You think its unrealistic for connected players to interact via voice? Okay pal, I'm just imagining peoples voices emanating from my earphones then, right?
The original conversation was revolving around random lobbies.
No its not unrealistic for a bunch of friends, actually only 8 (see below), to be in a lobby saying sorry to each other as they bounce off each other during their races.
However, in the interest of keeping the conversation in the context that it began upon joining a random room, keeping a Mic open, (no where in sims instructional post did he say whilst in party chat it was me that brought party chat up) in the way sim described, Im sure if he meant to say in party chat he wouldn’t have omitted it.
Ever thought that perhaps it could just be that people just don't want to talk to you?
Now this would be belittling now wouldn’t it?
As far as it being unrealistic for unconnected players to interact via voice, that is pure assumption.
Yes an educated assumption combined with the practicallity of it all (again see below).
Just because it may not be the way you, or those you know, choose to interact with others doesn't necessarily mean that everybody else on the planet doesn't also.
Again practicallity issues see below.
If you insist on making things up please don't do it over something so easily refuted; I never claimed you said it was impossible.
Oh but you did, you wrote
So you can't join a PSN chat (party) with someone you don't know? Like how I don't know this person...
Which is the same as saying “you’ve said this is impossible look I’ve proved you wrong.” Lets not argue semantics.
My specifically chosen word was "unrealistic", chosen because of the incredulous , disbelieving, nature of your response to the author and a choice justified by your decision to repeat said word (in the first quote in this post).
Justified yes because I think you’ve convinced yourself of something that isn’t reality, and only technically possible up to a point. (See below) Also as a way of communicating in GTS using party chat is inadequate and a pain that most (educated again) do not use it as the go to, to say sorry for contact. It is because Sim suggested it that I posted my original post, He has described something that was normal for GT 5/6 not GTS.
Unless you can prove that you are the sole arbiter of how people use the given tools to interact with one another then your criticism of his contribution in unwarranted, unfair and symptomatic of the know-it-all, elitist attitude that unfortunately pervades this forum all too often.
Elitist how? Is that we are calling different opinions now? As thats all we are butting heads about.
Lets talk about how party chat doesn’t work so well in random lobbies - there are exceptions but this is how it generally goes.
So each and every individual player needs to be invited to party chat, I mean that can get really annoying if you have to interupt each qually lap to invite the new players that join, and then there’s the players that dont have mics, and what happens if there are 9+ Players, what if your in a lobby with 16 players, which players do you choose to invite, and then perhaps you forget who you’ve invited as they are all randoms so what is your go to, keeping the Mic open, or a quick press of start, I’m sorry, select the name,send, carry on racing.
Whilst I dont have numbers to back this up the amount of times I see Im sorry written in chat compared to the times I’ve used Mics in random lobbies would lead me to believe that using a Mic to say sorry in a random lobby is rare.
Which leads me back full circle to my original post, are sims opinions of GTS truly based in fact, or as I now suspect, that he hasnt at the very least raced in random online lobbies, not including sport mode, because if he had, keeping a Mic open would never have been a suggestion.