Sven was the first one for a yellow flag pass? I cant actually see what contact gave you the pen.

Reason I ask is I’ve had a couple of yellow flag pass pens in FIA recently with what I consider superhuman reactions needed to avoid, how does the game work out who’s involved and then OK to pass, is it just ghosted cars? Its difficult to work out as some cars were obviously involved and moving very slowly off the racing line and when you pass them under yellows at either full race/qually speed coming around blind corners I kind of get the feeling that if they have unghosted then don’t overtake, but Im really guessing.

Yes, that must be because of the yellow flag. Despite the chaos I did not make contact with anyone. However in those two chicanes the positions go up and down. I jump from 12 to 8 to 7 and back to 8. I have no clue who you can pass and imo that's also an impossible ask in that situation. I'm not sure what PD wants people to do there, stop and get rear ended? Proceed with caution is all you can do.

I have also see cars ghost that are not involved in an accident there, just for driving a bad line. Maybe low DR triggers ghosting earlier as well. Just to add to the confusion. While starting from the back I have seen plenty instances with cars going through each other in T1 without colliding. So relying on who is ghosted doesn't work either.

Perfect example of why, as it currently stands, the penalty system is completely and utterly broken (again).

I appreciate its difficult to find a balance between too harsh or too lenient penalties but PD seem to bounce from one extreme to the other.

It's both at the same time. You can ram someone as hard as you want and if they manage to hold on and stay on the road you get away with it. Only hit skilled drivers! I've been bumped wide quite hard plenty times with the car behind using the gap he just opened up, the penalty system doesn't care. Actually you get the SR Down for getting rear ended lol. Sadly if someone bumps you wide from behind you have to go off road or hit a wall to avoid SR loss and give them the penalty. Ofcourse they can also hit you from behind and then go off to give you a penalty. For example the last hit in that video.
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Yes, that must be because of the yellow flag. Despite the chaos I did not make contact with anyone. However in those two chicanes the positions go up and down. I jump from 12 to 8 to 7 and back to 8. I have no clue who you can pass and imo that's also an impossible ask in that situation. I'm not sure what PD wants people to do there, stop and get rear ended? Proceed with caution is all you can do.

I have also see cars ghost that are not involved in an accident there, just for driving a bad line. Maybe low DR triggers ghosting earlier as well. Just to add to the confusion. While starting from the back I have seen plenty instances with cars going through each other in T1 without colliding. So relying on who is ghosted doesn't work either.

It's both at the same time. You can ram someone as hard as you want and if they manage to hold on and stay on the road you get away with it. Only hit skilled drivers! I've been bumped wide quite hard plenty times with the car behind using the gap he just opened up, the penalty system doesn't care. Actually you get the SR Down for getting rear ended lol. Sadly if someone bumps you wide from behind you have to go off road or hit a wall to avoid SR loss and give them the penalty. Ofcourse they can also hit you from behind and then go off to give you a penalty. For example the last hit in that video.

Yes it is. The system is far too primitive and thus far too easy to understand. This makes it a bit too easy for some experts to abuse. Dievebombing has recently become very extreme again. Since the dive bombers are mostly inside with 2 wheels immensely in the grass the victim the gets penalties. In braking tests, I now observe that many drivers after the collision make a little dangling into the grass to give the victim additionally a time penalty. It all looks intentionally. So I do not understand why the developers do not do anything about it. This kind of thing destroys the game for those who want to play fair and honest. More and more players give up in frustration. The decreasing numbers of players despite always new content speak a clear language.
Yes it is. The system is far too primitive and thus far too easy to understand. This makes it a bit too easy for some experts to abuse. Dievebombing has recently become very extreme again. Since the dive bombers are mostly inside with 2 wheels immensely in the grass the victim the gets penalties. In braking tests, I now observe that many drivers after the collision make a little dangling into the grass to give the victim additionally a time penalty. It all looks intentionally. So I do not understand why the developers do not do anything about it. This kind of thing destroys the game for those who want to play fair and honest. More and more players give up in frustration. The decreasing numbers of players despite always new content speak a clear language.

That is what PD wants... to create a Paradise for Divebombers... mostly... I think that never ever a GT title was so... "missed" according to what it was promised when it was announced... A true Expections fail....
That is what PD wants... to create a Paradise for Divebombers... mostly... I think that never ever a GT title was so... "missed" according to what it was promised when it was announced... A true Expections fail....

PD is just very naive when it comes to online. Bump someone off, you get a penalty makes perfect sense. Yet why oh why can't it figure out that a car coming from off-road before the collision is not the fault of the car getting hit on the road. I don't understand the thinking behind that. Perhaps PD thinks that the car ahead tries to cut off the 'bomber' forcing them to evade by leaving the road, so the car ahead must be at fault?

Perhaps PD got so focused on preventing brake checks and weave blocking that any contact from behind is now the fault of the car ahead. Maybe they want to see more passes for the FIA races, so always get out of the way when a car approaches from behind... There should be an option to swap the front view and mirror view, rear view on the big screen, front view as pip. That's how you should drive in GT Sport :)
The problem are not just the numerous individual cases. The many wrong penalties also change the general behavior of the players. I am BS and thus according to classification a medium fast but fair player. One might think that I would race with other fair players. That is less and less the case. I am often surrounded by drivers who actively exploit the errors in the system or completely over-motivated go beyond all limits. This results in many undeserved punishments for me. What should i do if someone divebombes me? What should I do if someone loses control of his car and crashes into me? Is this really all my fault? The system as it is rewards exactly this behavior. Unfair behavior should be recognized and punished. I would be in favor if there was another rating for consistency. This could distinguish the drivers who drive crash or win from the consistent drivers. But this will hardly be possible because there are fewer and fewer drivers and therefore more and more drivers of different ratings runing a single race. Yesterday in my race from A+ to D everything was represented. Everyone can imagine the resulting chaos at the start and in T1. After getting pushed and rammed I was penultimate after that and had to fight through D drivers who tried everything with braktests and wild zigzag to prevent to be overtaken by me. But who wants to blame them? The system rewards such behaviour. So they only do what the system shows them to be beneficial.
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I was on the verge of being Dr A & Sr S.
After less than 10 races at the weekend and constantly being hit from the side or punted from the rear and subsequently now racing with even worse drivers and being hit x10 than before, I am now D E!!! Wtf I even stayed at the black tonight to keep away and a straggler came past dived up inside smashing me out the way and guess what........

That's right I got the big orange bad boy Sr again.

This was **** in the beginning and that was understandable and it even seemed to progress and get better but after the last 2 big updates it's just got worse and is now in my opinion a TOTAL CROCK OF ****!!!

I certainly won't be playing this again as the guys I'm with now don't seem to care about the rank and just bump you out the way to win instead of racing! Took me long enough to nearly be A S and now it's ruined due to being rammed from behind and getting a penalty for it.
In what racing league etc does the guy getting rammed from behind ever receive a penalty?????
And when you crash alone or skid of by mistake and lose time off track and positions, they don't give you another penalty do they because you've just had it by loosing enough time crashing!!
MY ASS!!!!

Oh I've got plenty of video footage to put together very shortly to follow this ******** up aswell. Some on you tube already, potterp81 if you want to see.
Agree with you 100 % . Same thing happened to me. I was B S and after 6 attempts on daily race A, I'm down to D E.
Final lap of the final turn at Lake Maggiore I get divebombed by a car 3 places behind me. Because he also hit the wall after contacting me, I get 5 second penalty.
What's going on at PD?
Some things have gotten better, others are still the same. I haven't gotten a penalty yet for someone wrecking in front of me. However SR still goes down and getting bumped from behind also still gives you SR Down. I just had a race with several B/S drivers bumping me about 8 times total during the race. Red S for me, the bumpers nothing of course.
Yesterday I had a Deja Vu. I started from P5 and after I was rammed off the track in T1 as a result of a chain reaction, I was once again penultimate. In front of me a group of Dr D drivers fighting each other. Although I was 2 seconds faster, I could not overtake the group and received massive penalties. In their fight it was extremely hard with wild block, zigzag and brake tests. I too was affected. No sooner had I overtaken a driver then I was blocked by the next driver. As a result, the just overhauled driver was back at my rear and made a divebomb with me in the next corner. What do you think who got the penalties for that? Of course me. I was penalized 12 seconds in this one race and lost 19 SR points. We know the broken penalty system by now. Especially in these cases it totally fails. Through their wild driving they often graze the wall or the grass. If it comes to a touch then always the other driver is punished. Furthermore, the algortihmen that are supposed to recognize and punish unfair blocking or zigzag driving are either non-existent or completely disabled. Therefore, in such situations almost the wrong driver gets a penalty. In these cases you just have to give up the race and drive very slowly with a safe distance behind such a group. Fighting with them makes no sense even if you are 2 seconds per round faster. This is just frustrating and has nothing to do with racing anymore.
Yesterday I had a Deja Vu. I started from P5 and after I was rammed off the track in T1 as a result of a chain reaction, I was once again penultimate. In front of me a group of Dr D drivers fighting each other. Although I was 2 seconds faster, I could not overtake the group and received massive penalties. In their fight it was extremely hard with wild block, zigzag and brake tests. I too was affected. No sooner had I overtaken a driver then I was blocked by the next driver. As a result, the just overhauled driver was back at my rear and made a divebomb with me in the next corner. What do you think who got the penalties for that? Of course me. I was penalized 12 seconds in this one race and lost 19 SR points. We know the broken penalty system by now. Especially in these cases it totally fails. Through their wild driving they often graze the wall or the grass. If it comes to a touch then always the other driver is punished. Furthermore, the algortihmen that are supposed to recognize and punish unfair blocking or zigzag driving are either non-existent or completely disabled. Therefore, in such situations almost the wrong driver gets a penalty. In these cases you just have to give up the race and drive very slowly with a safe distance behind such a group. Fighting with them makes no sense even if you are 2 seconds per round faster. This is just frustrating and has nothing to do with racing anymore.

This is why tracks like N24, Mount Panorama, Big Willow and Brand's hatch are my favorite. These erratic swerve blockers will drive themselves off sooner rather than later. There is no algorithm to detect blocking, rather it thinks everything is a block as the car ahead gets SR Down when bumped from behind. To give them a penalty you need to bump them, then step off the road. Of course that only works if they can stay on the road in the first place.

The most frustrating still is making a valid pass, then someone crashes into you at the apex from behind and goes off. Penalty for you.
The most frustrating still is making a valid pass, then someone crashes into you at the apex from behind and goes off. Penalty for you.

You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, that happened to me too often. Many are completely over-motivated after they have been overtaken and are trying hard to get the lost position back. Who drives so over motivated inevitably makes many mistakes. Stupid only if then the wrong driver is punished.
Yesterday it was similar. I pass a driver in a clean maneuver and then are slowed down by a blocking driver. As a result, the driver who has just been overtaken by me is back at my rear and tries to overtake me, of course, immediately. Since I will have to break earlier because of the slow frontman the driver behind divebombed me with 2 wheels in the grass. The results are a lost position, SR deduction and a time penalty. Theoretically I would have had to dive bomb the blocking driver immediately. Then I would have been over and could have quickly made a safe distance with my greater speed. Then both drivers would not have the opportunity to dive bomb me. But that's just theory. I do not want to run my race like that. It would be dirty and a form of self-justice and that should not exist. Actually, it would be up to the developers to enforce the rules. But unfortunately they fail in most cases.
I think the developers were way too naive. The developers believed everyone wants fair, clean racing and behaves accordingly. But anyone who knows other online games knows that there are always cheaters and players who want to force success. It does not matter if it is a racing game, or a shoter or other online games. It's always the same. The only thing to help against it: avoid glitches, recognize wrongdoing and enforce rules strictly. In all these points, the developers of GT Sport fail. At least they have the advantage of having the FIA rules. They do not have to analyze which rules are necessary. Basically, the system would just have to watch the compliance with FIA rules and react accordingly. But that seems to be more difficult than expected.
You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, that happened to me too often. Many are completely over-motivated after they have been overtaken and are trying hard to get the lost position back. Who drives so over motivated inevitably makes many mistakes. Stupid only if then the wrong driver is punished.
Yesterday it was similar. I pass a driver in a clean maneuver and then are slowed down by a blocking driver. As a result, the driver who has just been overtaken by me is back at my rear and tries to overtake me, of course, immediately. Since I will have to break earlier because of the slow frontman the driver behind divebombed me with 2 wheels in the grass. The results are a lost position, SR deduction and a time penalty. Theoretically I would have had to dive bomb the blocking driver immediately. Then I would have been over and could have quickly made a safe distance with my greater speed. Then both drivers would not have the opportunity to dive bomb me. But that's just theory. I do not want to run my race like that. It would be dirty and a form of self-justice and that should not exist. Actually, it would be up to the developers to enforce the rules. But unfortunately they fail in most cases.
I think the developers were way too naive. The developers believed everyone wants fair, clean racing and behaves accordingly. But anyone who knows other online games knows that there are always cheaters and players who want to force success. It does not matter if it is a racing game, or a shoter or other online games. It's always the same. The only thing to help against it: avoid glitches, recognize wrongdoing and enforce rules strictly. In all these points, the developers of GT Sport fail. At least they have the advantage of having the FIA rules. They do not have to analyze which rules are necessary. Basically, the system would just have to watch the compliance with FIA rules and react accordingly. But that seems to be more difficult than expected.

Yep PD is still too naive when it comes to online and has made things worse again with the server separation. The chance of getting matches with lower SR is far greater now. I already had several matches with SR.D to SR.S in the same room. Driving in SR.S gave you at least some assurance that most people there are aiming for a clean race. Last night I had two SR.B drivers that exited as SR.E, they were playing a different game, bumping people off the road not even trying to pass. How I can get DQ's for 3 a couple hits from behind while these clowns get to ram everyone off road they get near is beyond me.

There already was the DR discrimination in the same race when DR.D to DR.A+ are in the same room. The lower DR the less severe the penalties and the easier it is to scrub them during the race. With lower SR it's even more extreme. You get a positive SR boost at lower SR, or bigger point budget to spend during the race, while also getting lower SR deductions for contacts. A SR.D can crash into several SR.S leaving the SR.S with red ratings while getting a pat on the back for 'only' crashing a few cars. Last night a B/B driver kept bumping me from behind, SR Down each time, then defended his behavior that he was not the one with the red rating at the end...

As it is now, I only feel slightly confident passing on straights and even that can be risky with lower SR. Any sort of side by side, corner rights or applying any racing rules or etiquette is just asking for SR loss. You can still have good races during prime time in the populated regions (still full SR.S rooms albeit more lower DR now in NA). No clue how Oceania and South America are doing.
There already was the DR discrimination in the same race when DR.D to DR.A+ are in the same room. The lower DR the less severe the penalties and the easier it is to scrub them during the race. With lower SR it's even more extreme. You get a positive SR boost at lower SR, or bigger point budget to spend during the race, while also getting lower SR deductions for contacts. A SR.D can crash into several SR.S leaving the SR.S with red ratings while getting a pat on the back for 'only' crashing a few cars.
Last night a B/B driver kept bumping me from behind, SR Down each time, then defended his behavior that he was not the one with the red rating at the end...

I have often heard that too. Someone rammed you off the track, you get an unjustified punishment for it and at the end the causer still said you were the guilty one because you got the grading yourself and not him.

I did not know that the rewards and devaluations were awarded depending on the rank. If so, then that is highly unfair and encourages such drivers to be dirty.
Yes it's true about the penalties being more harsh against higher rated drivers and as one you are more likely to get blamed in any collisions with lower rated drivers. Also scrubbing penalties is easier as a lower rated driver, just braking as normal it goes down sometimes, that will not happen as an A+ driver.

Like last week at RBR, you could lose the penalty you got at T1 just braking for T2 in qualifying, in the race that only happened to lower rated drivers, it did not go down for me.
I was leading 1st and making final right turn. Then sudden car ram me behind. I managed stay on road and finish 1st as I thought. I got 2 sec penalty for what and the car ram me behind received no penalty. And got victory. I was total flabbergast. So therefore knowing all those racer with rating system score is hogwash and BS. I prefer much more is time trail while no one f......g with me.
I think penalties need to be more strict, however it’s my belief the algorithms are more complex than what’s been stated here. IMO your position relative to the racing line is a huge factor and overlap amount before turn in also.
I do my level best at all times to avoid contact.
Knock on wood I’ve been 99 sr for quite some time.
IMO if you regularly go down 2 levels or more in sr you need to be more careful.
I see so many of these penalties and yes some are mistakes, but usually it’s just way aggressive from all involved.
I think penalties need to be more strict, however it’s my belief the algorithms are more complex than what’s been stated here. IMO your position relative to the racing line is a huge factor and overlap amount before turn in also.
I do my level best at all times to avoid contact.
Knock on wood I’ve been 99 sr for quite some time.
IMO if you regularly go down 2 levels or more in sr you need to be more careful.
I see so many of these penalties and yes some are mistakes, but usually it’s just way aggressive from all involved.

It really is not. I've seen so many penalties, some received, some dished out, mostly observed from other cars colliding and it's always the car that stays on track that gets the penalty, or no penalty when both stay on the road. The SR Downs seem to have been adjusted as you don't always get SR Down anymore for a tap from behind and sometimes get one for a brake check again.
It really is not. I've seen so many penalties, some received, some dished out, mostly observed from other cars colliding and it's always the car that stays on track that gets the penalty, or no penalty when both stay on the road. The SR Downs seem to have been adjusted as you don't always get SR Down anymore for a tap from behind and sometimes get one for a brake check again.

Well, from what I have seen, at sr s if you follow proper etiquette in accordance with real sports car racing standards it’s quite difficult to incur a penalty.
I think at lower levels people are just playing a racing game. Tbh I doubt they even know the track we’ll enough to race it. I went down to sr b once in my career and those folks have no idea about etiquette.
The other thing is look at the racing line PD puts up.
It’s very very tough to punt people on many tracks if they drive that line well.
I guess my main point is that you are in control of your sr not the game despite the systems imperfections.
If you are getting many collisions it is time to look at yourself.
So often folks put up drive by posts like ‘game sucks this race went from s to b sr’
Fact is you really really have to be messing up bad over emotional to end up like that.
When I dropped to b sr that one time it was my choice to punt those people.
The punishment of having to regain s sr was getting stuck down there farming it back.
Never again for me.
Obviously if you start at the back and seriously try to get to the front at lower levels you will have chaos.
Not qualifying is what it is.
I just want to point out that if one desires clean racing it can be had pretty easily with gt sport but it starts with each player taking responsibility instead of blaming the game.
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I think at lower levels people are just playing a racing game.
<- Raises hand

I couldn't possibly care less about having an S rating.

It may be an unpopular sentiment, but I'm most happy racing in A, B, & C SR races. I certainly don't need to win to enjoy myself. It's nice to have a chance, though. Usually in S races, I have little chance of a top 5. I normally just take a beating for the whole race.

My most competitive races are usually in the lower levels. My SR deductions are probably 2/3 my fault, because I don't back off the throttle as much as I should. The other 1/3 is because the penalty system just sucks.

I do lots of Sport races, and just wanted to back up what you were saying by giving some perspective from a frequent racer who doesn't take it super seriously.
Well, from what I have seen, at sr s if you follow proper etiquette in accordance with real sports car racing standards it’s quite difficult to incur a penalty.
I think at lower levels people are just playing a racing game. Tbh I doubt they even know the track we’ll enough to race it. I went down to sr b once in my career and those folks have no idea about etiquette.
The other thing is look at the racing line PD puts up.
It’s very very tough to punt people on many tracks if they drive that line well.
I guess my main point is that you are in control of your sr not the game despite the systems imperfections.
If you are getting many collisions it is time to look at yourself.
So often folks put up drive by posts like ‘game sucks this race went from s to b sr’
Fact is you really really have to be messing up bad over emotional to end up like that.
When I dropped to b sr that one time it was my choice to punt those people.
The punishment of having to regain s sr was getting stuck down there farming it back.
Never again for me.
Obviously if you start at the back and seriously try to get to the front at lower levels you will have chaos.
Not qualifying is what it is.
I just want to point out that if one desires clean racing it can be had pretty easily with gt sport but it starts with each player taking responsibility instead of blaming the game.

Of course if you drive up front and everyone follows proper racing etiquette you won't get penalties. However the game doesn't care at all about racing etiquette. PD simply turned the excessive penalties for any contact off and changed it to only giving out penalties when cars go off road or hit a wall. You can spin a car out and as long as that car stays on the track you won't get a penalty.

Driving in the middle of traffic you will get screwed by the penalty system some time. Still if you are careful you can stay at 99 SR even when overtaking 10+ cars per race. The biggest problem a lot of drivers have is not knowing when to back off and slot back behind to set up another pass later. Too much all or nothing going on.
Totally! That’s what’s cool about this game. Each player can play it their own way!

My main point is for people reading to form their own opinions and think for themselves.

@Sven Jurgens
I couldn’t agree more about people not accepting overtakes.
One point though. It’s pretty accepted as rule in racing that it’s the responsibility of the overtaking car to do it safely without contact. Faster cars must respect slower cars on track. That’s why I qualify, because I want to start near folks at my level.
I’ll just say also that I’ve seen plenty of instances where the algorithm you suggest wasn’t applied.
Maybe it differs at different levels/somehow glitches or whatever but that doesn’t matter. Fact is we don’t KNOW what the algorithms are. We have educated opinions about them.
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Totally! That’s what’s cool about this game. Each player can play it their own way!

My main point is for people reading to form their own opinions and think for themselves.

@Sven Jurgens
I couldn’t agree more about people not accepting overtakes.
One point though. It’s pretty accepted as rule in racing that it’s the responsibility of the overtaking car to do it safely without contact. Faster cars must respect slower cars on track. That’s why I qualify, because I want to start near folks at my level.
I’ll just say also that I’ve seen plenty of instances where the algorithm you suggest wasn’t applied.
Maybe it differs at different levels/somehow glitches or whatever but that doesn’t matter. Fact is we don’t KNOW what the algorithms are. We have educated opinions about them.

The 'algorithm' if we can call it that, seems more complicated since the track limits and wall contacts are not uniform. Track limits for penalties are different than track limits that trigger short cut penalties, and different again for a clean race bonus. You can still get a clean race bonus with (minor) short cut penalties. At Sarthe and RBR you can go wide without getting a short cut penalty, yet for the penalty system it is considered off track. While with walls the contact has to be severe enough to register for a penalty. And indeed different DR and SR levels complicate things further. Yet I still think the base 'algorithm' is dead simple. It's what is considered as going off track that makes it seem more complicated than it is.

PD is improving it though. Today I noticed that the right car gets punished in a multiple car collision. I got punted into the car in front of me who went off. And instead of me getting the penalty as it was before, the car hitting me got the penalty. Plus I haven't been blamed for tapping an accident since the latest changes. I did just get the blame for hitting a brake check. He was off much worse though... Brake checks at 270kph, not smart.

I'm happy with the new changes in the penalty system, it's improving. It's still pretty ludicrous that running yourself into a wall or off track to avoid a car getting in trouble can get you a bigger penalty than hitting someone, yet walls don't come back to take revenge when you hit them. That's a plus.
Apparently you no longer get any Sr points while you have an active penalty.

I just started on pole in race C at Tokyo. Going for a no-stop strategy on softs in the Cayman.
As we approach T1 I'm still in the lead but two Huracans are closing fast and one of them draft-bumps me just before I slam on the brakes at the 100m board. He doesn't slam on the brakes and rams me straight into the wall. I get a four second penalty and Sr down, of course. He spins out and hits multiple cars. The rest of the race I'm all alone in P1 with a comfortable gap behind. I get no more penalties and I don't make contact with anything. I serve the 4 second penalty at the line on the final lap.

After the race I notice that I have a red Sr S. I don't know exactly how many Sr points I lost on lap 1 but shouldn't 6.9 laps of clean racing give more Sr points than I lost from the bump draft and ramming I received?
Apparently you no longer get any Sr points while you have an active penalty.

I just started on pole in race C at Tokyo. Going for a no-stop strategy on softs in the Cayman.
As we approach T1 I'm still in the lead but two Huracans are closing fast and one of them draft-bumps me just before I slam on the brakes at the 100m board. He doesn't slam on the brakes and rams me straight into the wall. I get a four second penalty and Sr down, of course. He spins out and hits multiple cars. The rest of the race I'm all alone in P1 with a comfortable gap behind. I get no more penalties and I don't make contact with anything. I serve the 4 second penalty at the line on the final lap.

After the race I notice that I have a red Sr S. I don't know exactly how many Sr points I lost on lap 1 but shouldn't 6.9 laps of clean racing give more Sr points than I lost from the bump draft and ramming I received?

This doesn't seem to be the case for me. I just had a race c where I picked up a penalty in turn 1 that I didn't get rid of until the end. I still had a blue SR.
Apparently you no longer get any Sr points while you have an active penalty.

I just started on pole in race C at Tokyo. Going for a no-stop strategy on softs in the Cayman.
As we approach T1 I'm still in the lead but two Huracans are closing fast and one of them draft-bumps me just before I slam on the brakes at the 100m board. He doesn't slam on the brakes and rams me straight into the wall. I get a four second penalty and Sr down, of course. He spins out and hits multiple cars. The rest of the race I'm all alone in P1 with a comfortable gap behind. I get no more penalties and I don't make contact with anything. I serve the 4 second penalty at the line on the final lap.

After the race I notice that I have a red Sr S. I don't know exactly how many Sr points I lost on lap 1 but shouldn't 6.9 laps of clean racing give more Sr points than I lost from the bump draft and ramming I received?

Same happened to me. It was only 1 SR loss though to 98. If I read it correctly there were two contacts, the draft bump and then the punt into the wall. One 5 sec penalty is enough to barely survive with a neutral rating for a perfect rest of the race. The SR deductions are harsh at DR.A. One race last week with 3 contacts for which I got the blame (one was deliberate, fair enough) send me from 99 to 69. Yesterday I dropped to 90 SR in a Tokyo race from one penalty and people draft bumping me a couple times. The bumping continued in the next 2 races and while I was penalty free and had perfectly clean races, I only gained 1 SR in each of those.
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Same happened to me. It was only 1 SR loss though to 98. If I read it correctly there were two contacts, the draft bump and then the punt into the wall. One 5 sec penalty is enough to barely survive with a neutral rating for a perfect rest of the race. The SR deductions are harsh at SR.A. One race last week with 3 contacts for which I got the blame (one was deliberate, fair enough) send me from 99 to 69. Yesterday I dropped to 90 SR in a Tokyo race from one penalty and people draft bumping me a couple times. The bumping continued in the next 2 races and while I was penalty free and had perfectly clean races, I only gained 1 SR in each of those.
Oh well, time to ditch the Cayman then I guess. I always get swarmed into T1 and there's always one or two drivers who tries to win the race in T1, even at Sr. S.
What a freaking joke again. Starting from pole in Tokio East...
Guys slipstream, 2 overtake and I get hit from all sides during turns 1-5. Get the "disqualification warning" after half a lap. Next corner I get bumped from behind and I am out. Quickest race ever! Just 1:20.
What a freaking joke again. Starting from pole in Tokio East...
Guys slipstream, 2 overtake and I get hit from all sides during turns 1-5. Get the "disqualification warning" after half a lap. Next corner I get bumped from behind and I am out. Quickest race ever! Just 1:20.
Extremely easy to avoid!!

Do like I do... Game change!!!.. for more than a month... only AC and PC2...

If all do like I do.. I m certain that PD will do something about it...
After being knocked around for two days, I put together three clean races from last place; and still lost points!
The guys who knocked me off the track finished ahead of me and burned off penalty.
Extremely easy to avoid!!

Do like I do... Game change!!!.. for more than a month... only AC and PC2...

If all do like I do.. I m certain that PD will do something about it...
I did that last time when I dropped to D/E, but somehow:banghead: PD did not seem to care.

Here is the strange part:
Start of the week, new to Tokio East, I was way too eager into Turn 1, often put (or punted) myself into the lead by some questionable driving on the inside line (aka dive-bombing) and still I managed to run My SR up to S (which was down because of another problem track) Would have easily accepted SR- there, but the reason I went up was that most of the times nobody could catch me, so 5 or 6 clean laps. Guys were pretty slow then and on the wrong tires.

I have said this before, have no hopes that PD will ever read it, but will say again:
The SR judgement has to better respect these facts:
- If driving in a very tight group, SR must not be too strict on small contacts, which will naturally occur very frequently due to network lag and people wiggling around because they use a controller.
- On the other hand, driving on your own cannot bring up your SR like it is now, because you prove nothing.
- Driving in a group, your SR should go up if you try to avoid contact, i.e. every time you back down before a corner, every time you leave room for the other guy, etc.
- The SR- should depend more on whether you gain an advantage by going into the contact.

All not easy, how can a team of nerds ever get the point of this?

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