Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Who are you again?

Concept. Matt will do just fine also. The guy in the pictures. This is my friend Erin, who's camera I use to get pictures on my computer.


  • matt2.jpg
    42.1 KB · Views: 52
Holy crap, I just went back a few pages and saw a pic of Omnis, and I swear to god that the first thing that came to my head was the yellow muppet, Bert or Burt or whatever.

You guys are insane.

Anyway, here's a crappy picture of my super awesome new slacks:


Kendo Men + Headphones = Menphones
Screw you guys. Bert looks like Adam Corolla, not me.

I would smash that fool.
And he answered, those are stains on the mirror used to take the picture.

Sounds perfectly reasonable yet suspicious.
Nope, he didn't saywhat these stains are. He only said: the mirror, which means that the stains are on the mirror and not on his trousers, not explaining what they are, only giving the location of the stains :)
Alright, if you've seen any pictures of me previously in this thread they were false. It was me trying to be someone else. I apologize for any deceptiveness I may have caused. I'm Concept, an old banned member here. I came up with the alias unsanctified. Not satisfied, I started under a new alias to try and throw people off. With a little bit of behind the scenes work I was figured out by a moderator here. So, finally, the real me. Cast and all. Here goes!

Blah, blah, blah...enough already, we believe you. Mars needs women.

Welcome back, Concept.
Nope, he didn't saywhat these stains are. He only said: the mirror, which means that the stains are on the mirror and not on his trousers, not explaining what they are, only giving the location of the stains :)

Probably toothbrush splatter or water residue. I shake my hands off at the sink before I turn across the bathroom (and otherwise drip water all over my rug) to towel-dry. You can't really see that the mirror's dirty, though. It's only white because of the flash.
I hate you Jjackass, but it's probably temporary. See, I don't like it when things change. Oh, and the guy in the pictures you posted before looked cooler anyway.

I dig Erin. Since I'm new, I get her before SRV.

Yes, that was mean, but you deserve it. I'll apologize the Erin and expain it later...
I dig Erin. Since I'm new, I get her before SRV.

WHAT? Sloppy seconds?! Thanks alot! :lol:

Seriously though, it left a sour taste in my mouth too, but what can you do? Just another member to add to the "don't trust" list. :indiff:
Blah, blah, blah...enough already, we believe you. Mars needs women.

Welcome back, Concept.
Ahem... he was lucky it was me that rumbled him, otherwise you probably wouldn't be saying 'welcome back'... I'd rather say 'Welcome Jjacks' rather than 'Welcome back, Concept' anyway ;)