Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
That's an awesome pic, Chris... how about a group pic of you and your roommates?... or just your roommates

I had long hair down to my chest until I was 17... since then I've started using the 3 milimetre machine and trimming it every six months... works wonders :)

Haha, I'll see what I can do, I dont know how me running around snapping pics of them would go over, but mind you I think I may have a pic of the twins somwhere on my computer, (both going to school to be doctors 👍 )

Long hair = waste of time.

Agreed, I dont know how some of the members here can have such mops.
but then again, not everyone can pull of the shaven head look. I was a little nervous at the start but I just got it over with and it turned out better than I expected.
Long hair = waste of time.



I may need a shave and a haircut...
I've got a mop and a half right now, but my hair is so thick and wavy, that it instantly becomes messy when it's long. It's pretty long now, it stays out of my face, but if I straighten it out in the front it comes down to my upper lip. I should get a haircut soon, but I probably won't because I'm just that lazy.

yssman's beard is even patchier than mine, too.
yssman's beard is even patchier than mine, too.

There is a patch under my chin in which there isn't any hair at all. I think it was from when I crashed on the couch when I was really young. I hit it so hard, it actually damaged one of my adult teeth that didn't grow in for a few years later.

...I just don't like shaving sometimes. I like the 5 O'clock shadow look, but its too hard to maintain...
There is a patch under my chin in which there isn't any hair at all. I think it was from when I crashed on the couch when I was really young. I hit it so hard, it actually damaged one of my adult teeth that didn't grow in for a few years later.

...I just don't like shaving sometimes. I like the 5 O'clock shadow look, but its too hard to maintain...

You look like my older brother at the momment, I always bug him about his abillities to grow facial hair. :P

belive me, just shave all your hair off, its probably the best feeling ever...well almost.
I used to wear short hair for quite some time, and after doing a "too-short" cut after having extremely long hair in high school, I vowed never to cut that much hair off again.

...I should go get it cut today though. Its getting a bit too long in the front and back..

I know many have see this photo on the UKGTP thread, but hey ho. left to right are Bret, James, Bert then myself. As well as David at the front. Was such a good day!!

I've just seen this..

I'm shocked beyond belief..

You must try it!
you should have seen how much hair I had... all on the floor
Ive cut the time I take getting ready in the morning in half, and not to mention how good it feels in the summer.

Only downside is I have to smear a little sunscreen in my very short hair (2mm setting I think) before I go ouside, and it was the first time I had ever been bitten by a mosquito on the top of my head :ill:
I just recieved a picture of me 6 or 7 weeks back at my step brothers 18th, I was drinking a punch my dad made, which tasted awesome. The guy second from the right was amazed by my ability to remember '80s and '90s TV shows such as Budgie the Little Helicopter, Super Ted, Raggy Dolls and the list goes on.

You must try it!
you should have seen how much hair I had... all on the floor
Ive cut the time I take getting ready in the morning in half, and not to mention how good it feels in the summer.

Only downside is I have to smear a little sunscreen in my very short hair (2mm setting I think) before I go ouside, and it was the first time I had ever been bitten by a mosquito on the top of my head :ill:

NOOOOO!! I will not let my precious Bee cut off his hair! I like, no love his hair, and it stays!

Okay, maybe he can have a trim. ;)
I just recieved a picture of me 6 or 7 weeks back at my step brothers 18th, I was drinking a punch my dad made, which tasted awesome. The guy second from the right was amazed by my ability to remember '80s and '90s TV shows such as Budgie the Little Helicopter, Super Ted, Raggy Dolls and the list goes on.
You'r eonly cool if you watched Brum.
Oh, that devious Brum, always sneaking out of the barn to play in the city!

And oddly, never got caught...

You'd think at least someone in the 'big city' would notice a little bright yellow car zooming around and following children.

It's a wonder Brum didn't get reported.
Brum sucks.

Anyway, just a nice picture I took whilst thinking of Danny's uncanny ability to post 3,000 bulletins on MySpace every ten minutes. :P


Actually, come to think of it, that's quite an old photo. Wow, time seems to be flying the past year or two..
Hell yeah! The Crüe!

...I don't have enough rock band tees. I think all of mine have colleges, national soccer teams, and cars on them...
I wish my t-shirt tastes weren't so expensive. Some artist tees I have run 60$ at times. At least I know I'll be one of 50 people in the world with one...

I guess I make up for it by making ones and getting maaaad discounted/free clothes from the shop...
I wish my t-shirt tastes weren't so expensive. Some artist tees I have run 60$ at times. At least I know I'll be one of 50 people in the world with one...

I guess I make up for it by making ones and getting maaaad discounted/free clothes from the shop...

$60 T-shirts? Is this USD or CND? I can't imagine spending that much for just a shirt, as I even have a hard time spending that much on shoes or a jacket (there is a jacket I want at Target for $50 though...).

...I assume thats because I can get a T-Shirt for something like $4 here at Steve and Barry's with my discount. They're pretty nice T-shirts on many occasions, although I mostly use them as undershirts anyway...
I wouldn't imagine 30 year olds watching kids shows in the 80's.

Unless he had kids, then. I've watched my fair share of Dora The Explorer, Max and Ruby, SpongeBob SquareSack, Jimmy Neutron and The Backyardagains, trust me.
Finally, I know what Jimmy looks like!(I forget your real name, you'll always be Jimmy to me. :P ) Finally!

I love your band, Jay Kay!

Omnis, what are you doing with those tiny donuts.......... actually, they aren't tiny, are they?
I woke up one morning and decided I didn't want hair anymore.
Your new "do" looks good. 👍 Little advice though, do enjoy your hair while you still got them. If you are like me, soon enough, buzz cut will be the only option left for you. :indiff: