- 5,671
- Ulricehamn
To change your greeting go to your menu, and click on the sprocket in the top left side. It opens a menu where you can edit it.It's somewhere in your profile settings where you see the garage photo. I figured out once how to change the garage photo but haven't been able to find it again.
I got one nice clean race in SR.A, 2nd place finish, CRB, but that put me right back in SR.S in front of the bumper pusher nose stick diver. I don't mind the false penalty so much as dirty SR.S drivers gaming the system and coming out with a blue S and no penalty after pit manoevering and bumping cars out of the way. He finally left after I called him out or perhaps he was done after bumping his way to second. The races after were very clean with respect all around. There must be a way to remove the bad apples from SR.S spoiling the races for so many.
To change your garage photo you go to your garage and click on the shutter symbol.
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