Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
It's me in the archeology lab.
What's with the Porsche fan in the background?

No Ruf, indeed. :grumpy:

I know many have see this photo on the UKGTP thread, but hey ho. left to right are Bret, James, Bert then myself. As well as David at the front. Was such a good day!!

Lmao my hair is short now because I got to the point where it was a pita and short hair looks better for job interviews. I just look young in that because i'm far away, if it was a closer shot you'd see the ravages of age™.

Also I can still see the gearbox oil stain on my jeans in that photo god damnit.
Does anyone actually benefit from reading anything in here?

Do you? If not, then why do you stay here? I swear, out of every 10 posts of yours, 9 are some negative remark and the last is a double post.

I got to the point where it was a pita and short hair looks better for job interviews

How did that interview go, by the way?
I'm 6'4, so most people would say I am tall. Though its a pretty normal height for guys in my family...

For our internationals... 6 foot 4 inches = 1.9304 meters