Pictures of cars you want in GT5 (WARNING: LONG LOAD)

More Holdens past and present!!!



























Obviously I realise that no where near this amount of cars could be included, but it would be nice for a few to make it into the game. This is just a small selection of cars from Holden's long and colourful history.
They really need to give us some more from the V8 Supercar series. Those are seriously bad boys.

And don't get me started on the Trans-Am cars...
Well, Tony Blair seems to have left for a little pout, but rest assured that he'll be receiveing a stiff PM from me. Good job, you guys. I didn't get any reports, but I hope someone sent them in.
I sure have left for a little pout sir admin,

To tell the truth about your nice little post I got from you.........


First off, you've inhaled the anti-American party line and swallowed it just like any other little media-driven moron you claim Americans are. So much for thinking for yourself, little boy. Nice try, I guess.

Second, your attitude and behaviour is totally unacceptable. If you've got a political opinion - good for you, your mother and I are very proud - you should express it in the Opinions forum. And if you do, prepare to defend it with a little more intelligence and information than you managed in the GT5 board.

Given your little tantrum on the GT5 board, you've used up your strikes. If I or any other member of the staff sees more of this behaviour it will be our distinct pleasure to show you the door.

Frankly I don't give a damn whether you think I'm just mad that you called me a fat lazy American or not. You can justify it anyway you wish to help your little feelings from being hurt. But it's my job to remove annoying and non-contributing members, and so I do.


Nice to see you would waste 5 minutes of your life on me! By the way why o why would I give a toss what some power hungry (I guess you are an admin because you are a small insufficient man in real life whom needs reassurance of his manly hood by forcing his fascist rules of 1000's of users. If I am wrong I am very sorry! )
Administrator who thinks by posting a "typical american" "mines bigger than yours" message all I can say is that’s you are not a smart person. Is Free speech/ democracy a phase that smart US congressmen use to get you people to vote for them every nth year?
If not then please grow up and learn that a NON-american has views that you may not find savory and you can call me an ass or or "OWNED?" but doing that you prove that your country is full of 1 dimensional teenage drones.

I predict the Admin who does not want to look stupid in front of you people and force his xenophobic/ fascist/ communist rules and ban me.

Guess what I don’t give a monkeys because I earn £100,000+ a year have a nice house, I have fast cars/women. So Mr Admin you can shove your fascist forum up your arse if you like I am off to spend some dosh!

Chow dudes

that toyota is great.

it is not over the top yet it is a credit to the jreat land that is JAPAN!

Tony Blair
that toyota is great.

Toyota must be great ... Since General Motors has their hands involved :lol:

$ear¢h online for that worldwide flow¢hart of automobile manufa¢turer$ to $ee who$e ¢ar $ale$ really lead into who$e po¢ket$.

If I were you, I'd move to Japan and happily play with the little Kei cars that double as a grocery cart. They move slow enough, and they're narrow to make it easier to glide down the aisles. They're also large enough on the interior that you could fit 6 months worth of groceries, and yourself, rather easily. Some people like those cars, I for one can not stand them; in Gran Turismo, in real life, any-ğckin-where.

The Scion models we get in the states are god-awful ugly. The xB looks like it was a household appliance that someone forgot to take out of the box. What do you get when you cross a Toyota and a Maytag? An xB! :cheers:
They really need to give us some more from the V8 Supercar series. Those are seriously bad boys.

And don't get me started on the Trans-Am cars...

Yes please to both of the above. Trans-Am cars from the really great years of 1968-1972, as well as when it was still mostly a Mustang vs. Camaro battle in the mid and late 1990s. I remember Tommy Kendal's championship year in 1997. That was a cool year to watch, but boring at the same time because Tommy won all but one event. The Trans-Am series of late has lost its roots. Even dating back to the time around 2000-2002ish when the Corvette, Viper, Panoz, and Jaguar were allowed in. The Trans-Am series was always about pony cars, not muscle cars and sports cars.

For those who don't know the difference, pony cars could nearly be categorized as a muscle car, as it is a fairly lightweight 2+2 (or 2 door 4 seat) chassis with a larger engine sitting between its fender wells than one would expect. The difference mostly lies in its performance numbers. Pony cars can corner quite well, whereas the muscle car is solely built for straight line racing *yawn* boooooring. A pony car mostly ranges somewhere between 4.5 & 5.9 liters whereas a muscle car, throwing the cornering factor away completely, will continue beyond 7 liters and into the 8 and 9 liter ranges.
Tony Blair
I sure have left for a little pout sir admin,

To tell the truth about your nice little post I got from you.........

Nice to see you would waste 5 minutes of your life on me! By the way why o why would I give a toss what some power hungry (I guess you are an admin because you are a small insufficient man in real life whom needs reassurance of his manly hood by forcing his fascist rules of 1000's of users. If I am wrong I am very sorry! )
Administrator who thinks by posting a "typical american" "mines bigger than yours" message all I can say is that’s you are not a smart person. Is Free speech/ democracy a phase that smart US congressmen use to get you people to vote for them every nth year?
If not then please grow up and learn that a NON-american has views that you may not find savory and you can call me an ass or or "OWNED?" but doing that you prove that your country is full of 1 dimensional teenage drones.

I predict the Admin who does not want to look stupid in front of you people and force his xenophobic/ fascist/ communist rules and ban me.

Guess what I don’t give a monkeys because I earn £100,000+ a year have a nice house, I have fast cars/women. So Mr Admin you can shove your fascist forum up your arse if you like I am off to spend some dosh!

Chow dudes

You are an idiot.
I love how you finished your rant to the Admin with that statement.
Wow, i love how some people are willing to come on to fourms and just stereo type all Americans. Myself I am an 18 yr old American; however, i really don't like american cars and neither do most of my friends or my family. I own a Volkswagen, my mother owns an Audi, her boyfriend owns two Mercedes, my dad owns a Toyota and my step mom owns a Mitsubishi. Oh yes i am a fat, pizza eating American alright, with my mulet and my firebird. I would hope that any person serious ly worried about America's state of affairs would try to help us, or provide a peacful insight, but all i saw in the PM's posts was hatred.

Oh and on the Iraq thing, Mr. Prime Minister, it was a two country invasion, ours and yours. You supported President Bush the whole time and still do.

To make this post legit, i unfortunately don't have a pics server, I would love to see some Porsches. 356s, 911s, hell the whole line.
McLaren F1GTR
I'll help...




BTW, take a guess at what movie these little flamester came from...
Bonus points for year of the movie. 👍 :sly:

by any chance,was that picture taken at Mels Drive In in Universal Studios Florida???
Tony Blair
Administrator who thinks by posting a "typical american" "mines bigger than yours" message all I can say is that’s you are not a smart person. Is Free speech/ democracy a phase that smart US congressmen use to get you people to vote for them every nth year?
If not then please grow up and learn that a NON-american has views that you may not find savory and you can call me an ass or or "OWNED?" but doing that you prove that your country is full of 1 dimensional teenage drones.
This is a private forum, not a public park. The rules on free speech are what the Owner says they are, not whatever you consider them to be. Those rules are clearly spelled out in the rules of this site, to which you agreed when you signed up. These are the same rules that you've violated a dozen times in this thread.

I'm not going to continue a urination contest with you, but before you start talking about "1 dimensional teenage drones" I'd suggest you investigate a lot of the posts by your countrymen.
I predict the Admin who does not want to look stupid in front of you people and force his xenophobic/ fascist/ communist rules and ban me.
Nope. I'm not going to ban you because I'm afraid to look stupid. I'm going to ban you because you insist on breaking the Owner's rules and you refuse to contribute anything worthwhile to this forum.
Guess what I don’t give a monkeys because I earn £100,000+ a year have a nice house, I have fast cars/women. So Mr Admin you can shove your fascist forum up your arse if you like I am off to spend some dosh!
And yet I'm the "small insufficient man in real life whom needs reassurance of his manly hood"?

It's spelt ciao, by the way. Not that grammar seems to worry you much.
i cant believe he spelled ciao, chow... he must be 12 or less do do something like that trying to seem sophisticated. :dunce:
.......(what an ugly american and a teen, i lived in Europe for a few years-when i was younger, bragged about being from the US while i was there, get back here and the next year all that pride was shot to hell by the Bush administration.....would much rather live in Europe)......

anyway.....back on topic....

i crave a Lola!

and a Porsche 962!
Americans were placed onto reservations when greedy Europeans came over here. Before you ask, yes, I am part Native American and proud of it.

rgr of my best friends is half Cherokee
Tony Blair
I sure have left for a little pout sir admin,

To tell the truth about your nice little post I got from you.........

Nice to see you would waste 5 minutes of your life on me! By the way why o why would I give a toss what some power hungry (I guess you are an admin because you are a small insufficient man in real life whom needs reassurance of his manly hood by forcing his fascist rules of 1000's of users. If I am wrong I am very sorry! )
Administrator who thinks by posting a "typical american" "mines bigger than yours" message all I can say is that’s you are not a smart person. Is Free speech/ democracy a phase that smart US congressmen use to get you people to vote for them every nth year?
If not then please grow up and learn that a NON-american has views that you may not find savory and you can call me an ass or or "OWNED?" but doing that you prove that your country is full of 1 dimensional teenage drones.

I predict the Admin who does not want to look stupid in front of you people and force his xenophobic/ fascist/ communist rules and ban me.

Guess what I don’t give a monkeys because I earn £100,000+ a year have a nice house, I have fast cars/women. So Mr Admin you can shove your fascist forum up your arse if you like I am off to spend some dosh!

Chow dudes
What an idiot. :dunce: It's a shame with some people that when they earn so much money, they get a sence of "power" and start to become horrible and say whatever they want.

Plus Duke was just doing his job of making this a friendly community and not some place where racist activities happen. And bah, you saying that you're not a racist, well you must be as thick as a plank.

Just go off and spend your "dosh" then, the rest of us shall enjoy ourselves in other ways. Most of us have stopped being racists, (black and white people) why can't you?

Right, the car I want is:
What an idiot. :dunce: It's a shame with some people that when they earn so much money, they get a sence of "power" and start to become horrible and say whatever they want.

Plus Duke was just doing his job of making this a friendly community and not some place where racist activities happen. And bah, you saying that you're not a racist, well you must be as thick as a plank.

Just go off and spend your "dosh" then, the rest of us shall enjoy ourselves in other ways. Most of us have stopped being racists, (black and white people) why can't you?

Right, the car I want is:

that is a ferrari, gt4_0109, the FXX
McLaren F1GTR
You are an idiot.
I love how you finished your rant to the Admin with that statement.

Yeah, seriously. If the guy was really earning that much money a year, what the hell is he doing here? Why isn't he taking his 18 Ferraris out on the track? (oh come on, we all know he's got like 50 lambos since he is so rich, right?)

It's interesting to see how other countries view the American stereotype. It is good to know a lot of you responded so mature in the face of TONY BLAIR's ranting.. haha :) Anyone know what the average age for this forum is? I'm 23 myself.
I would liike to see the '05 Buick Rendezvouse
the '05 Cadillac Escalade EXT
and the '05 Cadillac Escalde
The 2005 Chevrolet Suburban
and the 2005 Dodge Ram SRT10
Okay heres a few cars that has hardly been given any attention in any racing game that i love and would love to see in gt5, What do you think of these?


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These are the babies I want in 1991 mazda 626 lx 5door ( white )
the GT turbo version of my car ( black one )
Caddilac CTS-V Race Car ( and road car as well )
Porsche 914-4 (6)
Mustang GT-R concept car..

Yeah, I used to have a '91 Mazda 626 GT 4 door w/ 5spd. manual. Had a lot of fun with that car 👍 .

A few more that should be in GT5

1. The Beck 550 Spyder - Porsche 550 Spyder replica

2. The Porsche 356C , racing spec. I own one, tuned to 130HP its fast. I got this pic off the web.

3. The 2004 BMW 330i w/ Performance Package E46, not the new ugly one, though I still like the ugly one

4. Brock Daytona Coupe - A "replica" of the original shelby cobra daytona coupe of which only 6 were made

5. The Porsche 904 or Chuck Beck's replica(if it ever makes it to market, I hope!)

Okay heres a few cars that has hardly been given any attention in any racing game that i love and would love to see in gt5, What do you think of these?

You realize that GT4 has the rally version of the Ford Cosworth Escort, and it has both the street and rally versions of the Peugot 205?
This car is king

Wow, I've never seen such an immature individual!(t.b.)
I hope that whoever that individual is, never returns to this wonderful place, and tarnish the serenity that is GTPlanet.