I’m seeing marked improving in racing this week!!!
- much better awareness from all players in general (including myself).
- players actually lifting when being held up instead of just ploughing on through when there isn’t space.
- punters getting decent penalties
- having to consider your Sr rating every lap due to severe Sr down.
- side by side action with no penalties

No doubt there are still wierd/wrong penalties being given out but I think this is a huge improvement over what we’ve had the past 3- 6 months

It’s good to be back in the dailies having some fun!!!
Have you tried race B? I keep getting penalties from people losing control of their car. Back to SR E, where I met that wonderful person again. (He failed to take me out again but still brought most of the room down to SR E with him)

Such a difference from the last few days at Le mans. Top quality racing there. On the Nord so far, just a couple that can actually drive the car, the rest all seem to be doing drift trials :lol:
Have you tried race B? I keep getting penalties from people losing control of their car. Back to SR E, where I met that wonderful person again. (He failed to take me out again but still brought most of the room down to SR E with him)

Such a difference from the last few days at Le mans. Top quality racing there. On the Nord so far, just a couple that can actually drive the car, the rest all seem to be doing drift trials :lol:
When you're at SR E, why not just shove everyone out of the way that you possibly can? :lol:
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When you're at SR E, why not just shove everyone out of the way that you possibly can? :lol:

That's what I'm seeing in SR.E. Lsp was in the last one again, he failed again and quit lol. I won that race, clean battle with another Brazilian before taking Lsp out. When you're at 3K DR / SR.E, nothing matters.

I won a race in SR.E despite 7.5 sec penalties to serve on the straight, still 6 sec lead at the finish. (1.5 sec for getting rammed into a wall lol, at least it's not 5 sec anymore)

I was up to SR.B but for some reason, the bottom tier of SR.B is where the worst hang out. Everyone you pass, literally everyone, feels it necessary to try to push you off. Since you get a penalty for completing a pass after contact, -10 SR per overtake :lol:

Ahh, he's there again in the next one, I'm starting 12th, he's in 10th. I guess he'll mow down the field first making it easy for me at the start lol.

He adapted to the penalty system, now brake checks in the middle of the corner so he doesn't get a penalty. sigh.

Got him this time, or rather he got himself. I tried taking him out first after he already mowed down 3 cars in the first 3 corners, but we both ended in the wall, I get 1.5 sec wall penalty, he didn't. I was ahead but forgot he doesn't care about driving on the track so he skipped the twisty bits to get ahead again. (1.5 sec penalty for skipping that bit)

Then after Flugplatz:

Thank you ghosting system, works much better than penalties.
He quit right after, good riddance.

So on to first place

He messed up, I get alongside, he bumps me in the corner which is how I usually end up with penalties, but all went all right, both stayed on the track.

Thus immediate revenge

Who ever wrote the ghosting algorithm for SR.E, awesome! Why can't we have that in SR.S

Anyway, rest of the race was a time trial. Despite serving the 1.5 sec penalty I timed everyone else out at the finish lol. Back to SR.C now.
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I can’t manage to get round the ring in qually so no chance I could make it in a race without causing havoc so I haven’t tried it.

I rarely do race A and B anyway as they’re too short for me. If your at a low SR I wouldn’t be expecting a clean race either, that’s the whole point of the SR system, get yourself up to Sr S .
I can’t manage to get round the ring in qually so no chance I could make it in a race without causing havoc so I haven’t tried it.

I rarely do race A and B anyway as they’re too short for me. If your at a low SR I wouldn’t be expecting a clean race either, that’s the whole point of the SR system, get yourself up to Sr S .
Telling ya, race A is more fun than you think, although it is quite short at about 6 minutes.
Guess who's back, GT Sport's dirtiest driver.

This was last time

Now with penalties

And he still dragged the entire room down to SR.E, mission accomplished.

Why is he still not banned. That's 3 races in a row this morning he's driving like that. This is the reason why we have to put up with bumped from behind penalties. (Still gets it wrong now and then)

This should not be difficult to solve PD could have sent him to the pits with a Black Flag. I am sure the monitoring system that we all are subject to has him as a poor driver with a low rating . Maybe it is time to remove multiple account. The drivers that use multiple accounts to erase their bad driving To increase their rating are enabling this kind of driving.
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I suspect because people would just use ghost to overtake. No room? Make a sudden move towards the opponent, ghost and run through.
I would love it if brake checkers ghosted though :D

While that has happened a couple times in my 12K races, it's extremely rare to overtake by emergency ghosting. The benefits far outweigh the possible abuse. Which is very simple to remedy, SR Down -10 SR every time the game deems it necessary to ghost you. No free pass.

Brake checkers used to ghost, but the last update has moved the threshold a bit it seems. PD wants more accidents :/ Of course someone could be braking for an accident ahead or a bad track re-entry so the game would need to look at a bit more data. No other car(s) close in front (simply check the delta to the car in front), brake unexpected, ghost and -10 SR.

This should not be difficult to solve PD could have sent him to the pits with a Black Flag. I am sure the monitoring system that we all are subject to has him as a poor driver with a low rating . Maybe it is time to remove multiple account. The drivers that use multiple accounts to erase their bad driving To increase their rating are enabling this kind of driving.

Multiple accounts are more to avoid getting their main (FIA) account trashed in the daily races. It's kinda pointless to make a new one to erase bad driving since you only start at SR.B, with zero cars, and no DR. You can't increase your ratings with a new account, you start from scratch.

And it was too difficult to black flag / DQ since it was abused heavily. Broken penalty system, keep tapping the car ahead to get them DQ'd.
This should not be difficult to solve PD could have sent him to the pits with a Black Flag. I am sure the monitoring system that we all are subject to has him as a poor driver with a low rating . Maybe it is time to remove multiple account. The drivers that use multiple accounts to erase their bad driving To increase their rating are enabling this kind of driving.
I am having a hard time understanding the animosity against alt accounts. I know maybe 20 people who has one or more and none of them uses the alt accounts to make life harder for others.
They all have alt accounts for one of two reasons: either to protect their alt account from harm from dirty drivers in daily races so they can get into better splits in FIA or to race with friends in another region. I have never met anyone who has an account made to create mayhem.
Number one qualify lol Sven runs no qual time. He’s easily A plus on the ring so of course there’s gonna be troubles :).

Re shared fault the point isn’t that you wouldn’t get unjust pens once in a while.
The point is that over time the drivers with less contact would get matched together.
Although I definitely agree with Kermit that what I’ve seen since last update is better.
Dumb behavior in my FIA race that was previously unpenalized was penalized.
I picked up many spots because of it so so far I’m all smiles.
Number one qualify lol Sven runs no qual time. He’s easily A plus on the ring so of course there’s gonna be troubles :).

Re shared fault the point isn’t that you wouldn’t get unjust pens once in a while.
The point is that over time the drivers with less contact would get matched together.
Although I definitely agree with Kermit that what I’ve seen since last update is better.
Dumb behavior in my FIA race that was previously unpenalized was penalized.
I picked up many spots because of it so so far I’m all smiles.

Why would that mean trouble? I don't run people off and I have the speed and control to pass clean. It's the fault of the system to keep dropping me down the SR ladder for getting hit. The most common penalty for me is, being patient behind another driver, waiting for a safe opening and getting hit from behind by a driver that sees not passing immediately as a weakness. It's worse in SR.S since the matchmaking is so unbalanced there.

The problem with that is the random ghosting, for some reason that is every single lap at the final chicane at Le Mans.

Yep I noticed that last week. Why would it ghost going through the chicane on the racing line, but not someone screwing up in other places. There are always bugs. Still far too many after 2 years+.
Why would that mean trouble?

Because effectively you are creating a multi class race with drivers of greatly differing ability and car speed.
Effectively you are in a group 1 car vs n300.
I know you are a clean driver it’s not that.
Anytime you have differing speeds greatly between drivers it’s dangerous.
Add in the fact that it’s the Nord, and you’re just gonna have a hard time maintaining sr. Nothing can change that.
I’d guess you are doing min a dozen overtakes per lap against drivers who might not even know you are there.
I’m seeing marked improving in racing this week!!!
- much better awareness from all players in general (including myself).
- players actually lifting when being held up instead of just ploughing on through when there isn’t space.
- punters getting decent penalties
- having to consider your Sr rating every lap due to severe Sr down.
- side by side action with no penalties

No doubt there are still wierd/wrong penalties being given out but I think this is a huge improvement over what we’ve had the past 3- 6 months

It’s good to be back in the dailies having some fun!!!

you must be joking its worse than ever

the most harmless unintended contact gets you SR down or worse a penalty , only 2 SR downs can be enough to be demoted from S to A , and dont forget giving people free penalties for bump drafting them! it has never been more russian roulette than at this moment

Yes you can have clean racing i saw that myself but every minor contacts almost now is a SR down and SR down penalizes SR way too much
Because effectively you are creating a multi class race with drivers of greatly differing ability and car speed.
Effectively you are in a group 1 car vs n300.
I know you are a clean driver it’s not that.
Anytime you have differing speeds greatly between drivers it’s dangerous.
Add in the fact that it’s the Nord, and you’re just gonna have a hard time maintaining sr. Nothing can change that.
I’d guess you are doing min a dozen overtakes per lap against drivers who might not even know you are there.

True, however matchmaking already creates the multi-class races. Qualifying does help to sort the field but there are so many people that can't race anywhere close to their quali time they spend hours on. I've easily beaten 8:06 qualifiers on the Nord with a big lead from the back while my best race time is 8:14 or so.

Actually I'm surprised at the awareness level in SR.C, it's odd that's still the cleanest place to race. SR.E is wreckfest, SR.D is close to that, yet SR.C, side by side hardly ever any issues. The problem is the low tier in SR.B where most people feel the need to push you off when you make a pass. And with this penalty system it means eternal yoyo between SR.D and SR.B. One wreckfest race in SR.S (due to bad matchmaking) dropped me in the lower ranks and I haven't been able to get out of it yet. The challenge continues.

On the other side, great place to learn to anticipate behavior. Which is probably why racecraft is higher in SR.C.
Which is probably why racecraft is higher in SR.C

I will say my last foray down in the dumps was to b sr. LeMans.
I found that there were fast people (a few) there but they made many mistakes and would shove you off to pass if you gave them a chance.
I was also matched into rooms of all S at lower dr and most of those folks were comparatively slow and careful.
I think there’s a portion of the playerbase that doesn’t give a hoot about ratings at all and races according to their idea of racecraft.
I agree though with @GOTMAXPOWER that effectively when there were no pens and self policing the fast rooms were actually great because self policing.
Average rooms looked to be awful though from the reports and videos.
It goes to show these A and above people know right from wrong cuz they’d immediately give back spots after dirty moves because they knew next corner they’d be punted into next week if they didn’t.
Racecraft is not best in b sr from what I saw it’s way way way worse. Cars off track contact punts etc.
Most races at 40k plus 99 look more or less like real races for the most part.
You just have a lot of amateurish mistakes and impatience but people are racing hard it’s to be expected.
I think without a more advanced set of ratings like ACC GTS is good as it’s gonna get for ME with pens either super strict or OFF.
The middle half ass cause the most troubles imo.

I’ll say too, when it gets super strict the complainers are almost always ones who lack control of their car.
If you have control then it takes about 1-2 instances to realize ok under this system I gotta be careful not to touch.
I’d say 70 percent of players race over their head outta control.
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you must be joking its worse than ever

the most harmless unintended contact gets you SR down or worse a penalty , only 2 SR downs can be enough to be demoted from S to A , and dont forget giving people free penalties for bump drafting them! it has never been more russian roulette than at this moment

Yes you can have clean racing i saw that myself but every minor contacts almost now is a SR down and SR down penalizes SR way too much
The easy solution is no contact.
the most harmless unintended contact gets you SR down or worse a penalty

I’ve seen a lot of clips and stuff where people complain and not saying this is you but often people put the car into hopeless situations close to others running 2-3 wide through corners with only one fast line. Contact is inevitable. You can see what’s gonna happen.
I think people enjoy that tho. But, it’s unwise in a strict system.
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The easy solution is no contact.

Can't always avoid. I was back in SR.B, car in front of me unexpectedly loses control, I brake as hard as I can trying to avoid, 4 sec penalty. -10 SR. Then get mangled by an overambitious Brazilian behind me while patiently behind the car in front of me. Another sec penalty. Back to SR.C.

The problem is the SR calculation, -15 SR for the race for situations you can't do anything about is stupid. Try try try again.
Overall it's not a bad system as long as you have high SR and DR as the lobbies are then pretty clean, but it's so randomly inconsistent. Last night I was racing around the Nordschleife and the lobbies were varied in quali times, ranging from top ten guys down to people who hadn't set times at all, but everyone had S SR, and one race I lost SR points despite not getting any penalties at all and didn't hit anyone either!??? :confused:
I also think the slow down point is unfair at the Nord too, if you have a 1 second penalty, slowing for 1 second at the start of that straight will mean anyone within 3 or 4 seconds of you will get past you, making the penalties more severe. Luckily, more often that not I gain as I rarely get penalties and the quicker guys often do just from the close racing. :)
Can't always avoid. I was back in SR.B, car in front of me unexpectedly loses control, I brake as hard as I can trying to avoid, 4 sec penalty. -10 SR. Then get mangled by an overambitious Brazilian behind me while patiently behind the car in front of me. Another sec penalty. Back to SR.C.

The problem is the SR calculation, -15 SR for the race for situations you can't do anything about is stupid. Try try try again.

I gotta play devils advocate today and say if you qualified you wouldn’t be behind people who lose control near as much.
So statistically less chance of incident.
Further if you have a strong qual time losing some sr just means you get put in a “timeout” race I call them with slower drivers. Usually an easy win crb.
That’s maybe not right but that’s what the game now does.
Imo if you want the best racing available put in a decent qual. I can’t imagine starting last at sr B on the ring is much fun unless you like pain.
I’m feeling saucy so playin devils advocate you understand :)
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I’ve not yet seen or been the victim of a bump draft penalty, I have been bump drafted, maybe it’s a speed difference thing?? But also it should not be the car ahead that gets a penalty so that is rubbish I agree.

Im not saying it’s perfect, I just said it’s better overall IMO.

Not everyone agrees, but for me racing is a non contact sport, yes I don’t mind a bit or rubbing but I can accept an Sr down for a little rubbing if it means that overall I’m going to be in lobbies with people who want to race like me - without contact.

I’m yet to receive an unjustifiable Sr down or penalty (and I’ve had a few :lol:). I believe it’s because I try not to make contact and I will bail out of things when I can if there is going to be contact, even if it costs me DR.

For me if your one of those that like to race “tough”, that’s fine and it’s not wrong it’s just not what I like, so if your being held back below SR S then that’s fine by me.

People need to remember that yes your going to have terrible races where the system is overly harsh on you and you get SR downs/penalties for things not within your control, that’s because it’s a computer and computers are limited to the rules set to them. However it shouldn’t be an issue for anyone to hold at SR S if that’s what they want to do. If you don’t, then be happy at SR (x) and enjoy your racing.

We’ll see how it goes at a few different circuits etc but I’m happy for now and I’ll see you in Race C later on for some more action!!
I'm with Fish on this one. Unfortunately, this is a "choose your own adventure" and you have to decide what is more enjoyable:

(a) Racing from the back and enjoying the fight up the ladder but having to deal with fools and punters (along with the inevitable SR-); or
(b) Qualifying up front and only occasionally having to deal with fools and punters. Less passing/fun but you maintain DR/SR.
people know right from wrong cuz they’d immediately give back spots after dirty moves because they knew next corner they’d be punted into next week if they didn’t.

Yep, and I think this is a pretty big deal. If I bump someone by accident, I always slow down and never pass, flash my headlights to signify I'm sorry and the other driver will usually flash back and we continue on with our races. Mistakes happen, let's move on.

Whenever I watch other drivers who bump another out the way and pass, many times, retaliation happens and it's a worse result for both.

If more would willingly admit to mistakes, less incidents are created but I think many seem above themselves and find the fault with the other driver by thinking they were too slow or whatever without acknowledging drafting and other factors.
The easy solution is no contact.

no motorsport series in the world has no contact , yet do you see penalties dished out left and right for minor contacts? just watch some DTM races where everybody brushes each other wide , yet no penalties

that system is garbage ,period

I remember a few months back when after an update , there was almost no penalties at all , those days were the ones i enjoyed the most
ort series in the world has no contact , yet do you see penalties dished out left and right for minor contacts?

Online racing is different. It’s so easy to barge by and it takes no skill and it’s no fun for anyone who wants fair competition.
That’s why I think for the best overall online races strict pens are best.
It’s just stupid if every race you can barge and shove without getting pens.
AND if that’s what’s you like go ahead!
Plenty of wreckfest in sr E!

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