Photos From History Thread

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Spitfire prototype just before it's maiden flight.

NYC's "Empire State Express" in 1905 easing it's way through the streets of Syracuse behind an NYC 4-6-0 Ten Wheeler.
Pic looks 'shopped.
It's not, Syracuse used to have tracks going through downtown, in the 30's the NYC built a new station elevated above the streets away from the downtown area. I agree it almost seems shopped looking at it though.
Here is a different picture from the same line.

Great find!

Note, the passenger trains would make their scheduled stops right there in the middle of the city. Also, the inward slanted cylinder 4-6-0's were very classy ladies. :embarrassed:
Cincinnati Union Terminal in 1933, with an extremely classy Chesapeake and Ohio 4-6-2 marching out with a passenger train, bell swinging and all. 👍

Cincinnati Union Terminal Company's roundhouse with (left to right) a New York Central 4-6-4 Hudson, a Baltimore and Ohio 4-6-2 Pacific and a Norfolk and Western Class J (under Whyte notation its a Northern, but N&W called them "J's") 4-8-4. The company serviced power of the various railroads serving the terminal.
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Someone made a movie of the most famous girl to do that. I still am amazed that the horses didn't break their necks!

Edit: Look up "Wild hearts can't be broken" by Disney.
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SS Great Eastern, 1870s

Largest passenger ship in the world 1858-1901: 692ft / 211m with a displacement of 32,610 tons.

All the more impressive considering it stopped service in 1878 and was scrapped in 1889.



It's also the source for the famous image of Isambard Kingdom Brunel standing next to her launching chains:

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SS Great Eastern, 1870s

Largest passenger ship in the world 1858-1901: 692ft / 211m with a displacement of 32,610 tons.

All the more impressive considering it stopped service in 1878 and was scrapped in 1889.



It's also the source for the famous image of Isambard Kingdom Brunel standing next to her launching chains:

I'm going to go out on a limb a bit here, but if another boat wasn't built larger, then the record held even after it was dismantled. (shrug....)
John Logie Baird

The inventor of the first television. Here he is with the actual apparatus he used in 1925 to make his vision come to life.


This is the first image of a human face, or a moving image of any kind, ever recorded on television. This happened in 1926. Prior to this, only still dolls had been used.


Ku Klux Klan At A Carnival, 1925


Elvis With His Father And Grandmother, 1959


Gerald Ford & Pele

Ku Klux Klan At A Karnival, 1925


Fixed that for you.

Construction of the Forth Road Bridge in the 1950s-60s

I remember when I was at Heriot Watt my Mech Eng lecturer had an old photo of the bridge. It was taken during construction from the top of one of the towers, and showed some school kid who had strolled up one of the main cables to see what was going on.