- 1,691
- United Kingdom
I’m seeing marked improving in racing this week!!!
- much better awareness from all players in general (including myself).
- players actually lifting when being held up instead of just ploughing on through when there isn’t space.
- punters getting decent penalties
- having to consider your Sr rating every lap due to severe Sr down.
- side by side action with no penalties
No doubt there are still wierd/wrong penalties being given out but I think this is a huge improvement over what we’ve had the past 3- 6 months
It’s good to be back in the dailies having some fun!!!
- much better awareness from all players in general (including myself).
- players actually lifting when being held up instead of just ploughing on through when there isn’t space.
- punters getting decent penalties
- having to consider your Sr rating every lap due to severe Sr down.
- side by side action with no penalties
No doubt there are still wierd/wrong penalties being given out but I think this is a huge improvement over what we’ve had the past 3- 6 months
It’s good to be back in the dailies having some fun!!!