From what I've read on here, if you don't use Racing Hard tyres at some point in the race, you get a 20 second penalty. It's one of the race requirementsI do not understand
a daily race c today
6 place I finish the race
and get a 20 sec penalty
I didn't go into the box last week
and again a 20 sec penalty
From what I've read on here, if you don't use Racing Hard tyres at some point in the race, you get a 20 second penalty. It's one of the race requirements
They do - the mandatory tyre has a flashing ring around it.Or, at least highlight hard so that it's more clear that they are required.
It's whatever the mandatory tyre is - not necessarily racing hard, and there isn't always a mandatory tyre.From what I've read on here, if you don't use Racing Hard tyres at some point in the race, you get a 20 second penalty. It's one of the race requirements
All this in just one race. How Polyphony thinks this is an improvement is beyond me
No penalty....unless the game gave it to the black car. I did light tap it. I didn’t stay in that race to find out. I quit right after that.
Here’s the video: 1:48:15 mark
They do - the mandatory tyre has a flashing ring around it.
I usually just laugh these off but this has got to be in the top 5 worst penalties I've recieved lol. @bloodyboyblue was in the chat as well, he said he was pretty sure we didn't even make contact on his end.
video is timestamped
The only thing that keeps me sane is knowing that it's at least a lottery and others are getting nonsense penalties as well.
My first rage quit in ages on the Nord today. Get rammed off, get 5 sec penalty, such BS. Bumping is fully allowed now, just keep bumping the car ahead as much as you like. Report does nothing, reported the same driver 3 races, still keeps bumping and getting matched with me. I guess I need to lower my SR to get away from the dirty bumpers.
What's so maddening for me is how this got through the various levels of development. Not one producer, test lead, design lead, etc, stepped up and said "This is ridiculous. We can't ship this". If they did, it's extremely disconcerting that it made it's way to release none the less.
How, seriously, HOW did they arrive at this joke of a system? It makes no sense, even in the context of evolution.
HOPEFULLY they next iteration makes sense. If the next update doesn't bring some common sense to the system, I fear this will start the downward spiral of Sport Mode, because...honestly...why play if your SR will be randomly effected. It's actually WORSE than if there were no penalties at all.
. Why do you continue to play the game? It's actually comical to see the same people complain about it. Put it away and go buy PCars 2. It's on sale.
. After nearly two years I finally found where to change my greeting and away message!
Why do you continue to post in this thread? It's actually comical to see someone get so bent over people complaining about a valid issue.. Why do you continue to play the game? It's actually comical to see the same people complain about it. Put it away and go buy PCars 2. It's on sale.
Really? Why does everyone else continue to post in this thread? Which games,AC,PCars1/2,Wreckfest,Nascar Heat 4.So everyone continues to watch a game that continues to kick it self in the arse for 2 years and then complain about it. I was the biggest supporter of PD. Not so much now. Please explain how Kunos,SMS and others that have a pittance of money and resources can do it but PD can't? Tuning is a joke,tire wear is a joke,should I continue? I get it,people like to complain. For PD to continue to screw stuff up is unacceptable. Send off emails or texts to PD.Why do you continue to post in this thread? It's actually comical to see someone get so bent over people complaining about a valid issue.
If you're trying to insinuate that we're wasting our time, you're no better than any of us.
Feel free to explore threads of the games you actually play.
That's fine, I don't love PD either. But ultimately the penalty system is fixable, and not everybody is just going to give up on a game because it isn't perfect.Really? So if everyone continues to watch a game that continues to kick it self in the arse for 2 years and then complain about it. I was the biggest supporter of PD. Not so much now.
. Why do you continue to play the game? It's actually comical to see the same people complain about it. Put it away and go buy PCars 2. It's on sale.
Did you actually just right that. Dude your kidding right. Wow.GTS is so superior to PC2 and AC in so many ways that it makes much more sense to campaign for improvements to GTS. PC2 and AC will both be getting no updates at all in the future.
Delete please mods. My phone is screwing up.PC2 for online???
So they have dailies I can enter whenever I want and longer races once a week?
PC2 might be on sale forever considering Codemasters bought Slightly Mad Studios.
I have no idea how to change my default greeting or statement after a race. I guess I need to go looking.