- 541
- United States
I agree with everything you said. I'm guilty of participating in a few wreckfests myself... started by absolute cheaters that have the ability to drive clean but they don't because someone passed them. I gave up on DR and only go out once in a while for a fun race. I back out of any race that starts to go bad. There should be a 4th Daily Race that has no effect on your DR/SR but shows all the penalties of a normal race.Now I've been doing this a couple of weeks I know that I'm now an expert so here's how it should be done.
The penalty system is too lax, it need to be so bad that any bump or off gives you such a bad penalty that you'll never do anything wrong again. See the main problem is peoples attitudes, just go watch any YT guy who claims to be super fair and thinks that bad drivers should be banned and you can nearly guarantee that they will do something questionable, but say they think it was OK "put a comment if you think I was wrong".
It's supposed to be a non contact sport, so if there is contact someone is to blame and honestly there is no way any algorithm can get blame right every time so the only way to make the drivers drive better is to harshly penalise everyone involved every time. Obviously you'd relax it a bit as you get to the worse drivers and everyone needs to have somewhere to start.
Also it needs to be harder to gain SR, I can tank mine because of bad drivers and then I stupidly go for revenge (which there is never any excuse for) yet drive a couple of race C's and get it back to A easily and even S if you get lucky. There is no incentive in this game to protect your SR rating to the detriment of your DR. Yes OK too bad and you could be reset, but that only applies to A's and above so what do most people who play this game care about that one?
The other solution is to just bin it and have a free for all, but would we really notice the difference?
I agree,I will say I support a harsh system. I support shared fault too. So, when I was complaining about the system above I was playing below my true DR, starting races without qualifying. Then of course I kept falling into the wretched hive of villainy that is all SR below A lol.
However for maybe 7-10 days now I played more seriously. I put in qualifying times, and returned my driving to “normal” ie no arcade moves-staying clean.
Guess what the experience has been great.
An occasional encounter or incident, but at 99 sr it’s been quite clean.
I’ve enjoyed it a lot, actually. I think the current system discourages people who are fast from starting without qualifying and trying to weave their way through a field of players who are far far slower, and that’s good imo.
I’m not saying wow check out this perfect system. Shared fault is the way to go.
I’d say also for E D C B and lower A dr it shouldn’t be a problem. You only need B sr at B dr C for C.
Even low A you only need A.
I’m for an extremely strict shared fault system, but this existing one isn’t as bad as the complaints make it out to be if you can race the 99 rooms.
On NA people overdrive and below 35-40k really the majority don’t have much racecraft (NOT ALL THE MAJORITY)
so there’s bound to be more troubles.
Also it’s a thing, there’s a point where you get fast enough and the racing line starts getting way more important but below a certain point on DR cars can be all over no ones near the racing line or the limit so no system can work within that chaos.
After spending some time honestly racing, staying 99, for me, it’s been pretty clean, despite what you read here. I’ve driven clean, gained a ton of dr and stayed 99 the whole time. It’s not impossible.
YT guy.