Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
You just look so awesomely bad. I mean for real. The expression. The arm flailing. Everything about you in that photo is just hilarious.

I love people who do things like that just because they friggin' want to. Forget what others have to say, and live your life one horrible fashion crime at a time.

Sham on! 👍
Some of these photos are absolute gold :lol:

While we are posting stupid pics up, here is me and a couple of mates starting a band while we are drunk. (for those playing at home I am the "drummer")


@SRV2LOW4ME - Its not pink its salmon :lol: and im not into that stuff that gives you red eyes ;)
You just look so awesomely bad. I mean for real. The expression. The arm flailing. Everything about you in that photo is just hilarious.

I love people who do things like that just because they friggin' want to. Forget what others have to say, and live your life one horrible fashion crime at a time.

Sham on! 👍

This winter I lived 49 honorable fashion crimes. One kicken' season, I can tell you that much...

Another shot from that April session. Notice the lumberjack gloves.

Here's one of me, where I look a bit normal at least.

Girls always bring in camera's during school trips so well;)
Bite Me
HAHA! What the ****!! I think its just the way of the cam to be honest! I mean the angle! My feet are an 8-8 and a half....

Woah, that's big for a girl!

It looks very simillar. :odd:

High Wycombe eh? Lovely. ;)

I'm gonna be living down the road from Sunday.
I'm gonna be living down the road from Sunday.

I'd watch out, his ego is gonna be even bigger than usual now that he will be in a huge house with a lovely merc. :P
Bite Me
Down the road? Like where?=D Ill come stalk you

And wycombe? Lovely? AHA! No!

Yeah, guess you didn't catch the sarcasm. I've been out drinking there a couple of times. Wasn't the best.

I'm gonna be in Beaconsfield.

Uh-oh. Who is macking on whom?

Isn't that, like, illegal, Dunc?

Even if I was.... Nope, not in this country. Perfectly legal