It's somewhere in your profile settings where you see the garage photo. I figured out once how to change the garage photo but haven't been able to find it again.

I got one nice clean race in SR.A, 2nd place finish, CRB, but that put me right back in SR.S in front of the bumper pusher nose stick diver. I don't mind the false penalty so much as dirty SR.S drivers gaming the system and coming out with a blue S and no penalty after pit manoevering and bumping cars out of the way. He finally left after I called him out or perhaps he was done after bumping his way to second. The races after were very clean with respect all around. There must be a way to remove the bad apples from SR.S spoiling the races for so many.
To change your greeting go to your menu, and click on the sprocket in the top left side. It opens a menu where you can edit it.

To change your garage photo you go to your garage and click on the shutter symbol.
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The changes in penalty system could be by design. Maybe its done to balance newer more motivated players and offer less motivation for players who have been playing awhile. Could be that the penalty system favors lower DR drivers when there is a surge of new players. Then reverts back after those player get caught up.

I sort of noticed it last year. So I've stayed away from Sports Mode since mid-December.
The new pens even this new revision I personally have had good luck with, but have seen examples of problems

Even with the occasional BS penalty, it's now way too easy to maintain SR.S. The SR Downs for bumping people and penalties for bumping cars into walls have gone. Track limit penalties are still a joke on the Nordschleife and it also seems to affect penalties for bumping people off road, as in no penalties get issued.

Perhaps the bigger pool of SR.S drivers will improve matchmaking but it also does nothing to remove the dirty drivers from SR.S. Even when it sort of works it's still far too soft of a punishment to correct that behavior. One race I had a car continually trying to ram me off road because he ended up with a penalty when his dive bomb failed. He made 5 attempts before the penalty zone, got punished for 2, ruined my race, still left as SR.S.

Oh well. Now is the time for Blue moon bay to come back since draft bumping is fully allowed. Of course ramming people into walls is also allowed now..., as long as they don't lose position.
It's somewhere in your profile settings where you see the garage photo. I figured out once how to change the garage photo but haven't been able to find it again.

I got one nice clean race in SR.A, 2nd place finish, CRB, but that put me right back in SR.S in front of the bumper pusher nose stick diver. I don't mind the false penalty so much as dirty SR.S drivers gaming the system and coming out with a blue S and no penalty after pit manoevering and bumping cars out of the way. He finally left after I called him out or perhaps he was done after bumping his way to second. The races after were very clean with respect all around. There must be a way to remove the bad apples from SR.S spoiling the races for so many.
It's funny how that works. Last week at the B race, I drove it as and SR C, B, A, & S. Definitely the nastiest race I did was when up against A/A+ S.
I've done a couple of C races today, and have been focused on SR repair. That means I have been taking a lot of 🤬 from people, without retaliating. The thought in my head was that as soon as I get back to 99, I'm gonna feel free to crack some heads.

There's some weird psychology involved in SR ratings. :lol:
Even with the occasional BS penalty, it's now way too easy to maintain SR.S. The SR Downs for bumping people and penalties for bumping cars into walls have gone. Track limit penalties are still a joke on the Nordschleife and it also seems to affect penalties for bumping people off road, as in no penalties get issued.

Perhaps the bigger pool of SR.S drivers will improve matchmaking but it also does nothing to remove the dirty drivers from SR.S. Even when it sort of works it's still far too soft of a punishment to correct that behavior. One race I had a car continually trying to ram me off road because he ended up with a penalty when his dive bomb failed. He made 5 attempts before the penalty zone, got punished for 2, ruined my race, still left as SR.S.

Oh well. Now is the time for Blue moon bay to come back since draft bumping is fully allowed. Of course ramming people into walls is also allowed now..., as long as they don't lose position.

I’d agree.
The game does a good job of matching 99 s with 99 s
drop below 99 and you get the different matching. I’ve always said that:


LOL I agree man, you’re right. I’ve no idea why people are so into dr. Just by racing clean and not crashing you’ll get where you need to be, but people gotta be half outta control every race and treat getting passed like you had your way with their wife ffs.
I don’t get it. People don’t seem to understand a controlled racepace nets more results faster than kamikaze gotta pass driving.
I don’t get it.
I don’t always try for the fastest possible way to take a corner or section, gotta manage it in a way I can limit time sucking big mistakes.
So, at race C, I went completely off the track to pass another car. No penalty received. :P
I guess just do whatever you want on that track now. Not that I condone that sort of thing. :lol:

I didn't actually intend to pass him in the grass, but when he moved to the left, I would've hit him if I didn't.
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I think it's funny to watch the chats after a race. Constantly, and continually, I see some guy coming across with "I'm reporting you." "Reported" Etc.... I just think it's funny. You're basically just saying "I don't like the way you race, so I'm gonna tell." I'll say what I've always said, "If you don't like how a person races, race better than them and qualify faster. You'll leave the dorks behind in the rankings."

And, by the way, who are you reporting to, and what do you expect them to do?
I think it's funny to watch the chats after a race. Constantly, and continually, I see some guy coming across with "I'm reporting you." "Reported" Etc.... I just think it's funny. You're basically just saying "I don't like the way you race, so I'm gonna tell." I'll say what I've always said, "If you don't like how a person races, race better than them and qualify faster. You'll leave the dorks behind in the rankings."

And, by the way, who are you reporting to, and what do you expect them to do?

You're reporting to /dev/null, it has no effect except some people believe it does and they get mad :lol:

The problem with matching on SR is that there is no way to leave the dorks behind in the rankings, A+/S to D/S rooms are far too common and lower DR is always right when ramming higher DR players. it's easier to leave the dorks behind by dropping your SR to SR.B where matchmaking has a bigger pool. Of course the game makes sure your DR also suffers when going for lower SR races so everyone is mixed together again!

@Sven Jurgens, you're naked out there. Give that car a proper paint job. 👍

I thought it wasn't possible to paint it since there was not a single paint job this morning. And I was starting 5th without qualifying :lol:
I'm really not liking the changes, now I'm giving people penalties left and right while the actual trouble makers go unpunished :(

Here I end up giving @Dairyworker an unfair penalty. The car that loses control bumps him and slows. When I pass that car, @Dairyworker gets a penalty. Contact, other car loses position = penalty

Meanwhile, when I get rammed at the hairpin, the attacker goes free

Perhaps since his dive bomb costs him (illegally obtained) positions as well.

Even worse, when I brake a bit too late and see now way out with slipstream, I end up giving @Mc_Yavel a penalty

I rather go to the outside when I'm a bit late on the brakes, yet there was a car there and I wasn't sure if I was going to clear him before running into @Mc_Yavel, hence my last ditch effort to head for the inside wall. Then my instinct is to slow down and give back the position, yet that triggers the penalty for @Mc_Yavel :banghead: I'm sorry.

One more example of the game making me the executioner for @BenRod

The orange car went wide, @BenRod went through the inside yet the orange car did not concede to losing the corner, contact happened, orange car hit the wall, yet the penalty only triggers when I pass the orange car.

Enough racing for me today. I managed to wrong 3 people on here in my last two races :ouch:

No worries, I've race enough around you to know it was not on purpose.

Also thank for the informative post about the renew penality system. I could see it was working differently but could'nt really understand how. Now I know better.
Did you actually just right that. Dude your kidding right. Wow.
Are you disputing my statement that PC2 and AC will be receiving no more updates? If there's anything you don't like about either of those games, good luck getting the devs to make any changes. I own both games and they aren't even on the same planet as GTS in terms of being a complete driving game. I also recently bought ACC, and did one of the current time trials, and can't see that there is any way to view the leaderboard. If I'm missing something and the full leaderboards are available online (they sure as heck don't seem to be available in the game), please let me have a link.
It´s hard to create the systems, they could make SR S only acessible after you get a decent DR like B or above and make it more hard to get, if player X have a bad average of clean races will reiceive less points at SR rank, so average means that the game have to concider a number of races like after 10 races you get a average number that will determine how many points the driver in question will recieve in the SR rank.

So clean drivers will always have a good chance of geting SR S faster and stay in it while dirty drivers will have a hard time grinding the SR rank up again, SR S lobbys could grant more DR points also.

Don´t know if it´s a good idea but average seems a good way to filtrate SR rank cause even if a clean racer get a unfair penalty he will always have a better clean race average.

Make it a grinding system to force people to beahave better and only the ones that avoid contact are awarded with SR S rank, with that people will be forced to improve their driving skills or else they will have a harder time cause they will receive less points in both DR and SR.
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Here is another one. Had a run on Race C. Get caught up to the driver ahead and steady behind them trying to find my way past clean when trouble comes behind. Taps me in the middle of one corner, but it slows them down, driver in front and I pull away a touch. Here is a few turns later when they catch me again. My retaliation was supposed to be just the first one, where I fully expected a penalty. But I get nothing, just a green SR up arrow :confused:.
I admit my retaliation was dirty, but serious problems are here when it earns a green arrow:odd:
Here is another one. Had a run on Race C. Get caught up to the driver ahead and steady behind them trying to find my way past clean when trouble comes behind. Taps me in the middle of one corner, but it slows them down, driver in front and I pull away a touch. Here is a few turns later when they catch me again. My retaliation was supposed to be just the first one, where I fully expected a penalty. But I get nothing, just a green SR up arrow :confused:.
I admit my retaliation was dirty, but serious problems are here when it earns a green arrow:odd:

I had to take a shower after watching that. :lol:

It's obvious that PD don't really know how to make the system to correctly assign blame after an incident (but at least they're trying). The latest adjustment has turned out to be quite a failure. We'll never know who's in charge of the system or how many people work on it. I think at this point (and after the amount of backlash the new penalty system has received) they might as well just turn the penalties off and turn on full damage. I wonder what these races would look like with full damage on. They call it The Real Driving Simulator so they should make it feel like one. Sure, you'd pay for other people's mistakes and/or stupidity but that's what happens in real life too. In real life when someone misses their braking point by 50 effing meters, you can bet they'll take a few innocent "bystanders" with them. But a driver like that would probably never be allowed to continue in that race again. The real issue of the Sport mode is that those players are allowed to take part in the same races with players who just don't do stupid things like that. You cannot be deemed a safe driver after 10 (or so) incident-free races. That's just stupid. It's the SR system that desperately needs work. Stop messing with the penalty system, you'll never figure it out. Work on the matchmaking instead.
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Here is another one. Had a run on Race C. Get caught up to the driver ahead and steady behind them trying to find my way past clean when trouble comes behind. Taps me in the middle of one corner, but it slows them down, driver in front and I pull away a touch. Here is a few turns later when they catch me again. My retaliation was supposed to be just the first one, where I fully expected a penalty. But I get nothing, just a green SR up arrow :confused:.
I admit my retaliation was dirty, but serious problems are here when it earns a green arrow:odd:

This was like watching a lobby race with penalties switched off. It's seemingly a free-for-all at the N24 right now and links with @Sven Jurgens' message earlier about irregular track penalty limits affecting people being bumped off the track. I guess the game saw it as either driver staying on the road within "limits" so no penalties issued.

I think both should've got a minimum of 2s penalties each. Here's hoping the maintenance update will do something to fix and mitigate this.
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Saw @Mc_Yavel again, gave him a penalty again :banghead:

Technically it wasn't my fault, he went went wide first, clipped the wall, I ran into him. However I slowed to give him space, got passed by the cars behind me which triggered the penalty. I guess it's better to gun it when cars mess up ahead... Sorry about the penalty again lol.

The rest of the race went great anyway, except for the out of control Brazilian getting in between. I went wide once, getting used to the different display lag again switching back to my other tv. A change in 30 ms display lag can make the difference between hanging on or going into the gravel. At least when it's constant it only takes a race or two to dial it in again.
I watch most of your clips complaining about unfair penalties, and I mostly see poor fair play.:indiff:
If anything, lots of you guys should be happy about the more flexible penalty system. Sure, once in a while we get hit by the other edge of the sword, but it's mostly easy to understand what the game allows or doesn't allow and adapt the driving style. :cheers:
@Sven Jurgens
I’ve always kinda felt that they could do something with the scoring system too. Maybe, say if you don’t get crb, but finish top ten, you could only get 50 percent of Dr points gain or some such...
Does that idea or something like it have any merit in your opinion?

Edit also I took a different one in FIA. Manu, I was approaching turn one, I had a guy in draft, and a second guy pulled inside very late, almost at the cones. I was cheeky, and changed lines last second to cut him off and close off the very inside. He slightly rear ended me, no cars went off track and I got a one second...Like above @barak81, almost looked like the game doled out a pen for essentially brake check...edit nope, looks like green car went off track.
Strange stuff going on, but there has to be some rule behind it, activating it.
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It´s hard to create the systems

No it's not, It's not if you know how to do your job. This task is, quite literally, a normal every day task in game development.

It's like saying "making lasagna is hard" and talking about a professional cook.

I watch most of your clips complaining about unfair penalties, and I mostly see poor fair play.:indiff:
If anything, lots of you guys should be happy about the more flexible penalty system. Sure, once in a while we get hit by the other edge of the sword, but it's mostly easy to understand what the game allows or doesn't allow and adapt the driving style. :cheers:

Obviously you have not seen any of the actual video evidence showing penalties being handed to people for events they have no control over. If the system actually worked in a way that was "easy to understand" this entire thread would not exist.

Maybe you should play the game some time :P
No it's not, It's not if you know how to do your job. This task is, quite literally, a normal every day task in game development.
If it's a normal everyday task in game development, why has no game company succeeded with it yet? There has to come a point where, if absolutely nobody in the world has ever managed to do something, we have to conclude it must be quite hard, no matter how easy it might be claimed to be by people who haven't actually done it.
So, uh, something happened during my first ever Top 5 finish in a FIA race during today's Nations race:

I got a (possibly deserved?) for (accidentally, I feel) driving someone else off the track during the last lap and after the penalty zone, but people who are supposed to take advantage of my penalty receive 20-second tire penalty instead, so nothing changes, I get to keep that finish.

What are people's thoughts on this situation?
So, uh, something happened during my first ever Top 5 finish in a FIA race during today's Nations race:

I got a (possibly deserved?) for (accidentally, I feel) driving someone else off the track during the last lap and after the penalty zone, but people who are supposed to take advantage of my penalty receive 20-second tire penalty instead, so nothing changes, I get to keep that finish.

What are people's thoughts on this situation?

It was a bit silly of people behind you to not use the mandatory tyre, so that's on them.

If it's a normal everyday task in game development, why has no game company succeeded with it yet? There has to come a point where, if absolutely nobody in the world has ever managed to do something, we have to conclude it must be quite hard, no matter how easy it might be claimed to be by people who haven't actually done it.

I agree. If it was easy it would have been done. The truth is if you apply a system with hard rules, as soon as you know what those rules are you can exploit them. In real motorsports it's often a group of people who discuss and decide if a penalty should be applied, and often take a fair amount of time to do so. Expecting an algorithm to do the same is asking a lot. That doesn't excuse quite how bad the system is right now but I get why it's difficult.

I think as others have discussed a complete overhaul of the SR system is needed so that genuinely clean racers (i.e. contact free) are kept separate from the less clean.
Re: penalties for not using mandatory tyres

It says there's a mandatory tyre in the race details, there's a small flashing letter on the lobby screen, but at absolutely no point anywhere in the game - aside from the news feed, where the announcement will now be long buried - does it say you'll get a penalty for not using the tyre. Nor does it explain this when it happens and people get penalised.
Obviously you have not seen any of the actual video evidence showing penalties being handed to people for events they have no control over. If the system actually worked in a way that was "easy to understand" this entire thread would not exist.

Maybe you should play the game some time :P

Oh I play everyday. My SR ranking is S most of the time but occasionaly goes down if I'm in a lobby with particularly aggressive players, or if I don't qualify and decide that the back of the pack is too slow for fun. But I don't lose my s+*t because I got handed a penalty that I thought I didn't deserve.:dunce:

I just whine a bit during the race, report the other player if there was obvious and repeated abuse... Whatever that achieves.
Obviously you have not seen any of the actual video evidence showing penalties being handed to people for events they have no control over. If the system actually worked in a way that was "easy to understand" this entire thread would not exist.

Maybe you should play the game some time :P

I play everyday, but ok. I just find it funny to see people stick to their racing line (thus ignoring other players), with all assists on, getting upset about penalties they see as unfair.
With a bit of playing time, as you said, I find the penalty system to be pretty much balanced. It is not perfect, sometimes it is excessively tough, but on average I'm ok with it and find it funny to recover SR after a few bad races.:cheers: