My commentary is inline below:
Tony Blair
I am sure that this game is made for a world wide audience not some fat pizza eating american that wants to pimp his tricked up ride with chrome spinners whilst pimpn' his ho
What you're doing here is stereotyping; and falsely I might add. If we just threw political correctness out the window, we could say that you just stereotyped less than 1% of the black and latino populations who live in ghetto neighborhoods and are just trying to make their car stand out from the next one. For them, stock is boring. Customization means they can tell their car apart from the rest. My guess is you like your cars completely stock. Fine, but have someone park it in a lot full of identical cars, strip off the license plates and VIN code badges, then you pick out your car from all the rest.
Tony Blair
...and polyphony digital being Japanese dont give a toss about some u.s kid who wants his/her 1967 dodge supermuscle2000chager or his nitro drag viper in the game as polyphony digital want to concentrate on appealing to a wider worldwide audience (this is shown by less Japanese cars and more euro/us cars compared to gt1/2)
Polyphony Digital
better care what people want to see in the game. Sony and P.D. are in the buisness of making money! If the game doesn't please people, they don't buy it, therefore not making money and not selling more copies down the line. That's fine and dandy if you're ready to see GT4 or GT5 be the end of the run. I for one would like to see Gran Turismo stick around for a long, long time. Maybe by GT10 we'll see a bunch more features get implemented into the gameplay. Finally Gran Turismo has some competition from Enthusia Professional Racing and Forza Motorsport. If Gran Turismo doesn't hold up to market standards, guess what? It'll die and P.D. will get no money for it. Competition is great for the market.
Tony Blair
Seeing as most of the people that use this forum are teenage Americans I would not expect a compressive display of non-American CARS JUST THE RANDOM HORMONAL teenagers dream GAS GUZZALES/TANKS/ROCKETSHIPS that they saw on their TV set.
I'm 27 years old and I frequent the GT Forums quite often. I am American, but I'm not a teenage American. Besides, what makes a teenager here different from a teenager in other countries when the United States is a mixing bowl of all kinds of people? The
real Americans were placed onto reservations when greedy Europeans came over here. Before you ask, yes, I am part Native American and proud of it.
Tony Blair
Another problem is that basically american cars are crap compared to the Japanese lineups so putting 100's more american cars into gt5 would be pointless
You say that, "American cars are crap compared to the Japanese lineups..." but you don't explain what makes you say this? Crap design? Crap performance? Poor power:weight ratio? Crap because we use pushrods? Sure, you're entitled to your opinion, I just think you're not giving other cars a fair chance. I happen to think that American cars are rather cool. I also like European cars; I even like some Japanese cars.
Cars are released because of what the market demands. If you haven't noticed, the United States is into making bigger and bigger vehicles, not performance cars. How many performance cars do we produce in comparison to trucks, minivans, and SUVs? Let's see: we have the Corvette, Viper, and Saleen S7 as real sports cars. The GTO (based off of an Australian car), and Mustang are performance coupes we call pony cars here in the states. How many SUVs are there? Well I'll leave it at this: GMC has 7 offerings. This excludes other manufacturers within General Motors (Chevrolet, Cadillac, etc.), all of Ford, and all of Daimler/Chrysler.
European and Asian countries build small cars because of rules and regulations. I know France has a heavy tax on cars with engines larger than 2 liters. However, I know this guy with a 1992 Ford Mustang 5.0 over there and he is willing to pay the tax because he
loves the car. It's different and you don't see 3,000 of them in one day. The roads are also more narrow, so building a car with a wider track would be pointless. Every country builds what they physically can, to meet the needs of their particular market.
Tony Blair 90 percent of them would be put to shame by a evo or impreza.......
This is a stupid argument and it shows how shallow you are. Do you realize that there are
classes of vehicles? There are also multiple classes: price class and performance class. Cars fit into both of these classes, but get compared to other cars one class at a time. Example: Let's take a $42,200 Porsche Cayanne that goes 0-60 MPH in 8.5 seconds. Now a base C6 Corvette starts at $44,510 but travels from 0-60 in 4.4 seconds, nearly half the time of the Cayanne. That's an example of two cars in the same price class, but different performance classes. The Cayanne would be perfect for someone who travels long distances with more than two people. The Corvette is just fine for a single person who wants to daily drive a sports car.
Guess what, 90 percent or more of Japanese cars would be laid to waste by either a Corvette or a Viper. Don't compare two different classes between each other, because obviously one car would have an advantage over the other. What you were doing, in your Lancer Evolution & Impreza example, was saying that a sport sedan would beat SUV's and economy cars in performance numbers... DUUUUUH! I turned the tables on you and compared a Corvette to the Japanese economy cars. Again, the Corvette will slaughter them.... DUUUUUUUUUH! We mixed classes in those cases. If you want fair results, compare like items to like items.
The C5 ZO6 is a world class sports car. If that car can possibly get better, we will see with the C6 ZO6. The new ZO6 was built from lessons learned from the Corvette C5-R in the American Le Mans Series, and was built alongside the C6-R.
Tony Blair
LIKE CHRIS SAID please stop posting cars that you had a wet dream over or has been zombifeid by the media (bat mobile) because american cars are just crap handling 7.3 litre hemi powered tanks that have more body roll than a bus,
They're not "crap handling" and they're not all "7.3 liter hemi powered tanks." This example also shows your shallow nature when it comes to cars built by other countries. The U.S. auto manufacturers are governed and build what they can, both legally and for the market.
Tony Blair a straight line yes a stock Japanese 280bhp car (by the gentlemens agreement) would not fare to well up against a 8 litre invade-Iraq-as-we-need-more-oil guzzler on a straight obviously (because american are lazy pigs that use the rule tons-a-liters=loadsa power)
You must not know that more displacement makes driving daily a whole lot easier. More displacement means more bottom end RPM power. It means that you don't have to beat the living daylights ($hit) out of your engine just to get the damn car to move. *cough* Honda S2000 *cough* That car is a perfect example. When it first came out, it had its peak power at a higher RPM than it should have. Honda realized this and made changes to the engine's power band.
Tony Blair
...but around a circuit the yank car would be left behind with its stone age chassis because americans are way to lazy to actually building a competitive car compared to the euros/JAPANESE
"Stone age chassis" huh? Do you mean a solid rear axle versus an independant rear axle? Ford purposely left the Mustang as a solid rear axle because in testing both platforms, they didn't see a need to give the car an independant rear suspension. The Corvette has had an independant rear suspension since 1963 and the Viper has had an independant rear suspension since its inception.
It's true that most racing in America is either drag racing or all left turns. That doesn't mean that everyone likes that type of racing. I like most racing that has to do with a road course. ALMS, Trans-Am, Speed World Challenge, F1, Grand-Am Cup, etc. If you know about these series' you'll also know that the new Mustang is holding its own in the Grand-Am. The Viper ruled the ALMS GTS class a number of years ago and now it's the Corvette's turn. Ferrari took the championship one year during the C5-R's dominance, but that's perfectly fine with me; again, "competition is good."
Tony Blair
...and you wonder why the Nissan skyline gt-r (among other cars)costs a small fortune to make it road legal? Nothing to do with safely or emissions (rich combing from the worlds biggest polluter) its because it would kill the US motor industry and the fat cats at Detroit would not like that to much.
I highly doubt that it would kill the U.S. motor industry. Going by your standard, a Ferrari Enzo or Lamborghini Gallardo would kill the world's motor industry and that just doesn't make sense. You were right the first time. Do you know how expensive it is to retrofit a car with safety measures that weren't built into the design from the get-go? I guess not.
Tony Blair
anyway please stop posting those god awful american piles of ****e(go play midnight club 3 or need 4 speed U) and please be less 1 dimensional and post more euro or Japanese cars (more chance of being in the game as those guys at polyphony digital in Japan see the cars every day).
And please no more rocket powered cars or super duper hemi american war cars as polyphony digital are not american and have different vales such as not raging war on Iraq or dropping a nuclear bomb because they too are lazy to fight (America)
The war on Iraq is another topic all together and one that I see is necessary, but I'm not going to get into that at all. This is a forum for Gran Turismo and car related topics.
"Tony Blair" you are annoying. My advice would be: Delete your account from Gran Turismo and other online car forums. Keep your opinions to yourself. Or do some research and understand why countries build what they build and why they build them. Choose one of those three options, but please stop being annoying and blurting out uneducated guesses.