Physics thread

  • Thread starter LVracerGT
Last week I play GT6 1.00/1.02 version street cars mostly FFB was good I could feel weight distribution under braking,
when accelerating rear end kicking more when pushing car over the limit suspension react better(realistic)more wheel spin after 1.12 update GT6 looks arcade to this versions:tdown:
What does that have to do with Project Cars physics?
I love it! :) Been enjoying the game over 2 years now and still not bored the slightest! It's weird it's actually just now releasing haha..

here's some thoughts I wrote earlier

The Project CARS Video Thread

Thanks for your reply.:cheers:
If the fastest guys in the GTP WRS GT5 qualifier says the phisics are good, thats enough for me 👍
I think i know where i will spend my 500€ Fnac voucher...:D
For those of you that can, give the Renault Clio Cup a run : )
has it been updated? Last time I tried it I found it really difficult to tell when it was losing grip, which meant I spun loads because by the time I realised I was in trouble it was too late.
has it been updated? Last time I tried it I found it really difficult to tell when it was losing grip, which meant I spun loads because by the time I realised I was in trouble it was too late.

I can say its fixed :) Give the TC rain tyres a run.
More sensible comments from Rene, from this vid comments section:

The game is coming along very well in all areas I have been messing with, but for me the FFB is still very dead. Its not that the forces you feel aren't right, when you get ffb it feels right, but so much of the time there is just no feedback to be felt.
The game is coming along very well in all areas I have been messing with, but for me the FFB is still very dead. Its not that the forces you feel aren't right, when you get ffb it feels right, but so much of the time there is just no feedback to be felt.
I'd like to see some other members chime in on this. This is/was a huge drawback for me with the GT series and a huge plus in Assetto Corsa and the thing I am most looking forward to in PCars. I want to be able to feel the road and intuitive know what is happening with the car through the wheel. I'd like to know how other members feel about this, if some cars are better than others, and for those that have both, how it compares to AC.
It depends hugely on which wheel you have and how much time you spend with the settings. I recently tried the game with my mates finely tuned Fanatec rig and it felt like an entirely different game compared to my wee G27.
It depends hugely on which wheel you have and how much time you spend with the settings. I recently tried the game with my mates finely tuned Fanatec rig and it felt like an entirely different game compared to my wee G27.
Just out of curiosity, is that fine tuning done in the regular options menu or, as I have been PM several times, is that in the dev menus? In the regular options I have spent hours trying settings with pretty much the same results. I can make the ffb stronger, I can put a bunch of dampening in the wheel, but besides major road bumps my CSW is mostly just dead.
He didnt screw around in the F1 menu, so I guess he just set it up well in the game and the profiler (if there is such a thing for Fanatec wheels, no idea). Road effects were not as noticeable as in AC (which imho has those too strong and overdone), but they were present enough for my taste.
Just out of curiosity, is that fine tuning done in the regular options menu or, as I have been PM several times, is that in the dev menus? In the regular options I have spent hours trying settings with pretty much the same results. I can make the ffb stronger, I can put a bunch of dampening in the wheel, but besides major road bumps my CSW is mostly just dead.
So you can't feel understeer, when the back end breaks loose etc. Can you feel the curbs well enough? Do you feel any change by using dampening, good or bad?
It depends hugely on which wheel you have and how much time you spend with the settings. I recently tried the game with my mates finely tuned Fanatec rig and it felt like an entirely different game compared to my wee G27.
Is there a greater number of FFB effects with the Fanatec or the same effects as the G27 but stronger? Or something else?
How is Project cars going to be like for controller users. Wihich one will it be closer to: Shift 2 or GT6 on a controller? I wish I could get a compatible wheel and experience what the physics are like on the wheel (which I've heard are great).
Mine Thrust TX works better instantly than Fanatec CSR. Theres sth with in game wheel profiler.
Hope soon we won't need any tweaker file to get proper ffb. pCARS should be mod free, not like AC right?
I don't get a lot of indication of when the tires loose grip. The curbs can be felt though. To me its the small ffb detail that's missing or not pronounced enough, not sure witch it is, would need to do some laps only focusing on ffb. This is just what my thoughts have been on the ffb over the last few weeks, but to be fair I haven't much cared for any of the games ffb thus far, so I might not be the best judge.

Edit: Seems it will be getting love soon though.
I think the FFB in most cars has come a long way. I prefer the feedback in something like GSCE but I can't say it's more "real". In my IRL BMW, I can't feel my wheel twitching and shaking like some games. In pCARS the cars feel planted, curbs and bigger bumps are felt, and in some cars loss of traction is very noticeable. It gives my wheel quite a workout, sometimes I fear that it will damage my wheel (Thrustmaster TX) so I back the intensity down.
FFB is very personal, and simulated effects (not what an IRL car would feel through the steeing wheel) are expected by some. I can't say what we will end up with as it is constantly changing.
Remember, 1.0 is not final. I expect FFB to keep improving and tweaking long after 1.0. It is the core feature and always in need of attention and development.
I have no doubt the physics on pc are very realistic, I just hope the console versions have the exact same feel as the pc version.
Has anyone tried tweaked FFB files that racedepartment forum talks about? It's nothing but praise and it looks like the final piece of the puzzle for perfect experience.
Has anyone tried tweaked FFB files that racedepartment forum talks about? It's nothing but praise and it looks like the final piece of the puzzle for perfect experience.
There are some huge threads on WMD with many different FFB tweaker files uploaded, advice what to do and how. Trouble is, the tweaker files are car (and to a certain extent wheel) specific, even to the extent of needing to understand the car suspension layout when preparing the tweaker, so it's a lot of work to develop them and as things change in game so the tweaker files need to change too.

pCARS physics dev has also been testing linear FFB (via certain cars) for higher powered wheels. Not sure how they intend to mix together (Logitech-viable) compressed FFB with more linear FFB, but I guess they will either go the iRacing route (linear or non-linear FFB tick box) or tie it directly to specific wheel selection. I personally hope we don't need to tweak the FFB per car, but likewise if they use an interface similar to iRacing (where you just get to save FFB settings per car in a very straightforward manner) or AC (where it's an item in the car setup menu) then it would be bearable and allow them to simulate heavier FFB on the race cars than the road cars without frustrating those who want powerful FFB on every type of car.

Saying all this, right now if you just start a fresh profile, leave stock settings (in my case usually the G25) the FFB isn't exactly shabby. But given the development effort going on right now there doesn't seem much point in going into details on what clearly isn't the finished product.
Has anyone tried tweaked FFB files that racedepartment forum talks about? It's nothing but praise and it looks like the final piece of the puzzle for perfect experience.
Do you have a link?

EDIT: Are you talking about the Jack Spade 0.41 tweaker FFB files? If so I found the discussion, thanks anyway:tup:.
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I'd like to see some other members chime in on this. This is/was a huge drawback for me with the GT series and a huge plus in Assetto Corsa and the thing I am most looking forward to in PCars. I want to be able to feel the road and intuitive know what is happening with the car through the wheel. I'd like to know how other members feel about this, if some cars are better than others, and for those that have both, how it compares to AC.

I have played AC, and honestly the FFB while nice and easy doesn't feel right to me at least. It was more like it was guiding me on what I should be doing, rather than telling me what is happening. I dunno how to explain it.

As far as FFB in PCars it is based on the steering rack/suspension/tire as mentioned in the first page of this thread. So you don't get a lot of canned effects other games bake in, kerbs, road bumps etc. Turn those canned affects off in AC and its a whole different FFB experience. They are baked canned effects even the braking effect in AC...

The FFB is much better in the current builds personally, and still needs a bit more work. But on default setups it works great. I can feel edge of grip, load, oversteer. Kerbs that I should feel I feel, kerbs that I shouldn't I don't. The track feels different each lap because going three feet further or shorter plants you differently and the whole system behaves differently giving you different FFB. Personally it feels more natural to me and I can tell when I am over driving the car or need to push harder.

I try to pay attention as I drive to work to how my wheel behaves to road changes, and what I actually feel through the WHEEL, and what I actually feel through the CHASSIS.

Now if you want a truly amazing experience and get the most realistic FEEL for the game this is the ideal setup, and PCars supports it as some members are already running it.

Fanatec/Thrustmaster wheel (high end) pedals/clutch/shifter etc.
Oculus Rift DK2

Some guys have cut up to 3 seconds off their time using this setup, the CHASSIS feel is translated into the motion rig, and steering FFB is just that steering.

This is my opinion but it might be simply based on the fact that I am not trying to compare it to another game, but actually try to compare it to how things feel when I drive a car or autocross/track day race a basic road car. As for the race cars I will trust the opinions of Ben/Nic/Rene. If they say the car drives exactly like the car they drive in real races, who am I to say they are wrong. I don't drive a GT3 car, I wish I could though.

Real Race Car Driver Opinion > Sim Racer Opinion. ALWAYS.

**These are my opinions and I am not attacking anyone or anything in this thread.**

Here is a video of 7 laps at Derby Park, This was a very tough race for me. I had to pay attention to throttle input, steering, balance, track position. If I did a few more laps I think I could have gotten P1 as there is a single corner I am faster than the AI. There is more info my setup etc. in the description of the video.

Side note, I do not know if my tires were heated up by the end of the race....

I have played AC, and honestly the FFB while nice and easy doesn't feel right to me at least. It was more like it was guiding me on what I should be doing, rather than telling me what is happening. I dunno how to explain it.

As far as FFB in PCars it is based on the steering rack/suspension/tire as mentioned in the first page of this thread. So you don't get a lot of canned effects other games bake in, kerbs, road bumps etc. Turn those canned affects off in AC and its a whole different FFB experience. They are baked canned effects even the braking effect in AC...

The FFB is much better in the current builds personally, and still needs a bit more work. But on default setups it works great. I can feel edge of grip, load, oversteer. Kerbs that I should feel I feel, kerbs that I shouldn't I don't. The track feels different each lap because going three feet further or shorter plants you differently and the whole system behaves differently giving you different FFB. Personally it feels more natural to me and I can tell when I am over driving the car or need to push harder.

I try to pay attention as I drive to work to how my wheel behaves to road changes, and what I actually feel through the WHEEL, and what I actually feel through the CHASSIS.

Now if you want a truly amazing experience and get the most realistic FEEL for the game this is the ideal setup, and PCars supports it as some members are already running it.

Fanatec/Thrustmaster wheel (high end) pedals/clutch/shifter etc.
Oculus Rift DK2

Some guys have cut up to 3 seconds off their time using this setup, the CHASSIS feel is translated into the motion rig, and steering FFB is just that steering.

This is my opinion but it might be simply based on the fact that I am not trying to compare it to another game, but actually try to compare it to how things feel when I drive a car or autocross/track day race a basic road car. As for the race cars I will trust the opinions of Ben/Nic/Rene. If they say the car drives exactly like the car they drive in real races, who am I to say they are wrong. I don't drive a GT3 car, I wish I could though.

Real Race Car Driver Opinion > Sim Racer Opinion. ALWAYS.

**These are my opinions and I am not attacking anyone or anything in this thread.**

Here is a video of 7 laps at Derby Park, This was a very tough race for me. I had to pay attention to throttle input, steering, balance, track position. If I did a few more laps I think I could have gotten P1 as there is a single corner I am faster than the AI. There is more info my setup etc. in the description of the video.

Side note, I do not know if my tires were heated up by the end of the race....

What the heck!! Do my eyes deceive me or is the focal length changing in video to the car closest to your in your forward line of sight? :eek::eek: I've never seen that before is this something new or am I just not paying attention? Is it adjustable (silly question I know but I have to ask even though the answer is always yes:lol:)? I rather like it.

My views on AC may be somewhat jaded as it was my first foray into PC sims and after the dead feeling GT series (pre-1.12 update that is) I was enjoying the FFB I had in AC so much that I haven't turned a critical eye towards it nor do I really have anything to compare it to atm. I appreciate your feedback and position on the two games, and am looking forward to my new PC build to enjoy them both.

I'm planning on adding SimVibe in the near future and the VR tech but only when the resolution is bumped up. I never thought it would have an effect on lap times I figured it would be just for fun and better immersion. Nice to know it may help to shave some time here or there:tup:👍 Can always use a few tenths:cheers:

Excellent video btw. Really showcases the AI and your very consistent driving.👍👍