Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Krispy Kreme was good for about a year. Then I discovered the local Bill's Donut Shop and, omigod, Krispy Kreme got soft. Or maybe it was the fact that they got rid of my fav apple-filled donuts...
I woke up one morning and decided I didn't want hair anymore.

The same thing occurred to me too, several years ago. I got tired of looking like Zakk Wylde. That, and using two complete handfuls of shampoo to wash my hair, and using a 1800 watt hairdryer for 20 minutes to dry my hair. Then, there's spending 30 to 45 combing the knots out of it.

Long hair = waste of time.

Besides, I look sexy bald.
I'm trying to convince my dad to go cue ball, mainly to hide the fact that I'm gonna have one hell of a receding hair line when I'm older :grumpy:

However, my mum's not so keen. Damn her.
That's an awesome pic, Chris... how about a group pic of you and your roommates?... or just your roommates

I had long hair down to my chest until I was 17... since then I've started using the 3 milimetre machine and trimming it every six months... works wonders :)
Riding a concrete elephant. I feel so youthful....

At the Zoo?

Actually I imported a giant concrete elephant from India, then smuggled in a variety of native Chinese flora to recreate the deep forests of Asia in my backyard....

Yeah, at the Zoo.
The same thing occurred to me too, several years ago. I got tired of looking like Zakk Wylde. That, and using two complete handfuls of shampoo to wash my hair, and using a 1800 watt hairdryer for 20 minutes to dry my hair. Then, there's spending 30 to 45 combing the knots out of it.

Long hair = waste of time.

Besides, I look sexy bald.
Show us the sexiness!

I had long hair down to my chest until I was 17...
Same here. I wanted to post some pics of it but I can't find the few pictures I have from back then.

hows the Glandula Fever now Brad?
Nice pic with that half hearted smile of yours! Always the cool dude arent you?!?

@ Sarebear - you make me blush more than the chaps do!!

@ diego - i can't imagine you with long hair. find me a picture!!
EXelero, you have a very nice profile. How big are they?
You know what? That's totally uncalled for. I don't care how politely the lady took it, there's no excuse for behaviour like yours.

Frankly, given your sense of 'humour' and general lack of anything positive or polite to say about anything, I'm wondering if you play any constructive role in this forum at all.
I agree totally Duke, you were way out of line with that one, a917fan. Especially when she is with someone, not a very cool thing to do.

Plus you're what, 14 years older than she is? You remind of the creepy old geezers, trying to hit on anything that walks on two legs...
:lol: I'm liking that last comment there.

*Kangaroo walks by* "Hey there hot stuff" :mischievous:

EDIT: I can imagine Pako and Solid Lifters kicking me out of a party. :scared:
Well, you can imagine Duke kicking a917fan out of this party unless he decides to behave a little differently.
I sure can...

EDIT: Take a look at his posts, they're all one liners, all of them, and he says hell every couple of posts...