some DTM races where everybody brushes each other wide , yet no penalties

that system is garbage ,period

I remember a few months back when after an update , there was almost no penalties at all , those days were the ones i enjoyed the most
Contact in real racing has consequences. The cars break or they crash. Most dive bombs here would be fatal irl. I doubt the system can differentiate enough to allow one kind but not another.
I like it better this way.
I gotta play devils advocate today and say if you qualified you wouldn’t be behind people who lose control near as much.
So statistically less chance of incident.
Further if you have a strong qual time losing some sr just means you get put in a “timeout” race I call them with slower drivers. Usually an easy win crb.
That’s maybe not right but that’s what the game now does.
Imo if you want the best racing available put in a decent qual. I can’t imagine starting last at sr B on the ring is much fun unless you like pain.
I’m feeling saucy so playin devils advocate you understand :)

Ehh, people at the front lose control just as much if not more, constantly pushing for the edge or driving like they're qualifying. Statistically less chance of an incident is purely because of the difference in how many people you interact with in a race. Not qualifying, lots of passes, statistically screwed.

And yep, qualify strong, you get a 'bonus' race when you drop in SR. The most boring thing to me is pole to flag victories. Interestingly in SR.C, I've had a lot of close finishes, down to 0.056 difference, side by side over the line. Far more often than in SR.S. (SR.E is more a matter of trying to time out the entire room at the finish... also fun)

But when you do well in SR.C, you advance to SR.B, which is indeed pretty crap. E/B accounts join in there, fast qualifiers who dropped from SR.S appear at pole and generally the race craft is pretty poor.

SR.S is always a mixed bag. It was great on Sarthe last weekend. Very clean, one SR Down didn't mean dropping in SR yet and good race craft over all. The bad ones fall off the track early, while on the Nord they either cut across the grass, bounce off the wall back onto the road, or slide sideways blocking traffic. SR.S also can have the worst matchmaking, D/S with A+/S together. T1 is always a gamble. On Sarthe the T1 Sr Down was no problem, on Nord it's -5 left for the race at most.

Btw dumbest penalty ever:

Sure, go around ghosts, but this is pure entrapment, 4 seconds. (It was a disconnect)
How are there bugs like this still in the game. PD also never fixed the pit exit overlap problem and just stopped with pit strategy races...

Anyway, since I race at all times of the day, racing without qualifying always provides a challenge. If I qualify on the Nord half the races would be boring pole to flag races due to poor matchmaking. So yep, it's by my own choosing.

I’ve not yet seen or been the victim of a bump draft penalty, I have been bump drafted, maybe it’s a speed difference thing?? But also it should not be the car ahead that gets a penalty so that is rubbish I agree.

Im not saying it’s perfect, I just said it’s better overall IMO.

Not everyone agrees, but for me racing is a non contact sport, yes I don’t mind a bit or rubbing but I can accept an Sr down for a little rubbing if it means that overall I’m going to be in lobbies with people who want to race like me - without contact.

I’m yet to receive an unjustifiable Sr down or penalty (and I’ve had a few :lol:). I believe it’s because I try not to make contact and I will bail out of things when I can if there is going to be contact, even if it costs me DR.

For me if your one of those that like to race “tough”, that’s fine and it’s not wrong it’s just not what I like, so if your being held back below SR S then that’s fine by me.

People need to remember that yes your going to have terrible races where the system is overly harsh on you and you get SR downs/penalties for things not within your control, that’s because it’s a computer and computers are limited to the rules set to them. However it shouldn’t be an issue for anyone to hold at SR S if that’s what they want to do. If you don’t, then be happy at SR (x) and enjoy your racing.

We’ll see how it goes at a few different circuits etc but I’m happy for now and I’ll see you in Race C later on for some more action!!

It's the speed difference. It happened a lot at Sarthe (more after the patch), you need to slow down and then you can push. It's of course ridiculous that the penalty goes to the car in front.

A lot of SR Downs also come from lag. I was back to SR.B when that dumb penalty up there happened. Then 2 more SR Downs in the race from a driver with 179 ms ping, car jittering about, knocking me off twice when making a pass along the edge off the road. Just like lower DR gets the benefit, lag also gets the benefit, thus SR Down for me both times he put me in the grass / wall. -20 SR for the race.

Anyway plenty clean races today, up to 60 SR now. I could be SR.A after the next one. Starting 5th next, why qualify lol.

Yep, SR.A. CRB, finished 0.5 sec behind first in 8:14, good race.
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I am having a hard time understanding the animosity against alt accounts. I know maybe 20 people who has one or more and none of them uses the alt accounts to make life harder for others.
They all have alt accounts for one of two reasons: either to protect their alt account from harm from dirty drivers in daily races so they can get into better splits in FIA or to race with friends in another region. I have never met anyone who has an account made to create mayhem.
I did some Searching and Maybe your points are valid but I came away with a different view on alt accounts , it might be cheating . If you have experience on GTS in online racing then you cherry pick only the best experience To give yourself a better rating In a FIA account Is that not cheating. Do they allow that in FIA ? I really don’t know, if they do then high fives. The dirty driving thing is not the excuse.
I did some Searching and Maybe your points are valid but I came away with a different view on alt accounts , it might be cheating . If you have experience on GTS in online racing then you cherry pick only the best experience To give yourself a better rating In a FIA account Is that not cheating. Do they allow that in FIA ? I really don’t know, if they do then high fives. The dirty driving thing is not the excuse.

Easy solution, FIA and sport races should have separate ratings. No farming SR/DR in sport mode to get a better FIA split. What you do in FIA counts for FIA.
I did some Searching and Maybe your points are valid but I came away with a different view on alt accounts , it might be cheating . If you have experience on GTS in online racing then you cherry pick only the best experience To give yourself a better rating In a FIA account Is that not cheating. Do they allow that in FIA ? I really don’t know, if they do then high fives. The dirty driving thing is not the excuse.
As long as you are not running your alt in FIA too it's ok. And not running a daily race,how is that cheating? It's available for all and it doesn't break any rules.
An E/B account just send me down to SR.C by driving like a 🤬. So there are those that create all accounts to misbehave. The psn name he used should have been enough warning. I'm still too naive.

However braking hard seems to prevent a penalty, or at least it did in that race. A car screwed up at Flugplatz, he wobbled back and forth, not clear which way he was going to end up. I braked hard for over a second, still collided but I had scrubbed enough speed so he stayed on the road. No SR Down for me, no penalty for either. Of course passed by the cars behind, including the E/B account that messed up the race :banghead:
An E/B account just send me down to SR.C by driving like a 🤬. So there are those that create all accounts to misbehave. The psn name he used should have been enough warning. I'm still too naive.


I'm gonna try to get back to 99 SR (currently at 38 after last week's Le Mans) and race at the same time, but only with the DS4 and the Porsche at the Nordschleife. Holy 🤬, that is going to be one hell of a challenge. :lol:

I'm gonna try to get back to 99 SR (currently at 38 after last week's Le Mans) and race at the same time, but only with the DS4 and the Porsche at the Nordschleife. Holy 🤬, that is going to be one hell of a challenge. :lol:
I was planning to take it easy but got reset from 93 SR down to 13 in 1 race. Now trying to climb my SR back in race A with the mini.

I'm gonna try to get back to 99 SR (currently at 38 after last week's Le Mans) and race at the same time, but only with the DS4 and the Porsche at the Nordschleife. Holy 🤬, that is going to be one hell of a challenge. :lol:

I made it back to 70 SR but then met out wonderful laggy southern neighbors again.

First a tiny lag touch, nothing happened, neither car effected one bit just a lag wobble, but SR Down for me and back down to 65 SR after the race. Next race same thing, then get bumped off by his lag into the sand and he gets a blue S, I get a red B. down to 60 SR.

It's binary, either +5 SR with CRB or -5 SR or more. It's like jay walking is the same offense as capital murder. Or not really since you often get away with murder :lol: It might be my DR. I'm back to DR.A, DR.B hit me, so it's my fault.

Good luck! I've been at it all week and had over 5 DR resets so far. Currently 32.8K and 60 SR. I did collect plenty more data points for my clean race bonus SR graph.

On the vertical axis is how much SR you can expect for a given start SR on the horizontal axis.
So for example a clean race at 20 SR is worth 12 SR.
Up to 30 SR you can absorb one SR Down without going backwards (neutral after the race)
(From 50 and up it's always max 5)

Disconnected sigh, luckily before entering the lobby otherwise that would have been another -5.
As long as you are not running your alt in FIA too it's ok. And not running a daily race,how is that cheating? It's available for all and it doesn't break any rules.

Back in the Day I remember a Saying if you don’t behave in School “ it will go on your permanent record“ That was for the rule beakers with out making actual rules. Alt. Accounts is a way to hide bad driving . I hear The bragging saying it’s was a good thing “I was racing on my alt account “ So it didn’t mess up my rating. Anyone’s bad Day of racing might have ruin other’s the chances to move their rating up. Braking rules written or not have consequences.
I hear The bragging saying it’s was a good thing “I was racing on my alt account “
Yes, I have heard that remark often. Never as bragging though, and always when describing some dirty driver that put them in trouble in a daily race. The alt is to protect your record from others actions.
@panterjag made a video on the new penalty system, if you check out the comment sector you will see exactly why an alt is needed if you want to run dailies
Had another race, no penalties and the only contact was being tapped from behind as I was slowing to avoid another driver who was all over the place and yet I end the race with 6 less SR points! WTF? Seems to happen a lot and yet other players in the same race getting penalties but increasing their SR rating???????
I built up an alt to A plus. It’s now reserved for FIA events that I know I’m gonna be good at.
I run my main on dailies, it’s been hovering around 48k. I have definitely found there’s been a marked improvement in the quality of FIA over 46k.
I think for most players who just want to enjoy the dailies an alts the way to go and you might find you do very well on it without stress of being worried about screwing up your chances to run the highest quality FIA.
That said, for me seal clubbing was fun at first but loses its charm quickly, then it turns into a slog to get to where you match at your skill. Plus you don’t have all the cars paints for liveries etc.
2 accounts, one reserved for FIA that I’m goin for a podium, and one for everything daily plus FIA without practice is the sweet spot for me personally.
I haven’t raced my alt since eclipsing 50k.
I definitely feel also racing is way more fun when it’s on an acct with something on the line.
I think there’s a big mental effect on some players who use the I don’t care acct regular then switch to main (pressure)
I like to always feel a sense of pride and know my ratings on the line when I race.
So mixed feelings for me on alt, I kinda just ended up with 2 main.
You gotta think tho, if it’s taken you 2 years to build a main, and you race dailies without too much practice just for fun, alt is best..,
Had another race, no penalties and the only contact was being tapped from behind as I was slowing to avoid another driver who was all over the place and yet I end the race with 6 less SR points! WTF? Seems to happen a lot and yet other players in the same race getting penalties but increasing their SR rating???????

Every SR Down is -10 SR no matter how minor the contact, could just be lag. Short cut penalties don't cost SR. It's ridiculous, get tagged, red SR for the race.

Just got confirmation again it depends on DR difference. I got SR Down for the slightest lag tag in an earlier race (tagged the car in front of me) me DR.A, him DR.B. This race I got bumped twice from behind by a DR.B driver, he still had blue SR after the race. At least it didn't give me SR Down this time.

Shortcut penalties also seem to depend on DR.
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Every SR Down is -10 SR no matter how minor the contact, could just be lag. Short cut penalties don't cost SR. It's ridiculous, get tagged, red SR for the race.

That's the thing. I got no SR down notifications, no penalties, didn't hit anyone and yet I noticed the SR was red in the post race lobby, which is when I checked and it had gone from 99 to 94. No reason for it at all.
That's the thing. I got no SR down notifications, no penalties, didn't hit anyone and yet I noticed the SR was red in the post race lobby, which is when I checked and it had gone from 99 to 94. No reason for it at all.

Maybe you missed it? Did you save the live footage to check? SR Downs don't show on the replay :/
It should show up when ffwd through saved gameplay footage, or at least you can figure out which sector(s) missed the green SR up.
Hello guys and gals,

Please hear me out.

So finally I decided to jump on board of the PSN Plus.
I was kinda late to PS4 Pro, about 2 years or not 3 after everyone.
And just this week I decided to get myself a Plus account to see what all the fuss is about with the online portion of my favorite game.

You will have to please excuse me as I have not read a single page of this thread recently, or ever really so I am not quite caught up to your level of information on the penalty system.

All I have heard for years is how awful the penalty system is, so now that I have experienced it myself after 25hours, let me share my observations with you and we can discuss some more:

For my brand new experience with GT online, I took on the online daily race B, currently:

The Widow Maker on the Green Hell...

That's a way to make an entrance....

After 24 hours of playing that exclusively, I have to say it was an adventure and I love it !!! Including the penalty systems.

Of course I know it is not perfect, but for what it is intended for, I think it is great at encouraging people to drive better and avoid contact at all cost.

There will always be contact of some point and there will be people who love contact but the system does a great job at separating in the end.

Let me explain:

So I started out, just like everyone, at E/B rating....

I was practically an online newbie, starting from the bottom, with all the worst, clumsy players and fools and jokers who just do childish things in online races...

But within 25 hours of playing (not straight, but for a few hours here and there, I would say 12hours total at most), I am now at the rank of B/S !

I am so surprised how I got all the way to SR/ S within a day just by playing cleanly no matter what.
I didn't think it was possible just by hearing all of you complain all these years.

I was aiming at getting at SR A if I was lucky enough, but through patience (during races) and perceverance to apply myself to avoid contact and just focus on racing cleanly regardless of the race outcome, I literally jumped from SR B to SR S, all within a Day. I am evidence that it is possible, and that racing fools with a Porsche Turbo on the Nurb, possibly the worse combination.

The secret is to focus on clean driving instead of trying to finish first...
People are battling each other out, taking themselves out of, and I just drive in the back lmaf !

The more you race that way, (and yes everyone will have to go through that growing pain of encountering the bad and dirty players, but just let them go by and watch them crash and burn in front of you, it is hilarious. Then you will have an easy drive home.), The faster the system will bump you into the cleaner races, matching you will other fellow clean and considerate drivers...

I struggle at first with the Porsche on the Nurb, but now I love it... It is so much fun and much easier with the traction OFF!

The penalty system is harsh and cannot do a perfect job, we all know that, but those are the reasons for you to apply yourself and force yourself to drive cleanly first and foremost, more than anything.
It deters you from driving like a duck, then soon enough you will matched with fellow like minded clean drivers.

I now absolutely see the reason why SR is much more important than DR, and why it is the limiting factor.

Now I enjoy driving only because I know high ranked SR drivers can be trusted, and with that out of the way, I can start to slowly work on building up speed and to learn to drive faster cleanly.

People are like children, always trying to go fast first and making mistakes they don't understand why...
The reason is you have to start slowly but surely, then speed will come easier...

Hot take: so far, after 25 hours driving online with the Porsche turbo on the Green Hell, I love the penalty system.

I enjoy driving and racing with fellow considerate drivers.

By the way: I have a couple of side questions:
Why can't I used my gate shifter online? Is manual shifting exclusively with the paddles during online races only ? I think I remember seeing people saying that...

I have one PS4 Pro at home, but I have three different PSN accounts just for myself.
I bought the one year PSN Plus subscription, and activated it for one of my PSN account for now.
Can I just the same subscription for my other two PSN account on the PS4 Pro ? No right ? I have to have different PSN Plus subscription for each PSN account, if I understand correctly ? So in order to have "Alt", you need at least a second PSN subscription?!

Why couldn't PD implement VR on the PS4, I hope they will on the PS5 for GT7, even tho I will not buy it right away....

Now that I play with my wheel setup, I can't and cannot see myself playing GT seriously with the joystick or pad...

I know and understand not everyone has the finance or the space to afford a racing setup, but I highly encourage you all to do so asap if you are serious with having racing fun, it is just more immersive and the only way to enjoy it...

Hopefully GT7 can still use the G29 because otherwise it will be expensive to play GT7...

There is no getting around it:
Clean driving is fast driving... And vice versa.
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Yes, I have heard that remark often. Never as bragging though, and always when describing some dirty driver that put them in trouble in a daily race. The alt is to protect your record from others actions.
@panterjag made a video on the new penalty system, if you check out the comment sector you will see exactly why an alt is needed if you want to run dailies

Agreed... dirty is dirty, your behavior regardless of the account you're racing is what you are judged by. My alt account is new, but I assure my racing competitors that I try to keep it as clean as my 'main' account. As Grandpa said: I have it so I can partake and enjoy Dailies without worrying that my career progress in my main account is ruined by a SR reset, which has come close to happening, and so I don't have to deal with the DR setbacks from idiots, when my efforts should result in better finishes than allowed due to the nonsense in Dailies.

Alt account SR (new, I know, but you can bet I'll keep it as clean as my main account. Maybe better.


Main account DR (see when I stopped driving in Dailies?!)


The one thing I will disagree with: I don't think it's cheating to drive in FIA events on the Alt... it's akin to NASCAR Cup drivers running in XFinity races (and that's always an argument, I know...) But I don't see that as unfair. Eventually I will be racing people with similar pace, unless I'm purposely sabotaging the DR (which some people do on their only account). And I drive with a clean conscious... I'm racing clean (one less chance a dirty driver is in the grid), I'm deferring to people even more often, knowing this is my 'secondary' account, etc. I've been beaten in most of my Alt account races too, since getting through those first few days. As a note: I drive a different make in the FIA races, because I wanted to experience another car, and that causes me some challenge as well. And frankly, I'm racing at the same DR as I competed in for the first half of the FIA season already, so it's not like I'm a ringer.


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The reason is you have to start slowly but surely, then speed will come easier

I think it’s good to run the line aid and slowly build up on the speed, making sure you brake properly. Slow in fast out will get you moving in the right direction imo.

Now that I play with my wheel setup, I can't and cannot see myself playing GT seriously with the joystick or pad.

Big thing for me bout this as someone who drives cars everyday irl is there’s a kind of in built fear of contact. That and imo it’s far easier to have finer control.

Jmo but I think if you treat it like a real car in a real race and you study what Ross Bentley says about racecraft in Ultimate Speed Secrets 99 sr will be where you’re at most of the time...


I dropped the dr on purpose to enjoy a daily with a good friend, dr is always going to settle at or near your skill level.
Imo matchmaking could be improved by more complex and strict algorithms but if you always qualify it really does work well, despite what people say. It’s a good game...
My sr dips represent my occasional rage outbursts lol.
This one...You messed up your exit onto the straight. Driver behind had a strong run in your slipstream. You move left of the normal line then appear to be retaking the racing line approaching the braking zone, but you finally notice the car behind and move left again to block him.
That sr has been in game a long time and for good reason. You shouldn’t expect to be allowed to veer left into a braking zone after moving left then back right onto the racing line on one of the fastest areas of any track lol.
That was a dirty block, yes subtle but you know what you did there.
You veered into the path of a car coming like 165mph plus into a braking zone.
If you are losing a ton of sr slow down a bit and control your car better.

Kermit that was a great video. That fella is more intelligent than the typically seen people and he’s pragmatic.
Uhm... What?
You can see my throttle and steering inputs in the video. Full throttle all time long, constant steering input to the right, never once changing my line. In what world did I veer left? I am actually following the normal racing line here. Unless you expect me to hug the white line on the right side in a GT3 car barrelling down at 275kph on hard tires? :lol:
The guy taps me right after I touch the apex of the corner, there was nothing I could do to avoid that. This was well before the braking zone!!
If you follow someone and gain on him because you're caught in his draft, to the point that you're going to touch his bumper, it's your duty to lift and cost or attempt an overtake, but you can't expect the driver in front of you to magically gain 10kph to maintain the gap.
Thanks for the criticism, but I'll kindly ignore it.
I'm back to 99 SR, races do clean up later in the week and mornings are still the cleanest times to race. (I suspect that my ratings will drop again when I get back on at 7pm or 8pm during dirty hours)

My observations having sampled all SR classes extensively, SR.C is the best place to race from the back.

SR.E Destruction derby style, yet easy to get ahead and basically end up with a time trial for two thirds of the race.
SR.D Not really much different from SR.E
SR.C Fast starts, good matchmaking, lot of awareness but also the occasional rammer.
SR.B The lower you are in SR.B the worse it is, so many people can't take being passed and will push you off any chance they get.
SR.A Usually a fallen alien on pole for a cheap pole to flag victory to regain SR, match making gets worse, starts are slower
SR.S The low tier (80-89) has the worst matchmaking, A+/S to D/S, slowest starts, practically coasting through the first sections.

Top tier SR.S is still very slow at the start, lot of coasting, starting behind D/S players. Also much less awareness than in SR.C, got to be careful not to get run into. Very difficult to win from the back because of the slow start and fast qualifiers up front. SR.S is also king of the dirtiest moves, this happened there:

Welcome back to SR.S. He crashed himself as well and got no penalty for that.

It's a player that doesn't belong there

Which just shows that the main problem is not the penalty system, it's the SR system.

It's still too easy for fast people to get back to SR.S with pole to flag victories. At the front in SR.S, yep it is cleaner. And also thanks to the bad matchmaking you don't have to worry much about what happens behind. The field spreads out quickly in SR.S, reducing the chance of contact.

SR.S mainly consists of fast drivers clean or not since a little SR loss usually just gives you an easy victory. Then you have D/S that gets to SR.S by not having much interaction on the track, driving behind. The group in the middle with good race craft is destined to lose SR from any accidental contact simply by having more interaction on the track, hence you find those drivers in lower SR tiers. I've seen a lot of clean good drivers (recognize the names) in the lower SR ranks, and also plenty known dirty drivers in the higher SR ranks.

Harsh SR deductions for any contact is not the answer. The SR system is fundamentally flawed until it starts looking at incidents per interactions. Driving alone up front or at the back should not award SR. Harmless contact should still be a warning but not -10 SR, same as punting someone off. No clue why PD won't set that back at -3 SR. Well I do know, race C is often worth 15 to 20 points and people used that buffer to bump at random. The solution is not -10 SR for everything, its fixing the SR gains and calculations.
. Full throttle all time long, constant steering input to the right, never once changing my line

If you look at your throttle trace on the last corner onto Conrod you missed the line and had to lift to avoid the wall.
There was a point where you should be floored not momentarily coasting. This is what caused your opponent to get a strong run on you. He probably didn’t make that mistake..Anyways here we see him behind looking to attack on your left.
You fade left to discourage him here.

Then you move towards the apex here.

He’s way faster than you right behind. You have moved right...But now you realize he has the inside which is on your left so you go left again which is blocking him. What’s he supposed to do just concede that you will take up every line on the track to avoid having someone alongside?
This is about where the contact occurred.
My suggestion is if you wish to defend make one assertive move.
Your driving could definitely be cleaned up a bit, imo.

If someone has the run on you on a straight pick a side and stay there.

Also @Sven Jurgens I dunno about saying the SR system/driver rating system is that bad when you have chosen the no qual method of play. Not qualifying is not really participating in the system imo because qual time is almost the biggest part of matching. I do agree it’s not perfect you understand just saying I think qualifying time is a big part of it and if you choose not to do that then you’re sort of outside the system itself as a player.
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Also @Sven Jurgens I dunno about saying the SR system/driver rating system is that bad when you have chosen the no qual method of play. Not qualifying is not really participating in the system imo because qual time is almost the biggest part of matching. I do agree it’s not perfect you understand just saying I think qualifying time is a big part of it and if you choose not to do that then you’re sort of outside the system itself as a player.

Qualifying time has no effect at all on matching. It's only used to sort the grid. But because most races are short starting position does have a huge influence on DR since only finish position affects DR. Hence my DR graph for racing from the back is one big mess :lol:

However SR is the primary match maker and SR is deeply flawed. SR depends heavily on not having much interaction on the track. It's not geared to race craft, it's geared to social distancing on the track. Hence the top splits in SR.S are mostly unbalanced fields, huge difference between pole and last, that quickly spread out into 'watch the gaps grow' races.

Matchmaking is fundamentally flawed, not providing races with similar opponents as promised. The higher up in SR, the more unbalanced races become. By qualifying you simply pick your spot to parade around the track in a lot of the time. Hence I also find the worst race craft from those always starting on pole after qualifying for days. They simply don't have much experience overtaking and defending due to not being used to having much interaction on the track.

Fun fact, my DR goes up higher in lower SR than at max SR. The short (A/B races) A+/S to D/S matches drag my DR down, while doing the same or better in full B/B rooms pushes it up higher. Race C is where starting position starts to matter less, but still the unbalanced fields mess with DR. It all comes back to the flaws in SR determination, favoring spread out fields with little interaction.
Matchmaking is fundamentally flawed, not providing races with similar opponents as promised

I get it. I get it. What I experience in literally EVERY daily and FIA I do where 2 tenths of qual time can drop you 10 spots on the grid is simply a mirage.
I dunno. I suppose you and I have to agree to disagree.
I don’t like racing people who I can time out before 1 lap of Nord is over, if that could even be called racing.
I like to qualify my very best and race my peers, not just opt out of the process entirely then grumpily complain the system’s flaws when some poor inexperienced drivers make mistakes.
I get it. I get it. What I experience in literally EVERY daily and FIA I do where 2 tenths of qual time can drop you 10 spots on the grid is simply a mirage.
I dunno. I suppose you and I have to agree to disagree.
I don’t like racing people who I can time out before 1 lap of Nord is over, if that could even be called racing.
I like to qualify my very best and race my peers, not just opt out of the process entirely then grumpily complain the system’s flaws when some poor inexperienced drivers make mistakes.

What time do you race? There's literally a minute between pole and last in the races I'm doing :lol:
Here, this is the 99 SR room in the afternoon.

Btw, the racing is worse in SR.S again, one or two A+ at the front running away, no awareness in the mid field and constant getting pushed on the grass when making a pass. No clue why the penalty system doesn't respond to side contact and pushing off anymore.

This is prime time, the 9:30 pm EST room, just now

Good to see you again TyrannoCyrusRex!

And the result

All nicely separated, which the SR system statistically gravitates towards.

So where do I find these well matched SR.S rooms :confused:
Having been away from the game for a few months, missing two updates, my first day back has been quite a handful. Even the slightest bit of contact now seems to trigger an SR Down, and the SR Downs seem to deduct a lot of points, making them very severe and harsh on your ratings. I'm still at DR B, but who knows for how long, yet my SR has plummeted from S to C, the first time it has ever done so on my account. Being stuck down in low SR hell is aggravating, because you can't push the pace without some sort of problem occurring during the race, ever. Some player ahead loses control, you can't avoid them despite trying your best, you make contact, penalty, and if not, then SR Down. Two players are aggressively battling ahead of you, one of them succumbs to a slideout or some other accident, they lose control right in front of you, can't avoid it, make contact, penalty + SR Down. I can go on.

I'm back to driving in fear of getting SR Down once again; that feeling from those few months ago has came full circle thanks to the revised penalty system sensitivity. Once again I'm debating if I should stop caring about my SR or not. Trying to decide if it's worth even pushing the pace, because now it's back to driving with 300% amplified avoidance in order to protect my SR, but that's not fun- that's not competing, that's just nonsense. But yet the players are also to blame, since once an incident happens, if and when your SR drops (red SR rating at the race results), you get matched with more reckless players in the next race who take pleasure in accumulating penalties to soil your racing experience regardless of the position they place in.

Race B at the Nurb this week is dangerous. One mistake in that Porsche around the 'Ring and it's bound to congest traffic or cause a major incident in a pack of cars. Avoidance in that car is next to impossible without losing too much speed or going off the course. Race C at Gardens is no different, except the cars are more controllable and the course has a lot more accommodation for cars on the road, but it's not like the players care, so long as they get that revenge punt and make a scene for everyone else who wants to race.
I've only started playing gt online this past week or so and have to say the penalty system is abysmal.

People deliberately hit the anchors so you hit them and get a penalty, someone spins out but as your in close proximity you hit them them before they go transparent, someone rams you off the track and they don't get a penalty etc etc

I was dr c and sr a then three races later thanks to asholes I'm dr d and sr e so back to wacky races
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I'm gonna try to get back to 99 SR (currently at 38 after last week's Le Mans) and race at the same time, but only with the DS4 and the Porsche at the Nordschleife. Holy 🤬, that is going to be one hell of a challenge. :lol:

So, no luck so far. Did 6 races from the back yesterday (1 disconnect, yay). Started at 38 SR, now at 36. I really tried my best to avoid all contact and be as clean as possible but it's freaking near impossible. And since about half the grid can't be bothered to qualify (most likely because they're simply unable to finish one decent lap), it usually put me around 9th. And that's why making no contact was unfortunately not just up to me but also those behind me and they didn't really care about me trying to get back to 99, let me tell you. :lol: One SR down and it's all over. An entire race for nothing. And because this game will punish you for getting hit from behind, I'm basically trapped in (green) hell and can't get out. The level of mayhem was substantial in those races. :lol: There was a guy on pole with a decent 8.03.058 but he disappeared within like 30s. So I checked the replay and he wasn't even able to keep it on the track. He spun going through Hatzenbach and quit immediately. Like, did someone qualify for him or...? :confused: I'm gonna keep trying though. The car was very difficult to control at first but once I got used to the violent weight transfer and its "tail happiness" it's so much fun. Great car. I might switch to the wheel though. :D

I was dr c and sr a then three races later thanks to asholes I'm dr d and sr e so back to wacky races
Careful about the language here, mate. :gtpflag:
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So, no luck so far. Did 6 races from the back yesterday (1 disconnect, yay). Started at 38 SR, now at 36. I really tried my best to avoid all contact and be as clean as possible but it's freaking near impossible. And since about half the grid can't be bothered to qualify (most likely because they're simply unable to finish one decent lap), it usually put me around 9th. And that's why making no contact was unfortunately not just up to me but also those behind me and they didn't really care about me trying to get back to 99, let me tell you. :lol: One SR down and it's all over. An entire race for nothing. And because this game will punish you for getting hit from behind, I'm basically trapped in (green) hell and can't get out. The level of mayhem was substantial in those races. :lol: There was a guy on pole with a decent 8.03.058 but he disappeared within like 30s. So I checked the replay and he wasn't even able to keep it on the track. He spun going through Hatzenbach and quit immediately. Like, did someone qualify for him or...? :confused: I'm gonna keep trying though. The car was very difficult to control at first but once I got used to the violent weight transfer and its "tail happiness" it's so much fun. Great car. I might switch to the wheel though. :D

Careful about the language here, mate. :gtpflag:
At start go out to the left where the GP track usually begins and let them through. Then take the scenic route behind the mayhem. When someone crashes go by once they are ghosting and leave them so far behind you don't have to worry. Or stay behind.