Physics thread

  • Thread starter LVracerGT
What the heck!! Do my eyes deceive me or is the focal length changing in video to the car closest to your in your forward line of sight? :eek::eek: I've never seen that before is this something new or am I just not paying attention? Is it adjustable (silly question I know but I have to ask even though the answer is always yes:lol:)? I rather like it.

My views on AC may be somewhat jaded as it was my first foray into PC sims and after the dead feeling GT series (pre-1.12 update that is) I was enjoying the FFB I had in AC so much that I haven't turned a critical eye towards it nor do I really have anything to compare it to atm. I appreciate your feedback and position on the two games, and am looking forward to my new PC build to enjoy them both.

I'm planning on adding SimVibe in the near future and the VR tech but only when the resolution is bumped up. I never thought it would have an effect on lap times I figured it would be just for fun and better immersion. Nice to know it may help to shave some time here or there:tup:👍 Can always use a few tenths:cheers:

Excellent video btw. Really showcases the AI and your very consistent driving.👍👍

It does look great. He's using the helmet cam which in Shift 2 worked in a similar way. At speed the depth of field would narrow to where you should be looking at 160mile per hour.... outside the car! It was one of the features Shift 2 did very well. This looks like Project Cars is going beyond that making the cockpit in focus only when it's deemed safe enough to. I assume it can be "turned off" by choosing the normal cockpit view. Still, it would be good to know how adjustable the effect is. The FIA would approve not to mention the Police if there was ever the ability to force focus drivers' attention in real life.
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What the heck!! Do my eyes deceive me or is the focal length changing in video to the car closest to your in your forward line of sight? :eek::eek: I've never seen that before is this something new or am I just not paying attention? Is it adjustable (silly question I know but I have to ask even though the answer is always yes:lol:)? I rather like it.

My views on AC may be somewhat jaded as it was my first foray into PC sims and after the dead feeling GT series (pre-1.12 update that is) I was enjoying the FFB I had in AC so much that I haven't turned a critical eye towards it nor do I really have anything to compare it to atm. I appreciate your feedback and position on the two games, and am looking forward to my new PC build to enjoy them both.

I'm planning on adding SimVibe in the near future and the VR tech but only when the resolution is bumped up. I never thought it would have an effect on lap times I figured it would be just for fun and better immersion. Nice to know it may help to shave some time here or there:tup:👍 Can always use a few tenths:cheers:

Excellent video btw. Really showcases the AI and your very consistent driving.👍👍

Thank you, it took a while to get the proper feel. I had to forget the technique of more power on straights, screw corners mentality that I gathered from games like Forza and GT, being smooth and consistent is what matters in this game. The settings for the helmet cam can be adjusted. And you are right the focal length does adjust under hard breaking and there is a look to apex feature which is very handy as it gives you a cue for turn in. I personally love it.

Or you can run regular cockpit + TrackIR
Or for best results, Oculus Rift VR = Racing Sex.

I am doing another video hope to have it ready by sunday, it should be more exciting ;)
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It does look great. He's using the helmet cam which in Shift 2 worked in a similar way. At speed the depth of field would narrow to where you should be looking at 160mile per hour.... outside the car! It was one of the features Shift 2 did very well. This looks like Project Cars is going beyond that making the cockpit in focus only when it's deemed safe enough to. I assume it can be "turned off" by choosing the normal cockpit view. Still, it would be good to know how adjustable the effect is. The FIA would approve not to mention the Police if there was ever the ability to force focus drivers' attention in real life.

That really was a neat aspect about S2, although it didn't have the best sense of speed.

Forza's cockpit cam feels fast. And I prefer no motion effects.. they look noticeably wierd sometimes! :lol:
Has anyone else noticed that player controlled cars won't flip over but AI cars will? Is this something that will be changed?
Race cars usually don't roll over that easily. It greatly depends on the way the suspension's set up, as well as the track surface, camber, elevation changes etc.

Though it IS odd the AI cars do it more often.. maybe they have their suspensions set up a particular way to cause it.

Just a guess.
Race cars usually don't roll over that easily. It greatly depends on the way the suspension's set up, as well as the track surface, camber, elevation changes etc.

Though it IS odd the AI cars do it more often.. maybe they have their suspensions set up a particular way to cause it.

Just a guess.
Have they sorted out the collision physics yet? I know they were rather suspect awhile ago
Aren't the A.I on a different tire compound that is more forgiving, which is a little too grippy causing roll-overs.
I really tried to roll some cars yesterday and couldn't get any to. Does anyone have a recent video of a player controlled car rolling? I know it happened to me a good few months ago but it seems to have stopped happening recently. I got wheels falling off and stuff which was cool, but no rolling.
I really tried to roll some cars yesterday and couldn't get any to. Does anyone have a recent video of a player controlled car rolling? I know it happened to me a good few months ago but it seems to have stopped happening recently. I got wheels falling off and stuff which was cool, but no rolling.
It happens in open wheel every so often.
Got tot try out P CARS round a friends house today, & my goodness the physics are good. It all just feels so right. Good work SMS.


Not to forget the pro-driver input and the rest of WMD. ;)

As far as 'feels so right' goes. I tend to see mostly people with some track experience say this, as they are better able to compare. Others that disagree tend to often only sim-race or at least only compare to other sims.
Than again maybe I just have bad eyesight and am seeing things as a result. :P

Glad you like it though.
Another thing to note is that you really get benefit out of upgrading your steering wheel, as the more powerful the wheel the better and more real the game starts to feel to you as the driver. :)
^^ Gosh... how I wish I could get a nice wheel and pedal set up. Been on a controller all these years.

Even a G27 or DFGT would be a nice thing to have if you come from a gamepad. A G27 is upgradable and it will still sell if you ever upgrade.
Just start at the level you can afford and work your way up if you desire. We all had to start somewhere, and I am sure most of us didn't start with a SimSteering wheel that has 16Nm of torque. ;)

I mean this was my first wheel back in the NFS High Stakes and Porsche Unleashed days. It had incredible 'bungy cord tech'!, and it was still analog with a gameport connector (pre-USB era!). Meaning I still had to calibrate the axis with sliders on the bottom of it. Really old school.

So yeah, everything is a start. I had heaps of fun with it though until one day it stopped calibrating. At which point I got the Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP with Force Feedback and USB (so digital, plug'n'play and no calibration).
Nowadays I have a ClubSport Wheel v2, Pedals v2 and Shifter SQ to entertain me with. Which is really nothing like what I started with as you can see below. ;)

That's very inspiring stuff gentlemen!

My first and only wheel to date was a Mad Catz one I got back in the PS1 days for a game I used to love playing it with: Porsche Challenge.

Broke down after just a few months. Oh well...

Working my way up to a better wheel is just going to add costs.

If I'm in a position to ever get one.. it's gotta have 900 degs with good FFB...six speed stick shift and pedal shifters.. not to mention ALL three pedals with feedback. I know that's going to probably be a cool $500+.... but it's either a controller or a proper wheel.

Can't settle in between.
That's very inspiring stuff gentlemen!

My first and only wheel to date was a Mad Catz one I got back in the PS1 days for a game I used to love playing it with: Porsche Challenge.

Broke down after just a few months. Oh well...

Working my way up to a better wheel is just going to add costs.

If I'm in a position to ever get one.. it's gotta have 900 degs with good FFB...six speed stick shift and pedal shifters.. not to mention ALL three pedals with feedback. I know that's going to probably be a cool $500+.... but it's either a controller or a proper wheel.

Can't settle in between.

SimSteering Wheel with needed accessoires: 3725 euro
Niels Heusinkveld Ultimate 3 pedal set: 1329 euro
Fanatec CSS SQ + usb adapter: 169.90 euro
Derek Speare Designs Hydraulic Handbrake: 315 euro

I think this is reasonable the most ultimate setup you can get, for only 5538.90 euro. Minus an actual steering wheel of your choice.
So if you want say the Sim Precision Engineering GT1 wheel from the SimSteering site... it adds another 2242 euro. Which means a grand total of 7780.90 euro... on the controls alone. So you still need a sturdy rig, which quickly adds another 500 euro or more. Plus to get everything you still need to factor in motion and tactile to complete the feedback effects that will benefit you as a driver. Which all quickly can add another two or three thousand.

So yeah, not to scare you but... starting with the best stuff is only something rich folk can do in this case, or the very devoted racers that save their money up well.
it's gotta have 900 degs with good FFB...six speed stick shift and pedal shifters.. not to mention ALL three pedals with feedback. I know that's going to probably be a cool $500+....
I don't know how many pedal sets out there offer actual feedback, but the Logitech G25/G27 meet all the other criteria and you could probably have one for half of that investment. Of course, that's only for PS2/PS3/PC games.
My first steering wheel, I was 10 or 11, was a self made one builded out of wood :D Took the axis of an old joystick, fixed it and put an rim out of wood on it. Had no pedals and it looked ugly but it was fascinating that it worked :D
I don't know how many pedal sets out there offer actual feedback, but the Logitech G25/G27 meet all the other criteria and you could probably have one for half of that investment. Of course, that's only for PS2/PS3/PC games.

Well....crap then! I'm on X360 only ATM. Controller works great happy with it now. I'm heard rave reviews about the G27. Wish I could borrow a Fanatec from someone. None-o my gaming buddies need or use a wheel.

My first steering wheel, I was 10 or 11, was a self made one builded out of wood :D Took the axis of an old joystick, fixed it and put an rim out of wood on it. Had no pedals and it looked ugly but it was fascinating that it worked :D


SimSteering Wheel with needed accessoires: 3725 euro
Niels Heusinkveld Ultimate 3 pedal set: 1329 euro
Fanatec CSS SQ + usb adapter: 169.90 euro
Derek Speare Designs Hydraulic Handbrake: 315 euro

I think this is reasonable the most ultimate setup you can get, for only 5538.90 euro. Minus an actual steering wheel of your choice.
So if you want say the Sim Precision Engineering GT1 wheel from the SimSteering site... it adds another 2242 euro. Which means a grand total of 7780.90 euro... on the controls alone. So you still need a sturdy rig, which quickly adds another 500 euro or more. Plus to get everything you still need to factor in motion and tactile to complete the feedback effects that will benefit you as a driver. Which all quickly can add another two or three thousand.

So yeah, not to scare you but... starting with the best stuff is only something rich folk can do in this case, or the very devoted racers that save their money up well.

Nahh bro, you miss the point! I meant a wheel that turns properly like an actual car's, and both the pedals and wheel should have feedback, that's it.

A rig?? NO way, even if I had the cashiola, I won't get that.. I'd be wasting away all day on it.
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My first steering wheel, I was 10 or 11, was a self made one builded out of wood :D Took the axis of an old joystick, fixed it and put an rim out of wood on it. Had no pedals and it looked ugly but it was fascinating that it worked :D

Now that is what they originally called 'hacking', from the verb 'to hack' which means to cut or chop. Hack a device to get to a workable solution for the problem at hand.

So nice hacking job! :gtpflag:
Now that is what they originally called 'hacking', from the verb 'to hack' which means to cut or chop. Hack a device to get to a workable solution for the problem at hand.

So nice hacking job! :gtpflag:

Well, I was young and had no money but a broken joystick. So I guess the idea came up. My Dad has a friend who has driven go karts with Michael Schuhmacher in the same league in his young ages as he started his career. He had a steering wheel for his PC at home and I was in love with it. But he never had let me played with it when I remember correctly. Wheels were expensive in the 90´s. In that time the wheels had no FFB. Or at least his wheel had no. It was just a rim and two springs. One on the right and one of the left. They were centering the wheel. That was all. But it was gooood :D

He was playing Formula One Grand Prix from Geoff Crammond and it was a blast. That started my sim racing career ^^