Personality test

  • Thread starter Techy
Found a pretty cool website that tries to describe who you are and why you do the things you do. More or less a personality test. Here's the link to it:

Done it, & after reading through everything on offer all I can say is WOW! I wish I had found this years ago, would've made my life a whole lot simpler. I think I'm going to press the by button & see what more they have to offer with their courses.

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Reviving this thread for this test.

The Dark factor test.

It's an interesting test, the average results would be interesting, because I seem to generally see the good in people, but the more time I spend in the real world the more I think about people's dark traits, and how prevalent they are in even small things they do... And how lots of people lack these good traits. :boggled:

I found the test sometimes lacked context in the questions. For example, it referred to how you would act to get on the side of "important people." Implying people who are important in a work or business context. But someone like me comes along, and doesn't give a toss about said businessman, to be honest he's probably a bit of a tool. Important people to me is close family, which would mean a different answer. Maybe a bad example, but there were a few more that had the same ideology where it came down to "depends on how you define xxxx."

My strongest dark trait was moral disangagement at 2.38, which is odd for someone who places high value in their morals... :odd: My lowest score was sadism where I scored 1.1, which... Isn't surprising. And my honesty/humility was 4.5... Which is bad, because if people have taught me anything it's that being an asshole makes you more interesting. :lol: I should learn to talk about how great I am and then punch things and feel good about it,. Who knows, then maybe I wouldn't be so tragic?
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Reviving this thread for this test.

The Dark factor test.

This is one of those tests that you start not caring about the results when you start reading the confusing questions that can be interpreted too many ways. What does "I am more deserving of others" mean for example? Just because it's me? Or because I think I've done something special compared to everyone? Or because I've done something special compared to someone? If I can name something I deserve more than someone else for any reason do I answer strongly agree? Not enough thought was put into that question.

Anyway, total D score for me was 7% (1.76). My darkest highest percentile was 27% was self-centeredness (mostly due to questions like the above, which I tended to answer neutral on). Contradictory result was Humility though, which came in at 96% (4.6), and Greed which came in at 7% (1.5). Lowest score was Sadism, which was the lowest possible outcome (I had zero sadism), and I was ranked at 9th percentile for some reason. Egosim was also the lowest possible score.

Self-centeredness was my highest percentile and egoism was the lowest possible score. Something is amiss with a few of the questions.
"If my neighbor complained that I was playing my music too loud, I would turn it down, even if this bothers me."
Have these people never heard of headphones?

Some of the other questions were a bit too silly to take this one seriously in the end, so I'm not sure how accurate the 2.42 D score is. Narcissism ended up being the highest at 2.86, and Psychological Entitlement the lowest at 1.43. Oh and Honest was a 4.2. Yay?
Reviving this thread for this test.

The Dark factor test.
I thought this was a decent test at first until...

This is one of those tests that you start not caring about the results when you start reading the confusing questions that can be interpreted too many ways. What does "I am more deserving of others" mean for example? Just because it's me? Or because I think I've done something special compared to everyone? Or because I've done something special compared to someone? If I can name something I deserve more than someone else for any reason do I answer strongly agree? Not enough thought was put into that question.

Anyway, total D score for me was 7% (1.76). My darkest highest percentile was 27% was self-centeredness (mostly due to questions like the above, which I tended to answer neutral on). Contradictory result was Humility though, which came in at 96% (4.6), and Greed which came in at 7% (1.5). Lowest score was Sadism, which was the lowest possible outcome (I had zero sadism), and I was ranked at 9th percentile for some reason. Egosim was also the lowest possible score.

Self-centeredness was my highest percentile and egoism was the lowest possible score. Something is amiss with a few of the questions.
...until this. After a while the questions seemed to repeat themselves in a way that made you wonder what the question was actually asking. How am I supposed to know if I am more deserving than others without a given scenario? Sure, I deserve a promotion at work over somebody else who got the promotion because they are friends with the hiring manager. But, I don't deserve the promotion over somebody who has worked there longer and works their tail off. So yeah, I wasn't sure how to answer those questions.

Overall, I went with the longest possible test and closed out the tab on accident so I no longer have my results to share. I would retake the test expecting the same results, but the questions are inconsistent and I feel like I wouldn't be able to replicate the results from the first time I had taken it.

I may retake it later, but I don't have time at the moment.

"If my neighbor complained that I was playing my music too loud, I would turn it down, even if this bothers me."
Have these people never heard of headphones?
My guess is that headphones aren't too popular for house parties. :P
I think it is best not to overthink the question and try to answer them as good as possible.
Total D score was 2.1% with the highest trait being Self-Centredness at 2.67%. Second highest was Greed at 2.5% which is odd considering I don't really consider myself greedy, nor did I think I answered questions in a way that would contribute much to the score.

I think it is best not to overthink the question and try to answer them as good as possible.

How are you supposed to do this if you don't understand exactly what the question is asking? Surely I'm not overthinking the questions when the first thing that comes up with some of them is: "Okay, is that in this sense or in this other sense that might change my answer entirely?"
Total D score was 2.1% with the highest trait being Self-Centredness at 2.67%. Second highest was Greed at 2.5% which is odd considering I don't really consider myself greedy, nor did I think I answered questions in a way that would contribute much to the score.

How are you supposed to do this if you don't understand exactly what the question is asking? Surely I'm not overthinking the questions when the first thing that comes up with some of them is: "Okay, is that in this sense or in this other sense that might change my answer entirely?"
I didn't have problems with the questions. I don't think about the questions in a certain context but in a general way.
Since taking the test I keep on thinking that I'm evil, even though none of my results were particularly high. :lol:

Anyway, I looked back on my post a few years back in this thread (in 2015).

I was an ISTP three years ago, now I'm INFP-T... Yadayadayada, the post went on a bit more so I deleted it in the quote, so what?

It's interesting that I mentioned taking a test once and getting ISTP in 2012, because reading through the description it seems more accurate for my father. So it would support the idea that a younger male would be inspired to be more like their father, and it shows that since then I was able to find who I actually am. And it reflects in the test, me very definitely being INFP now, I took the test again recently and found that each trait has only become a little bit more extreme since then, which could be as my self awareness exaggerates how I take the test, or maybe I am just changing into it. I was 84% introverted now, I'm now 97%, and every trait except for intuition, which went down. I must say though, on reflection the test is very accurate for me.

The very thought of me being an ISTP is hilarious, because it's described as people who are apparently very down to earth/hands on/practically imaginative. And any of my colleagues at work would tell you I'm more of the head in the clouds type. :lol: I must have been delusional back in 2012 (I mean, I watched a cartoon about colourful ponies, does that explain enough?). It's also quite sad that I've talked at this length about my result in a personality test I took on the internet.
Re-took the original test (last time in 2015).

Still get INFP-T. "The Mediator". Seems to be more appropriate now than it was then, but there's a couple of points where it still seems a mile off - mostly to do with energy and enthusiasm.

Re-took the original test (last time in 2015).

Still get INFP-T. "The Mediator". Seems to be more appropriate now than it was then, but there's a couple of points where it still seems a mile off - mostly to do with energy and enthusiasm.

View attachment 778350

Thought I'd revisit this since we had a bit of similar testing done at work today. Not that long since last time I took it, but I've noticed some changes in myself and my circumstance recently, so I thought I'd see how it compares....

Here's another type of personality test called The Big Five.

"This free personality test gives you accurate, precise scores for the Big Five personality traits and takes just 10 minutes. See exactly how you score for Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, and understand how the Big Five personality factors apply to your life, work and relationships."

"Conscientiousness describes a person’s ability to exercise self-discipline and control in order to pursue their goals." I guess that's something I need to work on.
Oh boy, mine is 40. :scared::scared:

I have never been diagnosed with anything but then again, I only visited a psychiatrist once.
Thinking about it, I ALWAYS misjudge peoples intentions and social situations and tasks that interest me completely and utterly absorb me like a black hole, FAR beyond what is normal.
Don't worry.
Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues at Cambridge’s Autism Research Centre have created the Autism-Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, as a measure of the extent of autistic traits in adults. In the first major trial using the test, the average score in the control group was 16.4. Eighty percent of those diagnosed with autism or a related disorder scored 32 or higher. The test is not a means for making a diagnosis, however, and many who score above 32 and even meet the diagnostic criteria for mild autism or Asperger’s report no difficulty functioning in their everyday lives.
You are normal @Michael88
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And here's your template readout for "Rudderless eccentric".

I always find these pretty loaded though. Questions like "I worry about what could go wrong" are hard to frame. Like all the time? Even if there's not much at risk? Yeah I don't worry about stuff then, but if I'm under actual pressure then sure. So I answered neutrally on a few. It reads about as I'd expect though.