They did fix it. But apparently the latest version of the Penalty System was too much of a hassle to try and fix so they rolled back to the system from last X-mas. And the cones seem to be part of that.

I saw a car jump at Maggiore the other night. I wondered how/why that "feature" had returned.
At the top level on daily B I think a zero tolerance for contact system with shared fault would be best.
The system has taught these people that it’s okay to dive in and shove cars to pass.
I have to sssume that these young gamers have learned in GTS.
Well, they’ve learned smashing into cars while passing is ok, and that’s not right.
They exhibit no honor or pride and treat racing online like Mariokart.
IMO sim racing rules need to be a bit stricter than reality to prevent this dishonorable unsportsmanlike behavior.

Edit to me if the car behinds outside front bumper or quarter panel contacts the side or rear of the car ahead in a turn that should be a severe penalty in all cases.
So say a right turn if anything on the left front on a car behind hits right side of car ahead.
Side panel to side panel? Meh the cars are parallel to each other.
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Thanks. I'm a new player here, didn't know that. So the fix was a rollback, nice! That is how I fix stuff everyday in my work :lol:

Except they rolled it back to the wrong version. Since December people have been asking to roll it back to before that update :banghead: It was possible to exploit that version as well but it was a thousand times better than everything since.

Good luck! It has turned into a no passing simulator. Any position you gain or someone else loses can mean a penalty for you. GT Formation lap / GT Parade instead of GT Sport :cheers:
The penalty system is just so great, get rammed and get penalised this really makes me think about how I drive. :banghead:
Sometimes I feel that no penalty system would be better.
Good luck! It has turned into a no passing simulator. Any position you gain or someone else loses can mean a penalty for you. GT Formation lap / GT Parade instead of GT Sport :cheers:
My qualifying time and desire to maintain a high SR is draining my DR. I could easily drive like the worst out there and gain DR without too much of an SR hit, but that's not how I want to race.
YEAH a new record, pushed off track twice by same player and he gets no penalties. You get away with too much, but get penalised for nothing, this doesn't encourage people to drive well. I want to be nice, but get so exasperated sometimes that I ram that idiot getting away with things he shouldn't. Now if someone like me who wants to be a nice guy does these things because of a terrible system what does it encourage in those with who maybe just don't understand how you should act, nevermind those who actively want to be bad.
-3SR for me, +2SR for the NASCAR driver. His driving didn't improve.

I got tired of the daily races and went into the lobby. Some joker comes in and starts bragging about his fine racing skills and wants to race for cash. What a joke.
I just got a penalty because the car in front of me pushed a car wide in the final corner, I didn't touch either at any point, the game didn't care and gave me a 1 second penalty for "contact with another car". In the same race I got knocked off track multiple times, mostly on purpose and the game gave nothing every time.

It really is a miracle that so many people actually try to race clean with the way this penalty system is.

It really is a miracle that so many people actually try to race clean with the way this penalty system is.

I feel bad if I unintentionally 'scam' someone out of a position and the system doesn't give me a penalty so I wait for the other driver to pass or recover, effectively setting my own penalty. If I race multiple times, I often see people from prior lobbies and I'd rather be on good terms with them than be perceived as a dirty driver with a target on my back. Racing clean is a matter of pride and I wouldn't feel good about myself by taking advantage of a loophole in the system. I'm sure it's the case for many others.
The worst aspect of the current system is nothing is learned. Everyone receiving a penalty probably feels it's wrong so they won't change behavior. Making penalties meaningless.

The latest changes are basically punishing those who committed early and learned to drive under earlier standards so they can attract newer players.
That should not happen in a fair sport. If that happened in real life (pick any sport) all previous records would be meaningless.

And if changes are that big. Give details. Why wouldn't you? Who does that?

I don't say this in anger. I say this with hope that they can do better.
Mentioned it in the daily race thread as well, but on Brands the brake check on corner exit is a give a penalty weapon again. TTs losing out on corner exit or due to tyre wear are braking after corner exit when you get a run on them. You get the 1 second penalty. Still rarely see a penalty for shoving someone off. But seen someone do it multiple times in a race and get no penalty so there is a way to cheat the system. Yet again.

How long till shared fault?
I just got a penalty because the car in front of me pushed a car wide in the final corner, I didn't touch either at any point, the game didn't care and gave me a 1 second penalty for "contact with another car".

I think @Sven Jurgens or somebody figured out why that sort of event happens. Since the 2 cars in front of you collide, you advance past at least one of them. The system must be blaming you for the contact, hence listing contact as the reason. I think he alluded that the system "sees" a car advance in the same zone as the contact & doesn't tell one car from another. In reality, the system is basically telling every player that it's broken if you get to advance any positions when you didn't make contact with any cars. Pretty soon, we'll just get penalties for a hard earned pass. :irked:
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I just got a penalty because the car in front of me pushed a car wide in the final corner, I didn't touch either at any point, the game didn't care and gave me a 1 second penalty for "contact with another car". In the same race I got knocked off track multiple times, mostly on purpose and the game gave nothing every time.

It really is a miracle that so many people actually try to race clean with the way this penalty system is.


Were you close to either of the cars up to 4 seconds before they made contact?

Lag can register contact on their console, it doesn't have to be your lag. If they have lag, your car can be in the wrong place on their screen and make contact (however slight). The game then checks for 3 or 4 seconds what happens afterwards. Another contact extends/resets that time.

I've gotten plenty of those lag penalties where my car was never near another car but their car seemed to react to an impact and a penalty popped up for me. Those were just the cases where there was a visible reaction from a phantom car, it can easily be a very small phantom contact that you won't notice at all.
Were you close to either of the cars up to 4 seconds before they made contact?

Lag can register contact on their console, it doesn't have to be your lag. If they have lag, your car can be in the wrong place on their screen and make contact (however slight). The game then checks for 3 or 4 seconds what happens afterwards. Another contact extends/resets that time.

I've gotten plenty of those lag penalties where my car was never near another car but their car seemed to react to an impact and a penalty popped up for me. Those were just the cases where there was a visible reaction from a phantom car, it can easily be a very small phantom contact that you won't notice at all.

Yes I was close (ish), intentionally going slow because I knew they were going to hit each other but yes it probably was lag as some other odd things were happening too and some cars were definitely jumping around a bit. In one race I randomly lost control after a big lag jump (someone may have quit as this still causes an issue) and I did pass one car at Paddock and it looked like they'd been hit off but I didn't touch them either and didn't get a penalty for that but then the system does just ignore some incidents too so it's really hard to know what's going on.

The worst aspect of the current system is nothing is learned. Everyone receiving a penalty probably feels it's wrong so they won't change behavior. Making penalties meaningless.

The latest changes are basically punishing those who committed early and learned to drive under earlier standards so they can attract newer players.
That should not happen in a fair sport. If that happened in real life (pick any sport) all previous records would be meaningless.

And if changes are that big. Give details. Why wouldn't you? Who does that?

I don't say this in anger. I say this with hope that they can do better.

If there's anything PD loves it's obfuscation. They really don't like people knowing the details of what they're doing, for some reason.
I had quite a few good races the last few days with good people even though I didn't make much progress with DR. The last few races I could have finished in the top 5 but I saw so much 🤬 I backed out of the races before they even finished. Besides a 🤬 penalty system there should be something like a minimum 3 consecutive qualifying laps (after warm-up laps) and the lowest (or an average) lap time is your q time. There's too many people with faster qualifying times that are not consistent with their lap times in a real race and can't even keep control on a simple turn.
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I hadn’t raced a lot of top lobbies when I was complaining, but clearly the problems have spooked players in these lobbies.
My report for the dailies this week has been great. There’s been no problem yet staying 99.

Yep even in EMEA the daily races are becoming a bit thin on the ground. Win a top split race B will net you +200 dr and so it’s not worth the risk to your SR or DR if you get taken out by someone pin balling from way back.

Interestingly I’ve started a second account in the last few days and the penalty / SR system is completely different in the lower levels. I could argue for and against it but it’s refreshing to be able to just race without receiving some b/s penalty nobody wanted. That being said the more competitive the lobby the more important penalties are to stop those “gaining” the system.

I’m starting to lean towards wanting a very strict SR system but just turn the penalties off. However last time they did that they turned the SR system off too and all hell broke loose and I really don’t want that.

Your best off treating the game as a game now and not a serious competitive “sport”. The rules have constantly changed since the start and then there is the FIA points system to go with it along with disconnects just for the extra spice. I have way more fun now I don’t worry about my DR and SR (within reason).

Better yet come and join us in the leagues/racing section. Plenty of great clean racing with a good community spirit :cheers:
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I was well into DR/B with SR/S until I made a severe error of judgement this week by entering the Nurburgring race. Utter chaos from the start, which I thought would get better, but it just deteriorated to the point where my DR was reset to D and SR to E. No matter how cleanly I was driving, SR downs were falling like confetti and, in the end, I went into attack mode just for the fun of it.

I think that all we can do is not become embroiled in DR status and just play the game. I say this because no matter how hard you try, there are hotheads out there who just have to win at all costs, taking stupid driving lines where overtaking cleanly is impossible and nothing will ever change that. With the severely broken penalty system there is no chance of progressing and I now use the time trials to benchmark my ability. I've incurred SR downs with no contact, or others hitting me, so what's the point of taking it seriously??
Putting someone sideways at all seems to be an immediate 3s penalty. As does a slower car brushing into you.

Still depends on your level. :(

A DR B (or lower) driver can often smash DR A or higher about all they want (multiple hits) without a penalty, even knocking them well off the track. It does blame them (in a way) correctly because you don't get a penalty for the contact, which happens regularly for even just rubbing a lower rated driver when you are "at fault". 🤬

For instance last week at Brands Hatch I got smashed wide/off a lot and not once did I get a penalty (or SR-) for it, trouble is only a few of the culprits got penalties for their actions as the game let the rest of them off, doubt they even got Sr- down as most people were gaining Sr despite all the contact. :rolleyes:

If you are a lower rated driver no higher rated driver can overtake you if you don't crash and you exploit the system. You don't even need to push them off, just turn in on them and clip them as they pass you and they'll get a penalty for "contact with another car" it's so stupid. :crazy:

The same penalty system for everyone would be a great place to start to try and fix this mess, don't know how many times that needs to be said before it happens though. :grumpy:

Now I've been doing this a couple of weeks I know that I'm now an expert so here's how it should be done.
The penalty system is too lax, it need to be so bad that any bump or off gives you such a bad penalty that you'll never do anything wrong again. See the main problem is peoples attitudes, just go watch any YT guy who claims to be super fair and thinks that bad drivers should be banned and you can nearly guarantee that they will do something questionable, but say they think it was OK "put a comment if you think I was wrong".
It's supposed to be a non contact sport, so if there is contact someone is to blame and honestly there is no way any algorithm can get blame right every time so the only way to make the drivers drive better is to harshly penalise everyone involved every time. Obviously you'd relax it a bit as you get to the worse drivers and everyone needs to have somewhere to start.
Also it needs to be harder to gain SR, I can tank mine because of bad drivers and then I stupidly go for revenge (which there is never any excuse for) yet drive a couple of race C's and get it back to A easily and even S if you get lucky. There is no incentive in this game to protect your SR rating to the detriment of your DR. Yes OK too bad and you could be reset, but that only applies to A's and above so what do most people who play this game care about that one?

The other solution is to just bin it and have a free for all, but would we really notice the difference?
This seems kind of harsh, I thought we showed each other a lot of respect:

Yes but they are DR B and you are DR A and there was contact as you overtook them so you were naughty and should know better. :banghead:

I just love this because you drove slightly off the track (limits are a bit odd here I think) it gave you a "forcing another car off the track" penalty instead of a "contact with another car" penalty that it would normally give, such attention to detail. That fact that you can get a penalty for forcing yourself off the track just sums up this system entirely. 🤬

It's supposed to be a non contact sport, so if there is contact someone is to blame and honestly there is no way any algorithm can get blame right every time so the only way to make the drivers drive better is to harshly penalise everyone involved every time. Obviously you'd relax it a bit as you get to the worse drivers and everyone needs to have somewhere to start.

I will say I support a harsh system. I support shared fault too. So, when I was complaining about the system above I was playing below my true DR, starting races without qualifying. Then of course I kept falling into the wretched hive of villainy that is all SR below A lol.
However for maybe 7-10 days now I played more seriously. I put in qualifying times, and returned my driving to “normal” ie no arcade moves-staying clean.
Guess what the experience has been great.
An occasional encounter or incident, but at 99 sr it’s been quite clean.
I’ve enjoyed it a lot, actually. I think the current system discourages people who are fast from starting without qualifying and trying to weave their way through a field of players who are far far slower, and that’s good imo.
I’m not saying wow check out this perfect system. Shared fault is the way to go.
I’d say also for E D C B and lower A dr it shouldn’t be a problem. You only need B sr at B dr C for C.
Even low A you only need A.
I’m for an extremely strict shared fault system, but this existing one isn’t as bad as the complaints make it out to be if you can race the 99 rooms.
On NA people overdrive and below 35-40k really the majority don’t have much racecraft (NOT ALL THE MAJORITY)
so there’s bound to be more troubles.
Also it’s a thing, there’s a point where you get fast enough and the racing line starts getting way more important but below a certain point on DR cars can be all over no ones near the racing line or the limit so no system can work within that chaos.
After spending some time honestly racing, staying 99, for me, it’s been pretty clean, despite what you read here. I’ve driven clean, gained a ton of dr and stayed 99 the whole time. It’s not impossible.
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